Read Stealing Luca's Heart Online

Authors: Ellie Lyons

Stealing Luca's Heart (24 page)

BOOK: Stealing Luca's Heart
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“I found the stereo, but that’s about all that’s down there,” Ally said, poking her head up from below. “I’m guessing all these big nylon bags down there are sail bags?”

Luca watched her climb up the narrow teak ladder and stop midway on the stairs. She rested her arms on the top of the boat and gazed out around them. She was a golden goddess standing in front of him. The setting sun warmed her skin and danced on her long, blowing hair. The colorful top she wore seemed to harness the power radiating on it. What a vision.

He realized at that moment that this woman had captured his heart and soul.

Ally climbed the rest of the way up and sat down next to him. He let an arm drape carelessly over her shoulder. He glanced from the shore on his right to the ferry dock in the distance. He had the depth finder on, but he still needed to keep a watchful eye on their bearing.

“Phillip’s got a small fortune invested in those sails down there. He races this baby pretty seriously when he gets the chance. We’re lucky he left a couple of these cushions on board,” he said, patting the cushion underneath them. “Normally, the boat is completely stripped of extra weight.” He felt her relax into his shoulder.

“He must have been going crazy when the America’s Cup was held here. When was that?”

He tilted his head back, looking up at the telltales dancing at the top of the mainsail. “Back in 2003. It was full on amazing. It seemed like every kiwi with a boat tried to get out in the Huraki Gulf to get in on the excitement. New Zealand lost, but it was good for the country.”

“When did you learn to sail?”

“Most of us have some sort of boat—if not a sailboat, then a power or small fishing boat. When Phil was around ten, he was hell-bent on learning to sail, so he found a two-week sailing course run out of Auckland. Mum didn’t want him doing it by himself, so guess who had to go with him? Turns out I really enjoyed it.”

“Do you race together then?”

“Sometimes, but I prefer to have a few luxuries when I sail, say for instance, a toilet. I told you he takes everything off.”

“Can’t blame you there.” She rested her arm on his thigh.

“I prefer the cruising aspect of sailing. There’s just nothing like finding a quiet cove to anchor in, cook up a little snapper that just came off your line, and then washing it down with some wine.”

Ally tilted her head up to him. “You keep talking like that, and I may never leave.”

He kissed her forehead. “That sounds pretty good to me.”

As they approached the ferry dock, Luca radioed ahead to let the harbor master know they were coming and needed a mooring. He realized that Ally made a passable deck hand, at least while there weren’t sails to contend with. She fetched the bumpers, clipping them to the life lines on the port side. Under his instructions, she made sure the lines were ready to tie the boat off and successfully fended the boat off the dock when they came up next to it. She easily jumped onto the dock and held the boat while Luca secured the lines.

Once the boat was tied off, a young wiry dock hand appeared to see if he could help. Luca asked if he could move the boat to mooring for them. He checked the boat one more time and climbed off, handing Ally her sandals and purse. He handed the young man a tip and gave instructions on what should happen with their luggage on board. Once he was sure everything was settled, he reached out and linked his fingers with hers.


They walked together toward the ferry terminal to find the driver who would take them to the Mudbrick Vineyard for dinner. Before they reached the glass door, Ally caught a glimpse of their reflection in the wall of windows.

Luca’s hair was slightly windblown from the boat ride, and he was wearing his sunglasses, naturally. She wondered if he kept an extra pair of those just in case something happened to his trusted pair. She might have to hide them just to see what would happen. His cream-colored linen shirt was rolled up to his elbows and the top couple buttons undone. He wore tan pants, expensive-looking brown leather shoes, no socks.

Her eyes shifted briefly to herself. She’d left her hair wavy, and the wind had made it a bit wild, but it would do. She’d managed not to get her white pants dirty on the way over, but was most pleased with her top. It was sleeveless, shimmering gold, with a thin cord that delicately wrapped around her neck. It was fitted and flattering. She’d never had anywhere to wear it and had thrown it into her suitcase on a whim. Tonight was perfect. It was amazing what an afternoon rolling in the waves with Luca could do. She felt tan and sexy.

He held the door open for her, pointing to the exit across the terminal that led to the main road. She could see a few drivers holding signs for their passengers, and sightseeing vans were lined up along the small access road. She admired the modern ferry terminal, now crammed with people arriving or lining up to board their return trip to Auckland.

There were some stares aimed their way. Perhaps it was because they were dressed for dinner, while most of the people around them were tourists that had just left the beach or an afternoon in one of the many beautiful wineries on the island.

In their short time together, she was already getting used to strangers noticing Luca or coming up to talk rugby or for a picture. He would have stood out in a crowd even if he wasn’t a national celebrity. She knew now that, although he didn’t care for the attention, it was important for him to just do what he needed done and be a decent guy about it. Like he was doing for the people who just stopped them. She felt pride watching him put his arms around the fans, hamming it up for the photos.

After the small photo shoot was done, Luca hooked his arm around Ally’s waist and hurried her out the door. “That way,” he said, pointing to his right toward the Mudbrick courtesy Jeep. Luca thanked the driver for meeting them and slid next to Ally in the back seat.

She tightened her grip around Luca’s fingers as the Jeep nimbly navigated the winding narrow road filled with ferry traffic. They quickly climbed up Oceanview Road. The driver made a quick right onto Church Bay Road, leading them through vast grape fields spread out on the island’s vast hills.

When they reached the gravel parking lot at Mudbrick, Luca helped Ally out of the Jeep and led her up the sidewalk toward the restaurant. Ally admired the thick patches of lavender along the patio and sidewalk. The gardens were just as beautiful as she remembered, but the restaurant had added an outdoor wine and café area that was bustling with people. Beyond the restaurant there was a wedding party taking pictures.

They walked up to the side entrance, and Ally took in the two-story Mudbrick structure with its gables and wooden beam trim. Through the restaurant’s windows she could see the candles and glass lanterns had been lit for dinner. While they checked in with the hostess, she admired the stone flooring. When she was here last with Tara, they had only had a glass of wine and nibbles on the outside patio.

They were ushered through the crowded restaurant, through sliding doors, to a stone patio facing the ocean. There weren’t as many tables outside, but Ally assumed these seats were the most coveted. Once seated at the wooden table, she leaned back and smiled. Out in the far distance was the landscape of the Sky Tower and downtown Auckland. The city was enjoying the last of the golden glow of the sun before it slipped below the horizon.

“It’s not much of a view, is it?” she remarked.

Luca leaned back and took her hand. “Nope. Hopefully, the dinner will make up for the lack of atmosphere.”

The server appeared and ran down the list of dinner specials. Luca ordered a bottle of the house sauvignon blanc along with a starter of homemade breads with Waiheke olive oil. She chose the freshly caught snapper, while Luca went with the New Zealand lamb.

She sipped her wine, watching Luca mop up the last of the olive oil with his bread slice and popping it into his mouth. The wine was crisp, fruity, and going down too smoothly.

She studied him over the rim of her glass. “You are really something, Luca Tetari.”

“I could say the same thing about you, Ally Edwards.”

“C’mon. Come clean about all of this today. Do you always pull out all the stops to get women to sleep with you? I’d say you could get most women in the sack by just a smile.”

He raised his brows. “Did everything today just make me look desperate?”

“A bit, but I’m not complaining.”

The server had stepped between them and overheard the last half of her comment before clearing their bread dishes. Ally knew he hesitated a moment longer than necessary and finally walked away when he didn’t hear Luca’s response. He was about to answer her question when the efficient server returned with their dinner, and then refilled their water and wine glasses.

When they were alone again, Luca leaned closer to Ally, taking both her hands, his easy smile replaced by a steel resolve.

“You should know that there’s a woman at this table that has no idea how amazing she is. How every man here wishes he were me. She’s positively glowing with the candle light dancing on her hair, her face, bare shoulders…”

His voice was low and was sending shivers down her spine.

“I’m fully aware of who the lucky one at this table is.”

She was left speechless. How did he always know just what to say? “Truthfully, I’ve never felt so special in my life. I’m not sure how I deserve all this attention, Luca. I just enjoy being around you, however long that is.” She saw something flicker on his face. “What are you thinking?”

She watched him raptly as he seemed to gather the strength to speak. “When my parents share the story of when they met, I always thought they exaggerated it all a little bit. They talk about sparks, soul connection, ‘you’ll know it when it happens’, and the whole lot. I’ve never bought it because it has been my experience that relationships take work. Usually too much work,” he added.

She nodded, not sure where this was headed.

“Recently, though, very recently, I’ve come to rethink things.”


He shook his head. “Let me explain. I felt those sparks with you, Ally, from the moment I met you at the airport. Yes, you’re hot as hell, and a Yank. But we are very similar in what we want out of life and what we value. Our time together is much too short. I wanted our days to be filled with many mini-dates. I want to spend as much time as possible with you up until the time you get back on the plane heading home.” He stopped when he must have seen the tears form in her eyes.

She hadn’t expected him to place his heart in her hands. This was Luca Tetari, the international rugby star, after all. Naturally, she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else besides with him while she was here. It would be after she left that things got complicated. This was supposed to be a little fling. She took a breath to center herself.

She leaned in, kissing Luca deeply. Finally pulling back, she smiled and said, “Then let’s not waste one minute.”

They finished dinner and strolled the short distance to the Owner’s Retreat, which resembled the home they were at this afternoon. The main difference was that this one was perched on a cliff top. Ally followed Luca into the dark house, turning on a few lights while he pushed open the sliding doors out to the patio. She noticed he had produced two glasses of champagne and a romantic Earth, Wind & Fire song was coming from somewhere around her. Looking around, she was sure the song was definitely coming from the bushes next to the patio. She shook her head and smiled. He might as well have put on Barry White. The amazing Auckland view decorated the landscape, and there was a pool and hot tub too. It was perfect.

“You couldn’t possibly ever top today, you know that, right?” she said, coming up next to him. She took a sip of the bubbles that he offered her.

Luca put his hands on her hips and brought her close to him, swaying to the music.

As she melted against him, she let her head rest on his shoulder, allowing her thoughts to drift. She had been transported into another world. A warm, sensual, seductive place that was far away from the life she knew in Iowa City. A life perhaps she’d outgrown. Had she let her grief immobilize her deepest desires and dreams? She had been so busy trying to live the life her mom had wanted her to have that she quit listening to her own heart.

Luca’s tender lips on her neck quickly brought her back to the present.

“Hmm…I think it’s time I thanked you properly.”

“Oh, yeah?” he said, taking their glasses and setting them down by the pool.

“Oh, yeah.” she said, lowering her voice.

She led them to a double lounge chair by the pool and told him to lie down and then slowly unbuttoned and removed his shirt. His breath caught as her lips moved from his neck down his chest, stopping on his belly. She ran her fingers over every muscle and tattoo on his arms and chest.

“You’re killing me,” he hissed, shifting under her.

She unfastened his leather belt and slowly unzipped his khakis, sliding them off onto the patio along with his shoes. “You’re not bad to look at, you know that?” She was standing over him, admiring her own underwear model.

“Hey, come here,” he whispered. He swung his leg over the chair and stood up. “Let’s actually try this on a soft bed. I think we’ve been outside enough today.” He lifted her into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

Chapter 19

The Auckland Convention Center was alive with activity. It was early morning and hundreds of international attendees for the Global Group for Clean Energy and tourists were buying tickets to travel up the attached Sky Tower. Outside the entrance, Ally craned her neck, watching with mixed awe and fear as someone came plunging down from the top of the Sky Tower. She let out a breath of relief as the brave soul in the orange jumpsuit coasted smoothly to a landing pad after having just bungee jumped off the tower! Insanity was alive in New Zealand.

She slipped her attendee lanyard holding her name badge over her head and thanked the lady at the registration desk for the welcome packet. There was a continental breakfast being served up the escalator and down the hall. She decided that would be a good spot to grab a coffee and look at the conference schedule. God, could she use another cup of coffee after the mind-blowing night with Luca.

BOOK: Stealing Luca's Heart
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