Read That Mistletoe Moment Online

Authors: Cat Johnson

That Mistletoe Moment (7 page)

BOOK: That Mistletoe Moment
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She smiled. “The sofa is fine.”
He spun back toward the sofa, laid her down, and stood to start undressing. “Good choice. I'd rather the two of us didn't have bruises and rug burns the first time I meet your parents. You're going to appreciate having the cushions under you for this, because I can assure you, I'm anything but passive.”
Her eyes widened at his declaration, until he dropped his pants. Then her gaze followed the action and she looked far more interested in what was beneath them.
Passive George was probably the type to keep the lights off and his socks on. Nathan made sure to do the opposite and was shortly standing in front of her lit by the glow of the Christmas tree and as naked as the day he was born.
There were still too many clothes between them, though, and they were all hers.
Not a problem. He was both determined and capable. He had her stripped of her jeans, bra, and panties in no time.
He was about to lower himself over her when a realization hit. He let out a curse. “I didn't bring anything with me.”
His lack of protection wasn't going to ruin tonight, but it would sure put a halt to the pending main event for a while. He would have to get dressed, drive to a store, buy some condoms, and then get back here, all while this very hot, naked woman waited for him.
“There are condoms in the drawer of the nightstand by my bed.”
His attention whipped to Noelle. “They were your ex's?”
“Yes.” She bit her lip and made him want to bite it, too. “Is that a problem?”
He considered it for barely a second before deciding. “Nope. No problem at all. Be right back.”
Yeah, she was probably laughing at the pale skin of his naked ass as he sprinted for the bedroom, but he didn't care. He had no shame. Fate had given him both Noelle and condoms when he needed them, and he was a happy man.
oelle loved the feel of being crushed between the weight of Nathan's hard, muscle-bound body and the sofa. But that satisfaction was nothing compared to the feeling as he plunged his length into her with one hard stroke.
She gasped, drawing in a breath with a hiss.
“You all right?” he asked, breathless above her.
“Yes.” She was so much more than just all right. She grabbed his ass with both hands and pulled him in deeper. “Don't stop.”
“Believe me. I have no intention of stopping.”
Every stroke sent sparks through her. The need she'd ignored for so long burned uncontrolled inside her, stoked by Nathan's desire, which mirrored her own.
They were perfectly matched. She took all he could give and vice versa.
She wondered if the apartment walls were thin enough that the neighbors could hear. She'd never considered that before tonight. This was the first time there'd been anything happening in this apartment that warranted her crying out loudly enough for the neighbors to hear.
He was sweating and she was breathless by the time she felt him stiffen over her. He plunged deep and held her close as he shuddered.
That unlocked something inside her. An orgasm hit that had her clutching him close. Her body clenched his with pulses that continued long after his climax was done. She was panting and weak by the time her body relaxed and the aftershocks ceased.
They stayed just like that, him over her, holding her, for what felt like a long time, but she had no desire for either of them to move.
Finally, Nathan lifted up on one elbow. “Wow. That was . . .”
She nodded. “Yeah. It was.”
Indescribable was what it was.
He rolled off her and flung his forearm over his face. “I'm hoping that was just a fluke. Because if this is what it's like every time between us, there's no way I can go back to Virginia and concentrate on my job.”
As Nathan blew out a breath and looked miserable because the sex between them had been so good, Noelle considered his words. “I guess we can do it again and see. Maybe it
a fluke.” She lifted one shoulder.
He dropped his arm and leveled a look at her. “Can you give me maybe five minutes first?”
She smiled. “I'll give you ten. I want to drink my cocoa anyway.”
He let out a laugh. “Can you grab mine, too?”
“Sure.” She reached for his cup, loving how he liked the same things she did. And really loving how he was anything but passive.
After handing off his cup, she reached for her own, holding it in both hands. It had cooled off, but she wasn't sure she had the strength to walk to the microwave.
Eh, it would be worth it.
She swung her legs over the edge of the sofa and stood. “Give me. I'll reheat them.”
His eyes widened. “You will? You really are the girl of my dreams.”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh, hush or no whipped cream for you.”
Nathan's brows rose high. “Whipped cream? Well, hey now. You never mentioned whipped cream. That could be interesting.”
She shook her head as she walked to the kitchen naked and strangely not feeling all that self-conscious.
A month ago, she would have scrambled for the throw to wrap around herself.
Who was she kidding? A month ago, there was no way she would have been naked in the kitchen or having sex on the sofa.
Reaching up, she grabbed two mugs from the cabinet. After pouring the cocoa into each, she popped them into the microwave and set it for two minutes.
When she turned, Nathan stood directly behind her.
“How did you sneak up on me without my hearing you?”
“I'm stealthy.” He grinned while wrapping those big, warm hands around her waist.
“Yes, you are.”
Nathan leaned low and nuzzled her neck before moving to her ear. “I like that you cook naked.”
She enjoyed his groan as she slipped her hands around him to grab his very firm butt. “I don't. This is the first time. George would have never approved of nudity near food.”
He pulled back to shoot her a look. “George is an idiot. You do realize that some men might not like it that you talk about your ex when they're about to kiss you, right?”
“I'm sorry.”
“No. Don't apologize. I don't mind it at all. The more you tell me about him, the more I'm convinced you two were completely and totally wrong for each other. Besides, I enjoy knowing what things he wouldn't approve of so I can make sure we go ahead and do them. For instance, I bet he really wouldn't have liked this.”
Nathan tightened his grip on her waist and lifted and Noelle found herself sitting on the counter.
Her naked ass on the same surface where she prepared food? George would have flipped out and then gotten the bleach to sanitize the area.
“No. He wouldn't have.”
The microwave dinged, drawing Nathan's attention. He pulled open the door and took out one of the mugs. Dipping in his finger, he swirled it through the warm cocoa and then rubbed the chocolate mixture over one of her nipples. Leaning down toward her breast, Nathan glanced up. “And this?”
As he latched his mouth over her peaked, chocolate-coated nipple, Noelle hissed in a breath. “Nope. He would have never done that.”
Nathan pulled back. “And I bet he'd really hate me doing this.”
He pushed her thighs wide and lowered his head. When his tongue connected with her core, she gasped. “Yeah. He didn't believe in doing this at all, not even in a bed.”
Nathan lifted his head, brows up. “Then you had better grab on to something and hang on tight.”
Minutes later Noelle was writhing beneath his mouth, riding out possibly the most intense orgasm she'd ever felt and in real danger of falling off the counter if his firm grip hadn't held her in place.
It only proved to her that Nathan had been right about everything.
She should have held on to something—and George was, indeed, an idiot.
o I don't think that first time was a fluke.” Noelle made that announcement while sitting opposite Nathan on the sofa.
She looked very tempting wrapped in a blanket and cradling the mug of hot cocoa they'd had to microwave a second time after they'd finished christening the kitchen.
Nathan downed a swallow from his own mug and then drew in a deep breath. “Yeah. I'm starting to accept that.”
“How long before you have to go back to Virginia?”
She must be thinking the same thing he was—how much his leaving was going to suck. She didn't even realize his going back to Virginia was the least of their concerns. There was a good chance he'd end up shipped off to the other side of the world by Valentine's Day.
“Next week. I'm leaving Monday. I have to be back on base Tuesday by noon.”
She sounded so unhappy, he reached out and pulled her gently to him. “Don't worry. We can talk on the phone, and text, and videochat.”
“I know. It's not that. It's just that Monday is my birthday.”
“It is?” He pulled back to look down at her.
“Yeah. The day after Christmas. That's why my parents named me Noelle.”
“Do you have plans?” His mind was already spinning as he tried to decide whether he should leave Connecticut early Tuesday morning instead so he could spend her birthday with her.
It was a risk. He'd be taking a chance on no bad weather or traffic that would prevent him from making it back to the base by noon.
She lifted one shoulder. “I'll probably just go to my parents' house for dinner.”
“What if I didn't leave until Tuesday morning?”
“That would be nice.” She wasn't quite as excited as he'd thought she'd be. Finally, she continued. “Any chance you're coming back home for New Year's Eve?”
The reason for her sadness became evident with that question.
Driving to Virginia only to turn around and come back four days later would be a lot of damn time spent on the road, so he hadn't been planning on it. Especially not for a holiday he'd always thought was just a lot of hype and expectations that failed to be met.
Then again, he'd made the decision not to be in Connecticut for New Year's Eve before Noelle.
Everything felt different now, but it wasn't as simple as just his wanting to be here with her for that midnight kiss. Even if he put in a request to extend his official leave, and command did approve it, there was still a chance he could get recalled for a mission.
He hugged her tighter with the one arm he had around her shoulders. “I can't make any promises, but I'll see what I can manage.”
“Okay.” She turned in his arms. “I don't mean to sound greedy. I'm just happy you're here now and for Christmas.”
She was so sweet, it made him want to hold her tight and never let go. Except to maybe punch anyone who'd ever made her feel bad.
“You go ahead and be greedy.” When it came to her and the limited time they had together, he sure as hell intended to be.
He took her mug and put it with his on the coffee table before snaking both of his hands beneath the blanket wrapped around her.
A buzzing invaded Nathan's concentration. He halted in his path to kiss her, poised just short of her lips. “It sounds like you're getting a call.”
Her lids hooded her eyes as they met his gaze. “They can leave a message.”
“All right.” He closed the distance and finally claimed her lips, kissing her thoroughly until the buzzing started again. He pulled back. “You wanna get that?”
His lips twitched with a smile when he saw Noelle scowl deeply as she said, “No.”
“It might be important. I think you should check.”
“Fine.” She let out a huff and then frowned as she looked around her.
“What's wrong?” he asked.
“I don't know where my phone is.”
He'd been in plenty of situations where his ears were his best asset, so he figured he should be able to track down one cell phone set on vibrate in a two-room apartment.
Stilling, he listened and determined which direction the noise was coming from. It was close but muffled, which was deceiving. It made the sound seem to come from a greater distance away.
Taking a chance on a hunch, he shoved his hand between the sofa's arm and seat cushion. He emerged victorious with the cell phone in his hand. It had already stopped vibrating but at least it was located.
He held it up for Noelle to see. “Yours, I'll assume.”
“Yes. I don't know how it got down there, though.”
“I have some idea.” He smiled.
There had been some pretty energetic activity taking place on that sofa. It was no wonder things had gotten a little tossed around.
She looked embarrassed as she reached out. “I guess. Thank you for finding it.”
“My pleasure.” He'd happily do all sorts of things for this woman. Open jars. Take out the garbage. Scrub her back in the shower.
Really, the list of things he'd love to do for her was endless. If only their time together was, as well.
He was going to call command tomorrow and request that extra leave. Time was one thing that was too precious to waste.
While Nathan was making that decision, Noelle had been checking her missed calls.
“Everything all right?” he asked.
A part of him wanted to make sure it wasn't good old George trying to reunite with her.
If it was, George was going to be sorely disappointed, because Nathan didn't give up easily on anything. Certainly not on a woman like Noelle.
A woman who, by all indications, was meant to be with him. They'd already learned they liked so many of the same things. He looked forward to learning even more—and George was not getting in his way.
She glanced up from the cell. “It's just my sister.”
“Twice in a row. You sure nothing is wrong?”
“I doubt it. She would have left a message if it was important, but she didn't. I've just been dodging her calls the past day—or two.”
She avoided meeting his gaze. “You.”
“Me?” He widened his eyes. “Why?”
“Because I didn't think she'd approve of my meeting you.”
“Why not?” He was a likeable guy. People loved him. Not usually the enemy, but everyone else.
“It's not you in particular. It's because until tonight I thought you were—”
“Your Build-A-Boyfriend gone rogue?” he guessed.
Their getting together certainly had been unconventional on all counts. “Well, now that you know I'm not, are you going to tell your sister? I mean, I'm assuming I'll meet her at the party.”
“Yes, I'll tell her.”
“When?” He cocked a brow.
Nathan crossed his arms and leveled a gaze on her. “You really should call her now. She's probably worried about you.”
“Fine. I'll call. If I don't, she might drive over and just show up.”
“Good idea.” Nathan was guessing that her sister probably had a key so she could walk right in and find them naked, or worse, in the middle of doing something no sister ever wanted to see.
Noelle looked so adorable, naked and pouting because he was making her call her sister, he couldn't resist wrapping his arms around her and the blanket still draped over her.
He pulled her close with one arm and reached for his mug with the other since he might as well enjoy his cocoa while he waited.
“Hey. You called?” Noelle pulled the phone away from her ear and he heard why. Her sister was reading her the riot act loudly enough he could hear it sitting next to her. “Nikki, I'm sorry. I won't not answer and not call you back again. Okay?”
He took a sip from the mug as Noelle listened to the response from her sister. Nikki was talking at a much lower volume, so he had to assume she was calming down.
“Can I call you back in the morning and we'll talk about it then?” Noelle's eyes cut to him. “Yes, I promise I'll call you. Good night.”
He waited for her to put the phone down. “Talk about what in the morning? Me?”
“Yes. Kind of.” She grabbed his cocoa out of his hand and drank the remainder before putting the empty mug on the table.
He had every intention of drinking hers, since she'd finished his, but first he wanted her to explain. “And? Go on.”
She drew in a breath. “We had plans to make up a story about how I met my Build-A-Boyfriend so I'd be prepared for any questions at the party.”
He smiled, happy there'd be no need for a fake story because they had a real one. “See. Now you don't have to lie.”
“Not about you, but I'd rather not tell anyone I texted you by accident, thinking you were the fake boyfriend app Nikki had signed me up for to deceive my ex and our relatives.”
He dipped his head. “Yeah, okay. I'll agree to leaving that part out.”
It wasn't the most flattering thing for him that she'd had his phone number all those weeks and had only texted it by mistake.
That raised a good question. “Hey, let me ask you something. Why didn't you text me? On purpose, I mean. You had the number.”
“Why didn't you text me?” she countered.
“Because I was sure you were already taken, and might I remind you that you
taken at the time. And don't avoid the question. Why didn't you text me after you broke up with George?”
She shrugged. “I wasn't exactly feeling all that great about myself after the breakup. And look at you. You're like Adonis or something. Who'd have thought you were single?”
Adonis, huh? He smiled at the compliment but had to set the record straight. Little did she know he had been single for as long as she'd been tethered to the unimaginative George. “Well, I was single, so you could have texted. But now that you finally did, I'm happy to attend the party as your real boyfriend so you don't need a cyber one.”
She bit her lip. “And when we're not at the party?”
“Will I still be your boyfriend, you mean?”
Noelle swallowed hard. “Yes.”
“I hope so.”
“I hope so, too.”
He blew out a breath. “Good. I'm glad that's settled.”
“You might not be once you meet my family. Aunt Anna can be quite a tyrant. And George's brothers are probably going to put you through the wringer.”
Nathan snorted. He'd been fighting actual tyrants and men out to kill him for over a decade as part of an elite, highly trained team. He could handle Aunt Anna and George's brothers. “I think I'll be all right. Now come here and let's talk.”
He moved to pull her closer, but she resisted. “What are we talking about?”
The suspiciousness in her tone had him laughing. “Everything. What you do for a living. How old you'll be for your birthday on Monday. What your parents are like. Do you have any other brothers and sisters besides Nikki? How many other exes have you got?”
She looked at him like he was nuts. “You really want to know all of that? Now?”
“Yup.” He nodded.
An adorable wrinkle appeared between her brows. “But why?”
“Because I take my position as your boyfriend very seriously. That's why.”
Giving in, she lifted a shoulder. “Okay.”
As she drew in a breath before launching into her answers to his many questions, he leaned forward. He grabbed her mug off the table and took a sip, smiling when she narrowed her eyes at him for stealing her drink.
Nathan lowered the mug. “How about we go shopping tomorrow and get more cocoa?”
“Can we really?” Her whole expression lit at the suggestion.
He laughed. “Of course. We can do whatever you want.”
They'd only just started really getting to know each other, but still, he was certain he could spend a whole life making this woman happy, just to be the reason for that expression of pure joy on her face.
BOOK: That Mistletoe Moment
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