Read The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel) Online

Authors: Denise Avery

Tags: #plus size romance, #bbw romance, #bbw erotica, #plus size erotica, #bbw erotic romance, #bbw bdsm, #billionaire bdsm, #bbw billionaire, #full length erotica

The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel) (7 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel)
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A cold silence filled the room, and Parker’s
stillness riled Claire into a state of panicked wonder.

“What... do you mean,” Parker growled, the
firm hardness of his body seeming to go ice cold against

“I mean that I... I...”

“You fucked someone?”

“Oh, Parker...”

“Is that it?” he demanded. Claire could not
speak. Suddenly, she felt herself being whipped around, her back
collided hard against the wooden stairs of the townhouse. Parker
stood over her, not even bothering to hold her down, knowing that
she would stay put if he wanted her to. As her eyes adjusted to the
darkness, Claire could see that Parker was sneering at her.

“I’m so sorry,” she said, reveling in her

“Sorry for what?” Parker demanded, reaching
for her throat. She ached for the feel of his hand around her neck,
longed for it. “Sorry for fucking some limp-dicked idiot?”

“No, it wasn’t that...” she gasped, feeling
his finger tighten around her windpipe.

“What the fuck was it then, you filthy

“It was... it was... Savannah.”

Parker’s eyes widened. She had actually taken
him by surprise with that one. He looked down at her in wonder,
realizing the breadth of her sexiness and, in the same moment,
determining how best to go about showing her what that sexiness was
worth to him. He regained his composure and stared coldly into
Claire’s eyes.

“You mean to tell me that you fucked a girl?”
he demanded. Claire nodded, helpless under his gaze. “Well then...
you’re going to have to give me details. Did you enjoy it?”

“Yes,” Claire admitted. She let her hand
wander up Parker’s thigh, wanting to see how hard the idea of her
with another girl made him. He slapped at her hand, and she was
stung by the blow.

“What did you do with her?” Parker demanded,
grinding his knee against Claire’s inner thigh. She let out a moan
that he promptly slapped out of her.

“I licked her pussy, Parker. She told me to
eat her pussy and I had to do it,” Claire gasped, the pain of
Parker’s advanced setting of unknown channels of pleasure within

“I see,” Parker said, digging his hands and
knees further into Claire’s soft body, “So you like pussy now, do

“Not as much as I love your dick in me,”
Claire said desperately, “I love your fucking cock so much it
hurts, Parker.”

“You don’t know what hurt is, little girl,”
Parker said, “Not yet, you don’t.”

And with that, he was on her. Not on top of
her, pressing down like last time. Instead, he fell upon her with
digging fingers, ripping at the flesh of her arms and spinning her
around so that she faced the cold hard stairs, lying on her soft
belly. With no effort at all it seemed, Parker’s hands worked off
Claire’s think cotton tee shirt, ripping the neckline, tossing it
aside like a used rag. The clasp of her bra may as well have not
existed, her tore through it so quickly.

She felt his rough, hard hands close around
her breasts and the hardness of his cock brushed against the
uncharted territory of her asshole. The dual sensation was far too
much for her, and she felt as if she might faint.

Parker would not let her off the hook so
easy. How had this city slicker’s hands become so rough, anyway?
She didn’t have time to wonder. He stripped her of her panties, and
her intentionally flimsy skirt, tossing away her clothing like it
were disposable. She was lying naked under him, face down on the
cold wooden stairs. The hard wood of the staircase accosted her
delicate bones and muscles as the hard wood of his cock bucked
against her exposed pussy. She reached back to free his cock from
the belted waistband that held it, and he roughly grabbed her by
the hair.

“Don’t you fucking move,” he growled, “Don’t
you make a fucking sound.”

She turned her face away from him, lay her
cheek against the cold wood. He removed his shirt behind her and,
without speaking, tied her arms behind her with the discarded
garment. She felt her pussy grow wet at the first sign of
confinement, entrapment. She wanted nothing more than to be his
plaything, and it didn’t seem like he objected to that notion one

She heard the hard, definite clank of his
belt buckle as it came undone, the scintillating whoosh of his
zipper sliding down its track. Suddenly, she felt the heat of his
body against hers, the long, pulsating length of his thick cock
pulsating against her naked ass. Her pulse quickened. She never
taken if from behind before... in any orifice. She’d always been
opposed to doggy style before, but with the clearly alpha male...
she couldn’t wait.

She lifted her round, full ass before him as
an offering to do with what he would, and words seemed to fail him.
With an animalistic grunt, he slid the tip of his member in the
wet, waiting depth of her pussy. She gasped, unprepared for the
size of him yet again. She knew that as many times as he entered
her, she’d never grow accustomed to that girth. He slammed his dick
into her eager cunt, and she winced as it stretched the lips of
her. He pounded her against the stairs, her head banging against
the grainy wood.

Quicker and more forcefully his thrusts
rained down upon her, barreling into that spot within her that
could set her free. With one huge, Herculean push, he sent her
flying into orgasm, and he was right behind her. He pulled out of
her pussy and allowed the warm spray of his seed to coat her back,
get into her hair, and mark her.

“You’re mine, Claire,” he panted, grinning
down at her cum-covered back. “You are mine for the keeping.”

“Can I take a shower?” Claire asked
innocently, running her fingers along a stream of cum coursing down
her arm.

Parker chuckled and grabbed her roughly by
the arm. He began to tug her up the stairs, pushing her back down
the minute she got her footing. She struggled honestly and
obediently, wincing as her exposed hips and breasts banged against
the wood. She was his, and she was elated. He could do with her
whatever he wanted now, because she knew that she had him ensnared
for life. He may have been the dominant in the relationship, but
she knew that she had entranced him. Still, she couldn’t let him in
on that secret, and so they fumbled up the stairs, thinking with
pleasure about the bruises she was sure to have the next day.



* * * * *

Chapter 4

* * * * *



Claire glanced around the dimly lit chamber,
trying to peer around the heavy curtains that surrounded the
four-poster bed. She was lying prone in the middle of an enormous
king-sized bed, stark naked. Every inch of her exposed body
quivered, and she pulled again the restraints that held in place,
testing the strength of the ropes that bound her. Parker’s work was
unshakeable. Pull and tear as she might, she could not rip herself
free from her binding.

And that was just fine with her.

She writhed against the silky sheets beneath
her. The smooth stretch of silk rubbed against her naked skin as
the sharp teeth of the ropes dug into her wrists and ankles. The
pain and pleasure were bound to drive her mad—she felt as if she
could cum right there from the mere sensations that Parker had set
up for her. She thought, smiling, that he’d probably planned it
that way. He may have been a dominant alpha male, but Parker had a
soft side as smooth as the silk that tantalized Claire’s unclothed

Parker and Claire had been carrying on their
illicit tryst for little over a month. If she could have known, as
she first looked into Parker’s eyes in the subway car a month ago
when they’d met that she’d one day become his submissive sex
slave... Well, in all honesty she probably would have jumped for
joy. Claire’s relationship with Parker had turned her entire world
upside down. In the time she’s known him, she’d been forced past
every boundary she had set up for herself. She’d been bound,
gagged, chained, whipped, ate out a girl, ate out plenty of other
things, felt like a straight-up contortionist at times... Life was
wild, that way.

Adding the forbidden nature of their affair
was the fact that both Parker and Claire were attached. Of course,
Claire’s boyfriend was a whimpering punk with the sexual prowess of
a pug, and Parker’s wife was a shrieking dragon woman. Still, it
sometimes added to the drama of their situation that what they were
doing was forbidden by anyone’s standards. Even so, Claire
sometimes wondered how long she could keep up the charade.

As it stood, Claire was still technically
living with her boyfriend Tommy and still technically employed by
Parker’s wife, Cheryl. She felt like she was living two entirely
separate lives, and in many ways she was. Most of the time, she was
Claire—not-too-skinny shop girl and recent graduate, soft-spoken
and unambitious. But then, when she was with Parker, Claire was a
whole new woman. She was sexy, adventurous, brave, and confident.
Lately, it seemed as though that courageous Claire had been
influencing her daily self more and more. She’s stopped taking
Cheryl’s shit and work and Tommy’s nonsense at home.

Just that afternoon she’d explained to both
of them that she would have to cut back on her commitments to them,
as her job as Parker’s freelance photographer was eating up most of
her time. This was something of a half truth, at best. It was true
that Parker had taken Claire on as an employee, letting her snap
photos at company events and the like. And it was also true that
Claire enjoyed her job with Parker, as photography was her passion
and what she always hoped to do for a profession.

The dishonest bit was, of course, that she
was not actually on the job when she reported to be all the time.
Most often, when she told Cheryl and Tommy that she needed to be
away for an assignment, it meant that she was going to be spending
the day fulfilling the wildest fantasies of her big, bad, dominant

Both Cheryl and Tommy had started voicing
subtle suspicions on the matter, which was incredible, given how
self involved they both were. As Claire began to spend more and
more time out of the apartment she shared with Tommy and more and
more time away from the children’s store at which she worked for
Cheryl, both had begun to cling more fiercely to her.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you,
Claire,” Tommy had whined to her the night before, sitting at the
foot of the twin bed that they had once shared, “Are you sure that
I can’t sleep here with you tonight?”

“I told you Tommy,” Claire had sighed,
rolling away from him, “I don’t feel comfortable sleeping next to
you. I don’t want to give you the wrong idea.”

“What’s the wrong idea?”

“That I’m going to have sex with you.”

“Oh...” Tommy pouted, “But that sounds like a
great idea to me!”

“Have you ever once considered the
possibility that I might not enjoy sex with you as much as you do?
I mean, honestly, how can you not have noticed that?”

“I dunno...” Tommy said guiltily.

“That’s what I thought. Now get back to the

And then, later that afternoon, Cheryl had
given the guilt trip as well! Claire asked to leave fifteen minutes
early so that she could “get to her other job on time” (which
obviously meant “get your husband’s penis inside of me as soon as
possible”), and Cheryl had given her the stink eye.

“You are so ungrateful, Claire,” Cheryl
hissed, looking over their new shipment of baby bloomers and yoyo’s
that cost more than Claire’s first car had. “Honestly, sometimes I
can’t understand why your heart isn’t in your job here. Your career
must not be very important to you, I suppose.”

Claire looked at Cheryl, nearly at a loss for
words, “Cheryl,” she said, “You don’t actually think that I
consider my job at this store to be a career, do you?”

Cheryl’s face turned a startling shade of
purple and she glared at Claire with venom, “How dare you, Claire!
Do you know how many girls would kill to have a cushy position like

“Cushy?!” Claire cried, “You pay me ten
dollars an hour without benefits and treat me like shit stuck to
the bottom of your shoe!”

“You’re too sensitive,” Cheryl shrugged.

“Whatever,” Claire said, gathering her
things, “I need to go.”

“Tell Parker that he’d better be home on time
tonight. My girlfriends and I are hitting the town and I need
someone to watch the kid,” Cheryl called after her. Claire turned
on her heel, drew herself up, and locked eyes with her dreadful

“Here’s a thought,” Claire said craftily,
“Maybe if you treated Parker with a scrap of respect, he’d be
attracted enough to you to sleep with you every once in a while.
That five-year dry spell must really be getting to you, huh?”

Cheryl’s eyes bugged out her skeletal face,
“How... How did you—” she spluttered, “Did Parker tell you

“Gotta run! Kisses!” Claire had yelled
gleefully, skipping out the store. She knew that she would probably
pay for her actions somewhere down the line, but her new
relationship with Parker made her feel invincible, and brave enough
to handle anything.

She was amazed by this new surge of
confidence. Suddenly, anything in the world that she wanted, she
felt she could go for. She felt comfortable in her skin, confident
about her full hourglass figure that had caused her such anxiety in
the skin-and-bones world of New York City. She even felt more
confident about her work as a photographer. With Parker’s
encouragement, she had started hauling her camera around everywhere
she went, snapping photos of every image she found that enticed
her. Parker was a big fan of her work, and with his blessing, she
felt like an artist for the first time in her life.

But clearly not as escape artist, she thought
to herself as she lay naked in wait for him at his townhouse/sex
pad. No sooner had she arrived at his abode, fresh from her fight
with Cheryl, that he had stripped her naked and tied her up,
lickety split. She recalled the ease with which he had hauled her
up the wooden stairs of the apartment, the eager lust that had
clouded his blue eyes. She couldn’t wait for him to come back and
teach her whatever lessons he had in store that day. With Parker,
it was impossible to tell what was going to happen next. He was a
guarded man who didn’t wear his emotions for the world to see.
Claire had the idea that there was a lot more to him than met the
eye, although what there was of him for the eye to see was
deliciously complex in and of itself.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel)
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