The Millionaire Door Prize (Erotic Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: The Millionaire Door Prize (Erotic Romance)
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“Okay, how many rooms are there?”

Xander smiled that alluring smile and winked. “Never you mind, missy. Just rest those pussy lips. You are going to need it.” He grinned as she laughed.

“Aye aye
, captain!” she said, saluting him. He pulled her into his arms, kissing her with love, embracing her, never wanting to let her go. They crawled under the covers and slept peacefully with visions of fuck sessions dancing in their heads!


# # #


About the Author:

Emorej Luag is a stay-at-home wife that loves to create wild, romantic fantasies that would be quite interesting to try, at least to an extent. She focuses on passion, romance, and likes to add a touch of kinkiness to her stories, delving into the loving relationships between her characters. Emorej’s tales are erotic, passionate, true-life types of experiences. They explore devotion between two people looking for a lasting relationship, with happy endings as tacky as a Hollywood movie!


Erotica/Romance Titles by Emorej Luag:

Scheduled for
Release March 2013


Whacking at Your Window


Annabelle was a loner, sweet in every way—that is, until she went to college. Her roommate Crystal changed her life in one way she never considered.  Crystal believed a host of stereotypical lies based on her own experiences, especially concerning men. Deceived into thinking they were all after just one thing . . . free sex . . . and that women were toys to play with, Annabelle goes through life without ever finding true satisfaction.

One day she accidentally bumps into a coworker by the name of Antonio. Being a gentleman, he helps pick up her strewn papers. She runs off, and it isn’t until Antonio finds one missed sheet of paper that he reads what’s on it. This innocent act of kindness leads his curiosity to do things he never would have before. There is more to Annabelle than he realized at first glance, and he must find out more! He discovers where she lives, and well . . . it gets
hot.  But will his early attempts to discover her secret ruin their fun?


Paranormal/Alien Erotica Series

Scheduled for
Release March 2013


Mated & Blooded 1


Aliens have long strived to save their race by persuading Earthlings with their
sexual methods
. The orgasmic effect it has on the human species is undeniably erotic on so many levels! The cycle of the Retipujian is to mate with their intended, then blood them for the final deed, binding them to their alien counterparts till death! Humans are no longer Earthlings, but have become Sexlings!
This is the beginning of a journey into the secret world of visitors from Retipuj; a peaceful race looking to enhance their species by mating with Earthlings. When a Retipujian mates with a human, it is for life. But after the mating ritual, it gets so much more interesting as the blooding with their mate evolves.

a sweet, virgin outcast is tormented before her schoolmates. Jacqueline, who has come under fire in more ways than one, is living a lonely, subservient hell to a traveling salesman husband. Tamara is a lovely lady with a choice of a lifetime. All of them have been selected as intended mates. Unfortunately, they aren’t aware, but how long can a Retipuj keep his sexual talents secret?




for Release April 2013!


Hardly Working


Eddie thinks he has it all: a good job working as a Mechanic and a boss and co-worker with the perfect scheme to get laid on the side. Then one day someone entirely too handsome walks into the garage. Seeing Brad’s smile and chiseled good looks, Eddie is more astounded, yet confused than he ever thought possible!
With Eddie’s past forgotten, it only takes one man and a trunk full of sexual paraphernalia to bring it all back to life!


Eddie allows Brad to take control of his life after revisiting what they did when they were younger. Because of Brad, Eddie was saved from a fate that could have locked him away for the rest of his life. But rediscovering his past can help the future to flourish.
When you reach a point in your life, a crossroads, where you don’t realize who or what you are, if you’re gay, bi, or even heterosexual, it helps to have friends to direct you.



Works of Fiction by Spyder:


Personal Justice (Eight-book series)

Personal Justice 1


Personal Justice 1 is a powerful story of
loss, pain, and redemption—prepare yourself! This is a tale of suspense and intrigue that will take you, the reader, on an emotional roller-coaster ride, carrying you to a place where pain and loss collide with desperation, to leave you breathless and waiting for more. Brace yourself for a terrifying story that will grab you by your soul and drag you into the depths of the organization of Personal Justice.

Zachary Kavanaugh
is a successful defense attorney who lives with his equally successful parents and sister, when tragedy strikes. Tony’s parents and a family friend also suffer tragedies the same day. Nikita is a child who snaps the night horror comes clawing at her door. Adrian, a prominent psychiatrist, loses his life’s work due to ignorance and greed. Tommy and Brad, young boys in the foster system, suffer pain that will forever be their bridge to a new life.

This is a story that will make your heart race, your eyes moist
, and your sense of Justice very personal. After all, “The only real Justice . . . is Personal Justice!”



Here is a link to all eight
book trailers for my Personal Justice series:


Personal Justice 2


The roller
-coaster ride continues after the Personal Justice Organization has grown considerably. New turmoil arises. Zachary faces a devastating loss that could bring him to his knees and test the loyalty amongst the Personal Justice Organization.


Samuel has hope for the future beyond the gun he put to his temple. Nikita continues to rattle cages, mainly Tony’s. Krystal breaks down in tears, swearing off men for their endless betrayals. Michael learns to live and love again, but has revenge on his mind. Tony does the unthinkable, and Nikita plays his nurse, helping and hoping as Tony’s life hangs in the balance. Tommy is growing up and finds his first love. And Brad takes an adult stand that comes at an unthinkable price!



Here is a link to all eight
book trailers for my Personal Justice series:


Personal Justice 3


Krystal just can’t seem to get off her roller coaster of manipulative men, but one night in the park changes her life forever! Saved from certain doom, her fate has now become interwoven with the Personal Justice
Organization, whether she wants it to be or not. Zachary is infatuated with her from the moment he reads the attack report. His heart drives him to her, and fate seals their destiny from that moment forward. With money comes power and a need to seemingly control those around them. Though Zachary does not mean Krystal harm, her past record with men makes her cautious of his true intentions. She is weak in his gracious presence and also enamored by his loving ways, but is it too much too soon? Is she even capable of loving a man after all she has gone through?


Here is a link to all eight book trailers for my Personal Justice series:



BOOK: The Millionaire Door Prize (Erotic Romance)
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