The First Order [Safeword LLC 1] (Siren Publishing Sensations) (16 page)

BOOK: The First Order [Safeword LLC 1] (Siren Publishing Sensations)
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Ross turned in surprise. Becca stood in the doorway holding the exact items that they’d guessed she’d pick with the third one being a lollipop crop that Lane had purchased recently. But it wasn’t what she held in her hands that surprised him so much as it was the fact she’d spoken. Both he and Lane had discussed how quickly she’d acclimated to the no speaking rule. It was almost as if she used that as her safety net—keeping her feelings to herself. Maybe it was time to change that.

“Yes, Rebecca?” Ross saw her cringe a little at the use of her first name.

“Am I being punished, Sir?”

Ross exchanged looks with Lane. Whereas Ross enjoyed the bondage aspect of BDSM, Lane thrived on being able to get their submissive into subspace. He’d let Lane answer this one.

“No, you’re not being punished,” Lane replied. He crossed the room and stood in front of her. “This is for my enjoyment. So I suggest you follow through with Ross’s instructions to lay them out on the bed accordingly.”

Ross hid a smile at the frown that appeared on her face. What Lane left out was that he would never do anything that he wasn’t sure she would take pleasure in—unless it was to discipline. She’d learn in time.

The dim light coming from Lane’s nightstand glimmered off of the heart-shaped locket attached to her right ankle as she sidestepped Lane and made her way to the bed. Carefully, she laid out the three items she’d chosen.

“Stay facing the bed, Rebecca.” Lane was now in full Dominant mode. “Listen carefully. Since this is your first time experiencing impact play, you may yell, scream, cry, and struggle. You are permitted this once to ask questions or voice your concerns. Your safe words?”

“Y–yellow and red, Sir.”

“And Safeword LLC’s?”

“Monarch, Sir. But I won’t be using that one.”

Ross had come close enough to see that her hands were now clenched together, causing the color of her knuckles to turn white. Something was causing her distress, but it wasn’t enough to concern her if she wasn’t willing to use her main safe word. He looked over her body, searching for anything that might be the cause. Reaching out, he inserted his fingers into the V of her legs. Swiping them upward, Ross smiled.

“You seem overly excited about the three items on the bed, Rebecca.”

“N–no, Sir.”

“Really? Spread your legs,” Ross replied sternly, conveying that he was done playing around. “Wider. Do I need to repeat myself?”

Becca scrambled to get into position and had to use the bed to keep her balance, for her legs were so wide apart. She wasn’t aware of the hooks that they’d had placed in both of their rooms, nor the various pegs, hangers, and clasps throughout the entire apartment for whenever the need arose that they might be needed. Right now, Ross was attaching her ankle cuffs to the fasteners in the floor. Knowing the crop would cause her the most discomfort, he bent her over the mattress with her face turned toward that implement. A little anticipation was a good thing.

“Rebecca, I thought we were rather clear on our stance on lying.”

“But I don’t want to be hit with them, Sir.”

Ross pulled her hands behind her back, securing the two cuffs together so that she wouldn’t have the use of her hands. That was twofold, actually, since it kept her from interfering with their plans as well as prevented her from being hurt if she were to place her arm in the way of a swing. It was their job to protect her, even from herself.


“Tsk, tsk, Rebecca.” Lane ran his fingers through her folds, holding up her cream as evidence that she’d lied to them. “Your body is telling a different story.”

“That isn’t why—”

“Have we discussed what the punishment is for lying?”

Chapter Sixteen


Becca stared at the long, thin, black thing in front of her. She wasn’t sure exactly what it was called, but the thing looked wicked. If being hit with that wasn’t punishment, she wasn’t sure what was. What had Lane called it? Impact play? Well, she didn’t want any part of it.

“I’m not lying, Sir!”

If Becca had to say it a thousand times for them to believe her, she would. Yes, Lane had made a believer out of her that a little pain—very, very slight—could enhance her arousal, but the things she’d chosen didn’t look like anything that would produce such a miniscule feeling. Even the paddle didn’t look like a paddle, but more of a square piece of leather. And why did everything have to be black?

“Then explain to me why your pussy cream is dripping down your inner thigh? I can pretty much guarantee that by the time I finish you off with the crop that you’re staring at, your juices will have reached your ankles.”

Lane’s words produced another leak from her cunt, much to Becca’s embarrassment. Knowing there wasn’t anything she could do about what they had planned added to her excitement, but she wasn’t going to admit that either. She just wanted this over with. Right?

“The paddle I used Saturday night was larger. Its end was round to diminish the impact to your skin. The item you chose tonight will have more of a sting to it, so I think I will start out with the flogger to initiate some blood flow.”

“But it’s smaller and thinner, Sir, so shouldn’t—”

Becca jumped when she felt something soft move over her skin. She couldn’t see what he was using, but it couldn’t be anything she brought out from the closet. He caressed her shoulder blades with it, bringing the material down over her spine. Her legs were spread so far apart, that when he brushed it over the top of her buttocks, something fell off of it and into her crevice.

“Do you like the flogger you chose?”

It couldn’t be! Becca slowly smiled, thinking about how they had tricked her. She bet they weren’t going to use the crop at all. They’d just wanted to keep her on edge, and it had worked. Goosebumps sprang over her legs as he lifted the flogger off of her ass and tickled the backs of her calves and knees. Hmmmm, she thought. This felt good. She shifted a little on the comforter, her nipples brushing up against the fabric.

“Sir, where’s—” Becca wasn’t sure how to word her sentence. She called both of them Sir. Not knowing where Ross had gone made her a little anxious, though. They didn’t have something else planned, did they? She didn’t need to explain her question any further, as Lane knew what she meant.

“Don’t worry about Ross. Concentrate on the way the flogger feels on your skin.”

As he brought the leather strands up over her sides, Becca closed her eyes and relished the tenderness of his stroke. She’d worked herself up for nothing. He swung them back down and removed the flogger from her skin. Where would he touch next?


Becca’s eyes shot open as tiny little prickles danced across her ass. It felt like multiple stings, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. As a matter of fact, she felt a warming across her backside that was starting to spread to her clit. She shifted a little, but with her legs so far apart, she didn’t get far. Again, Lane brought the flogger down in a feathery swing, creating numerous pricks that weren’t quite painful, but something she couldn’t name.

“Tell me where you are at, Rebecca?”

“Fine, Sir.” Becca murmured, really liking what he was doing. If only she could rub her clit against the bed to relieve the itch that seemed to have taken up permanent residence there. “More, Sir.”

“My pleasure,” Lane replied.

He seemed to have picked up the pace and covered more area, as the bee stings encompassed her entire ass. God, yes. She needed a little bit more. Maybe she should ask him to—oh! The strands had hit the inside of her exposed crevice, right over her anus. Little bites of pain traveled the nerves around her sphincter, causing her asshole to pucker.

“Sir, I don’t think—”

“I didn’t ask you to think, Rebecca. I instructed you to feel.”

“I need—”

“What do you need, little sub?”

“I don’t know,” Becca wailed, trying to grind her hips into the mattress.

Again, Lane continued to flog the line leading to her anus without letting up. She involuntarily lifted her ass, hoping he would do something, anything to take away the itch he’d created. A couple strands wrapped underneath her and smacked her clit. She didn’t think she could take anymore.

As if he’d read her mind, Lane stopped. Only, she changed her mind and wanted him to keep doing it. Having nothing on her skin, she suddenly felt as if she were on fire. Again, she lifted her ass in the air, silently asking him to continue. Instead, his fingertips trailed over the path the strands of the flogger had and only intensified the burn that had settled over her ass.

“Sir, please.”

“That’s better. For a second, I thought you forgot my title.” Becca tried to think back to what she’d said, but couldn’t remember anything. Had she not called him Sir? A sharp ache in her clit grabbed her attention and she leaned her hips into the comforter. It did nothing to ease her need. “Ask me for the paddle.”

Becca’s mind immediately drifted back to Saturday night. A part of her knew that he wouldn’t hurt her like Harrison had, but she was now feeling the tenderness in her ass. Would it feel the same as when Lane had done it before, or would it feel more like when Harrison had taken over? Lane leaned over her, his warmth surrounding her body as his hand reached under her.
! He’d pinched her nipple.

“I thought we were over your hesitation in following orders. Would you like to come tonight?”

“Please, Sir, would you use the paddle on me?” Becca panicked at the thought of them denying her another orgasm, especially when she felt she could explode with the slightest touch, and spit the words out as fast as she could. “I need to come, Sir.”

“Let’s see how you take the paddle on such a pink ass, shall we? And I must say, it is a lovely shade of pink. I’m thinking I’d like to see it a tad bit darker. Ross? What do you think?”

Ross was still here? Had he seen and heard everything? Becca briefly thought about begging him to come over and getting him to stroke her clit, but thought better of it. They’d only make her either go longer without an orgasm, or deny her for the entire night. She bit her lip to keep from crying out.

“She definitely needs a darker shade.” Ross’s voice came from across the room, and that was when she heard the sound of metal clanging together. What was he doing? “And, Rebecca, you’ll come when we say you’ll come.”

Oh, my God. Just hearing Ross say how they would be the ones to control her orgasm caused her pussy to spasm. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take without breaking. Couldn’t they see how bad she needed relief?


“Sir!” Becca cried out, feeling the sting of the paddle. Why did it sting more than the one Saturday night? Lane’s earlier words rang through her head—something about the size. When he brought down the paddle again, it was on her left cheek. She tightened her muscles.

“Clenching your ass will only make it hurt worse. Besides, your legs are so spread apart, there’s not a place that I can’t reach. Breathe through the pain, Rebecca. Is it really something that you can’t take?”

Lane continued to land the paddle across her ass, not giving an inch. She finally gave in, knowing that he wasn’t going to stop unless she used her safe word, which wasn’t going to happen. Her need to come had reached massive heights. Once she’d accepted that, Becca started to lift her ass into the paddle. The precise landing of the implement didn’t matter anymore, as each blow traveled to her clit.

The sounds of the room faded away as blood rushed through her ears, drowning out all noises. Her peripheral vision faded until the only thing left in her sight was that black, thin item that she suspected would really hurt. But at this point, Becca didn’t care. Her sole focus was on the heat being created from Lane’s hand, knowing that he was the one wielding the paddle. When had it stopped hurting?

Becca knew that he’d said something, but she couldn’t hear a thing. It felt as if she wasn’t even there but still felt everything being done to her. She also knew that she’d stopped fidgeting on the bed. She needed to absorb more and more of what he was giving her. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Becca registered that the thin stick beside her was sliding off the bed, its red round end the last to fade from her vision.


The sound broke through and was different, and although subconsciously Becca was aware that he’d used the new item, she still felt as if she were floating. She didn’t even feel the bed underneath her. She wanted more.




It wasn’t enough.


The strike that Lane landed had come from underneath and connected directly with her clit. She exploded, crying out their names. It opened up a floodgate and gold and red flecks danced in front of her eyes and she could only ride out the waves of pleasure that Lane had produced. Her hips jerked in response to the contractions that had overtaken her pussy. She’d never experienced anything quite like this before. Gradually, the spasms relented, allowing her to relax into the bed. Darkness surrounded her.


* * * *


Lane held her against his chest in the middle of the bed as Ross finished attaching the swing to the clasps in the ceiling. They’d released Becca from her bonds, using a warm cloth to wash her off. He leaned down and brushed his lips across her forehead. She’d hit subspace faster than any sub he’d ever seen, and with a paddle, no less. She was a born submissive.

BOOK: The First Order [Safeword LLC 1] (Siren Publishing Sensations)
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