Stain (King's Harlots MC Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Stain (King's Harlots MC Book 2)
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My hands trailed down his back, fisting his shirt, and I lifted it over his head.

Asher broke the kiss, throwing the offensive fabric on the floor. His eyes were dark. Hungry. They burned into my skin, making my body ache even more.

With trembling fingers, I unzipped my hoodie, revealing a white lace bra.

His tongue peeked out, licking over his bottom lip. He watched me undress for him, giving me the control for just a moment.

I shimmied out of the hoodie and threw it behind me.

Our gazes locked. Our breathing became ragged. Our friendship would finally take a different path. Already I had touched him. His length. How hard he could become for me. It was a brave moment. When he accused me of giving him a hand job because I felt I had to, I realized he had been right. I thought it would make sense. But now, I was doing it because I wanted to.

Asher grazed the back of his knuckles down the center of my chest before unclasping my bra with a flick of his wrist.

My nipples hardened in the cool air, sharpening to peaks.

He pushed the straps off my shoulders, letting his fingers brush over my pale skin.

Watching him look at me was fascinating. He stared with those bright blue eyes of his, burning a hole straight to the center of my being.

I wanted the next couple of moments to be fast and hard but I couldn’t get over how his eyes followed the movements of his hands. His fingers trailed down my sides, forcing my skin to erupt in tiny bumps.

Arching beneath him, I felt the need to show him that I was into it just as much as he was. “Kiss me,” I panted.

A small smirk spread on his face. Lowering his head, his mouth closed around a budding nipple. The growl that left his chest rumbled through my body.

I moaned, curling my fingers in his hair.

“So fucking sweet,” he mumbled against my skin.

“Please,” I begged. I actually begged. It wasn’t something I did. Not that I had much experience with guys making me wanton with need. Never in my life would I imagine lying there with him. Oh, God. My stomach tightened.

“Hey, Hummingbird,” Asher brushed a finger down the length of my jaw. “We can stop.”

“No.” I grabbed his face and kissed him. Hard. Screw slow. I wanted him now. I wanted him fast. I needed him … rough.

Asher growled. He actually growled. I didn’t even know men could do that in real life.

“Get out of your head, Meeka,” he demanded, pushing his hips into mine. “If you want me, prove it.”

Holy balls on a cracker. What was I getting myself into?



. His body was hard. He kissed me like I was the only thing he needed. I made him feel good. Me. Meeka Cline. A small town girl with big dreams. When he told me to prove how much I wanted him, I pushed him back and quickly took off my pants. As I was rising back up, he took hold of me backing us up until we hit the couch. I straddled him, gasping at the feel of his length rubbing at my core.

“Fuck, baby.” His hand gripped my ass, moving me in a back and forth motion over his clothed erection.

I whimpered, a spark of desire exploding through me.

“Show me what you want.”

Sliding my body up and down his pelvis, his cock brushed over my clit at the perfect spot. “Oh.” I shivered, my hips circling against him.

“That’s it,” he coaxed, helping me ride out the waves of pleasure.

I jumped when his arm reached around my body and his fingers came into contact with my soaked panties.

“Soaked for me, Hummingbird?” Sliding a finger beneath the fabric, his knuckle brushed over my pussy.

“Please,” I breathed, needing him to take it further.

He grinned. With his free hand, he cupped my nape and deepened the kiss. At the same time, his finger thrust into my body.

I moaned, shaking against him, and moved my hips in tune with his fingers.

He swallowed my cries, pumping hard and fast.

“Oh. Oh. God.” I shook, not expecting to feel so good from just his finger.

He broke the kiss, staring intently into my eyes. “I want your orgasm. You’re going to give it to me, aren’t you?”

I swallowed hard. “Y-yes. Oh, please yes.”

“Good girl.”

The feel of him inside me only heightened the fact that I wanted to experience all of him. Every inch. Every muscle. Every movement down to his soul. I rotated my hips against his, rubbing myself up and down the length of his cock. He was still wearing his sweatpants, but the roughness from the fabric sparked a tingle throughout my body.

I broke, coming apart in his arms. He held me while I exploded with pleasure. My body tingled. Every nerve ending came alive with ecstasy. I felt him everywhere. All over me. Inside of me. Deep down into my soul. So much pleasure came from the mere touch of his hands. The moment we went further, I would surely combust.

In a quick move, Asher had me beneath him, his fingers still inside my body.

I groaned, arching under him. I hinted. Begged. I didn’t care that we were best friends. I needed him in ways I never needed someone before. I needed him to show me how it felt to truly be alive. To feel every inch of my skin being touched.

“Tell me.” Asher kissed up the side of my neck, circling his hips into mine.

“More. Please more.”

Releasing me, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom.

My heart raced. With some maneuvering, I lowered my panties and kicked them off with my foot.

“Beautiful. Absolutely. Fucking. Beautiful.” Asher pulled himself free of his pants, wrapping his hand around his thick length.

My breath caught in my throat. He was huge. The biggest I had ever seen. My mouth watered at the mere sight of him.

Sliding the condom down his hard cock, his gaze met mine. He paused, waiting.

That was my last chance. There was no going back, and I didn’t want to.

At that moment, the phone rang.

“Fuck me,” Asher snarled. Reaching for his phone, he checked the display and threw it back on the table.

“Don’t you need to get that?” I asked, squirming under him.

“Nope.” His mouth crashed to mine, ignoring the incessant ringing.

“It could be important,” I said between kisses.

“Fuck them.” Asher pressed the tip of his length against my opening just as a voice rang out around the room.

“Asher, answer your damn phone, fucker,” Angel’s deep voice boomed from the answering machine.


I shivered. “It’s fine.” I pushed Asher back, pulling a blanket off the back of the couch to cover myself. “Answer the phone.”

Asher grumbled, removing the condom, and righted his pants. “It better be important,” he said, calling Angel back.

We both knew it was. Angel wasn’t the type of man to just call out of nowhere.

“Hey, man,” Asher greeted. “I was,” he glanced at me. “Occupied.”

My cheeks burned, the corners of my lips tugging into a tiny smile.

Pulling me to his side, Asher slid his arm around my shoulders. Things weren’t weird. They were like they always had been. So we almost had sex. No big deal. Right? But I couldn’t get the image of his naked body out of my mind. His cock thick with veins. Long and hard with pleasure. Because of me. But I also couldn’t get the nagging feeling out of my head that I was just another notch on his bedpost. I knew I shouldn’t think that way. I was different. I even knew that. He knew things about me others didn’t. And the same went for him.

“We’re meeting Charles the day after tomorrow if everything goes according to plan.”

The mention of that bastard’s name interrupted my thoughts.

“Yeah, the fucker likes to change things up.” Asher held me closer. “Meeka is in.” He explained to Angel that he didn’t really give me a choice. But I knew if it came down to it and I did say no, Asher would have to deal.

“Nah, brother. I’m good.”

“Ask him about the meeting,” I said. “They should come here.”

“Yes, she’s beside me. You’ll come here? Shouldn’t you ask Jay first?” Asher scoffed. “Yeah, okay. She has you by the balls, man.” He laughed.

My heart fluttered. The deep husky sound rumbled from his chest. It wasn’t something he did often.

Asher said goodbye a moment later, letting out a deep sigh.

Sliding my fingers between his, I held his hand in my lap. “Maybe this wasn’t meant to be,” I said, breaking the silence.

“Everyone will be here by five.” Asher rose from the couch, his back stiff and headed up the stairs. He paused, turning back to me. “Don’t think this interruption is stopping me from getting inside your beautiful body. I made you come once. I will do it again. It’s only a matter of when.”





I almost fucked my best friend. It was bound to happen. I knew it, but I wasn’t sure if she did. Platonic relationships didn’t happen often. I was surprised at myself that I lasted this long. Meeka was beautiful. Thick hair that I would give my left nut to wrap my hands in and pull. Her full pouty lips. Her pale unmarked skin. My hands tingled with the need to leave marks on her body. I couldn’t help but crave the feel of her skin warming beneath my touch. A spank here. A smack there. Her ass would be mine in no time.

My dick was still hard, but with having Vice-One and King’s Harlots over in less than an hour, there was nothing I could do about it. Meeka needed to be savored. She had been with men but not me. The inner Alpha inside of me roared, springing to life at the mere thought of getting inside her delicious body. I could still smell her sweetness on my fingers. I could taste her tongue on my lips. Fuck, she was gorgeous, and she didn’t even know it.

All of these feelings rushed together at once, leaving me breathless and out of control. The possessive need to throw her down and take that control back was overwhelming. Never in my life had I wanted to mark my territory like I did her. Was it normal? Did other men feel this way? I was acting like a caveman. The next thing I knew, I’d be pounding on my chest and grunting. I might as well have demanded that she cook me food and bring me beer.

After I got off the phone with Angel, something had switched between Meeka and me. Yes, she wanted me, but I also didn’t want to make things weird. But the erection I was sporting didn’t give two flying fucks about feelings and shit.

I spent the next hour taking several cold showers and focusing on Charles. But I was distracted. All of my thoughts traveled back to a tiny hot as hell woman that I suddenly could not get enough of.

Voices sounded from downstairs causing a tremor of frustration to travel through me. I loved my brothers. I loved my job. I respected Meeka’s sisters but for whatever reason, I wanted to steal Meeka and disappear. Even just to talk. To spend time shooting the shit like we did as kids.

“He’s upstairs,” I heard Meeka say.

“I’m here,” I grumbled, joining everyone in the living room.

“Well, don’t you look fucking chipper.” Dale clapped a hand on my back. “I feel …” He scratched his chin. “It’s been way too long.”

Vincent Stone laughed. The guy came on later in the game but fit in like he had been with us for years. Going by Stone, he had dealt with highly classified tasks before becoming a SEAL.

“I’m getting antsy,” was all Coby said. The guy lived for the excitement even though you would never know by the emotionless numbing expression on his face.

“I need to work out,” Brogan mumbled, dropping onto the couch beside Meeka. She linked their arms, leaning her head against Meeka’s shoulder.

Angel and Jay were chatting quietly in the corner. Every so often, Angel would kiss her forehead. Jay’s shoulders would slump, like she had taken on the weight of the world. I wanted to ask how her sister was, but I knew that was a touchy subject.

Meeka excused herself from the couch, slowly making her way to Jay. “Sorry to interrupt. Can I talk to you for a second, Jay?”

Jay frowned. “No.” And turned back to Angel.

. My back stiffened as I watched the hope drain from Meeka’s face.

“What the hell was that?” Angel demanded, his brows narrowing.

“I’m not ready to talk to her,” Jay cried.

BOOK: Stain (King's Harlots MC Book 2)
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