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Authors: Neta Jackson

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Stand by Me (48 page)

BOOK: Stand by Me
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Well, this was going to be interesting. I had thought it would be quite an adventure to get to know Avis as my roommate for the weekend. As members of the same church, this was a chance to get beyond the niceties of Sunday morning and brush our teeth in the same sink. But I hadn't counted on a third party. God knows I wanted to broaden my horizons, but this was moving a little faster than I felt ready for.

As I hung up the dress I hoped would pass for “after five” in the narrow closet, I suddenly had a thought. “Florida, what number is on your registration packet?”

Florida finished her big toe and looked at it critically. “Number? . . . Oh, you mean that gold sticker thing on the front?” She looked over the side of the bed where she'd dumped her things. “Um . . . twenty-six. Why?”

About the Author

eta Jackson's award-winning Yada books have sold more than 600,000 copies and are spawning prayer groups across the country. She and her husband, Dave, are also an award-winning writing team, best known for the Trailblazer Books—a forty-volume series of historical fiction about great Christian heroes with 1.7 million books slold—and
Hero Tales: A Family Treasury of True Stories from the Lives of Christian Heroes
(vols. 1–4). They live in the Chicago area, where the Yada stories are set.

BOOK: Stand by Me
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