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Authors: A.C. Netzel

The Casual Rule (10 page)

BOOK: The Casual Rule
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I grab his face and kiss him hard, our tongues dancing. His erection is grinding up against me.  Oh, I want a piece of that. I flip him onto his back and crawl between his legs, bend down and work my way down his chest with light kisses. It’s taking all the restraint I have not to straddle him right now and go for it, but if I only get to have him once, it’s going to be epic.

My mouth finds his nipples; I lick them then lightly nibble. He moans lustfully.

Just wait until I’m done with you, Ben.

My tongue glides down his chest until I reach his V line. I sit up, naked before him, his gaze greedily taking in my body. My fingers trace his V line, relishing the contours of every ripple in his muscles. I run both hands up and down his chest, around the curve of his shoulders and back down. I love the way he feels.

I scoot to his feet, as my hands trail down his legs to the inside of his thighs.  It’s obvious he takes care of his body; he’s all muscle.

 I straddle his thighs and massage around his erection, never touching his length. From the way he’s twitching, I know this teasing is driving him insane.
Tit for tat.
Slowly, I wrap my fingers around his length, moving my fist up and down, mixing up the pressure and speed. Ben closes his eyes and hisses through his teeth. He reaches down and grabs my hand. I take the hint.  He wants me to stop. I crawl back down to his feet, allowing him a little cool down time. I rub my breasts against the inside of his thighs.

“You’re trying to kill me.” He cracks one eye open, looking down at me.

“Not until I’m done with you,” I murmur.

I kneel on the bed, on his side and wrap my fingers around his length again. He’s watching me intensely. I lick my lips, bend down and take his length with one hand and lick the tip, teasing him with my tongue.

“Fuck, Julia.”
Soon, Ben, very soon.

I love his reaction. I lick his length, slowly up and down, and take him in my mouth. He thrusts his hips up, moving his hands down, fisting my hair and guides my head back and forth to him over and over again, increasing the speed. I take him in deeper and deeper, sucking his length, swirling it around my tongue, touching him with my free hand. His breathing is fast and harsh.

“Stop, Stop.” He holds my head in place.

I know he doesn’t want to come like this, and I want the whole Ben Martin experience. I stop, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand and the taste of him still on my lips. He sits up and grabs me, twisting me around until my back is flat against the bed.

He reaches over to the nightstand and grabs the condom packet. He rips it open quickly and rolls it over his erection. This is it. The moment I’ve thought about since the first time I laid eyes on him.

He rolls over me and covers my body. He spreads my legs with his and leans up on his hands, holding my arms in place. I pull my knees up. He pauses and looks down at me; our eyes locked on each other. The anticipation is overwhelming. I want him. I want all of him. He says nothing, nor do I… but I feel our connection. It’s powerful. It’s visceral. It’s intense. I know he feels it too.

Never breaking eye contact, he slowly eases into me, stretching me, inch after delicious inch filling me, and stills. I groan softly. He’s smiling slyly at me, deliberately holding himself motionless deep inside of me.

He’s claimed me… And it’s fucking hot.

He feels exquisite. Oh-so-slowly, he moves, burying himself deeper and deeper inside me.

“Jesus, you’re so tight,” he says. It’s been so long since I’ve had sex, maybe I’m re-virginized.

He picks up speed and thrusts harder and faster, slamming into me. I groan loudly and grab the bed sheets, fisting them in my hands. My legs wrap around him, holding him.

He pounds deeper inside me, with each rhythmic push; I tighten my grip on the sheets, my toes curl into a tight clench. Our breaths are ragged. Tingling waves are taking over my body; I’m all sensation.

My headboard is banging violently against the wall. We’re probably going to break this bed. And I don’t care.

“You feel fucking incredible,” he pants. He thrusts deeper, moving his hips side to side, hitting just the right spot. “That feel good?” he growls, thrusting hard, filling me.

“Mmm.” I nod. I’ve lost my ability to form any coherent words. Every frenzied molecule of my body belongs to him. My body quivers and I know I’m gone.

“Ahh,” I cry out as I find my release, spiraling into my orgasm, my muscles clenching tight around him.

He thrusts hard three more times, and he tenses.

“Fuck.” He closes his eyes as he hisses through his teeth, convulsing in spasms deep inside of me, finding his own release.

Once we both float back down to earth, Ben leans on his forearms, looking down at me. He rubs his nose against mine, then sweetly kisses my lips. I look up at him and smile. He pulls out of me and lies down next to me. I’m not quite sure what the protocol is for after sex with a one-timer. I hand him a tissue from my nightstand. He wraps the condom in it; throwing it in the tiny overflowing trash can I keep on the side of my bed.

I’ve had sex before, but this was… I don’t know if there’s a word to describe it…. Passion? Yes, urgent, desperate, passionate… I needed it like I need air to breathe.

“Come here.” He pulls me close to him, my head resting on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around me. He turns his head and kisses my forehead.

We lay in bed quietly while our breathing calms, staring up at the ceiling, each lost in our thoughts. A few minutes of silence pass when Ben lets out a sigh.

“So…,” he says, still staring at the ceiling.

“So…what?” I ask.

“So, now we know.”

“Now we know…” I nod. I turn my head and look at Ben. He’s grinning. “What are you grinning about?”

“I’m grinning about us.” He turns his head to look back at me.

“What about us?”

“We’re so good together.”

“I thought so too.” I smile.

He stares back up at the ceiling. After about a minute, he sighs again. “I have a problem,” he says.

“Really? It seemed to me that everything that was supposed to work, worked fine,” I tease.

“You’re funny,” he says sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he turns toward me. “My problem is once with you will not be enough for me. Now that I’ve had you, I want more.”

“I feel the same but I’m still editing your book. Besides, neither of us wants a relationship.”

“Who said anything about a relationship? We can keep it casual. See each other when we want. No expectations. No strings. I have friends who were in committed relationships. They came out of it hating each other. It doesn’t have to be that way. When we’re done, we stay friends. No hard feelings. We’ll just have a good time, on our own terms, make our own rules.”


“Well, technically, the only rule is there are no rules. It’s casual, Julia.  You don’t want a boyfriend and I don’t want a girlfriend. That doesn’t mean we have to ignore what this is between us.” He presses his pelvis into my side. “We’re too good together to ignore this.”

“So you only want to see me when you want sex?”

“I’m a man, I always want sex. I’d have to kidnap you for that. Anyway, it’s a two way street. You can call me for the same.”

“You want me to be your fuck buddy?”

“That’s a little crude. We’re friends. If we want to have sex, we do. No rules, Julia. There are no expectations. But for the record, my answer will always be yes.”

I laugh. Of course it will.

“I don’t know, Ben.” This is insane, but then again, he is offering me something that would be perfect. I won’t have to worry about my heart getting pulverized…it’s just sex. Really, really, really good sex…with someone who is not only nice to look at, but who’s company I genuinely enjoy. No strings. No expectations. No hurt feelings. This is so crazy; I think it just might work. Besides, Ben does things to me, things BOB can only dream of.

“You know you want to,” he teases.
And I know he’s right.

“Okay,” I agree, smiling shyly.

“Okay? Really?” His eyes widen.

“Sure, why not.” I shrug. I can do this. It’s actually perfect in its simplicity.

“Great. Trust me, it’s going to be so good.” He kisses me tenderly. “Now let’s get you fed. You must be starving. I’ll whip up something in your kitchen.”

“You’re going to cook dinner for me?”

“Yes, I’m going to feed you and then I’m taking you back to the bedroom.”

“So much for one time only.” I laugh.

“I lied earlier. Tonight’s a double header.” He covers his body over mine, nuzzling my neck with delicate kisses.

“Again? We just finished.”
This guy has some stamina if he can reload that quickly.

He looks down at me, smirking, supporting his weight on his forearms. “Jesus, Julia. I’m only human. Give a guy a few minutes.”

“Well then…I’m starving. Dazzle me with your culinary skills.”

“You need more dazzling?” He playfully nibbles on my earlobe. My heart starts racing again. I was right; Ben Martin does things to me…especially a very naked Ben Martin.

“What I need is food, you’ve used up all my energy reserves.” I need to eat something before my stomach starts grumbling and embarrasses the shit out of me.

“I can’t say I’m sorry. I rather enjoyed depleting your energy.”

“I rather enjoyed it too.”

“Then let’s eat and we’ll enjoy it all over again.” Ben rolls off of me to my side. I sit up, holding the bed sheet to cover myself up. “Julia, I’ve seen you naked. You don’t have to cover up. I don’t think there’s any part of your beautiful body I missed.”

I look down and blush. He’s right; he’s probably seen more of me than I have. Still it feels so intimate to just walk around naked in front of him. Logically it makes no sense, in the throws of passion, all I wanted was our clothes off, but now I’m shy.

“You just want to gawk at me,” I tease.

“You’re absolutely right, that’s exactly what I want to do.”

“Pervert.” I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to hide my smile.

“Do you have a problem with that?”

I have been so closed up and guarded my entire life. It’s time to turn over a new leaf and try to be fearless instead. Even with Mikehole, after we had sex, I had my guard up.

“No problem at all.” I briefly close my eyes, summoning up all the courage I can muster and drop the sheet. I sit at the edge of the bed, facing away from Ben. He glides his finger slowly down my spine, making small circles on my back.

“You have very soft skin. I could touch it all day.”
No argument from me.

Naked, I stand up and walk across the room to retrieve a short red silk robe that’s on top of a pile of clean clothes I left on the floor. I know he’s watching me. It’s an incredible turn on. As gracefully as I can, I bend down and pick up the robe. When I stand, my eyes lock on Ben’s, his eyes greedily looking over my body.

I face him. I want him to see me, to want me, to lust me. A sly smile curls up from the corner of his mouth and I know he likes what he sees. Slowly I slide the robe on, tying the sash loosely, leaving the top portion of the robe open enough that my cleavage is exposed.

“Are you ready to cook?” I ask, my voice low and husky.

Ben stands up from the bed and walks over to me. He’s certainly not shy…. who can blame him with a body like that. I’d run naked through Times Square if I had his body.

“You are so fucking sexy.” He traces the tops of my breasts with his fingertip. He’s amazing. He’s seducing me all over again. My eyes scan down his happy trail as I drink in his body.

 Fuck the food. I can eat tomorrow.

“Let’s go.” He grabs his boxer briefs and undershirt off the floor and puts them on. Damn. I was hoping to get another glimpse at his fine ass.

We walk through my tiny apartment to the kitchen. In my “I have to fuck you right now” haze; I forgot what slobs Allie and I are. Oh God, the place is a pigsty. There are shoes strewn on the floor, piles of mail scattered on practically every flat surface and clothes everywhere. Usually when we have company, we throw all of our crap in a giant garbage bag and hide it in a closet. I better say something before he does.

“Our cleaning lady has been sick these past two weeks. Poor woman has the flu,” I lie.

“Ah.” He nods. “Let’s see what we have to work with.” He opens the refrigerator, which is full of plastic containers of moldy leftovers and old Chinese food take-out boxes that could be mistaken for scientific experiments.

“Our cleaning lady takes care of the refrigerator too. Sorry about the mess,” I lie again.

“It looks like a science lab in here,” he jokes. “Let’s check out the freezer.” He opens the freezer door and a bag of frozen baby peas fall on his foot. “I guess that’s a sign. Do you have any tortellini?”

“I think I have a bag of cheese tortellini somewhere in there.”

“Is it from this century?” he teases.

“Yes.” In my mind I’m sticking my tongue out at him.

“Ah, here it is. Good.” He closes the freezer then goes back into the refrigerator, taking out a stick of butter and a container of grated parmesan cheese. “Can you put up a pot of water to boil for the tortellini? Throw some salt in it too.”

“Sure.” I grab one of the two pots we own, fill it with water and put it on the stove.  Ben has his back to me while he’s reading the tortellini package. I stop and admire his backside; it’s so strong and muscular, even hidden under his undershirt. And damn those arms, whenever he flexes and I catch a glimpse of his guns, I swoon. He has an incredible body, the kind sculptors only wish they could chisel.

And I had sex with that body.

A smile slowly curls up from the side of my mouth at the realization of the moment I’m in right now. There’s an extremely hot, half-naked guy who just gave me two mind-blowing orgasms, making dinner for me in my filthy apartment. Can things get any better than this?

“Is the stove on?” he asks.

I snap out of my perving and turn the knob. “Yes.”
Well, it is now.

He turns around and faces me. My kitchen is so tiny; he’s practically stepping on my toes.

BOOK: The Casual Rule
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