Read Tempting Bella (Entangled Scandalous) Online

Authors: Diana Quincy

Tags: #Romance, #Diana Quincy, #romance series, #Entangled Scandalous, #Tempting Bella

Tempting Bella (Entangled Scandalous) (10 page)

BOOK: Tempting Bella (Entangled Scandalous)
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Alarm shot through her at the banked fury in his expression. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Wouldn’t I? You just intimated that I’m no gentleman.”

Damnation. She’d neatly set her own trap by suggesting he’d behaved in a base manner. Now he seemed bent on acting down to her expectations.

“Should I prove you right or wrong?” he asked. “What do you suggest?”

His musky man’s scent besieged her. The proximity of that sheer physicality was dizzying. “I suggest you take your idle threats and leave my bedchamber.”

“But that would be almost gentlemanly of me.”

“Not precisely. You’re still acting like a lowborn ogre.”

His expression shifted, like a door closing, and he straightened up. “As you wish.” He moved away, his usual equanimity restored. “We dine at eight.”

She almost regretted seeing his mask slip back into place, as though he’d just locked the most genuine part of himself away. “I am tired,” she said. “I shall ask my maid to have a tray brought up.”

“No, that will not do. We’ve been apart far too long.” His impervious tone gave her no quarter. “Either you join me in the dining chamber, or I shall meet you back here.”

“Very well. I shall see you at eight.”


Even in the dining room, with footmen in attendance, the meal proved to be far too intimate an affair for Bella. Sebastian rose to his feet when she entered. She’d deliberately descended past eight in order to avoid partaking in before-supper drinks with him.

The sight of her place set next to Sebastian’s at the head of the table made her stop short. “I prefer to take my rightful place at the head of the table.” At the opposite end from him, as far away as she could get and still be seated at the same table.

“A wife’s rightful place is by her husband’s side.” A nod from the master of the house prompted the footman to stand aside for Sebastian to pull out the chair next to his. “Sit. Please.”

Unwilling to cause a scene in front of the staff, she took the chair he offered. As he retook his seat, she busied her hands by adjusting her skirts. She’d selected a more demure gown this evening, a pale peach with a modest neckline. The amused approval in his eyes suggested he’d noticed. After dismissing the footmen, he said, “I must say that gown is an improvement over this afternoon’s display. Although, I would not object if you continued to wear your scarlet gown privately for me in the future.”

She made a mental note to wear her most obscene gown when they made their first official public appearance as a couple. And her most chaste one for their moments alone in private. “I wish to discuss your marital rights.”

His brows lifted with obvious interest. “Yes?”

“I hope you do not plan to claim them.”

“Then your hopes will be dashed because I most certainly intend to claim them.”

“Whether I am willing or not?”

“You seemed willing enough this afternoon.”

Angry embarrassment heated her cheeks. “Do you intend to assert you rights even if I object?”

He sighed. “No. I would never force you. That is no way to begin our life together. It would hardly bode well for our future happiness.”

She fidgeted with her soupspoon. “Good. I’m relieved we’ve settled that.”

“Oh, it is hardly settled. I will give you time to adjust to your new situation, but I will not wait forever. I am no saint.”

She supposed it was the best she could hope for. The footmen entered with the next course, spiriting away the soup she’d barely touched and laying out the meat and vegetable dishes. Bella sampled her Madeira.

“What are you drinking?” she asked, eying the clear liquid and wedge of lemon in his glass.

He followed her gaze to his glass. “Fizzy mineral water.”

“Mineral water?”

“Yes, my friend Charles Plinth has developed a fountain that retains the sparkling quality of the water.”

“It is portable?”

“The drink is delivered every few days and then returned to him for refilling.” The lights in his green eyes sparkled. “It is my only real indulgence.”

She realized just how little she knew about her husband. “You don’t take port or wine with dinner?”

“I can’t abide spirits of any kind.”

Bella had never met anyone who didn’t take spirits. It was unheard of, even among the poor. “You don’t drink any spirits? Rum, wine, gin, ale, beer?”

“None at all. I like to keep a clear head.”

“Is it difficult to abstain?”

“Not at all. I can’t stand the taste.”

They were quiet for a moment while the footmen withdrew.

“I should like to visit my modiste.”

“Of course. You should have appropriate gowns. I can accompany you first thing on the morrow.”

She tensed. Her choice of a wardrobe was perhaps the one thing she still retained control of. “That won’t be necessary. I’ll ask Josette to join me.”


“She’s a friend who has been traveling with me. Josette is French. She has impeccable style.”

Sebastian gave her a measured look. “As you wish,” he said in a noncommittal voice, turning his attention back to his food.

She picked up her fork and stabbed at a piece of mutton. “What I wish is to know how much I may spend.”

“Beg pardon?”

“At the modiste. How much may I spend?”

“As much as you care to.” He sliced his meat into precise pieces. “Simply have the bills sent to me.”

Bills he would no doubt pay with her blunt. “And my other expenses?”

“You must do as you please. You have carte blanche.”

Chapter Eight


“This is
,” cooed Josette, running her hands lovingly over the expensive silk fabric.

Bella eyed the violet color from where she stood on a perch being measured by Madame de Lancy. “If you think so.” She stepped down and picked up a fashion plate, eyeing a high-waisted gown with a ribbon under the breasts. “Madame, I would like gowns made of your thinnest fabric.”

Mais oui
,” said the French woman. “You intend to be daring in your fashion?”

“Absolutely. And this neckline is too modest. I want it to much lower.”

Madame’s eyes widened with surprised delight. “Of course, most English ladies are too provincial in their dress. You will be a leader in fashion.”

Josette laughed. “Évidemment
, Madame
,” she said to the modiste. “Lady Mirabella is soon to be a duchess. All will follow her fashion lead. The entire
haute ton
will visit you after seeing Bella’s fabulous costumes.”

“Perhaps I should offer Her Grace a reduced cost due to the custom her patronage is certain to bring me.”

Bella glanced up from the fashion plate. “That is not necessary, Madame. Please charge me the full amount. The cost is not a concern.”

The startled modiste beamed with delight. “
. I shall have the gowns delivered at once.”

Josette’s brows lifted. Bella mirrored back the movement. “He says I am to have carte blanche. I intend to take him up on his generosity with my funds.”

Josette laughed and dropped down next to her, giving the modiste a pointed look. “Won’t you have your staff bring us tea, Madame?”

The modiste smiled, immediately understanding she’d been dismissed. She signaled her staff to leave. “Of course. I shall have it brought in,” she said, closing the door behind her.

Josette turned back to Bella with an expectant look.

Bella frowned back at her. “What?”

Josette’s catlike eyes slanted with mischief. “Tell me how you found the pleasures of the marriage bed,
ma cheri

Bella’s cheeks heated. “There’s nothing to tell. He did not visit my bedchamber last evening.”

” Josette’s eyes widened. “
Pourquoi pas

Avoiding Josette’s avid gaze, she shrugged her shoulders. “I made it quite clear he would not be welcome.” She hated that part of her had been disappointed with his absence.

Josette’s tinkling laughter filled the air. “
Mon cheri
, why would you deny your husband your bed? He is, how do you say, very much a man.”

Bella’s heart thumped. “What do you mean?”

A rap on the door interrupted Josette’s answer. A maid entered with the tea. Josette waited until they were alone again to continue. “Monsieur Sebastian has a very strong masculinity. It is obvious. He will probably make an excellent lover.”

“How could you know that?” Bella couldn’t help being intrigued by the mysteries of the marriage bed.

Josette’s eyes sparkled. “He seems to be very, ah, well equipped. Such a man would greatly satisfy his woman.”

Bella’s eyes widened. “Josette! Do you mean what I think you are saying?”

Josette leaned forward with a shrug to pour their tea. “You can tell his assets from those breeches.”

Bella’s body tingled. “Does that make a difference for a woman?”

Josette’s eyes sparkled with devilment. “
Mais oui.
It is a magnificent feeling to be filled so fully.” She handed Bella her tea. “You should not deny yourself. You are his wife. Why not enjoy the marriage bed?”

“He lied to me, Josette.” Her throat tightened. “He abandoned me for six years. He only wants me in his bed now because my appearance pleases him. If I were homely, he would cast me aside again.”

, all men want to bed beautiful women.” Josette bit into a biscuit. “Underneath their courtly manners, they are all beasts. They cannot help it.
C’est la vie

“What of his lies and his abandonment? What sort of man marries a child? I was certainly in no position to consent to such a thing,” she said bitterly. “You would have me forgive him everything and go meekly to the marriage bed?”

“Surely, you are not so naive as to blame him for the alliance.” Josette sipped her tea. “Your fathers arranged the match. He was practically a child himself. What did he know?”

Bella put down her tea with an unladylike
. “He knew enough to send me away while he lived here in high style.”

“It is the way of the world. Men command us and we are obliged to obey,” Josette said with a shrug. “We must make the best of it.”

“He already controls everything else in my life.” Pushing to her feet, she paced away from Josette. “How can I allow him complete reign over my person? It is the last thing that is still truly mine.”

,” Josette said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Your beauty is a weapon. Use your charms to make him do your bidding.”

Bella’s eyes narrowed. “You make bedding my husband sound like a battle stratagem.”

“It would be no hardship to bed Monsieur Sebastian. Use him for your purposes and your pleasure.” Josette came to her feet. “Then we shall see who surrenders to whom.”

The idea of Sebastian’s powerful form pressing up against her bare skin made her flush all over. “He does make my body feel things that are a little frightening.”

“That is desire,
ma cheri
. It is good to have with one’s husband.” Wandering to the mirror, Josette reached for a swath of violet silk and held it up against her body. She caught Bella’s eye in the reflection. “If a man is happy in the bedchamber, he will give his wife whatever she desires outside of it.”

“He does seem predisposed to be generous.” She eyed the expensive fabrics and trims strewn about the room with little interest. “Perhaps he hopes the fripperies will distract me from estate matters.”

“How you do go on.” Josette looked wistfully at the violet silk. “A gown in this fabric will be exquisite for you.”

“I agree. And you shall have one as well. We’ll tell Madame to take your measurements.”

Josette shook her head. “
, my husband left me comfortable, but I cannot overspend.”

“Nonsense.” Bella moved to the bell to ring for Madame. “It is my treat. I’m certain Sebastian won’t mind. We’ll order you a ball gown in that delicious shade of pink as well.”

After completing their business with the modiste, they went from shop to shop, ordering shoes, fans, hats, everything Bella would need for a complete wardrobe. She relied heavily on Josette’s advice. When they completed their shopping, they stopped in at Gunter’s for a shaved ice. Neither woman had ever been before and both were keen to try the lemony treat. They’d just been served when Orford appeared.

“What a fortunate surprise to happen across the loveliest ladies in town.”

Josette shot him a wry look. “Hardly a surprise since I informed you of our plans. Are you determined to intrude upon our ladies’ day?”

“Most assuredly,” Orford said, winking at Bella.

“Why have you not at least brought Tabby and Monty with you?” Josette asked.

He pulled up a chair to join them. “Tabby is painting and Monty is her latest subject so they could not be tempted away.”

Bella reached over to pat his arm. “I, for one, am glad to see you.”

He favored her with an affectionate smile. “Have you two been very bad today?”

BOOK: Tempting Bella (Entangled Scandalous)
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