Summoned and Bound (Summoned Series Romances Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Summoned and Bound (Summoned Series Romances Book 3)
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“Who said anything about me needing help drying off?” she asked, stepping out of the tub. With a twitch of her fingers, the air around her began to stir, moving faster and faster until she stood in a gentle whirlwind. It wasn’t long before she was relatively dry. Though her hair was still damp by the time the spell ended.

“I still liked my idea better.”

“Then I’d have to dry the towels when I was done. This way is faster.” Gwyn considered for a moment, then crooked her finger at him. “Come here.”

Vamir hadn’t intended to move, but before he knew it, he was on his feet and walking toward Gwyneth. He tugged at his collar with a disgruntled snarl before shooting her an irate look. “Will you quit doing that, woman? I feel like a pet on a leash.”

Her lips twitched into a ghost of a smile that vanished a second later. “Sorry, force of habit. I’ll try not to make everything into a command. If you wish, I can bathe you next.”

“I’d like that,” he said. Despite her smile, Vamir could tell she felt badly for ordering him to move, her discord made dark ripples in the energy that flowed between them. It amazed him how much their bond had strengthened already.

For his people, all male twins were born connected to each other from birth until death, and once they were bound to their mate, she would share in that unique bond. For him, it was different. He could sense the energy of every Garda he’d ever spent time with. It was a weak bond, but it had helped him become the most formidable commander his people had ever known. He knew the location of all his men during a battle and could get a vague sense of how things were progressing for them. Instead of one powerful bond, he had many weaker ones. Until Gwyneth, he’d never considered the possibility he could have more than that, and now he couldn’t imagine letting her go.

“I’ll conjure up some fresh water.”

She gestured with her fingers, and the water simply vanished. A few seconds later fresh water appeared, and this time the scent was different, like a forest after a rainstorm. Gwyneth wielded her magic with an ease that astounded him, but more than that, she used her abilities in ways that he’d never seen before. Her people wouldn’t have bothered conjuring water at all, they would have simply willed themselves clean, and the magic would have seen it done.

Elementals created what they needed at the moment, only to dismiss it once the need had passed. Homes and furnishings were solid constructs, but even they were remade time and again according to the whim of their creators. Gwyneth used her power very differently than the rest of her people, no doubt because she’d grown up mimicking the ways of her master instead of being tutored by her parents. When she returned home, she would be as unique among her people as he was among his.

It was yet another reason they should be together.

“Are you going to stand there staring at the water or are you going to take off your clothes and get cleaned up?” she asked, interrupting his musings.

“Ah, now I see what you’re planning. This is all a ploy to get me naked again.” He stripped off the tattered remains of his pants, pleased to note that his injuries were already healing and the pain of last night had dulled to a general ache.

She spluttered and blushed as he stripped. “I didn’t. I mean, that wasn’t…”

“I know, little one. I was teasing you.”

She was so damned adorable that he couldn’t resist tugging her into his embrace and kissing her. It didn’t matter that she’d only left him a few minutes ago. He wanted to feel her next to his body again and explore every inch of her gloriously naked body. Watching her bathe and play in the water had made him hard and aching, and now the two of them were wrapped in each other’s arms.

He knew it was too soon for them to be like this, but he was a warrior who rose every day aware that it could be his last. Patience and restraint weren’t part of his makeup. He wanted her, and he intended to have her.

Keeping her was a problem for another day.
they were both free of their slave torcs.

Gwyn let herself fall into Vamir’s arms, happy for the excuse to touch him again. His mouth slanted over hers, and she stood on her toes to meet his kiss with one of her own. He seemed larger now that he was standing up, all muscle and power. She ran her hands down his back, mindful of his injuries but needing to feel him, to learn every line and sinew. As her fingers traced along his spine, he groaned her name and fisted a hand into her hair, tugging her head back as his kiss intensified, becoming a claiming she felt to the depths of her being.

Her pussy throbbed, and her breasts felt heavier, aching to be caressed. A century of loneliness was burned away in the inferno that blazed between them. The last of the walls she’d built around her heart crumbled to dust as his energy blended with hers. He held her tight as their souls touched, and she knew that nothing would be the same, ever again.

He lifted her into his arms, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist, the need to be close to him so strong it superseded everything else. The hard length of his cock pressed to her slick pussy, and she ached to have him inside her, the two of them moving as one. His hands gripped her hips as his mouth plundered hers, bodies and souls clamoring to be joined.

When he finally broke their kiss, he lifted his head and stared into her eyes, letting her see the need burning in their gleaming depths. “I want you. All of you. Forever. Do you understand? If you don’t want this, then you better order me to put you down, or I never will.”

She should tell him no. It was too soon. There were too many risks, too many things that could go wrong. There were a thousand reasons to deny him, but she couldn’t. “I don’t want you to let go of me, Vamir. Now, or ever.”

“Then you are mine, Gwyneth Annaren, for this life and all that follow.”

Every word Vamir spoke rang with power, invoking the
and beginning the process that would bind their souls. It was insanity to be claiming her here, in this place, but he didn’t care. All he wanted was her. Nothing was going to stop him now that she’d said yes.

“For this life and all that follow,” she echoed his words with a smile.

He kissed her again, savoring the summer-sweet taste of her lips as he walked to the nearest piece of furniture that looked sturdy enough to endure what he intended. He positioned her so that on top of a small, wooden table that suited his needs perfectly. With one last kiss, he pulled away from her, coaxing her legs from around his hips so that they dangled over the edge of the table, her thighs parted and the slick folds of her pussy exposed to his gaze for the first time.

His cock swelled in response to her beauty, his entire being aching with the need to be inside her, to show her that she belonged to him in every possible way. There would be time for tenderness, later. Time to explore and worship her body and teach her every pleasure he could imagine, but for now, he would settle for giving her a taste of what the future would be.

Their future.

“You are so damned beautiful.” He kissed his way down her body, cupping the warm weight of her breasts in his hands as he nibbled and licked first one and then the other. Her nipples pebbled at the first touch of his mouth, and when he drew one hard nub between his lips, she let her head fall back and moaned. He could feel their energies coming together in a frenzied exchange that mirrored the fire burning inside him. Soon they wouldn’t be able to fight the need to complete their bonding.

Gwyn had to close her eyes when the glow of their auras became too dazzling to bear. She could feel it sizzling in the air around them, dancing over her skin like a thousand silken kisses. She was drunk with need, her head spinning from the forces flowing between them. He was everything she’d imagined in her deepest dreams, the ones she never acknowledged because she didn’t let herself hope for impossible things. Freedom, love, and laughter, she never believed she would experience any of them, but here she was, about to risk her life to claim all three.

To claim

His mouth was hot, every touch of his tongue searing her tender flesh as he sucked on her breasts, toying with her nipples until she was breathless and quivering. He kissed his way lower, and she lifted her head, peeking through the veil of her lashes to see him drop to his knees before her with a rumbling groan.


“Yes,” she whispered, a wealth of meaning loaded into that single syllable. He moved closer, carefully draping her legs over his shoulders as his hot breath fanned against her inner thighs. Her clit throbbed, her pussy slick with liquid arousal, her fingers shaking as she cradled his head between her hands and drew him closer still. She wasn’t certain what he was going to do, but she knew he would never hurt her. With him, she was truly safe.

Vamir took a moment to appreciate the vision Gwyneth made, laid out before him like a feast waiting to be devoured. Her pale skin was pink with the soft flush of passion, and her eyes gleamed as bright as newly forged silver. Her scent perfumed the air, every breath he took drawing it deep into his lungs and imprinting itself in his memory. He brushed an open-mouthed kiss to the silken skin of her inner thigh and slowly worked his way higher. She parted her legs wider in silent encouragement, opening herself so that he could see every perfect inch of her pussy.

He traced her labia with his fingertips before spreading her wide and moving in to swipe his tongue across her clitoris. Her shocked gasp made him grin as he drew the delicate bud into his mouth and began to flick it with the tip of his tongue. Her gasps grew louder, and she released his head to lean back on her hands. Gwyneth’s legs tightened around his shoulders as she cried out his name, and it was the most glorious sound he’d ever heard.

Gently he eased a finger into her tight passage, preparing her for their joining. Her inner walls gripped him tight, and his mind filled with lurid thoughts of how it would feel when it was his dick inside her, thrusting into her slick heat. His balls tightened, and his cock twitched between his thighs in anticipation. He added a second finger, stretching her a bit at a time as he continued to work her clit with his tongue. She leaned further back, arching her hips up in time to the rhythm of his fingers.

Her orgasm blossomed slowly, a steadily growing wave of pleasure that made her breath quicken and her body tense, then shudder. The energy flowing between them changed, and he could sense her pleasure and need spiking as she neared her breaking point. Her cries grew louder, and she covered her mouth with the heel of her hand to block the sound. He lifted his head to watch as she came, and when she was finally spent, he rose to his feet and gathered her back into his arms.

It was time.

Gwyn was still struggling to catch her breath and regain control of her limbs when Vamir stood and pulled her close. His kiss consumed her, the taste of herself on his lips enticed her to wicked thoughts, and the feel of his rock-hard body pressed to hers rekindled her desires like a spark to tinder. The fingers of one hand fisted in her hair, holding her head in place as his other hand guided her legs to wrap around his hips once again.

“Hold on tight,” his words were the only warning she had before he lifted her into the air and moved away from the table they’d been abusing. She did as he told her, gripping tight with her legs and wrapping her arms around his neck as he carried her a few steps across the room. At first she thought he was taking her to the bed, but instead he pushed her up against the nearest wall, holding her there with the weight of his body. His thick cock pressed into her folds, less than an inch from where she needed him to be.

Without a word, she drew herself upward, shifting her body to close the last, small distance between them. He let her have control, watching with the eyes of a predator as she eased herself over him and finally brought them together. Her body protested at first, the mushroomed head of his cock so wide it felt as though it wouldn’t fit, but she knew it would. Gwyn forced herself to take a slow breath and then another one as her body slowly gave way to his, letting her sink a few more inches. The tendons on his neck stood out in relief, and Gwyn knew what it cost him to stay in control and let her have this moment. She could feel his desires blazing along their connection, a fire that threatened to consume them both at any second.

Without hesitation, she opened her body and soul to him and let the flames take her.

“Forever,” he whispered in the brief second before his mouth slanted across hers. His tongue tangled with hers as he rocked his hips, driving himself deep into her body. He filled her completely, both her body and the emptiness in her heart.

For Vamir, being inside Gwyneth was like coming home. He took her hard, thrusting into the welcoming heat of her body as their souls merged, the two of them forming a bond that could never be severed. He tried to slow down, to make the moment last, but the beauty in his arms bent her head to nip at his earlobe.

“Don’t hold back, Vamir. Give me everything,” she whispered.

His body responded to her demand before he could think, and he belated realized the little minx had made it an order, albeit one he was more than happy to obey. This was his soulbound. They were fated for each other, and there was no part of his nature he would ever have to hide or deny. Not that he’d be able to now they were bound together.

The sounds of sex filled the room, soft moans and the rhythmic slap of flesh on flesh. Every thrust brought him closer to release, and each time he pulled back, her pussy walls clamped around him, milking his cock until he thought he might go mad with ecstasy. Mouths mated and limbs wrapped around each other, they raced each other to the pinnacle of pleasure. In that final moment, the two of them became one. Vamir felt her pleasure as well as his own, and he threw back his head to roar as he emptied himself inside her. He came harder and longer than he’d thought possible. His release going on until his legs were shaking, and his breath came in ragged gasps. When he could finally think again, there was only one thought in his head.

BOOK: Summoned and Bound (Summoned Series Romances Book 3)
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