Read Tethered (A BirthRight Novel) Online

Authors: Brandi Leigh Hall

Tethered (A BirthRight Novel) (14 page)

BOOK: Tethered (A BirthRight Novel)
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“Um…in light of this new pact, I suppose there are two other visions I should probably tell you about. The bad news is, they’re scary, and I know someone gets hurt. The good news is, I don’t think it happens any time in the near future. So would you like the details now, or should I wait a while?”

In one demanding voice, they say, “Now!”

I tell my family everything about the masked strangers and the voice who cries out for my help. I do my best not to leave anything out, but it still doesn’t seem like I’m telling them enough.

They ask questions. I answer what I can. I explain that even though they’re always partial visions, each time they come back I see something new—which seems to reassure them a bit.

I’m surprised at how well they’re handling it. For some reason, I just assumed they’d panic. But I’m so relieved they didn’t. This will make it
easier to keep my promise from now on.

After lunch, we go about our day as though it were any other day. We sit in the sun, talk about Pap, and we try to help Aunt Morgan decide how to deliver the news to Michael.

I don’t think any of us envy her that. But I know she’ll figure out the best course of action. If anyone can, it’s Aunt Morgan.

At one point, we notice Michael’s white Volkswagen Jetta in the driveway next door. I wonder if he’ll stop by again? But given the frosty greeting from Aunt Morgan the other day, it’s not likely.

We spend the afternoon enjoying the spectacular weather until about 6:00, when we go inside to clean up for dinner. Once I finish changing, I go back outside to visit my favorite swing on the front porch. I have so many things on my mind to think about. Pap, Hunter, the Russo’s, and the visions. My mind jumps back and forth between all of them, unable to maintain enough concentration to stay on just one.

As I continue battling my ADD thoughts, my cell phone beeps from a text. I press the little envelope, but don’t recognize the displayed number above the message.


“R U busy?”

“No. Who’s this?”

I wait a minute for a response
. “U really don’t know?”

My curiosity gets the best of me.
“No clue...just tell me who this is already!”


A few minutes go by as I wait for a response, but nothing. Okay, who’s screwing with me? Did Dru give one of his friends my number last night? Vinny maybe?

Ten minutes later I see an unfamiliar vehicle pull in the drive. The windows have tint so dark, I can’t see who’s driving the black and chrome Ford Edge.

I continue swinging, the revving engine overpowers the sound of the creaking chains.

Maybe it’s Caleb coming to see Dhelia. The spotless SUV looks like something a tough guy would drive.

The door swings open and out steps Hunter, the sun glistening in his thick, damp hair.

Hunter? At my house? Seriously?

My heart explodes from my chest as I spring to my feet.

What’s he doing here—but more importantly—how in the hell does he even know where I live?

His face is expressionless, but he seems nervous. Jittery even. Why would
be nervous? If anyone should be, it should be
. You know, the one who ran away like a just-about-to-be-munched-on-squirrel.

I step off the porch as Hunter saunters around his vehicle.

Our eyes lock.

“Since you said you weren’t busy, I figured I’d stop by for a talk. And to give you these.”

What? “Huh?”

“The text message....”

Oh! “That was
?” How the...?

“Yeah, it was me. When I realized your sister hadn’t told you she gave me your number earlier, I wasn’t sure what to say. Sorry about that.”

Dhelia? Of course. Why am I not surprised? “It’s okay. So I take it she gave you the address, too?” My eyebrows lift, waiting for his answer.

“No. Actually,
would be your gram. She invited me for dinner.

didn’t tell you either.” He chuckles, shaking his head.

“Obviously.” So much for our talk today about honesty. Nice!

“Is it okay I’m here? I don’t wanna freak you out again.”

Why’s he acting like
did something wrong?

“No, no. It’s fine. I was actually wishing I had a way to contact you, but kicked myself that we never exchanged numbers.”

“So then you’re not upset they went behind your back again?”

“No, not
, per se. Just annoyed they won’t give me a little credit. I just don’t understand why they didn’t tell me. We just had a big discussion this afternoon about ‘family honesty’.” Glancing behind me towards the front door to the house, I cross my arms over my chest.

“Can you blame them? You
a bit skittish. I mean, would you have even gone to the party if you knew I was going? And tell me you wouldn’t have gone somewhere else if you knew I was coming to dinner tonight? Am I wrong?”

“Um...well...I don’t know. Last night I might have, but not today. I’ve been feeling
too guilty.” I look down. He sure hit the nail on the head. “Okay, maybe I would have disappeared today, too.”


“I still wish they’d just tell me. I handle things better when I’m prepared.”

“I get that. But let’s make a deal. If you promise to sit down and talk to me about last night...I promise nothing will be withheld from you anymore about

I consider his proposition for a second, rubbing my chin like it’s a difficult decision. “Okay, that sounds fair. Though, I’m surprised you’d
to talk after the way I acted last night.”

“Why? I feel
. First, I show up at a party you went to with your family, completely uninvited by
. Then I kiss you when you clearly weren’t ready for it. I pushed myself on you and I couldn’t feel worse about it. I feel like a dirt ball. If I were you, I would have run away too.” He has trouble looking me in the eyes. “Not to mention the fact that I left the party without giving you a chance to calm down so you could explain.” He pulls out a gorgeous bouquet of pink Lotus flowers from behind his back. “Which is why I brought you these.”

For me? “That was so sweet of you, Hunter. Thank you. But you really didn’t have to do that.”

“You’re right. I didn’t have to. But I

My cheeks heat up. “Well then, thank you. They’re beautiful. But how did you know the Lotus was a family favorite?”

“Do you
need to ask?”

Gram. Of course. “Is there anything she
told you?”

He laughs under his breath.

Now I feel like a certifiable ass for making him feel so bad he felt the need to bring me flowers. But I love that he did.

Actually, I don’t think a guy has ever given me flowers before.

I grab his hand, pulling him up to the swing with me. “Hunter, trust have nothing to feel bad about. If I didn’t
you to kiss me, it wouldn’t have happened. Truth is, I wanted you to all night. I just got scared. Plain and simple.

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me—but the one thing I’ll tell you
is—I’ve never let myself get close to a guy before. I’ve had boyfriends, but I’ve never had the type of connection I have with
. It scares the crap out of me, and I don’t know what to do about it.” I look down, fiddling with the bouquet. “Technically, I don’t have room for a relationship right now. But I can’t imagine
spending time with you after getting to know you a bit. I’m torn between what my heart desperately wants—and what my mind is convinced I need.

“I’m drawn to you in a way I’ve never experienced. I feel like a piece of metal being pulled towards a giant magnet. The harder I try to grab onto something to stop me, the stronger and faster it pulls me in your direction. I know this isn’t what you want to hear, but I figured the truth is the best option after last night. I owe you that much. I am
sorry if I hurt you by running away. It was no reflection on you, I swear. I just panicked.” I look up to see his expression.

A faint smile curls around the corners of his magnificent mouth. “’s okay. You don’t need to explain yourself, but I’m glad you did. I didn’t even think you liked me, so it’s good to know you’re feeling
the same things I’m feeling.” He shakes his head. “Trust me, I wasn’t prepared for you either. And I have no clue what to do.” He digs his feet in to give us a good push on the swing.

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me as well, so try to remember you’re not in this alone. We’re going through this together. In
way. For crying out loud, I’ve only known you for a few days, and I’ve become so consumed by you it could compromise my job.”

Huh? “Compromise your job how?”

He twists in his seat uncomfortably. “I um…well…I can’t keep my mind on my work. You know. I ah…I could hurt someone, or get hurt myself because I’m not paying attention. I’m distracted all the time.”

Because of
? “Oh. Well that’s not good. I’d feel terrible if something bad happened because of me.”

“I’m sure I’m just being paranoid. I guess we’ll know on Monday when I go back to work.” He smiles for the first time, making me feel a little better.

Without warning, Dru and Dhelia come barreling outside and startle us.

“Is everything okay out here?” Dru’s wearing that protective face I’m starting to get used to.

Hunter and I turn to look at each other and smile.

I look up at Dru. “Everything is just fine. We had a little ‘miscommunication’ last night, but we’re clearing it up now.”

Looking pleased with herself, Dhelia holds her head high. “That’s good. So you’re not mad at me then for giving him your number?”

Dru shoots her a look of annoyance, which she ignores.

“No, I’m not mad. I’m kinda grateful, actually. But Hunter and I made a promise to each other.
No more secrets kept from me about him
! You got it?” I scrunch my eyes warningly.

“Sure. But what was your end of the deal?” Dhelia asks.

“Oh, I ah…I promised to
to him.” Hunter and I both laugh at how funny it now sounds.

“Works for me. No. More. Secrets.” Dhelia sends us a playful smile.

Dru taps his foot, not even
to hide his agitation. “No more secrets from
of us.” He pokes Dhelia in the ribs.

“Ouch. Okay. No more secrets from
.” She jumps up and down as a sparkly silver Taurus pulls in. Must
be Caleb this time.

“I’ll be back in a few. I’m heading out to pick-up Peyton,” Dru says, stepping off the porch around Dhelia.

“Okay. Drive safe.” I chuckle as he turns to snarl at me.

Caleb walks up, greeting Dhelia the same way he did last night before turning to us. “Hey guys, nice ta see you again.”

“Hi, Caleb.” I smile as Hunter nods.

“Well, we’ll let you two get back to working out your ‘miscommunication’ (she air quotes for extra emphasis). See you inside for dinner.” Dhelia sends Hunter a sly wink before disappearing into the house with Caleb.

“What was
about? It seems I missed you bonding with my sister.”

“Let’s just say, Dhelia wants to see us together. She’ll pretty much do whatever she can to help the process along.” He stares me down as though he’s waiting for me to say something negative, eyes narrowing.

“Seriously? That’s surprising. But it still doesn’t explain why she got so upset with me for ditching you.”

“Yeah, she wasn’t happy about that. But she tried to explain that it wasn’t about

“Oh, did she now?” I shake my head in disbelief.

Hunter laughs. “It’s all good. Honest.”

“If you say so.” It’s hard for me to imagine
with my sister being “
all good”

“So back to our conversation. What do you think we should do about this position we find ourselves in?” Hunter stares me down, awaiting my answer.

“What do
want us to do?”

He nods with a grin, appreciating my turning his question back on him. “Well, I guess we should just take it one day at a time. Definitely take it slow...but spend time together and see where it goes.”

BOOK: Tethered (A BirthRight Novel)
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