Read The Kingdom of Carbonel Online

Authors: Barbara Sleigh

The Kingdom of Carbonel (10 page)

BOOK: The Kingdom of Carbonel
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Rosemary opened her mouth to say something, but John said, ‘Do hurry! There's no time to argue.'

She sat cautiously in the chair and held firmly on to the arms. It was lucky she did. Neither of them knew quite how it happened, but no sooner had John balanced on the rockers behind her than the chair gave a lurch and overbalanced. Rosemary had not far to fall, but John picked himself up ruefully with a grazed knee.

‘I thought you'd offended it!' said Rosemary. ‘Do say you're sorry and then we can get on. It must be growing awfully late.'

‘Oh, I'm sorry!' growled John. ‘I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!'

The chair bridled slightly. John dabbed at his knee with a handkerchief, which even in the moonlight looked grubby. Then, very gingerly, he squashed into the seat beside Rosemary. They could just manage it.

‘Now then, we must rock with our feet and hope for the best!' said Rosemary. ‘Together! One! Two!' The chair rocked, reluctantly at first, then, as Rosemary repeated the rhyme she had prepared, settled into a steady, swinging motion.

‘In Broomhurst Town we want to find
The tallest roof, if you don't mind.
We'll sit as quiet as anything,
And ever more your praises sing.'

Higher and higher swung the chair, and as Rosemary repeated the rhyme for the third time, it rose smoothly from the ground, up into the moon-washed air. It spiralled high above Cranshaw Road, then turned sharply in the direction of Broomhurst.

‘Yoicks! Tally ho!' shouted John, bouncing up and down on the seat. ‘This is simply wonderful!'

Rosemary's plaits streamed behind with their speed. Below them lay the sleeping town, a huddle of silver roofs. Or were they roofs? The sharp angles of gables and chimneys seemed softened in the moonlight.

‘If I didn't know they were roofs I should think they were hills and valleys,' shouted John above the wind.

‘So would I!' agreed Rosemary. ‘Those moving dots must be cats!'

They were flying high now, following the string of pale green street lights that lit the main road to Broomhurst like a string of precious stones. As if uncertain of its way the chair swooped down, casting uncomfortably this way and that at the edge of the town.

‘That's the way!' said John pointing to the left. ‘I can see the lane leading to Figg's Bottom, and there are the newly built houses! That's the one I hid in! Good heavens, they've built a lot since yesterday! Good old rocking chair!'

The chair had risen sharply again after turning obediently in the direction of John's pointing finger.

‘What if we can't find which is the tallest building?' called John. ‘We can't measure them!'

Far away, a clock chimed midnight.

‘Oh, do hurry,
chair!' said Rosemary, and the chair redoubled its speed.

Fortunately there was no mistaking the tallest building. Until recently, Broomhurst had been a sleepy, old-fashioned little town like Fallowhithe. The coming of new industries had brought new life and new ways. So far, only a small section near the railway station had been modernized. There was a department store and a hospital, as well as
flats and office buildings. The old-fashioned roof tops which looked like foothills huddled around the base of the mountainous new buildings, the tallest of which was undoubtedly a block of offices. A breeze had sprung up, and little clouds were scudding across the face of the moon.

‘Bother!' said Rosemary. ‘Now we can't see properly!'

‘It's not a bad thing really,' said John. ‘It may give us more chance of landing without being spotted. The old chair ought to –'

Rosemary nudged him sharply.

He added hastily, ‘I mean if the
rocking chair would
circle around so we can spot a good landing place, when the moon is covered, we could land without being seen. It's after twelve, so Mrs Cantrip will have arrived. Even if they have posted cats as sentries, they will be off their guard because they won't expect anyone else.'

Already the chair was circling the building.

‘That looks like a good place!' said John. ‘Behind that ventilator shaft. The moon is just going behind a cloud. Now!'

The chair rose sharply, then with a sickening swoop dropped toward the ventilator shaft, which seemed to spin up toward them as they swung down.

‘We will make such a clatter when we land that
everyone will hear for miles!' thought Rosemary desperately, and she closed her eyes, waiting for the shock.

The chair landed fair and square on its rockers, with a jolt that shook the teeth in their heads. Oddly enough, it was a silent landing. The two children climbed out rather shakily. The rocking chair still swayed slightly, as if it were out of breath. The moonlight flooded the sky once more and illuminated the roof top.

‘But these aren't slates and chimneys!' said John looking at the soft grass at his feet. ‘I thought this was a ventilator shaft, but it's nothing of the sort. It's a tree!'

‘Cat Country!' said Rosemary softly. ‘That's what Carbonel called it. Hush! I can hear someone talking!'


John put a restraining hand on Rosemary's arm.

‘It may be Cat Country, but they are enemy cats. We can't rush in without spying out the land first!'

Rosemary nodded. Then she turned to the rocking chair.

‘Chair, dear! Thank you for bringing us so splendidly!' she whispered.

‘Yes, rather!' said John. ‘Almost as good as a jet.'

‘And much, much more quietly!' added Rosemary quickly. ‘Wait for us, chair. I don't think anyone will see you tucked away here. We won't be long, at least I hope not.'

‘Come on!' said John. ‘Bother, it's gone dark again.'

They waited till the trailing wisp of cloud had drifted across the face of the moon and the silver light flooded out. The tree they had thought was
a ventilator shaft seemed to have redoubled its size. The trunk was wide and strong and scored with the claw sharpenings of innumerable cats. Crouching on the little bank where the tree grew, they peered through tall grass and catnip which grew thickly along the top. On the other side, the bank sloped steeply down to a little hollow from which a stream bubbled. It chuckled along, winding and weed-fringed, toward a thicket of slender trees, where it disappeared underground, still talking to itself.

‘It doesn't look like water. It's white,' said Rosemary.

But John was not listening. ‘If this is Cat Country, it's funny there isn't a cat to be seen!' he said.

‘There are the voices again!' whispered Rosemary.

‘Cross voices they sound, too!' said John. ‘That's where they come from, that little clump of trees. Come on. We'd better not take any risks, even if we can't see any cats. Keep your head down and follow me!'

The ground was broken by low patches of undergrowth. Crouching low, they crept down the bank and made their way in a series of little runs from bush to bush. When they reached the last one large enough to hide behind, they were within easy reach of the trees. Rosemary was just going to stretch
her cramped back when John pulled her down again.

‘Look at that rock a few feet away!' he breathed. Rosemary looked. On the top, sitting so still that he might have been part of it, was a cat. His eyes were the merest slits of emerald green. As they looked, the slits disappeared altogether. His eyes were closed. At the same time, a second cat leaped up on to the rock beside him. Instantly the green eyes opened wide.

‘It's all right, Noggin!' said the first cat hurriedly. ‘I was only having a little think, and I can always do it better with my eyes closed.'

‘No good sentry
' growled Noggin. ‘I suppose, like all the others I've just inspected, you were thinking there's no need to keep your eyes open because the Flying Women are here. Well, you're wrong! There may be two more about, enemy ones, a Flying Boy and a Flying Girl.' John nudged Rosemary. ‘Her Royal Greyness has just sent word.'

‘I don't hold with humans in Cat Country,' said Swabber sulkily. ‘It's never been done before, and I don't like it.'

‘No more than I do,' said Noggin. ‘But orders is orders. And if the next sentry is “thinking”, I'll just pull his whiskers for him!'

Still grumbling, Noggin slipped silently off the
rock and loped away across the moonlit grass.

Swabber waited until he was out of sight, and muttering something about ‘a lot of fuss', curled up and promptly went to sleep.

‘Now!' whispered John with his mouth so close to Rosemary's ear that it tickled.

They crept from the shadow of the bush, thankful for the covering noise of the little stream, and once around the rock they ran to the shelter of the thicket. Just as they reached it, Rosemary stumbled.

‘Ow!' she exclaimed.

‘Shut up!' hissed John.

‘It's all very well!' whispered Rosemary indignantly, hopping up and down and holding her shin. ‘I stepped on something crackly, and it bit me!'

They looked down. There on the grass was a broom. It was made from a bundle of twigs bound on to a handle, the sort that is used by gardeners – and witches. It was tethered to one of the little trees.

‘It must be the new broom Miss Dibdin made, and they must have both ridden on it after all!' said Rosemary.

The voices sounded very close now. John and Rosemary crept from tree to tree, hardly daring to breathe, until John put out a warning hand. Looking over his shoulder, Rosemary saw a small
open space in the middle of the thicket. In the centre was a tree stump, and on it sat what was clearly Her Royal Greyness. She was a beautiful, grey Persian cat with brilliant green eyes. There were several other animals grouped around her, sitting among the plants which grew thickly in the little clearing. The green eyes turned restlessly from one to the other of the two women seated on a low rock in front of her.

Mrs Cantrip and Miss Dibdin, quite undisturbed by their royal company, were arguing hotly. Mrs Cantrip had lost a shoe again, and her lank hair had escaped from the very large pins which usually kept it fairly tidy, but she seemed quite unruffled. Miss Dibdin, on the other hand, was clearly in a bad temper. Her hat was crooked and her trim suit was rumpled and untidy. While the children watched, she took off her hat and tried to readjust her bun.

‘If you didn't enjoy it, it's your own fault,' Mrs Cantrip was saying. ‘You would come, though I warned you, and you made the broom yourself, so I don't see you've anything to grumble about. As I told you, it takes years to train a broomstick to fly smooth and obedient with only one person up, let alone two!'

Miss Dibdin muttered something indistinctly because her mouth was full of hairpins.

‘Ah, I've known some broomsticks in my time,' said Mrs Cantrip. ‘I had one once – McShuttle it was called – made of the best Scottish heather. A beautiful, smooth movement it had.' Her eyes had a faraway look in them, and she went on in a singsong voice, ‘From Pole to Pole we went once, in a single night, without so much as a jolt or jar, and obedient –'

‘Oh, I know!' interrupted Miss Dibdin crossly. ‘It singed its tail in the Northern Lights, and you never knew till you got home again. You've told me dozens of times. I'm sure I said all the things over my broom you told me to, when I bound the twigs on, and I used all the Flying Philtre there was. There's not a drop left. Now if only the rocking chair –'

‘The rocking chair!' said Mrs Cantrip with withering scorn. ‘Armchair flying! Soft, all you young witches nowadays! Do you think I'd be seen dead in it if I had not gone out of business? Not I! Now, when I was young –!'

‘Ladies, ladies!' broke in the voice of Queen Grisana. It was a soft languid voice. ‘Let us have no unpleasantness! There is nothing I dislike so much. Now let us have a cosy little chat together and I will tell you why I have summoned you.'

The voice seemed always to have a slight purr
behind it, but the green eyes flashed hard and brilliant from one to the other.

‘It seemed to me that we might strike a bargain. I can be frank, because there is no danger of our being overheard. I have forbidden my people to use this high place tonight. It can be reached only by two paths which are closely guarded. My sentries will give instant warning if they see anything unusual. These children you mentioned, have you any reason to suspect that they know anything of our meeting?'

‘The meddlesome brats are the only ones who could get here. They've stolen my Flying Chair. I'm uneasy in my bones. Reliable my bones is, as a rule,' said Mrs Cantrip.

‘Then let us be quick in what we have to say,' purred the grey cat. She lowered her voice, so that the children had to lean forward to hear her. ‘And what we say must never go further than this clump of trees. Now listen carefully!'

BOOK: The Kingdom of Carbonel
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