Sweetwater: The Kihn (The Sweet Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Sweetwater: The Kihn (The Sweet Series)
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I suggest we mosey around, listen in, and ask questions, using the excuse that we missed the meeting. The house is a large two story, with people everywhere. A couple kegs of beer sit in the kitchen, but we don’t venture that way. We want to avoid running into anyone in charge who might ask us questions. I’ve been on the lookout, but I haven’t seen Taylor or the guys from Murphy’s who told me the location of the party.

Good music and friendly people in the partying mood should have set me at ease, but it doesn’t. Something just isn’t right here, but I can’t tell you what that is.

Leave, girl.

“Oh, that helps a lot,” I mumble under my breath.

I have yet to embrace a relationship with Harvey (his name still makes me smile) as Estella suggested. It’s still just too—I mean, I’ve been conscious of his on-and-off presence for years, but I’ve done my best not to think about him because I was always too afraid I’d conjure up the monsters. Even as a child, I knew they had a connection. I’ve lived by the childhood adages
if you ignore something, it’s not real
, and
close your eyes, and the monster will go away.

“I’m going to check out the bathroom,” I tell Diane. I suspect a waiting line with a party of this size. And there is, but I know I’ll probably hear something useful if I just wait. I’ve been leaning on the same doorframe for several minutes when the door opens. A hand snakes out, grabs my arm, and pulls me into the room. Another hand covers my mouth before I have a chance to cry out. It happens that fast.

I struggle with everything I have against the arm holding me like a steel band, my back up against a hard body.

“Shhh,” a voice whispers right into my ear.

I stop struggling, going perfectly still with surprise. The hand moves from my mouth, and the strong arm from around my waist. He turns me, pushing me against the closed door. His body leans into me.

“Lucas,” I breathe his name, “what are you doing here?”

Light coming in through the window gives the room a soft glow, and I see his finger go to his lips—warning me to be quiet. I stare up into his glittering eyes. He leans in closer, bringing his warm lips to my ear again, making me shiver with a craving I’m tired of starving.

“Spying,” he answers in a low voice.

I look at him, in surprise. He continues to lean into me. He smells my hair and tucks it behind my ear. He places his hands on the door on either side of me and places his nose against my neck right below my ear, inhaling deeply and moaning low in his chest.

A flame of desire roars through me. He brings his mouth back to my ear, nipping the lobe. I gasp loudly and he raises his head to look into my eyes. My breath freezes at the longing I see on his face. He leans his forehead against mine and gives an unsteady sigh.

He smells so freakin’ good!
I want to melt right into him. At that moment, I know I want to keep him. With that realization, I can’t stop myself from arching my lower body to his.

His head jerks up. Looking down with a s
light frown on his handsome face, his eyes search mine. He moves his hands to either side of my waist, keeping his gaze locked on mine. He lifts me with ease, turning toward the low
dresser against the wall. He places me right on top of it, bringing me closer to his mouth. He
positions his hands on either side of my hips slowly, as if he fears any sudden move on his part might cause me to run. I’m not going anywhere. He keeps his eyes locked on mine, gauging my response.

I grab hold of his shirtfront, pulling him close. My other hand reaches around his neck and I thread my fingers into the hair at his nape, grabbing a handful of the black silken strands. I catch a glimpse of surprise in his eyes before he lowers his head, bringing his lips close to mine, stopping just above them.

“Tell me you want this.” His voice is hoarse with need. I nod my head. “Tell me,” he rasps.

“I want you,” I whisper, my voice breathless and shaky.

His mouth comes down on mine in a hungry, demanding kiss. I moan, and the kiss gentles, slows. His warm lips move over mine and he draws on my bottom lip, gently sucking as his hands move to my lower back and pull me across the top of the dresser toward him. With his knee, he nudges my legs apart, splaying them on either side of his hips, and he hauls me right up against his hardening body. I moan into his mouth at the contact. I can feel him throbbing through our jeans.

Lucas pulls his lips from mine, leaving me breathless, and moves to my ear. “Sweet.” His breath is warm, spilling heat across my body and enticing me to move even closer. His lips brush kisses along the sensitive curve of m
y jaw, moving down my neck, lingering on the pulse point there. His tongue flicks against it. He curves his hand around my neck as his thumb strokes the column of my throat.

I moan as his parted lips come back to mine in another long, scorching kiss. His hands move into my hair, holding me in place as his mouth continues its assault, his tongue skillfully exploring my mouth. I frantically pull up the back of his shirt. I want my hands on him, smoothing over the defined muscles of his back. I graze my nails gent
ly across his skin.

He makes a noise deep in his throat. Placing his hand at the bas
e of my spine, he pulls me even closer. His legs pushing against mine widen them further. He lifts me, and I wrap my legs around his waist. I think our next move is to the bed, but the sound of a window opening makes us pause. I pull my mouth from Lucas’, and my gaze flies across the room. Max sticks his head through the opened window.

“We need to move, Lucas. Hello, Miss Sofie,” he says calmly, seemingly unsurprised to see me.

Lucas peers into my eyes. His mouth lifts in a slow smile, causing my heart to stutter. He gives me a quick kiss as I remove my legs from his waist, sliding them along the length of his body.

“Let’s go, you’re coming with us,” he states.

“I-I can’t! Diane and Emma Rae are here with me.”

His brow furrows. “What are you—” He gives a thorough sigh and combs his hands through his hair in a frustrated gesture, glancing up at the ceiling.

“Lucas!” Max hisses.

“Get Diane and Emma Rae—are you in your Jeep?”


“Meet us at the end of the street in
five minutes.
Or we’re coming back to get you—and it won’t be pleasant,” he warns.

“Okay,” I whisper.

He brushes his knuckles against my cheek before moving across the room and out the window. With one last pointed look, he closes the window behind him.

I hurry back to the main room, and it doesn’t take me long to spot my friends. Two men, dressed up compared to everyone else, hold both girls in conversation. From Diane’s body language, I can tell she is uncomfortable. I hurry toward them.

“Hey, we’ve got to go,” I say. “My dad called and he’s pissed. He knows we’re here, and if we aren’t home in twenty minutes—he’s calling the police!”

“Oh no!” Diane wails. “Did he call my dad?”

I grab her arm, pulling her toward the front door. “Come on, Emma Rae!” I call over my shoulder.

“Her dad’s a preacher.” I glance back when I hear her say this, and both men look startled. “Thanks,” Emma Rae says. “Maybe we’ll see you tomorrow.”

As I run to the car, Diane and Emma Rae follow. We parked near the end of the street, and thank goodness, I parked under a streetlight. As we get closer to the Jeep, I see the black Hummer backed into a driveway, waiting for us.

After getting in, Lucas walks over. I roll down the window as Emma Rae laughingly asks, “What’s he doing here?”

“I’ll follow you,” he says. His gaze holds mine. “Go straight to my house.” I’m not sure why he wants us to go to his house, and my face must show my hesitation. “Sofie, do you understand?” he asks tersely.

“Yes,” I hiss. I don’t appreciate him ordering me about.

He cocks an eyebrow at me, and it pisses me off that my face goes red. “Taylor will be there when we arrive, and since you three decided to play Mata Hari—” he looks in to include Diane and Emma Rae in his reproach “—we can use your perspective on the night.”

Before he straightens, he reaches over, grasps my chin, and runs his thumb across my bottom lip. “Mmmm, that mouth,” he growls softly. I lick where his thumb just stroked, and his eyes glow with silver heat. “Do as you’re told,” he murmurs, releasing my chin. My mouth drops open in shock. As he heads toward the Hummer, he says over his shoulder, “I’ll be right behind you.”

“What was that all about?” Diane inquires.

Emma Rae gives a shout of laughter. “Did he just tell you to do as you’re told?” As I pull out on the street, I glance in the rearview mirror. Emma Rae keeps looking at me, and then she leans over and sniffs me. “Where did you run into Lucas?” she asks.

“He... was in the house.”

“Humph,” is all she says.

We’re quiet on the drive to Lucas’ house. All I can think about is the thrill of being in his arms and his kisses. We pull up to the gates around midnight. All three of us are dog tired, and it shows. The hours of training we’ve been putting in is kicking our butts.

Lucas steps over as we get out of the Jeep. I’m conscious of him watching me. “We won’t keep you ladies long,” he informs us as we head into his house.

Emma Rae perks up when Andy comes into the kitchen. Taylor follows him, and there’s laughter and talking as everyone settles in.

“Would you care for a cup of coffee?” Lucas asks me.

I glance up from my bar stool into his twinkling eyes. “No, thank you.” I glance at his mouth, remembering the feel of it on mine.

“Sofie,” Taylor greets as he sits beside me. I tear my gaze from Lucas’ mouth, feeling my face heat. I hear his low chuckle. Taylor grins as I turn toward him. “How are you? I hear you’ve been keeping things lively around here.”

Lucas coughs as if covering up a laugh. I glare at him and don’t bother answering Taylor.


Taylor’s the one to start the conversation about our evening in Lebanon. “What impression did you ladies have of the party tonight?” he asks, still sitting by me.

Diane speaks up first. “It was just like some old movie where the Fascists try to recruit young
people.” We all stare at her. “What?” She exclaims, her face turning red. “Well that’s how it seemed to me.”

“That’s a perfect description, Diane,” I tell her. She gives me a grateful smile.

“They’re hiring tomorrow and Friday,” Emma Rae says. “Two of the guys who claimed they worked for the—
ARK Corporation
—spoke with me and Diane about how great the company is.”

“They were fanatical about it,” Diane adds.

I glance at Diane again. She certainly paid attention tonight, taking in everything, while I made out with Lucas. My gaze slides to him and I find his eyes on me.

“What did you think, Sofie? What did you get from your trip to Lebanon tonight?” Taylor asks with a grin.

I glance at Lucas. His head is down, but even my quick peek takes in the fact he’s trying not to smile.

I clear my throat. “I... felt... something.”
Oh, did I just say that?
I don’t dare look at Lucas. I bite my bottom lip, trying to compose myself, and I feel my fa
ce suffuse with heat. The others are staring at me.
They know!
They can tell I’ve been swapping spit with Lucas Santiago
I take a deep breath. “There was something...” I try again, looking at my hands, embarrassed.

Lucas steps over, squatting down beside my stool. “What, Sofie?” His voice is gentle, and his expression is devoid of all humor. I am so grateful to him. I smile shyly. His eyes try to capture mine, but I avoid eye contact.
Why am I so embarrassed?
Because I’ve never responded to anyone as I do Lucas, never desired anyone as I do him. If Max hadn’t interrupted us earlier...

I take another deep breath. “When... we first arrived, I remember thinking... this doesn’t feel right. Something’s wrong here.”

“Can you explain that feeling?” Lucas asks, taking my hand and stroking the back with his thumb. I’m not sure his holding my hand will help me focus.

“It was as if... it was a dream, not real,” I reveal. I meet his gaze and I’m filled with relief that that’s what I couldn’t put my finger on at the time.

“You are very intuitive,” Lucas says softly. He remains beside me, studying me with an intensity that makes me want to squirm.

“What?” I mutter.

He abruptly stands. “The three of you are
to go anywhere near that house again,” Lucas orders. “And do not talk to anyone about tonight.” Diane and Emma Rae both give an affirmative reply. “You ladies may go now. Andy will take Emma Rae and Diane so you can go straight home, Sofie.” Lucas stares at me with an expression I can’t decipher. I notice his eyes have gone all silvery.

I swallow nervously. What’s his problem? As I stand to leave with the others, Lucas’ hand flashes out to grasp my arm firmly.

“You and I are going to talk.” His voice holds an ominous tone that makes me glance longingly at the door. “I wouldn’t,” he warns darkly.

I sit back down with him watching me.
What is he pissed about now?
My going to Lebanon, spying, not liking his bossiness, kissing him… The list is endless.

Once we’re alone in the kitchen, he puts space between us.
Is he that mad at me?
“Sofie, I want your word you won’t go back to that house in Lebanon,” he commands.

“Why? What aren’t you telling us?” I ask. Surely he doesn’t think he can issue orders at me without a reason.

“Diane and Emma Rae are smart enough to understand the danger. Why can’t you?”

“You keep calling me stupid, but that’s okay.” I stand, ready to leave whether he likes it or not. “I don’t care what you think of me.”


Lucas straightens from leaning against the counter. He has the audacity to grin. “I do not think you’re stupid. I have never called you stupid.”

“You keep insinuating—” He moves fast, jerking me into his arms. “Oh,” I exhale softly just before his mouth comes down on mine. I am so irritated, but one touch from him and I fold. He caresses my lips with his tongue until I part them. I melt against his hard frame, winding my arms around his neck, my fingers tangling in the silkiness at his nape. He weaves his fingers through my hair, holding my head firmly as his tongue strokes mine. I moan as he intensifies the kiss and his other hand presses against my back, fitting me close to his body, continuing his deep drugging of my senses.

BOOK: Sweetwater: The Kihn (The Sweet Series)
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