Read The Broken Road Online

Authors: Melissa Huie

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Literary, #Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Romantic Suspense, #Literary Fiction, #Humor, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

The Broken Road (27 page)

BOOK: The Broken Road
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  I slowly came back. I felt more and more like a normal person as time went on. My mom went with me to the doctor appointments and shopped for the nursery. She was there when the sonogram technician said, “You’re having a girl.” Her name is Katie Louise Turner. No doubt about that.

  Nights were the hardest. As the baby grew and she kept me up at night with the kicking and the dancing on my bladder, I thought of Shane. I thought of him missing this. He didn’t feel her first kick. He wasn’t there when we got the sonogram. He wasn’t there to help pick out the perfect lavender and pink for her bedroom. But I knew that he was with us in spirit.

Kate’s condition improved gradually. After a month at Shock Trauma in Baltimore, she was transferred to a hospital closer to her home base in Florida. Kate eventually recovered enough to go back to work, albeit in a desk job position. She hated not being in the thick of the madness and was eager to get medically cleared for field duty. We kept in contact over Facebook and Skype. She was a great help to me and my state. I confided in her and she understood the issues and turmoil this situation caused.

Tommy stuck around and helped me heal as well.  After all, this was part of his life. I could never understand how he dealt with this on a regular basis. And when I asked him about it, he said dryly, “Meg, this is not an everyday occurrence. I’m mostly doing wiretaps and surveillance. Gun fights? Not as often as you might think.”

  After everything that happened, he took some time off. He helped me put together the nursery and paint the walls. Tommy was there for me, more than any other time in our relationship. It felt good to have someone know and understand what I was going through. But then, Tommy took it a step too far. One night, we were sitting on the couch, watching an old movie when I felt Katie kick for the first time. I was elated and grabbed Tommy’s hand. I held it over my stomach as the little bump startled his hand. He looked at me with such amazement.

  “Megs…. I know I’m not her father, but I could be her daddy. You don’t have to do this alone. I could make you both so happy.” Tommy whispered. I barely heard him from the loud beating of my heart. I knew what it took to utter those words. However, my feelings for Shane were still too strong. Shane was her daddy, I couldn’t allow anyone else to fill that role.

  “Tommy… As much as I appreciate everything you have done, and as close as we have gotten, I have to say no. You’re a part of her family, of our family. We wouldn’t be here without you. But, I can’t admit that Shane’s gone. I even refused to have a memorial service because I can’t grasp it. Shane’s her Daddy and I never want to take that away from her,” I said, as gently as I could.

   The sadness in his eyes pained me, but I couldn’t let him go any further. Soon after that, he didn’t come around as often. The Bureau had him going back and forth between Florida and New York.  We still talked every day, but it felt strained. I turned to other family members for support. I started talking to people more. I joined Jen for dinner and played with Lauren. She was tickled that I was having a baby. Although in her little three-year-old mind, she was confused about Shane not being there. Jen explained it to her, but Lauren still brought it up from time to time.

  Kyle and Sarah’s wedding was held on a beautiful Saturday at a historic mill located in Savage Mill, Maryland. The ceremony and reception was amazing and there was no detail left out. Sarah was excited as I was for my pregnancy, and picked out a new beautiful cranberry gown with an empire waist that obliged my protruding belly. I was so excited for her. And the love radiating between Kyle and Sarah was infectious, but soul crushing at the same time. I missed Shane so much. The pain of losing him was crashing down as I begged off early and went home.

  Now at two in the morning, the dancing queen in my belly decided that my bladder was her favorite dance spot. After several trips to the bathroom, she was wiggling, as if trying to get comfortable. I couldn’t sleep. My thoughts kept drifting to Shane. A truck’s engine roared from speed to just an idle in front of the house. Because of previous events, I peeked outside, as my paranoia took hold. The black SUV was idling in front of my neighbor’s house with a man getting out. I assumed that it was my neighbor’s husband just getting home from a night out. I climbed back into bed.

  With my belly, it was difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. Suddenly, I heard a noise downstairs. Penny, the useful guard dog that she is, started barking excitedly.


  What the hell?
A familiar grip of fear clenched my stomach, but I forced myself to relax. There hasn’t been any sign of Reggie’s crew lately and with Halloween in two weeks, I’m sure it was just teenagers acting stupid. I threw my cotton bathrobe over my t-shirt and shorts and as stealthily as I could for being six months pregnant, I grabbed my brother’s baseball bat and crept down the stairs. I peered through the kitchen window and didn’t see anything, only rain. Curiosity burned through me, and I knew it was stupid, but I opened the door to check outside. Nothing. Trembling, I walked down the driveway, just as the squeal of tires on wet pavement pierced the night. Tears mixed with rain as disappointment engulfed me. I had hoped – no, prayed  – that Shane would be waiting for me.

But he wasn’t. And now I was soaking wet, watching the brake lights fade in the distance. I hung my head and walked up the driveway. A shadow emerged from the carport. I could barely see through the rain, but the light from the carport was enough to shine on those beautiful hazel eyes.

My stomach flew into knots and my heart swelled. I let out the breath I had been holding for God only knows how long and whispered the name I’ve been dying to say. “Shane.”






        I couldn’t have done this without the support of my family and friends


Brian - you were at the end of my broken road. Thank you for your love, your support, and your encouragement. I am so lucky to have found such an understanding and loving husband. I love you so much.


Jane - the best mother-in-law a woman could ever ask for. Your guidance and support were insurmountable with this book. I don’t think I could ever thank you properly for everything you have done for me and my family. I am incredibly blessed to have you in my life.


Jessica, Swift Ink Editorial Services – Who knew a chance meeting in an elevator in New York City would result in such an awesome partnership. You mentored me and have taught me so much. Thanks for taking a chance with me and being such a great person to work with.


Fallon and Jason- this book wouldn’t have happened without the two of you pushing me. Your suggestions and your input were right on point. Thank you for reading all my rough drafts, the odd ball plot outlines, and helping me with my writer’s block. I am so grateful to have you helping me. This story would not have gotten this far without you both. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Carla, Karla, Shelly, Jen, Catherine, and Brooke - the best cold readers anyone could ask for. Thank you for your enthusiasm and encouragement. Your excitement made it easier to finish the book. Thanks!


Bob, Chuck, and Seth – your insight on all things FBI/DEA are so appreciated. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy days to talk with me. Many thanks.


To all my family, friends, Bunco crew, co-workers and strangers who let me drone on and on and on about the book. Thank you for listening and being interested (or at least pretending to care!!!). I love you all.  XOXO




About the Author –


Melissa grew up in Maryland by the Chesapeake Bay, where her favorite memories took place near the water. Not having the physical coordination for most sports and the tendency to trip over air, she gravitated to books. She was never seen without a book. With her imagination running wild, she began to write her own stories at the age of nine, with her first book about a pet-loving family and the adventures they had. As time passed and Melissa grew up, reading and writing always stayed with her, becoming her escape from everyday life. Melissa now lives near Washington, D.C. with her family, dog, and a lot of fish. In between the chaos of laundry, chasing after her three children and trying to learn how to cook, Melissa finds her escape by feeding her addiction of reading and writing of love, suspense, and sarcastic humor.





Table of Contents



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter Nine

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 12

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 22


About the Author

BOOK: The Broken Road
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