The Best of Kay Jaybee (9 page)

BOOK: The Best of Kay Jaybee
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‘Greg, I …' She got no further.

He twisted her around with a speed that astonished her, picked her up bodily, and laid her gently down on the soft green carpet. Dizzy from the sudden movement, her body suffering from the loss of the texture of his skin next to hers, Sally's eyes widened with a mix of horror and excitement as the musician grabbed a bow from the nearest violin stand and, with intense precision, began to glide it over her right nipple.

A low whimper broke from her lips, as her instinct to sit up and escape this uncomfortable yet arousing caress was prevented by Greg sitting astride her legs, his cock tantalizingly close. Her growing whine sounded like an amateur playing the violin as he began to alternate his attention between sides, each stroke enflaming her teats further.

Leaning, he arched over and above his bow, keeping up the playing of her chest, as he reached forward and kissed the waitress's mewling mouth before murmuring, ‘I'm going to make you come now.'

Just the stating of his intention alone was almost enough to trigger Sally's climax. So when his fingers started to stroke her nub in time to the sweeps of the bow, it was only seconds before Sally was yelling out her release, her body jumping and twitching beneath him.

Panting hard as her body relaxed against the floor, Sally stared up at Greg. His shining eyes were dilated, and his own breathing told her how difficult he was finding it to hang on to his own orgasm.

A smile spread across Sally's face as she knelt before her new lover. ‘You can play all these instruments honey; well, I can play the flute.' With that, she engulfed his rigid cock within her mouth, and began to beat out a swift rhythm on his length. Tonguing him faster and faster, slipping his dick deeper into her throat, Sally kept going until Greg's body quivered next to her.

Shoving Greg backwards, Sally lay on top of him. As she impaled herself onto his length, she drummed her hands against his sides. Pumping her legs up and down in time to the pace of Greg's fingers as they pinched her breasts, Sally sang out in satisfaction as their performance peaked in a perfectly synchronised crescendo of finger music.

The Fuck-Me Cabbie

‘That's him over there.'

‘The one stood on his own? Brown hair, tight jeans, cute arse?'

‘That's him.'

‘Does he have a name?' I put my drink down onto the sticky plastic-topped table before us, not taking my eyes from the back view of the man leaning against the bar.

‘Well, the men call him Mr Greedy.'

‘And the women?'

My friend smiled at my expression, she knew me very well. ‘They call him the Fuck-Me Cabbie.'


‘Oh yes.' The satisfied lilt to Jenny's voice made me drag my eyes away from the self- styled Adonis at the bar, to the air of happy memory plastered across her face. ‘He claims to have had sex with nearly every female passenger he's carried in his taxi between the ages of 18 and 50.'

‘Is that so?' I picked my cola up and took a long thoughtful draft as I rocked back on my chair.

‘So he says.'

‘And you believe him?'

Jenny said nothing, but her smirk spoke volumes as she peered at me over the top of her glasses.

‘And was it worth it? Is he that good in reality or is it all arrogant attitude?'

‘I can't argue with the arrogant bit, but the man's bloody hot. Annoying, but true.'

Running a finger around the rim of my empty glass, my eyes returned to the cabbie, mentally willing him to twist round so I could get a proper look at his face. As if picking up on my mute signal, he turned, a pint glass in his hand, and stared directly at me. Unashamedly, I stared back.

It was his eyes that struck me most. They screamed non-stop endless desire; a desire which would somehow never be satisfied. The square cut to his chin and his bulky, yet toned frame, simply bellowed sex, as if a neon sign was permanently flashing above his head saying “Get it here – NOW.”

The other signal he gave out, perhaps even stronger than the aura of lust, was conceit. He'd been told once too often that he was good in the sack. This cabbie needed taking down a peg or two.

‘Go and talk to him.'

Jenny's eyes flickered at me mischievously, ‘What are you thinking?'

‘He needs cutting down to size.'


‘You'll see.' I kept eye contact with him. He didn't need to say anything to let me know what he was thinking. ‘I want you to tell him there is a threesome on offer. Do not tell him who'll be involved, but feel free to let him make his own assumptions. It's not our fault if he jumps to the wrong conclusion, is it?'

Jenny looked momentarily disappointed, ‘Won't it be us?'

I couldn't help but smile at her. Jenny's neat chest had been poking at the flimsy covering of her T-shirt and bra ever since we'd started discussing the taxi driver.

‘Of course it will be us. But it might not be him ... Are you game?'

‘I'm game. Tell me.'

Pointedly ignoring the cabbie, I shifted our chairs closer together so that no one could overhear what I was about to divulge to my companion.

Regarding me with renewed interest, Jenny was obviously eager to get our plotting underway immediately, but was still a little unsure about my plan, which I had to admit, was a bit complicated. ‘Do you think he'll go for it? He's not known for sleeping with a woman more than once. No return fares as it were.'

‘I'm sure you could lay it on strong. After all, he's had you, but not me. You're a beautiful woman, honey; use that to our advantage. Sod feminism for once! Paint him a picture he can't refuse. Tell him about our casual relationship, and I'll see you and him at the back of the car park in an hour. And don't forget to switch your phone to vibrate.'

Jenny stood up, readying herself to approach our quarry, her short floaty skirt swaying suggestively around her long legs. I re-focused my blue eyes onto the cabbie's gaze, communicating what I hoped was an expression of mutual understanding. Then, with a deliberately seductive glance at Jenny, I trailed a polished fingernail down my pale neck, with the intention of planting the idea of all three of us being together firmly in his mind.

My plan set in motion, my mobile switched to silent vibrate in my jeans pocket, I watched as the black cab drove into view. I felt my phone ripple twice against my thigh. Jenny was signalling to let me know he'd gone for it, and they were awaiting their third party.

Using my phone to send a signal of my own, I took a deep breath, aware that my crotch was already twitching with anticipation at what I had scheduled for the self-styled Fuck-Me Cabbie. A reassuring movement at the corner of my eye told me that all the players for this production were in place.

Striding purposefully, my black boots clattered reassuringly on the tarmac. The taxi's back windows were already steaming up as I rapped on the passenger door. It opened at lightning speed, and a strong yet surprisingly soft male hand grabbed my wrist and yanked me into the cab.

Jenny was sat on the far side of the bench seat, her breasts free, her skirt rucked around her waist, showing me how damp her satin knickers had become. ‘Hi, Sally, this is Nathan.' She greeted me, nodding to the cabbie perched on the small pull-down seat opposite her.

Ignoring him was more difficult than I'd imagined. His chest was already bare. Perfectly toned, but not horribly overworked. Without giving my approval of his physique away, I raised my chin, and looked down my nose at him, freeing my wrist from his grip. I swivelled towards Jenny, who, as our plan dictated, immediately drew me in for a kiss.

Nathan gave a whisper of appreciation as he watched us make out. I could see the glint of power shining in his eyes. He truly believed that we were doing this to please him alone; it obviously hadn't occurred to him we might just want some fun. This man had taken being a control freak and twisted it. He didn't have to do anything; women would perform for him anyway. They were competing against themselves, against all the women that had gone before them. I groaned inwardly. It appeared that I had arrived on the scene in the nick of time.

Tracing my hands over Jenny's glorious chest, I enjoyed the familiar spring of her nipples as they hardened beneath my palms. All but dismissing the presence of our observer, whose hands were now placed firmly over the crotch of his jeans, I picked up Jenny's legs and swivelled her round, so her short pale limbs were lying across my lap. Knocking her shoes to the floor, I rolled down her hold-ups. In normal circumstances this was a job I savoured, kissing each portion of newly exposed flesh. Now I moved quickly, aware that the clock was ticking.

Taking both nylons I began to coil them together and instructed Jenny to pass her wrists to me. Nathan shuffled forward in his seat, eager to watch me restrain Jenny. He still hadn't spoken, but his interest in witnessing one woman tie up another was more than apparent.

My binding constructed, I lifted it towards Jenny's outstretched arms and nodded at her. We acted quickly. Jenny leapt across the tiny space between her and Nathan; sitting astride his lap, she grasped both his wrists. I shot a hand out, and shoved him back by the neck, ‘You are going to do
what you're told, Mr Cab Driver.'

His eyes flashed rage, and he struggled to flip Jenny to the floor, but she'd been prepared for this, and pushed her weight down firmly on his legs

Leaning close to his face, I said, ‘You were only sat watching us anyway, what difference will it make to you? And besides, if you don't let me do this, we're leaving.'

The silence in the cab lasted long enough to become uncomfortable, before he said, ‘OK.' His voice was far deeper than I'd imagined, clearly betraying signs of his arousal.

Nathan's eyes hinted, just for a second, at a shade of uncertainty as Jenny relaxed her grip and I fastened the hold-ups around his suntanned skin.

‘Good boy.' I leant towards his stubbled face and kissed him slowly, taking a heady lungful of the undeniably sexy scent that emanated from his body, ‘You see, good boys are rewarded.'

Jenny inched forwards and tugged at Nathan until he was sitting between us on the cab's bench seat. She ran her hands over his chest, while I crept a finger around the top of his jeans, easing it a little way inside his waistband.

From what Jenny had told me, Nathan was used to calling the shots; manoeuvring and manipulating his female passengers into whichever position he wished. I wondered how out of his depth he felt. That speculation alone was enough to send a few extra shots of electricity around my pussy.

My mobile juddered again. The time had arrived. I inclined my head enough for only Jenny to notice. She twisted immediately to face the cabbie and, raising one of her luscious tits, proffered it to his mouth. He sucked her flesh greedily, and by the way Jenny's expression altered and her eyes closed, I could tell that even without the use of his hands the taxi driver was skilled at the craft – but then if rumour was to be believed, he'd had plenty of practice.

Behind Nathan's back, I picked up his discarded T-shirt and twisted it into a makeshift gag. I touched Jenny's knee, and she opened her eyes, understanding what she had to do next. Pushing her tit further into Nathan's mouth so that his vision was obscured, she distracted him further by pressing a palm over his bulging crotch. Quietly I opened the door next to me, slid off the seat, and gave the gag to the person waiting outside the taxi, beautifully naked in the summer evening.

I could hear Jenny telling Nathan how good his mouth felt, and that I'd opened the door to let some air into the car. She didn't mention that I was now standing outside, and someone else was sat in my place

The newcomer wasted no time. Placing warm hands on the cabbie's smooth back, they slipped them around his body, caressing the light spattering of hairs at the top of Nathan's otherwise clear chest.

Going around the vehicle, I opened the opposite door.

Everything that happened next happened very fast. Jenny pulled her breast from Nathan's mouth. Obviously sensing something wasn't right, he began to utter confused protests. At exactly the same time, my secret assistant lifted the gag and slipped it over Nathan's head, clamping it between his parted lips, and securing it with utmost efficiency.

Shaking his head and raising his bound arms, Nathan's expression was black as he attempted to see who was behind him.

‘Look at me.' I snapped out my words, cutting through the moment of chaos. Meeting Nathan's angry eyes, my tone challenged him to ignore me.

He looked, his teeth biting hard into the crunched material.

‘Are you telling us, that the Fuck-Me Cabbie – Mr Sex on the Road himself – can't cope with a little bondage? How odd. I wonder what your customers would say if they knew ...? Aren't you even a little bit curious to know what I've planned for you?' I gestured to Jenny, ‘After all, my friend here promised you a threesome, although I think she may have forgotten to mention that you'll be watching and not necessarily taking part.'

The sound that escaped from beneath the gag was almost animal, and for a split second I wondered if I'd bitten off more than I could chew, but the hunger in Nathan's eyes shone as strongly as ever, adding heat to my own thermostat.

move to the fold-down passenger seat in the corner. You
stay still and watch, and then,
you behave, you'll be freed.
you have learnt your lesson, then I'll ensure you're rewarded.'

I could virtually hear him thinking,
Learn what lesson? What do I need to learn?
Nathan's bafflement at the idea that he needed to be taught anything was written all over his handsome face.

Without wasting any more time, I introduced the latest addition to the taxi. ‘Nathan, may I introduce my other part-time partner, Lee. Fit, isn't he?'

The expression of dislike that flicked across the cabbie's face was so strong that it was borderline loathing. ‘Now, boys, I hope you're gonna play nice.'

As fair as Nathan was dark, Lee's naked body shouted “I go to the gym every day” from every muscle. His sheathed cock was long, thick and pointing directly at Jenny. Nathan, still in his constricting denims, couldn't help but drop his gaze to his competitor's cock, before tearing it away, but peeking again, every few seconds, his gaze like a compass continually fighting the urge to swing North.

‘Let's begin.'

No sooner had I spoken than Lee half picked up, half manhandled Nathan into one of the pull-down seats.

I hopped back into the taxi and closed the door. The space was cramped, but somehow Lee had moved himself to the middle of the bench seat between Jenny and I, and was eagerly yanking off my shirt and releasing my breasts to the stifling air.

Twisting so that he was facing me, Lee began to slide his hands over my chest and face, his mouth attacking every millimetre of my bare skin, while Jenny moved behind him, rubbing her tits against his back, her hands snaking around him, grasping his cock in her fist.

All the time I watched Nathan. Although obviously fuming at the unexpected turn of events, he'd edged as far forward as the seat would allow, and his eyes never left the erotic tableau before him. His dick was visibly digging into his denims, and his gorgeous chest was breathing deeply as his gaze flitted from Jenny's tits to mine, to Lee's crotch, our hands, our faces and on and on, taking in every movement, undoubtedly wishing that it was him at the centre of all the attention.

Reaching around Lee, my hands found Jenny's lap, which she instantly thrust forward so I could press my fingertips against her knickers. Frustrated by the fabric's presence, I pulled back, ‘Take them off, Jen.'

Wriggling herself free of her remaining clothes, her arse teasingly close to Nathan, Jenny was about to sit back down, when Lee grabbed her, and pushed her to her knees on the dusty floor. She didn't need to be told what he wanted and, as Jenny engulfed Lee's shaft, two simultaneous groans echoed around the backseat, one of appreciation and the other, a muted, rather strangled whine of longing from the voyeur in the corner.

BOOK: The Best of Kay Jaybee
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