The Mystical Knights: The Sword of Dreams (23 page)

BOOK: The Mystical Knights: The Sword of Dreams
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              Was it another trick of the light, or did Rowan grimace a bit as he absently fixed the hem of his shirt?  “I’m fine Nia.  I’m just nervous.”  He shook his bangs from his eyes and smiled at her again.  Nia nodded and took his word; shadows always played tricks on the eyes.

              “Where's Quinn and Thor?”  Fiona pressed the ridge of her hand into her forehead, wrinkling her nose.  Nia heard a tone of concern underlying in her voice, and looked around too.  Where there had been three paths in the beginning, there were only two that led into where they all stood now.  Nia's stomach did a little flip, making her heartbeat pound in her ear drums..

              “Maybe they already found a way in!  Lance!” Kenzie brushed past them, her heels clicking against the rocks and gravel as she ran towards the twinkling light in the distance.  As Rowan followed her, Nia uneasily glanced at Fiona, who replied with an shrug and followed Kenzie's lead as well.

              The four Knights cautiously reached the glowing entrance.  The lights that cascaded around them were pale gold and twinkling silvers.  Kenzie stood just near the entrance to the well lit room, but her sudden stab of courage had dissipated.  She looked terrified to see just what was inside, and she had every right to feel that way.  Nia toed her way around Kenzie, and slowly entered the room. 

              It was just like what she saw in her earlier vision; Lance, stripped down to his underwear, strapped onto a granite table.  He looked as pale as death, but Nia could see the slow and easy rise and fall of his chest as he lay unconscious.  His eyes were rolling around behind his eyelids as though he were intensely dreaming.  Intravenous needles were stuck into the fold of both arms, wires and long, spidery metal probes were sticking to his head and his face.  It was like some kind of bizarre hospital scene, except the monitors that surrounded him were unlike any Nia had ever seen before.  They didn't appear to be monitoring heart rate or brain activity, but were drilling away at an array of different equations, one right after the next.

              Nia frowned and stared at the monitors as the other filed in behind her.  Kenzie gasped and made to dash over to her brother's side, but Rowan grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

              "Let me go!" Kenzie said in a strangled whisper.  "What've they done to him?"

              "The Sword of Dreams would heal him," Fiona said quietly.

              Nia looked at her and knew that putting off the summoning of the Sword was something she could no longer do.  Nia inhaled deeply and stared at the monitor, watching those strange equations compute across the screen. Her heart began to race like wild fire inside her chest, but her mind and her thoughts were calm.  She let that serenity carry her away from the cool underground.  Her vision narrowed, blurring around the edges like a frost covered window on a cold winter’s night.  Her astral form flew through the sky, darting through the clouds and around the stars.  She could see the Sword of Dreams dwindling like starlight in the distance.  She looked upon it like a young child, marveling it as though it were one of the Seven Wonders of the world instead of an old Khopesh. 

              Using her Third Eye, she easily reached out her hand upwards as though she were flying a kite and with a flick of the wrist, her fingers wrapped tightly around the hilt of the Sword, securing it within the palm of her hand.  Euphoria rushed through her veins, just as strong as the sweetest poison would have.  For a moment Nia dwindled between time and space, holding this most precious Sword in her hand.  Then she was hurtling back towards Earth so quickly that her chest was aching with the want to breathe. 

              She gasped as she reconnected with her body, her eyes opening wide.  A firm hand held her arm just under her elbow and helped her to her knees.  Nia's heart skipped a beat before pounding hard inside her chest; she inhaled sharply, the cold air clean and sweet inside her lungs, filling them up until they felt that they could surely burst.  But in her hand was the Sword of Dreams, beautiful, yet simple, and oddly regal.  It's tarnished blade and amethyst jewels glittered delicately, casting twisted fractals of light across the room.

              Nia slowly got to her feet, using Fiona's hands as support, and moved to Lance's bedside.  She stared at him, listening to the quiet, to the steady beeping that was Lance's heartbeat.  No one made a sound, not even Kenzie.  Their eyes were all on Nia's back, that she was aware of.  As she gazed down upon the boy's cold body, she wondered what she should do.  How was the best way to help him with this Sword?

Place my blade on his heart.

              Holding her breath, Nia raised the Sword up and hovered it over Lance's chest.  She wasn't quite sure who's voice had just whispered through her mind, but it made her nervous.  She bit her lower lip, staring down at the brilliant Sword, so powerful, in her hands.  She could feel the steady thrum of its energy pulsing through her blood and her bones as she stood there, and it left a tingling excitement within her.  She took a deep breath to steady herself and slowly brought the blade down; the closer she got to Lance's flesh, the more wildly her stomach flipped.  Her body was one with the Sword; she was anxiously anticipating something both wondrous and terrible to happen the moment she touched him, but the Sword would not stop.

              "Excellent," a voice spoke from behind them.  "You've recovered the Sword of Dreams."

              His voice was right—the tone wasn’t.  Nia spun around there, standing in the doorway, with two other tall beings flanked behind him, stood an unusually haughty-looking Quinn, his emerald eyes glittering with malice.

Chapter 16: The Lost Brother


              “Quinn?” Nia asked, suddenly feeling heavily guarded.  She shivered despite herself and tucked the Sword behind her back, out of sight.  Fiona, Rowan, and Kenzie had all spun around too, their bodies rigid, yet prepared to attack.  Cautiously, Nia brought her sword arm to her side, and held the Sword of Dreams at the ready.

              A sinister twinkle touched Quinn’s indifferent eyes, and as he grinned, the feeling of wariness intensified about ten times. 
What's wrong with him
? Nia thought, looking over her friend with concern.  His aura was dark and clouded, and there was something evil lurking within the depths of his eyes.  Even the way he had his hair combed was completely wrong; it was sleeked back and neat, unlike how it usually was.  And when Quinn smiled, his face contorted into someone else’s entirely.

              “So,” he crooned softly, his eyes glued interestedly on Nia’s surprised face, “you must be Gold Lion.  We have been waiting to meet you, Nia.”  His eyes flitted towards the Sword of Dreams, which was nestled firmly at Nia's side.  “And that—”

              “—is not rightfully yours,” Fiona clarified between clenched teeth.  Quinn looked over at Fiona apathetically before searching Nia’s face once more, his eyes hungry.  Fiona glared right back at Quinn with such hatred and was a look Nia had
seen Fiona exchange with Quinn,

              Rowan stood back silently, watching Quinn with immense distaste while Kenzie clenched her fists and quickly stole a glance at her brother.   This boy who stood before them could have fooled anyone in every way; he had Quinn’s eyes, his hair, his smile, his voice...but this boy
was not Quinn

              “Axel,” Nia whispered, the pieces of the puzzle snapping into place as she carefully traced her eyes over the boy’s face again.  The boy’s lucid eyes twitched longingly over the Sword once more as a delighted smile stretched all over his face.  No one had mentioned that Quinn had a brother, no less an identical twin.  And yet, no one appeared as shocked as she felt.  They had known about this.

              “Ah!” he exclaimed, stopping just inches in front of Nia.  “How was it that you knew who I was?  Your clever intuitiveness, perhaps?  You are extremely talented, you know.”

              “No,” Nia replied coldly, clutching the Sword tightly in his hands, ready to swing.  “I just guessed.”

              Axel chuckled lightly, clapping his hands together once like a gleeful child.  “You are fascinating, truly." Nia stared at him, firmly pressing her lips together, the Sword's embossed jewels digging into her palm.  “You fascinate me, much more than any of your friends.”  He reached out and cupped Nia's chin in his hand, his soft thumb caressing her cheek.  Nia could feel his warm, yet sweet breath bristling against her face, her entire body cold at his touch.  She felt as though she had been engulfed by ice; it hurt to breathe, it hurt to move...Axel sneered as he pulled away from her.  Nia inhaled sharply, the freezing sensation now a strange but distant memory. 

              "Where are they?" Fiona said flatly, startling Nia out of her reverie.  "Where's Quinn?  Where's Thor?"

              "Oh Fiona.  Do you really think I would harm a hair on my dear brother's head?"  Before Fiona could answer, Axel snapped his fingers, and the two tall figures that stood in the doorway trailed silently into the room, joining them.  Just behind them, bound with rope, marched Quinn and Thor; neither boy had been harmed it seemed, but Thor was limping and cradling his wrist.  Quinn's left arm was draped around Thor's shoulders, acting as a sturdy crutch.

              "You see, Fiona?  No blood, no foul."  Axel smirked, casting his eyes upon his captures.  "Thunderbolt or whatever you call him was hurt well before I got to them.  That was on him."

              "He's telling the truth," Quinn said, his voice hard and almost bitter.  The look he gave Axel was almost frightening and far from any look Nia ever imagined Quinn could give.

              “Come, my friends!” Axel clapped his hands together once and, flourished them as he continued to speak.  “So much to do—so little time in which to do it...”

              Four other cloaked figures entered the blue-lit room; these figures were much shorter than the taller two who seemed determined to stay as close to Axel as possible.  As they joined their ensemble, Nia vaguely wondered if they had rehearsed their entrances beforehand.  It seemed too neat and well put together.  They all stepped in time, left foot then right, without skipping a beat.

This is it
, Nia thought as the four other cloaked figures surrounded them.  She felt strangely hopeless; she had been sure that they would get Lance back, she had been determined to make sure that her vision did not come true...and yet, she had a sick feeling that no matter what, everything would burn into ashes and dust.

              "Let my brother go."  Kenzie's voice wavered precariously.  Nia looked at her and watched a silent tear slide down her cheek.  "He has nothing to do with this."

              "As you wish," Axel said calmly.  There was no empathy, not a glimmer of humanity within his eyes.  "We got everything we needed from him, I do believe?"

              There was a murmur between the black cloaks, and one of the taller beings strode over to where Lance lay, cold and fragile.  It stopped at the head of the table, and long fingered hands reached upwards to pull back the hood.

              Kenzie's scream filled the room, rattling off the walls and reverberating over and over again through Nia's mind as she stared in horror at the creature that stood over Lance.

              It's hands were unlike anything Nia had ever seen; not only was the flesh a pale gray, the three fingers were long and spidery and the tips were rounded and smooth.  But if that wasn't enough, it's head was downright horrifying.  The creature's head was abnormally large in comparison to its thin hands.  Large and opaque black eyes were gazing down at Lance, unblinking, it's thin mouth pressed so firmly together, that it easily could have been a fold of skin instead. Nia could not see a visible nose, but noticed there were two small slits where a nose should have been.  It was like something out of an awful dream, and Nia momentarily imagined waking from a sound sleep to find this strange creature looming over her beside, dark and terrible.  Mesmerized, her eyes trailed back up to the top of the creature's head, where it nearly looked as though an extremely large brain was protruding from its flesh, and saw a familiar marking branded into its forehead.

              The Eye of Horus.

              The creature didn't seem to be aware of Kenzie's screams; maybe it was used to such reactions when revealing its true appearance.  Carefully, as though touching the most delicate of flowers, the creature pinched it's three long fingers together and pressed them against Lance's forehead with such a gentleness. 

Go from here, special child,
a quaint voice whispered, causing Nia to jump. 
I am sorry for the pain we have caused.  You will be avenged.
The voice was kind and soft; there was a strong British undertone as it spoke, and yet Nia was sure she was the only one who could hear it.  With a burst of white light, Lance was gone, the table empty.  The creature turned, looking straight into Nia's eyes as he did so.  The voice no longer spoke, but Nia had a feeling that the creature was silently telling her something words could not.

              "Where is he?" Kenzie sobbed; she was attempting to wrestle out of Rowan's strong arms, her breaths shallow and labored.  "What have you done with him?"

              "Your brother is fine, Crystal Pegasus," Axel crooned, folding his fingers together.  "Do you not trust me?"

              "Is that a joke?" Kenzie tried leaping at him, but fell to her knees instead.  She let out a painful sob, and crumbled to the floor, folding in on herself.  Rowan went down with her, smoothing her hair from her face.

              "Jokes are funny," Axel said.  "That boy's purpose has been served."

              "A Roswell Grey?"  Fiona had been very silent until now.  Her brows were creased and her lips were turned into a frown as she gazed at the tall creature by the table.  "So it's true then?  They've joined your side?"  She almost sounded defeated.

              Axel looked positively thrilled.  He gave Fiona a bright yet eerie wink.  "Did you really believe they would stay neutral for long?  They wanted a specific assortment of power, and we have found a way to give it to them.  Simple and sweet, Fiona."

Not all of us,
the voice whispered again.  Nia cocked her head and stared at the Roswell Grey that still stood by the long table.  It looked back at her, it's expression vacant of any thought.  She looked back at Fiona, who didn't react to  the voice at all.  In fact, no one appeared to hear it.

              A pincer-like grip stung Nia in the back of the neck.  She hissed in pain as she felt herself being pulled forward.  Still holding the Sword of Dreams firmly between her hands, Nia stumbled, surprised to find the other tall creature standing at her left side, his long and boney hands pinching the nape of her neck.  She had nearly forgot that there had been two.  It hood had been drawn, and she was once again deeply disturbed by what she saw.  Unlike the Grey that had sent Lance to safety, this creature held a different demeanor.  It didn't exude an odd peacefulness like its counterpart.  This one made Nia's insides curl with uneasy fright and she fought hard to not show how terrified she truly was as her heart hammered high in her throat.

              The Grey led her towards Axel, who was now standing with the other four black cloaks. Out of the corner of her vision, she saw Rowan abruptly getting to his feet, his right hand clenched into a fist.  His eyes were dancing with fire, but Quinn gently placed a hand on Rowan's shoulder and shook his head, whispering into his ear.  This was it.  They were standing down.  There would be no fight, no battle between good and evil.  This was the end for all of them.

              "Nia," Axel's voice was light and velvety as he spoke, reaching a hand out to her.  "You would do very well here.  We have been watching you for a long time.  My associates believe your abilities would blend nicely within our ranks."  His bright green eyes left Nia's to dance upon the Sword clutched in her hands.  "Such a raw talent," he whispered.  "I am told that Sword can do marvelous things. May I?"  His outstretched hand flexed as he beckoned her to hand over the Sword.  Nia looked to her friends, unsure of what to do.  They had already lost.  What good was this Sword to anyone if she was dead?

              "Don't do it," Fiona spoke out firmly.  "This is your moral duty, Nia.  Don't go against it."

              Silence.  Nia stared back at Axel, her blood pulsing in her ears, her throat suddenly very dry.  She swallowed hard, and glanced down at the Sword in her hands.

Listen to her.

Nia looked at the Grey that still stood by the table.  His hands were folded in front of him, in a serene sort of way.  Nia pursed her lips tightly together before looking back at Axel.  "Never," she whispered, her voice cracking as she spoke.  "This Sword is not yours.  I am not one of you."

              Axel didn't look surprised by her answer; instead he snapped his finger and pointed to one of the shorter black cloaks he was standing near.  "Zephyrlis."

              Several things happened at once; Rowan rushed forward towards the Grey that stood beside Nia, his fist held high in the air; Kenzie was running toward Zephyrlis; the three remaining black cloaks darted around, in an attempt to stop Rowan and Kenzie from advancing.

              "SAPPHIRE WARRIOR!" Deep blue light blasted off through the room, searing Nia's retinas.  Rowan tackled the Grey beside Nia as he reached for his great sword.

              Zephyrlis was nearly on Nia; her hood had fallen back to reveal her demented face as she cackled, her yellow teeth bared, her eyes wide with excitement.  "CRYSTAL PEGASUS!" Kenzie screamed, plowing into the tiny woman and sending her off her feet.  Nia was caught in the crossfire; one of Zephyrlis' legs had kicked out and knocked Nia to the ground, sending the Sword clattering away from her.

              A burst of red light shattered across the room, and Silver Phoenix took flight, darting away towards another black cloak.  Quinn was wrestling with his twin, without any aide from his guardian.  For a moment, Nia had a hard time who was overcoming who, until she saw Quinn's maelstrom amulet glint from around his neck, and was thankful to realize the Axel was not as able as his brother was.

              Quickly, rolling onto her belly, Nia crawled towards the Sword of Dreams that lay just feet from her.  She was reaching out to grab it's hilt when someone else joined the fray.  Someone small, yet fierce had jumped upon Nia's back and flipped her over wildly.  Stunned and choking on her own breath, Nia sputtered loudly, swinging her arms in defense.  The tiny person was still cloaked in darkness as all the black cloaks were, but Nia suspected she was female.  She sat on top of Nia, straddling her hips with her legs and had caught Nia's flailing hands. 

BOOK: The Mystical Knights: The Sword of Dreams
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