Read The Passions of Bronwyn Online

Authors: Martina Martyn

Tags: #Romance, #Historical

The Passions of Bronwyn (19 page)

BOOK: The Passions of Bronwyn
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After the ceremony, they all walked back to the house where there was a wedding breakfast waiting for them.  Wyn walked over to Betty and gave her a big hug. 

‘Are you happy?’ she asked her. 

‘Oh yes!’ very replied Betty. 

Wyn turned to Ned, ‘look after her,’ she told him, ‘I hope you both will be very happy together.’ 

‘We will,’ Ned replied, ‘I hope things work out better for you too.’ 

‘I think they might,’ Wyn replied him, looking over at Tommy. 

‘I see,’ Ned said winking at her. 

Wyn just smiled and walked back over to Tommy.  All too soon it was time for Betty and Ned to leave for their honeymoon.  They were going down to a guest house in Brighton.  Betty had never been to the seaside before and was very excited.  She looked very happy as she and Ned ran through a line of guests throwing rice over them and climbed into the motor car that Mrs Brompton had let them borrow.  She threw her bouquet and Wyn caught it.  Betty looked at Tommy and gave Wyn a knowing look, making her blush.  Tommy just smiled. 

When they had gone, Wyn said goodbye to Mrs Davis, then she, Tommy and Martha made their way home. 

‘Ooh that was wonderful,’ Wyn sighed, ‘they looked so happy.’ 

‘It’ll be your turn one day,’ Martha told her. 

‘I hope so,’ Wyn replied wistfully. 

When they got home Martha tactfully left them alone. 

‘Did you enjoy yourself?’ Wyn asked Tommy. 

‘It was a wonderful day,’ he replied.  ‘They looked very happy together.’ 

He pulled her towards him, put his hand under her chin and tipped her mouth up to his.  He kissed her gently at first but suddenly moaned and started kissing her passionately.  Wyn pulled away from him, ‘we can’t, not here,’ she told him.’ 

He gave a huge sigh, ‘you’re right, come into the shop tomorrow, we can be alone there.’ ‘What would I tell Martha?’ she asked. 

‘Tell her we’re stocktaking,’ he replied. 

He gave her another kiss then reluctantly opened the front door. 

‘I’ll see you tomorrow then?’ he asked. 

Wyn just nodded and shut the door.  She walked slowly up the stairs.  Martha opened her bedroom door. 

‘Has he gone already?’ she asked. 

‘Yes,’ he suddenly remembered we have to stock take tomorrow so he went back to get the books ready,’ Wyn told her. 

‘I don’t know,’ Martha said, ‘all that man thinks about is work, is he making you go in as well?’ 

‘Yes, but I don’t mind,’ Wyn replied. 

Wyn went into her bedroom but just sat on the bed thinking.  She stood up, stripped her clothes off and looked at her naked body in the mirror.  Not too bad considering I’ve had a baby she thought, running her hands over her body.  She shivered with anticipation as she thought of Tommy’s hands touching her.  I can’t wait she thought.

The following day she was at the shop bright and early, full of excited anticipation.  As soon as she walked in the door Tommy pulled her towards him and kissed her passionately. 

‘I’ve been awake most of the night thinking about this moment,’ he told her. 

She could feel his large erection pushing against her and the passion started rising in her.  ‘Come upstairs,’ he said, ‘I want to feel your naked body against me.’ 

Wyn followed him up the stairs and into his bedroom.  Tommy started kissing her again and they fell onto the bed clawing at each others clothes, impatient for them both to be naked.  Tommy entered her straight away, unable to wait any longer.  Wyn didn’t mind, she felt the same way.  He started moving slowly and Wyn could feel the pleasure building in her.  ‘Faster!’ she said, ‘oh go faster.’  She felt the passion rising and knew it wasn’t going to take long.  She could hear Tommy moaning out loud.  ‘Oh Wyn,’ he was saying, ‘I love you so.’  The intense pleasure she was feeling made Wyn’s back arch and then cry out as she came.  She felt Tommy suddenly still and then he shouted out loud with pleasure as his seed spilled into her.  Afterwards they lay together contentedly. 

‘Did you mean what you said,? Wyn asked him, ‘you know, when you said you loved me.’  ‘Oh yes,’ he replied, ‘I love you very much.’  He suddenly slipped off the bed and onto his knees in front of her.  He took her hand in his.  Wyn sat up and looked down at him. ‘Marry me, Wyn please,’ he asked, ‘we could be so happy together.’ 

With tears in her eyes, Wyn said, ‘yes, yes, yes, I’d love to marry you.  I love you too.  I never thought I would love anyone else but I really do.’

Tommy just kissed her hard on the mouth and hugged her tight.  Wyn could feel him shaking and knew he was full of emotion.  After a while he let her go, ‘let it be soon,’ he said, ‘I can’t wait.’






Wyn and Tommy got married a couple of months later and spent many happy years together. Aunt Wyn died in 1963 aged 83. My grandfather didn’t know she was his mother until he read her diaries, found after her death.  It came as a great shock to him. Wyn never returned to Wales to live although she did visit Gwyneth and Bob a few times.  She didn’t have any more children, which was a shame as she would always have a kiss and a cuddle with all of the children in the family.  She used to keep a supply of humbugs in her pocket and would hand them out to whatever child came near her.  I wasn’t very old when she died but my memory of her was of a very kind lady who spoke very quietly and smelt of lavender. 

Why she didn’t ever tell her son no-one could understand, although to have an illegitimate child in 1900 was a bit different to these days.  It’s a normal thing now but back then she would have been ostracised and Bob’s life would have been miserable.  Although his life was a happy one, he hated going down the mine and ran away at least twice to try to join the army, but his life is another story.



BOOK: The Passions of Bronwyn
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