Tamed: A Huntress Spin-off Novel (11 page)

BOOK: Tamed: A Huntress Spin-off Novel
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“And how did you get into a damn club? You’re not even old enough yet.”

“Max, she’s nineteen. She isn’t a child anymore. Let her learn,” Ms. Schultz said.

“I totally agree with her.”

His eyes shut and he clenched his jaw. It was hard for him to let things go, especially when it involved me. I was the troublemaker who always needed guidance and a babysitter in his eyes.

“We’re having dinner tomorrow. I expect you here. I’m sure you will be able to miss one night of fun.”

“It’ll be hard, but I think I can manage. Have fun with Ms. Schultz tonight, and wear protection. God only knows you wouldn’t want another Paige.”

My father’s cheeks reddened as they stared at each other in shock. I grinned.

“Goodnight, Paige!” he said.

“Goodnight,” I said a little too sweetly.

I snickered and went upstairs. My insides filled with satisfaction and joy from the look on their faces, forcing out all of the stress from the night.

Chapter Nine


There was a draft that chilled my skin as my duvet slowly slid down my body. It took a moment for my mind to register that someone was in my room. Alarmed, my eyes popped open and I quickly sat up, fighting against the grogginess of sleep. I gasped, setting my sights on Silas, who was standing by my bed, looking down at me. Beads of water dripped from his hair and clothes from the rain.

I swallowed back the trepidation that forced itself upon me as I feared that he was back to finish me off…just like Eli had warned.

“What are you doing? How did you get in here?”

“The window.”

He sat down next to me, and I instantly moved away.

“I know what you are. You can’t be here.”

He reached for me; his hand grasped my knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. “It’s okay.”

The overwhelming amount of reassurance that poured out of his eyes rained down on me, soothing any doubts that I was in the presence of a dangerous person.

I relaxed. “What do you want?”

His lips turned up into that same incredibly sexy smile that affected me the first time as his eyes darkened with sexual hunger and want. I was trapped in his intense stare, unable to look away as an overwhelming urge to have him exploded in my body and I ached for his touch. It came on so sudden, as if his eyes were the window to his seduction.

“You…and you want me to.”

My breath hitched as his hand slowly moved against my skin, making its way up the inside of my thigh as he leaned in and kissed me. His lips, cold from the rain, melted into my warmth as they moved against my own.

I grabbed his wet shirt and pulled it off before he pushed me back, grabbing hold of my wife beater, ripping it off. Soon, there was nothing left of our clothing, nothing left to keep my body from shivering except for the warmth of his body on mine. I could feel my heart pound as my cheeks warmed, and my breathing intensified as our bodies moved against each other. Every touch, every movement, set my insides on fire as I burned in the lust-filled atmosphere that surrounded me. I was high in his passion, high in the satisfaction that enveloped me as my muscles seemed to melt yet intensify all at once.

He claimed my lips one last time before rolling off me. I laid there so still, my breathing heavy as my body felt so incredibly drained, like the life had just been sucked out of me.

He leaned over me and kissed me on my forehead. “I’ll see you really soon.”

I didn’t have the energy to say anything back. I couldn’t even move, so I closed my eyes and drifted away.

My eyes fluttered open to a bright, sun filled room that hurt my sensitive vision. I groaned, feeling my exhausted body protest against me as I slowly sat up. I looked around for Silas, momentarily confused as to where he was. I looked down, feeling for any rips in my shirt. There was none. The realization of what actually happened finally set in. It was only a dream. Even though I felt so completely worn out and it felt like I actually lived the dream, it was nothing but a fantasy.

I heard a knock at my door and Ms. Schultz peeked her head in. “Good morning. Someone is here to see you.”

I stood up and put on my bathrobe. “Eli?”

My heart skipped a beat at the thought of him, but I quickly calmed the butterflies that swirled around my stomach. Andie was what was important at the moment, not my raging desire to be in his presence. Besides, he promised me he would take me to see Andie.

My hopefulness slipped away as Ms. Schultz shook her head. “No, I’m afraid not. It’s Silas.”

My brows rose in surprise.
How does he even know where I live?
“Oh…okay, thanks.”

A ball of nerves settled in the pit of my stomach. Eli did a hell of a job putting the fear in me last night. I was going to have to face him again, and now that I suspected that he was stalking me the whole time last night, I was starting to doubt the reassurance that he actually could be a good guy for the simple fact that he saved me.

I headed downstairs, running my hands through my knotty hair, and yawned. I felt like a zombie from
Night of the Living Dead
. I was too drained to get all dolled up for him, so a bathrobe would have to do.

He was standing by the door with a
coffee in his hand and my purse tucked underneath his arm when I walked downstairs.

His presence couldn’t go unnoticed as the intense, thick air, hot and heavy, filled with lust, pulled me to him, and my heart sped up. This wasn’t good. Now was not the time to get wrapped up in my sexual attraction to him; not when I wasn’t sure of him anymore.

His brows rose as he looked me up and down. “Very sexy.”

No, that’s you. I just look like shit.
“I feel like crap.”

“I figured you would with the night you had.”

He took a step closer to me when I held out my hand. “Stop.”

And so he did. “Why?”

“I need you to keep your claws to yourself.”

“I plan to…my hands are a different story.”

The sensual, seductive look in his eyes told me that it was lust and not to kill.

My stomach filled with excitement at the thought of his hands on me, just like in my dream. Maybe he could live up to his performance from my fantasy…if only I trusted him.

He cautiously moved toward me, waiting for me to stop him again, but I didn’t.

I smiled as he handed me the coffee. “Thank you, pumpkin. Where is yours?”

“No problem. I don’t drink coffee.” He backed away slowly, holding his hands up. “Just so you don’t have a heart attack. You’re too far away, though.”

“You scare the shit out of me.”

I took a drink, and the taste of raspberry filled my mouth. Oh, it was so good.

“Scare or scared?”


I looked around for Ms. Schultz, hoping she wasn’t within earshot of us. “Uh, we should probably go outside.”

Excitement showed in his eyes as they drifted to the staircase. “Or we could go in your bedroom.”

I bit down on my lip, feeling the temptation build, but I quickly looked away. I refused to get lost in those bedroom eyes no matter how unbelievably affective they were.

“Or we could go outside.”

I walked past him and held the door open, waiting for him to follow. “Well, come on, lover boy.”

He grinned and shook his head as he walked outside.

“I was a tad bit alarmed as to how you figured out where I lived, but now I have my answer.” I pointed to my purse under his arm. “It’s a good look for you, actually.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot.” He handed me my purse. “It was on the floor by the bar. You look hot in your ID picture, by the way. Not many people do.”

I smiled. “Thanks. Does yours have the name incubus on it?”

He smirked. “Yeah, right underneath sadistic demon.”

I chuckled. “I bet.”

His lips twitched into a smile. “So, you know what I am.”

“I know bits and pieces. I don’t know much about your kind, and I’m pretty new to this world, but I have seen first-hand how lethal you can get…I really don’t think there are any good demons.”

“I would have left you there to die if I wanted to hurt you. Saving you would have been a waste of my time.”

I took a drink of my coffee. “So, why did you save me?”

“I guess I saw something in you that…drew me to you. I knew I had to protect you.” His brows furrowed. “I’m curious, though, what is it that you know about our kind?”

“You like to seduce women, and I was told by my friend, Eli, that one of your kind actually murdered his sister. That’s all I know. He warned me to stay away from you.”

His face hardened. “Did he now…and is this friend only a friend?”

“He’s a friend. Why would you ask that?”

“Maybe your
wants you and wants to make sure that you stay away from me. I am quite irresistible. He wouldn’t stand a chance against me, it’s obvious.”

“Wow, arrogant much.”

“I’m not trying to be arrogant. I’m only telling you the truth. Look, don’t listen to your friend. You don’t have to fear me.”

“After last night, I’m cautious with everyone.”

He shook his head. His eyes were sincere yet determined as he gazed at me, pulling me in as I stared dreamily into his eyes.

“Your friend is jealous of you and me. He is afraid that I’m going to take you away from him. That’s why he is advising you to stay away from me. You don’t ever have to fear me, Paige. I’m not like the others. Everyone around me just doesn’t understand me.”

As he talked, there was a strange feeling of warmth that covered me like a blanket, and I felt my emotions begin to shift from fear to comfort, washing away any doubt that I had. I knew then that I could trust him. I could feel it in my heart that he was just a misunderstood creature that meant no harm.

I nodded. “Okay, I know I can trust you.”

Satisfied, he smiled. “Good.” He leaned in and placed a kiss on the corner of my mouth.

His body tensed and the smile on his face slipped away as he looked down.

“What’s wrong?”

He didn’t answer. It was as if he was in his own little world.

I grabbed his arms and gave him a shake, trying to get his attention. “Silas.”

He jerked his head up, snapping out of his daze. “I have to go. I forgot I had to do something.”

I shook my head, confused as to why he all of a sudden wanted to leave. His whole demeanor had suddenly changed. Something was wrong.


I looked past Silas as Eli was walking up the driveway. “It’s Eli.”

Silas’ jaw clenched and his eyes hardened. “The friend who wants to keep me away from you… should be interesting.”

Eli approached with his hands fisted at his sides and a scowl on his face. I could feel the intensity and bad energy in the air already. It made the hair on my arms raise, and I knew immediately that neither one of them wanted to be in the presence of the other. I was nervous. Silas was right. This was going to be interesting.

“You kept your word,” I said.

“I always do.” There was an edge to his voice, one filled with attitude.

My brows rose. “Okay then…Eli this is-”

“I know who he is. He’s your incubus,” he cut in.

“He’s not my incubus. How did you even know this was Silas? You’re just assuming.”

Eli narrowed his eyes. “All incubi and succubi have a symbol on the back of their neck, so no, I’m not assuming. I know this is Silas.”

Silas exhaled with a glare to his face. He kept his back turned to Eli, refusing to acknowledge his presence. “Very observant,” He muttered.

Silas then looked at me, his eyes once cold, were now warm as a smile spread across his face, and I could have sworn I could feel his warmth pour right into me. “I’ll see you soon.”

I returned the smile. “Okay.”

Eli scoffed. “Great. I’m sure she can’t wait.”

Silas turned to face him. With their bodies tense, they looked each other up and down in disdain. Then a mischievous grin formed on his lips. “I had a great time last night, Paige. Thank you for the dance. You’ll never know how much I enjoyed you rubbing up against me.”

I gasped. My heart dropped as my wide eyes found Eli’s.
I didn’t want him to know that, because I didn’t want it thrown in his face. Thank you, Silas.

The disappointment and hurt that I saw on Eli’s face had faded as it filled with so much hatred. “I win, remember that.”

“Not with the way she looks at me, you don’t. She wants me bad. It’ll only be a matter of time until she’s mine.”

Anger flared inside of me. The pissing contest between them was getting out of hand. Silas was only making the situation worse.

“Goodbye, Silas,” I said.

“You’re in my way, hybrid,” he spit out.

Eli moved out of his way. “Have a great day, demon. I know I will; I’ll be spending it with Paige.”

“Oh, but nights are all mine.”

Silas snickered and walked away, turning his head around with a satisfied grin on his face.

Eli kept his eyes casted down, sneaking a peek at me once. It was obvious that he wasn’t going to talk, and I really didn’t know what to say. He was upset. The silence dragged on until I couldn’t take it anymore.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what? You’re a grown woman. You’re single so you can do whatever you want. If you want to mess around with those sick bastards then go right ahead, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Just know, though, that I won’t make it easy for you. I’m here and I want your attention, too.”

I ran my hand through my hair. “No one wins. I don’t do the love thing. I don’t want to be attached to anyone. You don’t have to worry about me. Silas and I talked and I know now that the problem is that you and everyone else don’t understand him.”

He scoffed. “Oh, right. I don’t understand the creatures that killed my sister. I went through hell with them, Paige.”

BOOK: Tamed: A Huntress Spin-off Novel
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