Read The Adventures of Sir and Babygirl Online

Authors: Kayla Lords

Tags: #erotica, #short stories, #bdsm, #masturbation, #erotic short stories, #dominance, #dominance submission, #dominance and submission romance, #masturbation female, #dominance and submission erotica, #dominance and submission story, #ddlg, #dominance and submission ebook

The Adventures of Sir and Babygirl (3 page)

BOOK: The Adventures of Sir and Babygirl
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He figured he wouldn’t hear from her again
for a while. Every time he pushed her a little farther, Katie
waited before responding. The first time, he’d almost panicked,
thinking he’d ruined their friendship. Now, he knew she needed time
to process and decide on a response. He would be as patient as he
could. Johnathan puffed up his chest slightly.
I’m a Dominant,
, he thought to himself.
I’m supposed to be
Yeah, right, he chuckled. Not this time.

True to form, Katie kept him waiting until
late that night. Johnathan was lying in bed, reading, when he heard
the tell-tale ding on his phone. Smiling to himself, he placed his
electronic book to the side and reached for his phone.



Work was crazy, but it always is right
before I leave the office for a day or two. Olivia is at her
grandparents house and very happy. I knew by 9am that a glass of
wine was in my future today. Apparently, I’m psychic because I’m
holding a glass right now.

I’ve been thinking about your email all day.
I didn’t know how I wanted to answer. I’m scared. You scare me. I
feel like if we keep this to strictly email, everything will stay
as it is. If I give you my number and we begin talking, things will
change. We’ll be taking this a step in a different direction, ya
know? That scares the hell out of me. We have something good here.
Digital pen pals, remember?

I don’t know. I need to think about it. If
I’m quiet this weekend, don’t worry, ok? I’m processing, and I need
some down time. I’m sorry I’m not giving you the answer that you



Johnathan closed his eyes and sighed loudly.
Damn it
, he thought to himself.
I scared her off
. Not
one to go down without a fight, Johnathan replied immediately.



I get it completely. At some point, you have
to decide that you’re stronger than your fear. I want to get to
know you better. I want to hear your voice and hopefully meet you
one day. Yes, that means possibly taking this to another level. I’m
scared too, but I’m more scared of not at least trying to know you

I’ll give you time and space like you’ve
asked for. When you decide either way, let me know. If I am ever
fortunate enough to hear your voice, I’ll know that you want to see
what happens next, too.




Johnathan tossed the phone on his nightstand
and turned off the lamp. He rolled over to sleep, knowing this
would be a long night and a longer weekend.

He spent the weekend in a foul mood. One look
at his stormy expression and everyone in the house steered clear of
him. His mood became worse as he checked his email obsessively and
found nothing from Katie. She posted blogs throughout the weekend –
some purely sexual, making him want her more. Some were
introspective. She clearly had her previous relationship on her
mind. Johnathan knew that had to do in part with him.

His heart hurt for Katie as he read her
words. He worried he might have strained a perfectly good
friendship by wanting more. The Dominant in him wanted to command
her to speak to him, not to hide, simply make a decision. His own
turbulent emotions grated on him as much as Katie’s silence.

Johnathan growled and grunted through dinner
Sunday night. The strain was too much for his family.

His sister, Monica, cut through the silence
with a tone that was both angry and demanding. “What the hell is
your problem, big brother? I am tired of being snapped at and
glared at!”

Immediately chagrinned, he looked at Monica
with regret in his eyes. Monica melted. She adored her big brother
and knew that without him, she’d still be stuck with her violent

“Bubby, talk to me,” she said, using her pet
name from their childhood. “What’s her name?”

Johnathan looked up, surprised. Monica smiled
knowingly. He shook his head. He should have known he couldn’t hide
anything from his observant sister. He wondered how much to tell
her. With her history of violence in relationships, he hesitated to
ever mention BDSM or the Dominance and submission lifestyle.
Keep it simple, stupid
, he thought.

“I met a woman online. We became friends, and
I pushed a little to take it to another level. She’s unsure and
asked for time to think about it. I haven’t heard from her since
Friday, and it’s driving me crazy.”

Monica gasped, a tiny smile on her lips. “Oh,
Bubby! She must be pretty special for you to even be willing to
consider a relationship. I hope she’s worth all this…THIS…you’ve
put yourself – and us – through this weekend.”

“I feel like she probably is, sis. I just
don’t know if she realizes it.”

“What if she doesn’t want to take things to
‘the next level?’”

Johnathan sighed. “Then I will grit my teeth
and offer friendship until she either realizes it or she tells me
to go the hell away. I feel a connection to her, and if all I can
be is her friend, well, ok. As much as it would suck, I’d take that
over nothing.”

Monica’s heart broke a little at her
brother’s words. He must have it bad, she decided.
I hope this
girl is worth it
. Monica wouldn’t stand for anyone breaking her
brother’s heart, either of her brothers’ hearts, actually. She was
too protective of them to see them get hurt.

Johnathan pushed himself back from the table.
“Sorry for being so bearish this weekend, sis. I think I’m gonna go
to bed early tonight. Night, darlin’.” He kissed the top of
Monica’s head before walking down the hall towards his bedroom.

Johnathan stopped outside his sons’ room.
Loud music blared. He couldn’t make out the words and figured he
was probably too old to understand their music. He knocked and
walked in. Justin and Jason looked over at him nervously.
I must have been cranky
, he thought.

“Hey, boys. Your aunt just brought it to my
attention that I’ve been…well, an ass this weekend. I just wanted
to tell you that you don’t have to hide anymore.” He flashed a
sardonic smile at his sons.

The twins shrugged and mumbled something
about it being no big deal. Johnathan took that as his cue that
everything was fine. He looked at the boys, closer to grown men,
and smiled. Closing the door behind him, he looked to the heavens
in a silent plea for mercy as the volume of their music increased

Johnathan entered his bedroom, shut the door,
and stripped down to his boxers. He stretched and looked around the
It’s too damn quiet
, he thought to himself.

Settling into the bed, he picked up his
electronic book and began to read. He eyes grew heavy, and he began
to doze.

The first few bars of Johnny Cash’s “I Walk
the Line” began to play.

Johnathan jerked awake and reached for his
phone. He looked at the caller ID, not recogniinge the number.
Confused, he hit Accept.


“Um, hi, Johnathan? This is Katie.”

Johnathan smiled. Her voice was the most
beautiful sound he’d ever heard.




The First Date



Every morning when Katie woke up, before
putting on her glasses, she grabbed her phone. From the first phone
call, a routine had been established. Whoever woke up first sent a
“Good Morning” text message to the other.

Katie smiled when she saw the notification on
her phone. She refused to think too much about why a text from
Johnathan made her so happy. Focusing on that would cause her to
focus on her feelings, and she wasn’t ready to delve into her own
emotions. There was no need to worry about her feelings when she
decided weeks ago just to enjoy the here and now with him.

After numerous phone calls, emails, and text
messages, Katie thought Johnathan might know more about her than
anyone else she’d ever known. There was something about him that
made her willing to open up to him in ways she never had with
anyone else. She talked to him about her fears as a single mother,
her fears of losing herself in a dead-end career, even her fears of
not being a good writer. He listened and then he always told her
how wrong she was. Unlike the empty platitudes most people gave,
Johnathan always gave concrete examples. He paid attention to the

Katie shook herself out of the reverie. She
liked Johnathan – a lot. She would almost consider him one of her
best friends, if that was possible between a man and woman who’d
only known each other a couple of months. She knew he was attracted
to her, and if she was being completely honest with herself, she
adored his mind, his personality, his laugh, everything about him.
They’d exchanged pictures, and her breath caught the first time she
saw his face. He had sparkling blue eyes and a wide smile. For
someone who never liked facial hair, Katie found his moustache and
goatee very attractive.

Feeling like she had nothing to lose, Katie
had been very honest in her appreciation of Johnathan’s appearance.
She found total honesty easier because she figured they would never
be romantically linked. That didn’t mean she couldn’t find him very
attractive, though. He’d laughed when she’d told him which only
endeared him to her. Johnathan told her he wasn’t used to such
sweet compliments, especially from someone as beautiful as

Katie thought he might be able to feel the
heat of her blush through the phone. She wasn’t beautiful, and she
knew she wasn’t. Johnathan didn’t have to blow smoke up her ass,
and she told him so. They came close to arguing that evening.
Johnathan used his “Dom” voice on her. She would never admit it,
but the deepening of his voice made her wet and squirmy. She could
feel herself softening and giving in. With an effort, she fought
the pull she felt and said they would need to agree to

“For now.” His voice held a sharp edge, and
she couldn’t help but tremble a little.

Looking down at her phone, Katie realized
fifteen minutes had passed while she’d daydreamed and reminisced.
Johnathan knew her routine well enough that he would wonder why she
hadn’t responded yet. Tapping out a quick “Good morning,” Katie
dragged herself out of bed and down the hall. Thinking about
Johnathan’s eyes and voice made her ache. She smiled to herself,
knowing just how to relieve the throbbing between her thighs.

Standing under the hot water, breathing in
the steam, Katie’s hands skimmed across her body. She loved the
heaviness of her breasts in her hand. Her nipples puckered and
tightened. Katie pinched them both until she hissed between her
teeth. The pain sent a shot of pleasure straight to her core. One
hand blazed a trail down to her mound. Her fingers danced lightly
across her slit. Spreading her legs, Katie reached in and felt her
own wetness. Knowing she didn’t have a lot of time, she began to
rub her clitoris. Faster and faster, her fingers circled and
pressed. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt her muscles
begin to clench and spasm.

Oh, God, yesssssss
, thought Katie, her
head thrown back as the water poured over her.

“Mommy! I have to pee!” Katie could almost
hear the record scratch in her mind as Olivia bounded into the

With an effort, Katie collected herself and
found her voice. “Ok baby, but don’t flush. The water will be too
hot for Mommy if you do.”

“Ok, Mommy!” Her sweet girl chattered for
several minutes until Katie asked her if she was done.

“Oh yeah! Sorry Mommy!!” Katie heard the
flush just before Olivia slammed the door shut again.

“Eeeeee-ahhhh!” Katie screamed as the water
went from perfect to cold to blistering hot.

Katie was grateful she had finished her
shower before Olivia came in. Turning off the water as quickly as
possible, Katie grabbed a towel. She tried not to think about her
unfinished orgasm or the painful throb between her thighs. Sighing
softly, she knew there was no time to take care of anything this

Even with the usual early morning of rush of
teeth-brushing, finding shoes, packing lunches, and everything
else, Katie still made a point to look at her phone. One hand
stirred Olivia’s chocolate milk while the other checked to see if
Johnathan had replied to her message. She could feel the emotion
creeping around the edges of her thoughts. If she was completely
honest with herself, she would admit she really liked him.

I like like him, damn it
, Katie
thought to herself.

Shaking the thought off, she rushed to get
both her and Olivia out the door on time. She always felt like she
was running five minutes behind, no matter how early she


Katie made a mental note to check her phone
after she buckled Olivia into her seat. When she looked at the
message, her heart sank.

“Can I call you tonight? There’s something we
need to discuss.”

Great. This is the end
He’s met
someone, or he wants more than I’m willing to give, and he doesn’t
want to wait.
Gloomy thoughts whirled through Katie’s mind on
her drive to work. Tears burned her eyelids. She refused to let
them fall. This was why she hadn’t wanted a relationship. This was
what always happened.

Pulling into the parking lot at her office,
she put the car into park and grabbed her phone.

“Look, I know what this is about. I’ll save
you the time tonight. I understand that you met someone or you
don’t want to ‘just be friends.’ You’re free, ok? No hard

With a definitive click, she locked her phone
and threw it in the bottom of her purse, determined not to think
about his message again. Feeling dejected, Katie walked into the
office building. She told herself there was no reason to feel so
sad. She’d never actually met him, and she’d known things would end
this way eventually. They always did.

BOOK: The Adventures of Sir and Babygirl
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