Authors: Kelly Ilebode

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The pen flew across the desk. Stephan flopped back in his chair and rubbed his face. He was exhausted mentally. He missed Aisling, but was glad that she had to travel to New York for a couple of days as he sorted out the mess in the office. He spun in his chair to look out over the Boston skyline.

“Have you told him yet?”

Turning his head without lifting it from the leather, Stephan made a face. “Not yet, Alicia. But I will soon.”

“You can’t hold off too much longer. He needs to know.”

“Yes. I just don’t want him feeling as if he needs to return, because there is nothing I can do right now until I have confirmation from the tech department. And there really isn’t anything he can do. He is going to be pissed.”

Alicia nodded. “Yes, but not at you. You had nothing to do with the breach.”

“The breach happened because I was fool enough not to listen to the Chameleon. I could have taken extra precautions.” Stephan thought of the files that were potentially compromised. He was fool enough to think that they were protected. Years of business contacts, numbers, weapons, financial reports all in the hands of God only knew who, maybe. That one file alone could bring down half of the underworld that they lived in. The repercussions were huge, not from the police or the government: Sakis, Cassie, and her unborn child—even little Rose and Maria would not be spared from the wrath of every crime lord they knew. This was more than ugly; it would be a mass execution.

“Have you spoken to the Chameleon?”

That was the other thing that worried Stephan. The Chameleon had always, in all the years of doing business, checked in a minimum once a day when doing a job. Stephan had heard nothing in the past twenty-four hours. “No, unfortunately not. I will be sending another message shortly, letting him know what is going on here. Not that there is anything that he can do either but as a courtesy. This parent search is turning into quite something major, isn’t it, Alicia?”

“Stephan, you do not know if this has to do with the search of your parents.” Even as she said it, Alicia suspected that the chances were high that it did. It had been so peaceful the past couple of years, and the moment that Stephan started to dig was when the chaos began.

“Have you considered that this may have to do with this new transaction between Carras Enterprises and the Boulos family? I know you. You have more than likely started the security detail on the transportation.” When Alicia didn’t receive a response to her comments, she heaved a sigh. “Look, young man, you have always said once the going gets rough, the only thing to do is move forward, find the problem, come up with a solution to fix the problem and then, eradicate it. Anything beyond that is just fear.”

Staring at Alicia, he nodded his head in gratitude. “You are absolutely correct, and thanks for the reminder.” Rising to his feet, he hugged her tightly. “What would we do without you watching over us?”

Alicia blushed at the compliment. “Honestly, Stephanous Petros, I have no earthly idea!”

“Well, we are going to find out in two days.”

Confused, she stiffened imperceptibly. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Reaching in his desk, Stephan handed her a thin box, delicately wrapped, and tied securely with a red bow.

“What is this?”

Stephan did not respond. The thick lump that filled his throat made it difficult to speak. Instead, he gestured to what she held in her hand.

Suspicious eyes narrowed at him before she gazed down at the box, now nestled in her lap. She tugged on the ribbon and watched as it unfolded. Pulling the cover off, she became even more confused when she saw a picture of a cruise ship.

“Sakis and I want you to take a couple of weeks off while he is gone.”

At seeing Alicia start to protest, Stephan held up his hand, rising to his feet to perch on the side of her chair. Wrapping his arm lovingly around her shoulders, his voice lowered. “Please, you have given us so much and I know your first instinct is to say no, but Alicia, there may not be a better time than now to go away.”

“But, Stephan, this is not a good time. Someone is hacking into our system; you are in the process of doing the largest illegal deal you have ever done. You need me.”

“I always need you. That is the problem. Two weeks. Sun, sea, sand, drinks away from all of us: you leave in two days and this is not an option.”

“Thank you,” she whispered, still unsure that she would be able to go, but filled with gratitude and love for the two men in her life.


(Stephanous Petros: ten years old) The group grew in the room, but no one dared get close to Stephan as he raged, tearing everything apart in the dormitory. Something was seriously wrong with him; they all knew it, but they didn’t know what. “Where is it? Someone took it, and I want it back!” His face was red and sweaty from the exertion of flipping mattresses, pulling out dresser drawers, and shredding clothing.

“Enough!” a voice yelled from the doorway. A path parted and Stephan glared with hate at the head nun. The smirk on her face told him that she knew exactly what he was looking for.

“Give it back,” he demanded. “Or you will be sorry.”

“You have no need for money here, Stephan. You know this. I have donated your money to charity.” Turning, the nun walked away.

Silently everyone cleared the room, leaving Stephan to sob uncontrollably.

The thing about having a secure compound was to have many lights. Some should turn off and on by themselves with the slightest of movement, some should be left on, and some should randomly be set to turn on at various times of the day. Nothing should ever be set to a strict schedule. The other important key to a tight security was guards. Guards should be the same as the lights. No one can ever be off, routines need to be nonexistent, and personnel should be random.

Aisling cursed every bone in Stephan’s body for getting everything right. After an hour, she was still only in the outer perimeter of the Carras compound and she needed to move quicker if she was to get a copy of the papers Sakis had in his hand at the orphanage. On a normal job, she would have taken weeks to plan this type of theft—or at a minimum, days—but never at a moment’s notice. But Aisling felt that she didn’t have any time to waste. Now, with only hours before the plane was to take off, she needed the grace of God, or she was going to be stuck in Greece without a ride home. Not getting the documents was not an option either. Unfortunately for her, she had no idea where they were.

The silence was deafening. The only noise she heard was the blood rushing through her own body. Her ears actually seemed to vibrate from the silence. Moving quickly, she followed the edge of the hallway until she reached the last alcove, giving small thanks for the many plants that were randomly placed. Twice, guards had walked by her, not even suspecting that she was there. Eyes narrowing, she paused; voices grew louder behind a door several sets ahead of her. She couldn’t quite make out what they were saying but whoever it was, they were incredibly angry. She couldn’t chance getting closer until she knew who it was. She pulled out a small box from her pocket, placed a small plastic nub in her ear, looped the hard plastic around the outside so that she could use both hands if necessary, and turned it on, knowing the risk of using any technology.

A small door opened. Aisling pulled out what looked like a small bug, placed it on the ground in front of her before she steered it under the door via the small ball attached to the top of the box. If Stephan did his job right, and she was more than sure he did, even her small listening/viewing device could be tracked. Watching the screen carefully, she made out the room, easily finding the two men talking. It was Sakis and another person she didn’t know. Sakis was waving the papers she wanted to get her hands on in the air before he threw them onto the desk. The man didn’t seem fazed by the Greek’s rant but sat patiently until Sakis finished, before he rose and shook his hand.

Realizing the man was getting ready to leave, she called back the bug and slipped it into the tiny box as she made herself small in the dark corner behind the palm tree. Several minutes later, Sakis left the room and closed the door behind him, papers in hand. Aisling wanted to scream. He hadn’t even rounded the corner before Aisling was up and exiting the building the way she had come in. Fifteen minutes later, she made it all the way outside. She hadn’t gotten what she needed: no papers, no Sister Katherine, no answers.

An hour later, she felt the surge of the jet’s engine push her back into her seat as they rose swiftly into the air. Pulling off her wig and cap, she shook the strands with her fingers, trying to bring herself to life. She felt stripped down and raw. The feeling of loneliness overpowered her, crushing her. Pressing her palm to her chest, she could actually feel her heartbeat increase as it raced out of control. Aisling knew without a doubt she was having her first panic attack.

“Ma’am, are you okay?”

Opening her eyes, Aisling was face-to-face with the male steward. She must have fallen asleep. God, did she moan or cry out?

“Never let them see you sweat, honey, especially a man.”

Her mother’s voice seemed to echo loudly in the plane.

“Yes. I am sorry. I think I am. Could you please get me something strong to drink?”

“Of course. Do you have a preference?”

“Bourbon would be great.”

“Of course. Be right back.”

With her head in her hands, she breathed through her nose and out her mouth, shaking the cobwebs from her mind. Her watch told her that she had slept for hours and would be home soon.
That was Stephan’s drink. Tears pricked the back of her eyes. That was what she needed right now—to hear his voice. Aisling had wanted to wait until they landed before getting in touch with him but it felt right dialing his number. The past couple of days had been hit or miss in connecting with him. She tapped her foot, praying that he would pick up this time.

Aisling wanted to burst into tears when she heard his strong voice over the line. “Hey. I was just thinking about you.”

Smiling through her tears, she fought for the strong Aisling to come out, unsuccessfully. “Yeah, me too.”

“Aisling, are you okay?”

“Yes.” Taking another deep breath, she mouthed thank-you to the steward as he handed her the drink. “Guess what I have in my hand right now?” She took a sip. It was very smooth and she was surprised she actually liked it.

Stephan laughed into the phone before he lowered his voice. “Do you have any idea how many places my mind just went with that question?”

“I have a bourbon.” Horrified, she realized that she couldn’t hold back the tears anymore and she started to sob uncontrollably, and silently.

Quiet on the other end, Stephan heard her fighting for control. “Are you okay, baby? What happened?”

“It’s nothing. I just miss you and I am not used to missing anyone and right now that makes me angry with you.”

Stephan laughed. “Strangely, I know exactly how you feel. Are you on your way back?”

“Yes. I should be in Boston in a couple of hours.”

“Come to my place, Aisling. Don’t go home alone. Promise me?” he begged.

“I promise,” she whispered before she disconnected the call, wondering where all of that raw emotion came from. She didn’t need anyone, especially Stephan. Hell, she barely knew him. She rubbed her face as exhaustion weighed her down. She definitely needed a break from everything.


As he paced the apartment, Stephan glanced at the clock again. It had been almost four hours since he had spoken to her and she had promised that she would come over. When he dialed her number again, it went straight to voicemail. Trying not to be worried, he sat on the couch. Three a.m. was definitely too late to call Derek, not that he would. He always suffered in silence, but this was new to him. A loud buzz rang through the apartment. Jumping up, he flung open the door wide. Every angry word that he was ready to throw at her stopped in his throat. She looked like hell. Dark circles weighed heavily under her eyes, and she was so pale. Pulling her into the apartment, he wrapped his arms around her tightly as she gripped him around the waist.

“I was worried. You said—”

Aisling pressed her fingers against his lips before she reached up to pull his head down to her mouth.

Obviously she was not ready to talk. Stephan ravaged her mouth, more than happy to give her whatever comfort she needed at that moment.

Pushing him backward, she pulled his tee shirt up, pulling away just enough to help him yank it over his head, before she kissed him again.

Stephan waited while she kicked off both of her shoes, before he scooped her up into his arms to carry her to the couch, laying her down gently before he dropped down on top of her.

There was a sense of urgency the way she ran her hands over his back, feeling every muscle and tendon. Moving lower, she slid her hands in his sweatpants, gripping him tightly as she thrust up against him over and over. Sweat beaded on both of their skins.

Pushing her skirt up, Stephan ripped off the tiny fabric to expose her. Aisling was happy that he seemed to have the same sense of urgency she did, as she reached between them to guide him into her. Stephan couldn’t have slowed down even if he wanted to. Her scent, her heat, her fire combined with his need to be deep inside her was too much. Thrusting, he slid hard, up and in.

Aisling closed her eyes, gasping quietly. He felt incredible. Lifting her leg, she slid it on his shoulder and opened herself even more to him.

Stephan never slowed down, his thrusts primal. Feeling himself tighten, he kissed her deeply on the mouth. His groans were swallowed up by her cries. Moments later, they both lay spent in each other’s arms. Stephan rolled onto his side and stared down at her. Her eyes were slowly closing and he realized that she was so exhausted she was ready to fall asleep. Kissing her on the nose, he whispered in her ear.

“Let go. You’re safe with me, Aisling. I will watch out for you tonight.” She fell asleep within seconds, and Stephan’s heart constricted as he watched a single tear slip from the side of her eye. Whatever she dealt with over the past several days, it hadn’t been easy. He knew what that felt like. To be all alone, consumed by work and rules designed by yourself, but rules nonetheless. After time, a person doesn’t realize how it starts to eat at you bit by bit. Changing you. She was a lot like him—alone in the world. He also suspected that she was at the same place that he was. She no longer wanted to be alone, but didn’t know how to process that thought.

Rising to his feet, he lifted her in his arms and carried her into the bedroom. She didn’t wake up once, even when he undressed her before he slid her under his covers. After a quick shower, he joined her and pulled her into his strong arms. He was glad she was home.

As he stared up at the ceiling, he wondered who was saving who in this relationship.

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