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Authors: Kelsie Belle

The Guest (4 page)

BOOK: The Guest
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It took a moment for the shouting and merry-making to die down because
the goal was replayed several times and everybody had to comment on it. When
everybody finally settled back into their seats, the match had resumed. Cole
and Jared sat in companionable silence for a while, both sipping on their beer
with eyes glued to the screen. Cole tried his best to focus on the game, but
all the time his thoughts kept reverting to a lovely pair of crystal blue eyes
and the sweet, kissable mouth that went along with them. How depraved did a man
have to be to be sitting with his friend and having such risqué thoughts about
that friend’s wife?

“So did you have a good time with Jules today?” Jared’s voice broke
into his musing and almost made him jump. If he didn’t know better, he would
have thought the guy could read his damn mind.

“Ah, it was great. She showed me the place you chose—good choice by the
way—and we had some lunch and got to know each other a little better.”

Jared nodded, taking a quick swig of his beer. “Good, good. I was
hoping you would.”

“Would what?”

“Get to know each other better.”

A slight feeling of discomfiture began creeping up Cole’s spine at the
line of conversation. He cleared his throat in an attempt to ease some of it.
“Um … yeah, we did.”

“And what did you think?”

Cole’s brows furrowed in perplexity. “Ah, I already told you, the place
is perfect. When I get back I’m going to finish up the paperwork and you can
look out for the first installment of the funds in your account by Friday.”

Jared grinned. “That’s great
news buddy, thank you. But that’s not what I meant.”

“What did you mean then?”

“I meant what did you think of Julie?”

Silence settled between them for a long moment as Cole assessed the
question his friend had asked him. He took a drink from his bottle to buy a
little more time before responding. “Well I, ah, I think she’s a wonderful
woman. Obviously gorgeous, but also intelligent and witty. It was pretty easy
being in her company.”

“So in other words she makes your cock hard.” Jared’s words were low
and flat, but the cheeky grin he gave Cole made them almost amusing.

Cole laughed softly, shaking his head in exasperation. “Relax,
Matthews. I’m not trying to poach your wife.”

Jared shrugged and took a swig of his beer. “Never said you were.”

More silence followed. Cole’s uneasiness increased and he chugged down
some more beer in an attempt to quell it. Where the hell was Jared going with

“Do you remember Natasha Prendergast?” The question brought Cole up
short—Natasha was a girl they’d both liked during college and had ended up
having their first threesome with. Well, it had been Jared’s first. Cole had
done it a time or two before that and he’d been the one to suggest they try it.
But how had the conversation gotten here? They hadn’t even spoken about that in
years. He was so busy trying to connect the dots that it took him a moment to

“Of course I do. How could I forget?” he said.

“Yeah, that was some night, huh?” Jared said, cocking a brow at him.

“It was.”

“Ever thought about doing that sort of thing again?”

Cole’s brows furrowed.
He hadn’t seen that one coming. “Uh, well, you’re assuming I haven’t.”

Jared’s bark of laughter was loud enough to be heard over the other
noisy patrons and the games playing on the screens above their heads. “Touché.
haven’t, that’s for sure. Not
that I didn’t want to, but that’s not the sort of thing you do with just
anybody, you know?”

“Agreed. And for the record, I haven’t either. I was just messing with

Jared placed his now empty beer bottle on the counter and beckoned to
the waitress to bring another round before he spoke again. “So it’s not
something you would do again then?”

Cole inclined his head and studied the other man, slowly beginning to
see where this was going. He shuffled in his seat as the discomfiture from
earlier on began to dissipate and was slowly replaced by a subtle excitement.
If Jared was even contemplating what he was thinking, then he certainly had
something to be excited about. In an effort to play it cool though, he waited
until the waiter had brought their drinks before he gave his response.

“I’d definitely love to do it again.”

Jared nodded but didn’t say anything. He just stared at the beer bottle
in his hand contemplatively. Finally his friend looked up at him, a similar
excitement brewing in his emerald eyes. “I’d love to do it again too.”


“Oh yeah.”

Another long, deafening silence ensued. Cole had already read between
the lines and he couldn’t stop the surge of anticipation that rose in his gut
at the thought. But he wanted to make sure he wasn’t jumping to the wrong
conclusion. He wanted to hear Jared say the words. Looking pointedly at the
other man, he asked, “So what are you saying?”

Jared’s gaze met his as he replied, “I’m saying, Cole, that I would
love to share my wife with you.”

Cole’s breath hitched as the potent words slammed into him, going straight
to his cock. He expelled a harsh breath he hadn’t even realized he was holding,
but he was more than a little happy to know he’d been correct in his
assumption. “Damn! And here I’ve been praying all night that you couldn’t tell
how badly she’s been plaguing my mind.”

Jared chuckled, his face lighting up with mirth. “Didn’t take a psychic
to see that you were into her, my man. Or maybe it’s because I know how you

“Maybe. But tell me this, how do
you know
be into it? You guys have
obviously never done anything like that.”

“No, but I can tell she’s into you, too, and she has a very open mind
when it comes to sex.”

“I see.” Cole nodded, playing with the rim of his bottle for a moment
while he contemplated the situation. Finally, he asked, “So would you just come
right out and tell her that’s what we want to do?”

That’s what they’d done with Natasha and it turned out she was just as
game as they were. But Julie, now she might be a whole different kettle of
fish. If Jared was wrong and she wasn’t okay with it, then it could make the
situation extremely uncomfortable for them all.

“No, I don’t think so. I think the best way to handle Julie is to
her what we want to do with her.”

Cole frowned. “Show her? As in pictures and videos?”

Jared grinned. “Not at all. I mean we don’t tell her what we want to
do, we just do it.”

Cole frowned, his nose wrinkling in distaste. “I don’t know, man. That
sounds a bit…”

“Just trust me, Cole, I have a plan. I know Julie, and I know what she
likes. There’s no way this won’t work.”

Cole thought for a moment and realized the other man was right. If
Jared didn’t know his wife, then nobody did. “Okay, tell me the plan.”

A broad smile stretched across
Jared’s face as he leaned a little closer and began to talk.



Chapter Four


Julie could hardly believe a month had gone by so quickly. After the
weekend Cole had come to visit, things with the newly formed Techtronics Incorporated
had gone into high gear. Jared had handed in his resignation so he had the time
to focus on getting the business off to a great start. Things were looking
pretty good so far. He’d leased the building and acquired suitable furnishings
and equipment for it. Also, he’d hired three people to work for him and there
were already clients lining up to sample his first product.

Cole had been in touch with them through telephone calls, emails and
text messaging. He was not just sitting back and playing the role of behind the
scenes investor. Instead he was pretty hands on, wanting to know every detail
as it turned up. He’d been with Jared every step of the way and always made
himself available to offer advice regarding major decisions. Julie knew Jared
really appreciated that and it served to put Cole even more into her own good

She’d tried her best not to think of him too much as the days and weeks
went by, but for some reason, it seemed that Jared used every opportunity for
her to interact with him whenever he called. Although she found this a little
surprising, she knew it was important to him the she and Cole got along so she
didn’t complain or make a fuss. Cole even had her personal cell number now and
he’d call or text her whenever he couldn’t get in touch with Jared.

The problem was though, that the more she talked to him, the more she
liked him. With every passing day, she could feel her attraction for him
growing in leaps and bounds and it worried her to no end. She even found
herself fantasizing about being with him, and more and more those fantasies
included him and Jared taking her together.

What was even more worrisome was that this weekend Cole would be coming
to visit again and he’d be staying with them, right here in their home. She was
certain that was going to be a true test of her acting skills. She’d have to
try her hardest to keep her smiles neutral, her voice even and far from
breathy, and her eyes from roaming where they shouldn’t.

With a loud sigh, she dragged the simple, figure-hugging sheath dress
over her head and then studied her reflection in the mirror. She wouldn’t worry
about that now, after all, Cole wouldn’t be flying in until tomorrow. Tonight,
Jared was taking her out to dinner and dancing to celebrate the opening of the
company and she wanted to have a great time.

She loved her husband, adored him actually, and she was going to make
this a night he’d cherish forever. Under the dress, she was wearing absolutely
nothing, which she knew would be a tormenting surprise for Jared when he
discovered it. It would be hell on Earth for him to hold her close and dance
with her, knowing she was commando. They probably wouldn’t even make it through

A wicked, evil grin touched her lips and she quickly did her hair up in
a neat chignon, applied a spattering of makeup, and then dabbed on a little
perfume. Jared had gotten ready a long time ago and was probably downstairs
waiting patiently for her. Not wanting to keep him waiting any longer, she
grabbed her sandals and hurried from the room. But as she jogged down the
staircase, heading to the sitting room she noticed that the area below was only
dimly lit and soft strains of music were coming from the stereo. Seemed Jared
was already setting the tone for the evening.

A sliver of anticipation trickled up her spine as she continued down
the staircase. When she got to the landing however,
she was shocked to find the mantle lined with
lighted scented candles and the sofa pushed aside to accommodate the dining
table in the center of the room. It was covered with a soft bedspread and there
were no chairs around it. To one end there was a tray laid with an assortment
of fruit, whip cream and syrup. There was also a bucket of ice with a wine
bottle chilling inside it and two glasses.

“Welcome, sweet lady,” a deep baritone called from her left and that’s
when she noticed Jared unfurling his hulking figure from the armchair in the
corner. She couldn’t quite make out his features in the dim light, but she
could tell he was smiling. Dressed in dark slacks and a white, cotton shirt,
with the first two buttons open and the sleeves rolled back to his bulging
forearms, he was certainly a delicious sight for sore eyes. Now, he was moving
over to the table to retrieve the wine from the bucket and began to unscrew it.
“Care to join me for a drink?”

Julie’s mouth opened and closed several times before she regained the
ability to form coherent words again. To say he’d blown her away with this set
up would be a grave understatement. “Wh—what’s all this?” she asked, stepping
further into the room and letting the sandals fall to the ground.

“Just a little something I planned for us,” he replied, pouring wine
into the glasses as he spoke. “Figured we could go out to dinner anytime, but
tonight I just wanted to spend some time alone with you—no crowd, no noise, no

His voice was low, gravelly, and utterly seductive and Julie’s insides
clenched in response. She stepped closer to him, taking the wine glass he held
out to her and allowing her fingers to brush over his as she did so. “Really?
No distractions, huh? That means I’ll have your undivided attention tonight

“Most definitely.” He tipped his wine glass toward hers before taking a

She did the same, taking her time to savor the tart flavor of the wine
on her tongue. “Mmm, I like the sound of that,” she said, taking another sip.

“You’ll like the feel of it even better.” He took the glass from her
hand again, setting both of them aside before pulling her to him. Then his
mouth was on hers, hot and demanding, drinking her nectar like a starving man.
The mixture of wine and his own masculine essence was a heady flavor on her
tongue. She kissed him back with fervor, stretching up on her toes to snake her
arms around his neck so she could give as good as she got.

When he pulled away, her lips felt swollen
from the onslaught. She watched his chest rise and fall rapidly as he fought to
control his own ardor. The look in his eyes was akin to a hungry beast intent
on devouring its innocent prey. That predatory look had her stomach roiling
with molten heat. Her pussy softened and moisture spilled down to soak the intimate
place between her legs.

Jared stepped back, putting a considerable space between them while his
gaze raked over her from head to toe. “Take off the dress,” he told her, his
voice firm and commanding.

Instinctively, her hands found the slender straps of her dress and
pushed them downward, letting the dress fall off her shoulders. It hitched on
the tips of her breasts and she quickly used her hands to slide it off her
aching nipples, over her hips and down her legs. Then she straightened and
stepped out of it, kicking it out of reach.

“Fuck!” Jared said harshly when he realized there were no more clothes
for her to relieve herself of. “You were intent on driving me mad tonight, were
you angel?”

Her lips curled in a shy smile and she nodded. “That was the plan,

He folded his arms across his chest, his eyes gliding over her naked
figure again. “Well I will be sure to remember that. Now, let your hair down.”

Julie wasted no time obeying his order, reaching up to remove the clip
that held her hair up. The thick, dark tresses came tumbling down to rest
against her back and breasts and she was pleased when she noted the way his
emerald eyes darkened at the sight.

“Fucking gorgeous,” he whispered, his voice now severely addled with
need. He stepped toward her again, leaning in to give her another kiss before
reaching into his pocket and pulling out a dark silk scarf. “Turn around.”

Her thighs quivered with expectancy as she did as she was told. Gently,
he covered her eyes with the scarf then knotted it at the back of her head. She
gasped as darkness enveloped her, struggling to adjust to the slightly
discomfiting sensation of not being able to see even though her eyes were open.

“Are you okay? Is it too tight?”

“N—no … It’s fine.”

“Good.” Then his big hands were on her, his fingers trailing along her
spinal cord up her back, over her shoulder and down her arm until he was
holding her hand. She shivered when he lifted her hand and brought it to meet
his warm lips in a gentle kiss. “Come,” he said.

She followed him tentatively, her footsteps unsure because of her temporary
blindness, but soon the back of her legs hit the edge of the table and he was
assisting her to sit on it. He moved to stand between her spread legs, his
hands cupping her cheeks and then his lips claimed hers in another passionate
kiss. When he broke the kiss, his lips were replaced by something small and
firm, a grape maybe.

“Open for me,” he commanded and she did, allowing him to slip the
small, juicy fruit into her mouth. She bit down on it, relishing the burst of
flavor that inundated her tongue. He slipped another grape in, allowing her to
chew on it while his fingers traced the soft outline of her lips. Then his hand
moved away and when it returned it was with something softer. She opened her
mouth to take it in, welcoming the new flavor—this was a piece of peach.

She began to chew and to her surprise, his mouth closed over hers as
she did so. He pushed his tongue into her mouth, delivering yet another piece
of fruit on it. “Mmm.” She moaned, totally enjoying the fruit flavored kiss.

But then he pulled away and began kissing the side of her neck, nipping
her ear lobe as he neared it. Soon his mouth was journeying down passed her
shoulders, all the way to the tips of her breasts. By this time Julie was on
fire, her pussy so wet she feared she would soak the blanket under her. When
his mouth covered one hardened nipple and gently sucked on it, a soft cry
exploded from her lips, her back arching like a cat to thrust her nipple
further into his mouth.

He worshipped her breast with his lips for a while then treated the
other nipple to the same attention before moving away from her and whispering,
“Lie back for me. It’s my turn to feed.”

She whimpered with excitement
and allowed him to lower her to her back on the table. He positioned her hands above
her head then maneuvered her legs to bend at the knees and fall open for him.
Her senses were ablaze now. She couldn’t see anything, but she could hear his
ragged breathing mingled with her own above the soft background music. The
strong scent of her own arousal flooded her nostrils. She felt his fingers tips
trailing over her skin. The potent mixture of sensations was slowly driving her

Suddenly something cool trickled over the tips of her breasts, down her
stomach and into the aching valley between her thighs. She let out a sharp yelp
of surprise and bucked off the table but his strong hands leveled her again,
holding her in place. “Shhh, relax angel, it’s just syrup. There’s nothing to
be alarmed about,” he cooed and she settled down, trusting him completely.

When she felt the first lick of his tongue across one nipple, lapping
at the syrup there, she moaned with delight. He licked and sucked each breast
for a long moment, cleaning up all the syrup she imagined, before licking his
way down her stomach. Then his callused hands were on her thighs, holding them
apart and his tongue made one long swipe along the slit of her quivering pussy.

“Oh God!” she cried as his
tongue continued to move back and forth over the nerve-packed flesh. Her world
went hazy in the darkness behind the blindfold as his tongue parted the folds
of her pussy and delved inside.

“So sweet,” he said, pulling his mouth away briefly.

“Don’t stop!” she begged, reaching to sink her fingers into his hair to
guide his head back.

“My, my … so bossy,” he said with a chuckle. Then his tongue was on her
pussy again, licking, sucking, and driving her to the edge of reason. He
continued the torturous onslaught for several minutes, circling her clit
several times, playing with it slowly before closing his mouth over it and
sucking it in. At the same time, she felt one long digit sliding into her body
and he began to finger fuck her as he sucked on her clit. Her body went rigid
under him, then began to quiver slightly, getting ready for release. When he
sank another finger into her heat, her world simply exploded, shattering into
smithereens around her. She cried out, gripping his head for dear life as she
came and came on his face. He didn’t let up, just continued to feast on her until
she was floating down from her high.

Suddenly the blindfold was gone from her face and she blinked repeatedly
as her eyes adjusted to the flood of light, even as moderate as it was. When
she felt comfortable enough, she pushed up on her elbows and opened her eyes to
see Jared standing beside her. He was buck naked now, holding his cock in his
hand and stroking it slowly. He was staring at her with such heat that she
swore she would incinerate from it. She couldn’t wait to get her hands on … wait
a minute! Wasn’t Jared still between her legs? What the hell?

Her head whipped round and she looked down, her eyes making four with
Cole’s smoldering grey ones. She froze, simply staring down at him for several
seconds while shock rendered her speechless. “C-Cole?” she said, when she
finally figured out how to speak again.

“Yes, angel, it’s me,” he said, offering her a sheepish smile. “Do you

Her eyes flew back to Jared, who was looking down at her
apprehensively. “Do you?” he asked, echoing Cole’s question.

“I … you … you want me to …”

BOOK: The Guest
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