Read The Bad Twin Online

Authors: Shelia Goss

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

The Bad Twin (22 page)

BOOK: The Bad Twin
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He flashed his pearly white teeth. “Oh really now?”

She pushed her shades back down over her eyes and leaned back in her seat. “It also depends on who the man is.”

He turned the radio on and they rode the rest of the way to her place in silence. When they reached her house, she invited him in. At first he declined, but he decided to take her up on the offer.

Before leaving to go to the bar, Rose asked, “Would you like something to drink?”

“If you have some Heineken that will work for me.”

She winked. “I’ll see what I can do.”

She walked over to the bar area with Trey on her heels. She handed him the bottle of Heineken and poured herself a glass of Chardonnay. As they walked back toward the living room area, Trey commented, “You know this is the first time I’ve been in your house. We’ve worked with each other on several pictures, but this is the first time I’ve seen your castle.”

She took a sip of her wine. “You’ve been invited, but I guess you were previously occupied.” She continued to drink her wine.

“I would have remembered getting any type of invitation from you,” he said as he flirted. “But anyway, I really like your African-American art collection. How long did it take you to collect everything and who is your dealer?”

“Thanks. I’ve been collecting pieces here and there over the years from different places.”

She stopped and turned on her stereo, where the smooth grooves of some old school artists were playing. Trey moved with the beat. “Good choice of music too.”

“Thank you. Glad you approve.”

They sat, talked, and flirted with their eyes and hand gestures. A slow jam came on, and Trey extended his hand out to her.

“May I have this dance?”

She graciously took his hand as he pulled her closer to him. They were the same height with her heels on, so she estimated his height to be about six feet one. “You’re a good dancer.”

He leaned down and placed a kiss on her neck. “It takes two to tango.”

 “Yes it does,” she said as she rubbed his baldhead and he placed more kisses on her neck.

They continued to sway to the beat of the slow music. He stopped kissing her on the neck and she could see the passion radiating from his eyes. She guided him to the couch and they continued to kiss while undressing each other.  He looked down into her eyes and asked, “Are you sure?”

She responded by kissing his chest and he moaned with pleasure. She pulled him down on top of her and they kissed passionately until her moans begged for him to enter her.  Their bodies united and it was as if two freight trains collided as she felt the explosion erupting from her. They made love on the couch and ended up in one of her downstairs guest rooms several hours later. Both were exhausted from the intense lovemaking.

His cell phone rang and brought them out of their daze. Rose asked, “Aren’t you going to answer it?”

“Whoever it is can leave a message,” Trey said in between kisses. “I’m so drained right now, I don’t want to move.”

Rose squirmed, which caused him to move from on top of her. She fumbled for her underwear and clothes. “I just realized the time. I don’t mean to rush you, but I forgot I had another appointment.”

He stood up and kissed her passionately. “No problem, sweet smelling Rose. This won’t be the last time. You have all of my numbers. Call me when you finish your next appointment.”

She promised to do that and walked Trey to the door. As soon as the door closed, she let out a sigh of relief.



Now that’s some love in the afternoon for you. Trey was magnificent. I didn’t think anyone could beat Lance. He didn’t even do the extras and I was hot like fire. I had to hurry up and get him out of my house. I don’t have an appointment, but I wasn’t about to spend all evening or night with him. He seemed like he was all into me too. Let me take a bath and chill, because I can’t have feelings for anyone, especially another actor.



As Rose soaked in the tub, she closed her eyes and remembered how Trey felt inside of her. The next thing she knew, she was feeling hotter than a firecracker.  “Ooh. I better stop. Maybe a walk along the beach will help cool me off,” she said out loud as she put on a pink and green short set.  She hurried to finish bathing.

The breeze coming from the deep blue ocean water was very soothing as she walked along the beach. When she got back to her house, she walked around to the front and noticed Lance’s car parked in her driveway.

Before she could move or say anything, he got out of the car.  “Girl I have been calling you all evening. Where have you been?”

“First of all, you don’t come at me like that,” Rose said with one hand on her hip.  “Secondly, apparently I was busy, since I haven’t returned your call.”

Lance looked as if he were about to blow a fuse. “Why do you continue to treat me this way? I only try to show you love and respect. I don’t know how much more of this abuse I can take.”

She unlocked her front door, and they both entered. Before walking further into the house, she turned around to face him. “It’s like this. I have not made you any promises. I am me. Take it or leave it. I told you from day two, since day one is when I caught you with the bimbo that if you still wanted to be in my company, it would be by my rules.”

Lance tried to take her hand. “But baby. I have apologized for that incident. Besides, that was over ten years ago.”

“Once a dog, always a dog. Bow-wow.”

Lance began to laugh.

“What are you laughing at?”

“I’m laughing at you, because the whole issue doesn’t have anything to do with it. You love me, but you don’t want me to know you care. So your way of keeping me at arm’s length is putting up this façade of this hard core Rose.”

Rose threw her hand up in the air. “Please, I don’t have time for this. I have an interview with the Early Today Show and they’re located on the east coast, so that means I need to be at the affiliate station’s studio around four in the morning.”

Lance gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before he exited. “We’re still cool my lady. Get some shut eye and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

She locked the door behind him and went straight to bed.





Violet didn’t know how she managed to get through her meeting with David. Every time she looked up, he was gazing at her with his piercing eyes. She squirmed a few times while sitting there. She thought they were going to be in a one-on-one meeting, but was relieved when someone else appeared.

Cherokee called while they were ending their meeting and David told his niece that Violet was also there.  David handed the phone to Violet and without thinking, Violet accepted a dinner invitation with her.  She handed the phone back to David and after he hung up, he confirmed with her the time and location for dinner. She felt like she was setup, because now she was having dinner with both David and his niece.

That night after getting dressed, she looked at herself for the second time in the mirror to make sure the outfit she had on wasn’t too provocative, but yet, she wanted to feel sexy. She put on her lilac perfume, grabbed her purse and keys and headed toward the restaurant.

After she valet parked, a hostess greeted her. She was there before David and his niece, so she ordered a glass of Chardonnay to tide her over while she waited.  She was finishing up her drink, when they arrived. She spoke as they sat down. “I was beginning to think I had the wrong restaurant.”

David answered, “No. We were running late, because a certain party,” his eyes darted in Cherokee’s direction, “had to change her dress not once but twice.”

“I told him I never know who I might meet while out, so I wanted to look my best,” Cherokee said as she placed the napkin in her lap.

The waitress came over and took their drink orders. They also ordered appetizers. The waitress said before she left the table, “I’ll be back to take your dinner orders in a few.”

David gave a confirmation nod. “Where are my manners? Violet, you are looking lovely as always.”

Violet smiled. “Thank you. You’re not looking too bad yourself.”

Cherokee watched the interchange and a big smile swept across her face. “You know I think I need to go to the ladies’ room,” Cherokee said.

Violet, not wanting to be left alone with David, also made an excuse. “Wait, I’ll come with you.”

When they got in the ladies room, Cherokee went into one stall. Violet went into one of the other stalls and shortly thereafter flushed the toilet; she heard what sounded like someone washing their hands. She left the stall and washed her hands. She noticed Cherokee staring at her in the mirror.  

Cherokee stated, “I think you’re trying to deny your attraction to my uncle.”

Violet was surprised by her boldness. “There is nothing going on between us.”

“That’s what your mouth says.”

Since they had a private moment, she thought now was a good time to tell her where she stood when it came to her uncle. “I don’t know how much he has told you; however, because of our past, it would be difficult for us to have any type of romantic relationship.”

“I’m glad we’re talking. Yes, he’s told me some things. As a woman, I know how it must have made you feel. I know from what he’s said, my uncle regrets everything. He’s vowed to never marry again, because of what he did to you.”

“Be that as it may, that’s his choice. I don’t have anything to do with it. My life is going great and I don’t need the extra headache.”

“I understand. But please notice the man you see today. From the looks of things, you’ve gotten past the drama, so maybe there’s a small chance.”

Violet saw a little of Rose in Cherokee, because when Rose got a hold of an idea, she wouldn’t let up. “Not a one.”

As they were walking back to the table Cherokee whispered, “That’s what your mouth says.”

David stood up when they walked up to the table. “I thought I would have to send a search party for you two.”

Cherokee kissed him on the cheek. “Now you know when two beautiful women go to the restroom together, they have to talk.” She looked over at Violet and winked her eye.

The waitress noticed their return and came over to take their order. They continued to talk and Violet listened to Cherokee as she recanted her college days and how she was looking forward to her new job in Boston. Although Cherokee monopolized most of the conversations, David would jump in with a little humor.

When the waitress placed the check on the table, Violet pulled out her credit card to pay for her meal and David put his hand up. “Don’t insult me like that.”

She put her credit card up and as they were waiting for the valet attendant to bring their cars, she and Cherokee exchanged numbers and gave each other a hug. David stood by watching the exchange. Violet’s car was brought around first. He walked her to her car and kissed her on the cheek. “Be safe.”

When she got home, she rubbed her face in the same spot where David kissed her. That night she slept peacefully and woke up refreshed.  The next morning, she went to her home office and turned on the laptop. She needed to finish a couple of proposals. She was so entranced with her work that when the phone rang, it startled her.

When she answered she heard a frantic voice on the line. She didn’t have time to say hello, before they blurted out, “This is David. It’s Cherokee. She didn’t come home last night and I was calling to see if she was over there.”

“Calm down. No. I haven’t heard from her. Where did she go when I left y’all?”

“She went to a club in Oakland that someone told her about.  I warned her about going to Oakland with people she didn’t really know.”

“I’ll try to reach her on the cell number she gave me and if I hear from her, I’ll let you know.”

“My brother is going to kill me. I was supposed to be watching over her while she was in California.”

Violet in a reassuring tone said, “Cherokee is a grown woman and she’s probably fine. Don’t worry yourself.”

David sighed. “Easier said than done. If you hear from her, call me. Let me give you my home phone.”

She wrote the number down before ending the call. She looked in her purse and found the number she was given last night. Cherokee answered. Violet let out a sound of relief. “Cherokee?”

“Yes. Who is this?”

“This is Violet.  Are you okay?”

“Yes. I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

Violet sat back in front of her laptop. “Your uncle just called me and he was worried to death about you.”

“I’m twenty-three years old and they need to face the fact I’m a grown woman.”

Violet laughed because she remembered being at that age, although it seemed like many moons ago. “Well Ms. Lady, be that as it may; you are staying with David. You need to respect and inform him when you’re going to be out late or over night, so he won’t be calling me or anyone else panicking.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Oh not the ma’am. I know I’m old now.”

BOOK: The Bad Twin
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