Read The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match) Online

Authors: Victoria Davies

Tags: #Victoria Davies, #fake relationship, #playboy, #bad boy, #werewolf, #Covet, #PNR, #paranormal, #matchmaker, #romance, #millionaire, #mate, #witch, #Entangled, #fated mates, #fake girlfriend, #Fated Match

The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match) (2 page)

BOOK: The Alpha's Temporary Mate (Fated Match)
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She was. Oh, how she was.

“If I agree to this,” she said, not even believing the words were coming out of her mouth, “you will sign a contract as well, naming me as the acting manager of this office upon the opening of a subsequent Fated Match location. This agency will be mine.”

“Under my brand umbrella,” Vivian agreed. “We’ll have to work out the breakdown of profits and what percentage will be owed to me.”


The siren inclined her head. “You have a deal. Make Kieran happy and New York is yours.”

Chloe arched a brow. “You don’t want to oversee this yourself?”

“You’ll be just as invested as I, and I need the time to put all the wheels in motion to move on. I hear Seattle might be a good place to set up shop.”

She chewed her lip, thinking about the beautiful alpha in her office. All she had to do was find him a gold-digger that met his specification. She already had a few names she could put on the list.

“Fine,” she capitulated. “I’ll do it.”

A cool smile crossed Vivian’s face. “Excellent. As long as we do well by Kieran, he’ll do well by us. And really, how hard is it to keep one werewolf happy?”

Chapter Two

ou are impossible to please.”

Kieran merely grinned as he reached for the file Chloe had tossed onto the desk between them. “I just know what I want,” he replied.

The words were true enough. He’d never been one to take second best. He decided on a target and pursued his goal until it reached fruition. The tactic had served him well in both his professional and private life, and he saw no reason to change now.

Not even for the witch fuming before him.

He supposed he should give her credit for doing her best. She had, after all, come up with a handful of potential candidates to introduce him to. They’d made each one sign a non-disclosure agreement before explaining his plan, and much to his matchmaker’s obvious annoyance, not one of the women he’d met had been put off by the proposed ruse. And why would they be? In his experience, few women would turn down an all expenses paid girlfriend vacation and a month spent on his arm.

“Hopefully your candidate today will be a more viable option than your previous attempts,” he said, flipping open the file to stare at a photo of an icy blonde beauty.

“Your dreamboat quotient takes a serious beating every time we speak,” Chloe grumbled.

His lips twitched. Usually he wasn’t one to tolerate the slightest disrespect, particularly from those in his employ, but there was something oddly charming about the little witch and her moral outrage.

It probably helped that her disapproval came encased in a sexy bombshell of a body. He’d known the second he’d stepped into her office the first time that she was going to be trouble. She’d been at her desk, dressed in a prim black business suit that did nothing to highlight the fairness of her coloring. Then she’d looked up at him, and he’d fallen into a green gaze that made him think of cool glades and spring forests. Her golden hair had been pulled back into a loose bun that had allowed a few stubborn locks to pull free to frame her heart-shaped face. His fingers had itched to brush those tresses away from her creamy skin.

When she’d stood to come toward him, his wolf had whined in its need to touch her. A firm handshake had been nowhere near enough contact, especially not after she turned back to her desk, giving him a chance to rake his gaze over her curvy body. He’d never understood modern sentiment that said women had to be all skin and bones. Chloe was anything but, and for that he was grateful. He’d far rather roll through the sheets with his hands full of generous curves than be on guard for pointy bones.

“You’ll need to be on your best behavior today,” she said, oblivious to the salacious trail of his thoughts.

“No promises.”

Chloe stopped rifling through her papers and pinned him with an annoyed stare. “The woman you are going to meet is one of the fey. Aoife is perfect for you. She’s powerful in her own right and would never consider a mate binding other than the traditional ritual her people use, which plays perfectly into your plan. But one thing sure to have her walking out the door is rudeness. You know how prickly the fey can be.”

“So you’d like me to rein myself in and be a charming rogue?”

“I’d prefer a professional gentleman.” Her eyes scanned over him before she added, “Or as close as you can get.”

His inner wolf let out a yip of pleasure. It had taken a liking to Chloe’s personal brand of spunk.

“Let’s hope this woman is worth the effort. Not that the last two were.”

“They were perfect,” she said defensively. “You, on the other hand, are just too choosey.”

“The dryad was as flighty as a feather. Could you imagine me taking her into the woods? She’d spend the time talking to trees and sleeping under bushes.”

“She was lovely and kind.”

“And I need strong and deadly. My people aren’t exactly cuddly, Chloe, and the woman I bring into the pack will be tested and scrutinized. They won’t want to believe a non-wolf is good enough for their alpha.” Whomever he took into the woods needed to be strong enough to handle his overly protective pack. It would take a special woman to make his plan a success.

“That’s just narrow-minded prejudice,” Chloe said with a wave of her hand.

A grin crossed his face. “Fair enough. But you have to admit, not every species is up to competing with werewolves. We tend to be more…demanding of our lovers.”

Pink blossomed high on her cheeks, and with fascination he watched the blush spread. The immortal before him had to be rather young to still be rattled by such talk. Those longer into eternity tended to be far more jaded and worldly.

Her gaze never dropped from his, despite her heated cheeks. “Have you ever stopped to think perhaps the problem is you? With your people’s reputation for being rough around the edges, maybe these women are looking for something you just can’t offer, no matter how deep your pockets?”

“A woman my checkbook can’t sway? Show me such a creature and I’ll marry her.”

Chloe rolled her eyes, unaware his words were probably the most serious ones he’d ever exchanged with her. In his experience, there was very little in the world money couldn’t buy.

“Lucky for you, Aoife is just as cold and practical as you are. I’m sure the two of you will have a lovely future together.”

As if summoned by her words, a knock sounded at the door.

Brushing past him, Chloe opened the door to admit the fey beauty waiting on the other side.

“Aoife, so nice of you to come.”

The lithe woman, dressed head-to-toe in Dior, smiled as she stepped into the office. “I’d never refuse you anything, Chloe. You know that.”

Chloe closed the door as Aoife took her seat beside him. He examined the fey’s long blonde hair and pixie-perfect features. She was striking to be sure. Aoife met his gaze with a calm self-assurance that told him she probably had the backbone to do fine with his rough and tumble pack. Still, there was something about the woman that made his wolf whine in complaint.

Taking her seat, Chloe slid the non-disclosure agreement to the other woman. “Before we move forward, you’ll need to sign this document I spoke to you about.”

“Of course.” The fey signed her name with an elegant flourish before tucking a stray lock behind her delicately pointed ears. “Now, want to fill me in on the particulars?”

He stayed quiet as Chloe described the situation, using the time to allow his gaze free rein to take in the woman before him. Stunning, powerful, perfect. What was it he was objecting to?

“I think I understand,” Aoife said when Chloe finished. “I have no objections to playing this role, though I do have several questions. My work is my top priority, so I’m sure you can understand if that takes precedence over a fake relationship.”

“Of course.” Chloe was quick to agree. “We want to impact your life as little as possible. For the next few weeks you’d be in the city and able to conduct your life as usual. All that would change is the need to spend several evening with Kieran in the public eye.”

“And to move into my penthouse for the duration,” he cut in.

Chloe glanced at him sharply. Even he wondered at the request. It hadn’t been his original intention, but now that the words were out, there was no doubt they were necessary.

Aoife turned calm blue eyes to him. “Why?”

“Many of my clan live in the city,” he said, voicing his thoughts. “I’ll be watched if I step out with a non-wolf on my arm. If I were serious about a woman you can be sure I’d move her into my home at the earliest opportunity. It will be suspicious if we live apart.”

Aoife tilted her head as she considered. “I have no problem with that, provided my room comes with a locked door.”

“I assure you there is no need, but whatever makes you comfortable will be provided.” No need at all. The thought of crawling into the fey’s bed was about as appealing as cuddling an icicle.

“You will also understand that I may have to work a number of late nights. We’d have to arrange our appearances around my schedule,” Aoife said.

“Of course.” He was happy to agree since the odds of ever needing to work around her schedule were growing increasingly slim.

The silence stretched, and Chloe jumped in once more. “The final week before the full moon will be spent on pack lands which are a few hours outside of the city.”

“Camping?” Aoife asked with an arched brow. “I don’t do camping.”

His inner wolf growled at her flippant tone.

“Cabins will be provided,” Chloe said. “You won’t be in a tent.”

Manicured nails tapped against the desk. “I detest the woods. A week away from work will also hamper some of my projects. Should I agree, I’d expect my sacrifices to be reflected in my payment.”

“I’m sure we can incorporate those realities,” Chloe agreed.

“You will need to play your part convincingly,” he added. “My people are very physical. In public you will need to be comfortable with open displays of affection.”

He didn’t miss the flash of distaste that crossed Aoife’s features, but she inclined her head. “I am aware of your people’s…baser instincts. I am a good actress when I wish to be.”

“Excellent,” Chloe said. “That’s exactly what we’re looking for.”

“I also need to go over the proposed contract before I commit myself,” Aoife said. “I’d like to see all clauses involved.”

“Of course. I have a copy right here.” His matchmaker passed over the papers.

“And you assure me sex is not a requirement of this pretense?” Aoife said, ruffling through the file. Her voice was bland, as if speaking about the weather and not about trading her body for money. “I trust outside of the public eye you will keep your hands to yourself, wolf?”

“Absolutely,” he muttered. On paper this woman might be perfect for him, but both he and his wolf agreed it would never work. No one would believe he was madly in love with her.

They sat in silence while Aoife read.

“Everything looks to be in order,” she said finally. “I’ll expect a fifty percent deposit of my fee up front with the remainder to be transferred after the successful completion of your plan. Should anything go wrong, I’m happy to forfeit the final payment, but I would keep the initial fee to cover the disruptions to my life.”

“Sounds fair,” Chloe replied. “We’ll talk it over and let you know Kieran’s decision before the day is done.”

“Excellent.” She stood with just a cursory nod in Kieran’s direction.

Chloe rushed forward to walk her the short distance to the door. “Thanks for coming in,” she said.

“My pleasure. Sounds like an amusing enterprise. While I have you, Chloe, could you go ahead and set up that meeting with the griffin you mentioned in our last conversation? For after this charade is over, of course.”

“Yes, not a problem,” Chloe replied, her voice betraying a hint of surprise.

Kieran’s lips twisted. The fey seemed to be a busy, efficient woman but even he thought it was a little cold to set up another date in front of a man she was considering moving in with.

“Perfect. Ring me with your decision.” The fey swept from the room without another word.

Closing the door, Chloe moved back to her desk. “So what do you think?” she asked. “She’s pretty perfect, right?”


Her long-suffering sigh filled the air. “What’s the problem this time? Aoife is incredibly professional. She’ll follow your requirements to the letter. Plus she is beautiful and powerful enough to put any wolf in their place. She’s perfect for you.”

“If that woman is what you think I’m attracted to, you don’t know the slightest thing about me.”

She leaned forward on the desk. “This isn’t about attraction. This is about finding someone to help you avoid an arranged mating.”

“Everything is about attraction,” he replied, shifting in his chair. “My people will be watching me like hawks, and if they see me touching my supposed mate-to-be without any fire they will know immediately it’s a trick.”

“So act the part,” she snapped. “I can’t find a woman to meet all your needs
turn you on. Handle that part yourself.”

“Aoife is beautiful, to be sure, but I would never willingly touch her. She’s too cold, too controlled. She makes my wolf want to bare its teeth and howl.”

“Your plan is cold,” Chloe said bluntly. “Aoife is exactly what you need. Someone who won’t let her emotions enter into the equation.”

He pushed away from the desk to prowl her office. One hand ran through his dark curls as he paced the confines of the room.

“I don’t understand the problem,” Chloe said, rising to her feet. “The dryad was too flighty. The sorceress before her, too clingy. You turned down my wolf candidates based on their heritage, and now Aoife is too cold when she offers you everything you’ve been looking for. What do you want?”

“I want someone my pack can believe I would love.” An impossible task.

Chloe snorted as she moved around the desk. “From what I’ve seen of you, that woman doesn’t exist. You’re not exactly the lasting relationship type.”

A growl vibrated in his throat as he rounded on the witch. She was not going to dismiss his words so easily once again. Time she learned it was never wise to poke a wolf.

hloe had only a second to see the ring of gold shining around Kieran’s irises before he wrapped a powerful arm around her and swung her back against the wall.

Her breath left her as the wolf crowded closer, pressing his hard body along hers. The gold in his gaze was a sign of his rising wolf. Like vampires, any time a werewolf was gripped by strong emotions like rage, frustration, or lust, their eyes would change to reflect their inner beast creeping toward the surface.

But it wasn’t the sight of his slip in control that had her heart racing. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had stood so close, a sad fact in itself. Perhaps she needed to take some of the advice she spouted to her clients and put herself back in the game. After all, if she hadn’t had such a dry spell, it wouldn’t feel so good to be held this close to a werewolf on the edge.

Kieran looked down at her with his glimmering eyes. The hand at her waist seemed to burn through her pencil skirt and imprint on the skin beneath. Werewolves ran warmer than the average human temperature, and Chloe tried to believe that was the only reason her body was on fire. Surely the pounding of her heart was just to do with being this close to a predator, and not to the nearness of a man who could easily play out every single one of her fantasies.

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