Read The Horny Leprechaun 2 Online

Authors: Nikita King

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Fantasy, #Paranormal

The Horny Leprechaun 2 (3 page)

BOOK: The Horny Leprechaun 2
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“With all due respect, King.  What would you do in my place if someone kidnapped your mate and your unborn babe?”

I would kill the male where he stood!  If your mate was with child, how could you leave her to fend for herself?  What does that say about you?

“Redrick,” a gentle female voice said.  Redrick faced her immediately like it was a command.  Collins could tell that the Queen owned Redrick’s soul and devotion.  Kings usually didn’t allow their Queens to talk, much less disagree with them in front of others.  “Don’t be so hard on him.  It is not your place to judge what went on with this couple.”  Kim turned her head to Collins.

“If you don’t mind, may I read between the lines here?” Kim gently asked Collins.


“You two were in a fight and she needed to have some time to herself?”

“Aye, somethi
ng like that.  She dinna want ta be with me but I believe since then her feelings have changed.  We are going ta have a babe.  I want her home with me.  Safe from everything.” Collins didn’t even realize it, but tears were coming down his cheeks. 
Shit, since when did he get so sentimental?
“She is everything ta me.  She and the babe are the only things that matter!”

“See Redrick, you can see how much he loves her.” Kim said to her husband.

If he loved her so much why did he let her leave?  I loved you and I didn’t let you leave.

“Oh, Redrick………. The only reason that worked is because I told you I didn’t want to leave.  Human women have strong determination.  We were raised to think for ourselves, to be our own person.  If she needed space, he couldn’t have kept her there.”

Collins could tell that the King had a very strong opinion but he could also tell that the Queen had a lot of influence over this stubborn king.  He must love her very much.

Leprechaun, you are right.  If she is carrying your child, you have claim on her first.  It is not my place to judge you and yours.  Not so long ago, I didn’t make good decisions myself when it came to my mate.  Is there anything that you could recognize about the Gaunt that you saw?  Anything that would have made him stand out?

“No, not really, but I have my magical hand mirror.  It shows me Karen at all times.  We could look into the mirror and maybe you would know him.”

Very well, let me see.


Karen walked out of the alcove and Teros was waiting for her.  He gripped her upper arm and led her back to where he was keeping her.  He pushed her into the room.



Strip, it is time that we mated.  You are mine now.  I want to see you naked.

Karen started to back up against the wall.

“Please don’t do this, please, I am begging you.  I have feelings for someone else.”

I don’t care who you have feelings for.  You are mine now.

He walked up to Karen and grabbed her wrists and pulled them over her head.  He held them in one hand and proceeded to move his other to Karen’s shirt.  With his claw, he started at the neck and cut straight down her night shirt.  His hand cradled one of her breasts. 

“Stop,” Karen whispered with tears running out of her eyes.  “Don’t do this, I don’t want this.”

He took one of his claws and circled her nipple with it making it pebble up.  Then the claw slowly roamed down between her breasts to her stomach.  Teros paused for a moment to look at her belly and cocked his head to the side. 

This frightened Karen the most.  Even though she wasn’t really showing yet it was like the Gaunt could sense something.  Then the Gaunt hooked his claw onto the waist of her pajama pants and ripped down the whole leg.  The pajama pants fell to the ground and left Karen in bikini pink underwear.  The Gaunt slowly looked over Karen’s mostly naked body and you could tell that he liked what he saw.  His claw continued to roam around near her belly and then went the underwear to the floor.

“Please don’t…………. I am begging you not to do this,” Karen started crying.

Then the Gaunt preceded his roaming claw over her belly.  Then the clawed fingertip headed down to her pubic hair.  Karen gasped with fear when Teros gently pushed his finger tip and claw into her dry pussy.  Karen started crying with tears rolling out of her eyes.  The Gaunt continued to push deeper finding a little lubrication to start pumping his fingers.  He was surprisingly gentle with this movement, not wanting his claw to cut her insides.  He pulled his fingers out and brought them up to his two nostril holes and took in a big whiff.

Teros groaned with utter lust.  He brought his finger back to her pussy when she started to squirm away.  Teros still holding her wrists and tried to get her to stand still but she kept trying to get loose.

Stop! Now!

“I DON’T WANT THIS,” Karen screamed with sobs tearing from her mouth.

Teros let go of her wrist
s and twirled her away from the cave wall.  Then he punched her in the face, hard. Karen screamed and fell to the floor.  She tried to crawl away on her stomach but the Night Gaunt was on top of her faster than sound.  He grabbed her waist and brought her up to all fours.  Karen could feel Teros’s huge erection along her inner thigh.  He covered her back.  She started screaming at the top of her voice.

“Don’t!  Stop, please! No!”

Teros held his cock to align the tip to her labia’s lips and……………… suddenly Karen heard a roar and suddenly she was free of the Gaunt’s hold and lying flat on the floor.


Collins, Redrick, and Kim were on their way to the habitat that Teros lived in.  All of a sudden they heard a female scream “I DON’T WANT THIS” and then they heard screaming.

Collins wasted no time.  That was his Karen.  He ran toward the voice and that is when he saw Karen struggling on all fours nude with the Night Gaunt trying to insert his penis into her.  Collins saw red!  He ran at the Gaunt to push him off of Karen before the Gaunt could push his cock into her.  Collins and the Gaunt hit the wall.  Collins had the advantage because the Gaunt was disoriented and confused for he didn’t see the Leprechaun coming.  Collins used this to his
advantage and hit the Gaunt in the face as hard as he could.  Then Collins kicked the Gaunt into his rib cage about four times.  The Gaunt was down but not out.  He pushed off the wall and flew and tackled Collins to the ground.  They rolled a bit until one of the Gaunt’s wings bent back and everyone heard a terrible shriek.


Karen was on the floor shocked. 
What happened? 
She looked up and she saw that someone was hitting Teros. 
But who?
  She scuttled up into a corner trying to cover her nudity as much as she could.  Sitting in the corner, she focused her eyes more clearly and noticed the man hitting Teros was……….. Collins?  It was Collins! 
Oh my God, he came for me!
Karen started crying again but out of happiness.  Never in a million years would she have thought that Collins would save her from this.  How did he know?  How? Looking back at the fight Teros had gained some ground.  He pushed off the wall and flew at Collins.  Karen gasped for fear for Collins.  Collins must have heard her because while the Gaunt was on top of him, his eyes shot over to where Karen was.  Their eyes locked and held there for the longest second of her life.  She had never been as happy to see someone than she was to see Collins in that very moment and she got the feeling that he felt the same.  That was when Collins got a burst of energy and rolled the Gaunt on his back causing his wing to bend in a strange way.  Then Collins hit the Gaunt one more time, knocking him out cold.


Collins stood up and saw Karen in the corner huddled in a nude ball.  He looked at her and she stared at him.  Time was frozen.  Collins was terrified.  He had no idea what Karen was thinking.  Did she still hate him?  Was she glad he was here?

Collins looked over at Redrick and Kim.  Redri
ck respectively had his eyes averted away from Karen which Collins was grateful for.  Kim was looking at the other Night Gaunt with a worried look on her face.  Collins faced Karen again.

“Karen, lass, are…….. are you okay?”

“Collins!  You came for me!”

Karen got up and ran and jumped into Collin’s arms.  Almost smothering him but he didn’t mind.  In fact, he was very pleased. 

“Karen, did I stop him in time?  Did he, did he hurt you?  Did he…………”

“No, he almost did but you stopped him Collins,” Karen broke into tears as she whispered it in his ear.  “You stopped him.”

“Thank God!  I am so sorry that he even touched you, Karen.”

Collins had to set her on her feet because she was
nude and he didn’t want the Gaunt looking at her.  Collins quickly pulled his shirt out of his jeans and unbuttoned it.  He took it off exposing his well-defined chest and his beautiful abs.  He draped it around Karen’s shoulder and helped her put her arms in through the sleeves. He had to button up the shirt because Karen’s hands were shaking so bad.  Collins hands were shaking too.

“Karen, I………”

Then Karen kissed him.  Kissed him hard.  Collins embraced her in his arms.  Then Collins did what came naturally and kissed her back.  After a few moments, Collins pulled away and looked into Karen’s eyes.

“I won’t ever let him hurt you again.  I will protect you, keep you safe.” Collins softly cooed as he ran his fingers through her brown hair.

That is when they heard the Night Gaunt start to stir into consciousness.  Collins quickly turned around ready to fight pulling Karen directly behind him.

“I am going ta
kill you,” Collins growled low in his throat.

No, you will not.  He is my responsibility.
Redrick looked at Collins.

hell it is!  He nearly raped my female.  No telling what else he did ta her.  Vengeance is mine for what he did ta Karen.”

I am his King and it is my right to punish him to how I see fit.

“Well, dead better be in that plan!” Collins spit out.

Punish me?
  Teros spit out in his thoughts. 
You, our mighty King?  You who took my mate away from me?

You kidnapped her, she belongs with another.  Where is your honor, Teros?

You are one to talk of honor, you who raped women once a week for years!  Until you found her.
  Teros nodded his head toward Kim.  He got to his feet and righted himself. 
It is okay for you to take what you want but not for the rest of us.  Hypocrite!

’s head fell in shame because what Teros said was right.  He had no honor before Kim but it didn’t mean he could let this slide.  He would look weak to his people.  Redrick looked up to speak but then Teros, who was faster than anything he’d ever seen, dashed around Kim and put his claw up to her throat and he put the other clawed hand on Kim’s baby bump. 

Redrick froze.  Time stopped. Redrick’s life was passing before his eyes.  All the horrible things he did to those women.  Was this the universe coming back at him?  He was going to have his complete existence taken away from him.  The love of his life and their unborn spawn.  If Kim was gone he might as well slit his own throat because without her he didn’t want to exist. 

  Redrick stiffened.

Maybe it is time to show you what it feels like to have a mate taken from you?  Maybe, I should take your mate as mine.  What do I have to lose, huh?  You’re going to punish me right? 
Teros ran his nail gently over her throat.

  Redrick expanded his wings, ready to fight if he needed.

I don’t think so
.  Teros spit back.

Teros let his hand leave Kim’s baby bump and grab Kim’s breast.  Redrick gaze was murderous but he dared not move until he had an opening.

What if I fuck her in front of you?  Would you like that?  “Our King whom only likes women not sullied by another.”  What would you do after I fucked her?  Leave her?  Kill her?  How much do you really love her?
Tell me Redrick….

Enough that
whatever you did to her would not change the love I feel for her but let me make myself very clear.  You even think about putting your dick into my Queen, I swear on my existence I will rip it off your body when you are done.  Do you understand me?
Redrick asked.

Teros actually flinched.  His King never made empty threats.

Teros started to back away.  Once his claw got farther away from Kim’s throat, Collins jumped him from the side and slammed him into the ground.  Collins punched the Gaunt in the face three times in a row.  Then the Gaunt hit Collins.  And just like that, the Gaunt disappeared.  He was just that fast. 


Kim, my love, are you okay?

Redrick ran to Kim’s side and picked her up and cradled her body in his arms.

I am so sorry he touched you.  I failed you.  I should have torn his throat out the moment we walked in here.

“Redrick, you did not know what was going to happen.  You did not fail me.  You can’t control everything around you.  I know you want to but you can’t,” Kim put her hand up to his face.

BOOK: The Horny Leprechaun 2
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