Read The Huntsmen Online

Authors: Honor James

The Huntsmen (16 page)

BOOK: The Huntsmen
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“You have me at a serious disadvantage,” he said quietly as his breath sawed in and out of his lungs. “I need out of these clothes but you’re wrapped around me so perfectly I don’t think I can manage it.”

“Then just undo your pants,” her hands moved on him. “Or let me, something. Just please,” she whimpered. “Whatever we do can we make quick work of it, please? I want you inside of me again, to feel you as you move and then the burst of your seed from your body. Whatever we need to do, can we do it quickly, please?”

“You’ll need to undo them,” he said quietly, rocking his cock to her pussy. “Quickly,” he told her, drawing back enough to let her have access. “I need to bury myself deep inside you. It’s been too long in my mind since last I felt your pussy wrapped around my cock.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Snow’s hands made their way between them. She was soon releasing him, her nails dancing lightly up and down his cock. “Fuck me, Dierk. Make me scream.” Moving her hands back up, she braced them on his shoulders and looked into his eyes, a smile playing at the corners of her lips turned upwards because of her happiness.

His cock slid into her pussy with complete ease, her inner muscles pulling him in deep then holding him there. “You always scream,” he said with a slow smile. “Not exactly much of a challenge.” Pressing a kiss to her lips, he nibbled along her jaw slowly, “The true challenge would be keeping one bottled up.”

“True,” Snow said with a smile. “God that feels so good.” Her nails raked at his shoulders, she tugged him closer, kept him tighter to her body as she did. “Perfect. I love how you fill me so completely.” He filled her body, heart, and soul so perfectly.

Nibbling on her throat, he began to thrust his cock in and out of her slick pussy. “You were made for us all, Snow, perfectly made for us. You know us, accept each of us for who we are, and love us for who we are. We couldn’t ask for anything more, you just accept us.”

“As you accept me,” she whimpered. “Harder,” she demanded. “Please. Harder. Faster. So close.” Already she was so very close to coming and she wanted to be able to have him come with her. “More,” she demanded.

Scraping his teeth to her skin, he growled when she shivered. Wrapping his arms around her, he turned them from the wall and they fell onto the bed. His thrust became harder, deeper, his balls slapping her ass with each push of his cock into her pussy.

Moving her legs so she could wrap them tighter and higher around his waist, she shivered, “So good,” she moaned. “God you’re hitting every single part inside of me. I need more,” she growled. “God that’s so freaking good,” she moaned. “Please tell me you’re close too.”

“Just waiting on you to let go and scream,” he told her, moving his hips faster. “Come for me, Snow. Make sure everyone in this inn knows you’re bloody getting loved like never before,” he demanded, biting her neck just hard enough to pinch.

Snow screamed then, the feeling of his teeth on her neck made her whole body clench tightly on him. She sobbed with her orgasm, every single part of her body shaking. “Please,” she begged him, needing him to come with her.

Grunting, he slammed his cock deep inside her and came, her name a choked growl. His body shuddering, Dierk collapsed over her holding her tight. “God I love you,” he managed a time later, his nose rubbing up and down her throat.

“That’s a very, very good thing,” she whispered and gulped, “Can’t breathe.” She was gasping for air, but she loved it. Holding him close with a smile, she bit her lower lip. “So very nice,” she murmured. “I need a nap now though.”

Groaning, he pushed up on his arms, “Bath first,” he said softly. “Then we’ll sleep, but we need to bathe so we’ll be comfortable. After a full day of running through the countryside I’m more than ready to feel clean once again.”

“Same here,” she said with a smile. “I’m looking forward to being able to get clean again.” Rubbing her cheek to his chest, she laid there with him and yawned. “I don’t know though, so tired.”

Pushing up, he withdrew his cock from her body, rolled her slightly and smacked her ass. “Up, wench,” he ordered with a grin. Stepping away from the bed, Dierk stripped out of his clothes and held a hand out to her. “Join me in the tub, Snow, please.”

“I could no more deny you than I could anyone else,” she said with a smile. “I love you, Dierk.” Smiling, she moved to the tub. Stepping into the water with him, she settled against his body and laid her head on his shoulder. “This is nice.”

Kissing her neck, he chuckled, “Any time with you is nice, Snow, magnificent even. Glorious would be a better word actually. Though I prefer the quiet times, less fraught with danger and definitely with less running”

“I completely agree,” she said with a smile. “Even if it’s the illusion of safety we have right now. We both know it’s just an illusion. That’s okay though because we’re together and we have the others with us as well.”

“It is at that,” he murmured quietly. Lifting her hand from the water, he toyed with her fingers. “Have you given any thought as to what you’re going to say to your uncles? I mean beyond the obvious part of the Queen locking you in the tower for most of your life and all.”

“Not really. I just want to tell them the truth. The complete and full truth.” Snow hadn’t thought beyond telling them the truth. “All I know is I have the men I love with me and I’m headed toward the men I trust most in the world so of course I’m just going to totally wing it.”

“'Cause that never goes horribly wrong,” he said, shaking his head. “Well, as long as you trust your instincts it should be fine. Though,” he squeezed her hand, “if you’d listen to them in regards to me I’d be a lot happier with you.”

“I’ll try. I really will.” She needed to trust her gut when it came to him and knew it. “I love you, Dierk,” she told him with a smile. “Forever,” she murmured. “Thank you, for this time alone with me. Thank you for wanting the time as much as I did.”

“Any time alone with you is a treasure,” he murmured quietly. Catching her chin, he turned her head enough to press a kiss to her lips. “I love you, Snow, I have no idea how you managed to get me to love you but you did. Even better than that, I like and respect you, Princess.”

“I love you too. All that matters is we’re together. I love you and I love the others as well. We’re good together, the four of us,” she told him with a smile. “I think we should perhaps ask the others to come in now, don’t you?”

“Let’s get out of the bath first,” he said, passing her the sliver of soap and a cloth. “Wash up, Princess, and we’ll get out. We’ll call in the others and get our meal then we shall shut ourselves in for the night.”

“That sounds best.” She took a deep breath and nodded. “I want to have my men holding me. I need to feel them holding me as we rest,” she said happily. “I just know that’s what we all need.” So that they could rest, all of them truly rest together.

“We all need the sleep, especially after today. Hopefully they’re done rigging up the alarms,” he said, stretching his arms over his head. “Wash up, sweet, so I can do the same. Then we’ll get out and relax while we eat.”

“Sounds good to me.” She finished washing, her eyes on him as she did. After some time she stood and grabbed the first bath towel. She passed him the other one. “Do you think Baldric and Nik will want a bath as well?”

“More than likely, especially once they see how clean you are,” he smiled as he washed. Ducking under the water, he came up to shake his head slightly. Pushing up, he stepped out and used the bathing towel she handed him to dry off.

Moving to the bed, Snow fell into the middle and stretched out a hand out to him. “Get them back in here so you can love me again while they’re cleaning up, please?” She wanted all three of her men, “I want you all tonight, one in my mouth, one in my pussy, and one in my ass. I need that connection to all three of you.”

“You’ll have us,” he said, moving over to the bed. Catching her hand, he leaned over to kiss her fingers. “Give me a moment,” he told her. Going to the door, he stuck his head out in the hall and waved in the other two. “Bath’s free if you want, I have plans while you two share the tub,” Dierk grinned over at Snow.

“Fucking hell,” Niklaus stopped to stare at Snow, “You look like a Goddess laid out to tempt us into sinning.”

Snow smiled up at Niklaus and ran her fingers down her own body. “That’s a very good thing because I want there to be lots and lots of sinning tonight. Hurry and bathe, my Huntsmen, so I can have you all at once. Get clean while I get loved.”

Chuckling at the others, Dierk dropped his bathing sheet and moved to the bed. Climbing up, he tugged on Snow changing their positions. Settling her on her knees facing the tub, Dierk speared two fingers into her ass to test her readiness before pushing his cock in slowly. Thankfully they’d begun to prepare her right from the start so there was only a little bit of a pinch when he did. Spreading her legs, he nibbled on her neck, “Play with your pussy, love, show them how much you want, need, one of their cocks to replace your fingers.”

Snow smiled and nodded. Her eyes on her other two Huntsmen she began to move her fingers in and out of her dripping pussy, licking her lips as she watched them, her body moving with Dierk’s naturally, easily. “Harder,” she demanded of Dierk, “Please. Harder.”

Thrusting deeper, he held her thighs wide open. Biting her neck lightly, he sucked on her soft skin and flexed his cock inside her ass.

“Fuck,” Baldric breathed out nearly falling into the tub. Stumbling in, he ducked under the water quickly, washed his body then ducked under again. Climbing out so fast he nearly took out Nik who was just standing there. He gave Nik a shove, “Wash up damn it.”

Snow looked up at Baldric as he approached the bed and opened her mouth. “I want to taste you,” she demanded, riding the razor edge of her orgasm. “I’m so close, Baldric, come and fuck my mouth so all three of us can come together.”

Stepping up to the bed, he held his cock for her and pushed his other hand into her hair. “I’m going to come as soon as you start to suck. I’m right on the edge, Snow, I need you so bad,” he groaned and threw his head back when she touched his cock.

Her mouth closed over Baldric’s cock and she suckled hard. Her cheeks hollowed out as she sucked then began to move, taking him all the way to the back of her throat then swallowing to take all of him in her mouth. She repeated the process, her fingers still working on her own body as she did so.

Staring down into her eyes as she sucked on his cock, Baldric’s fingers tightened in her hair. “Harder,” he hissed out, thrusting his hips slightly as she sucked. “God, Snow,” he got out on a gurgle of sound.

Slamming his cock into her tight ass, Dierk put his hands on her breasts and played with her nipples. Pinching, rolling, tugging, and flicking them, he tortured her on two fronts.

Snow’s teeth gently nipped at Baldric’s cock as she once more sucked him harder, faster, and swallowed as she had before. A full body shiver raced over her skin, she felt her face flushing, her body flushing and knew she wasn’t going to last much longer. Pressing back harder and harder against Dierk, she shuddered and cried out suddenly, her mouth never leaving Baldric’s cock as she came.

Thrusting deep, Baldric yelled her name as Dierk did the same in near unison. Shuddering as his semen spilled down her throat, he watched as she swallowed and licked him dry. Pulling back, he stumbled to a chair and collapsed.

Snow dropped to the bed and shivered, clenching at the bedding and arching her back to take Dierk deeper into her ass. “God that felt amazing. I was missing someone though.” She looked up and caught Nik’s gaze. “I needed you inside of me too. Now we have to do this all over again,” she pouted. “Not that I’m complaining.”

“I’m a coming, I’m a coming,” he said, hopping out of the tub and rapidly drying off. “If you hadn’t been so damned impatient, woman, I could have been right there with you, but no, you just had to rush through it, didn’t you?” Nik grinned at her.

“You bet I did. I’m a very needy woman, Niklaus. I was desperate for my men. Now,” she looked over her shoulder at Dierk and smiled, “whose loving me where this time?” She simply needed all three of them and since both Dierk and Baldric were already growing hard once more, she knew they needed her as well.

“I get your mouth this time,” Dierk said, pulling his cock from her ass.

“I definitely want your ass,” Baldric said, getting to his feet and moving around the bed.

“That leaves me with your pink, swollen so damned tempting pussy,” Niklaus murmured with a grin. “I’m one lucky man.”

“You bet you are. You all are one lucky, Huntsmen.” Snow moved on the bed slightly and looked over her shoulder, grinning when she watched Dierk clean himself up before returning to her. “Who’s going to be on bottom?”

“Just stay right where you’re,” Niklaus told her. “Well, maybe back toward the middle of the bed. Baldric is going to slip into your ass, I’ll slide into your pussy, and you’ll sit in our laps. Dierk will lean against the wall, his feet on the bed and you can suck him.”

“Alright.” She watched them as they moved, it was as if they were of one mind, one body, and it was one of the many things she loved about them. She leaned back against Baldric as he held her close, shivering with the touch of his fat cock to her ass. She let her head drop back onto his shoulder. “God yes. Please. Take me.”

Niklaus moved onto the bed and with a little work, got situated to slide his cock deep into her pussy. “You’re so tight,” he groaned, giving her a couple of quick, hard thrusts.

“She’s tiny, perfect,” Baldric said, cupping her breasts while Nik got her settled just right. Thrusting his cock into her ass, he squeezed her nipples lightly and rolled them in his fingers.

Dierk got onto the bed, back to the wall and settled into position with his knees braced wide, his cock standing nearly straight up against his belly. Stroking his cock, he watched them all as Snow took two cocks with great pleasure.

Snow looked up to see Dierk stroking his own cock and felt her mouthwatering. “Come here, Dierk. Let me suck you as well.” Another moan slipped from her throat. “God yes, there,” she whimpered, rolling her hips to give her men more access.

BOOK: The Huntsmen
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