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Authors: Rhonda Byrne

Tags: #Mind, #Body, #Spirit

The Power (11 page)

BOOK: The Power
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“Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the Universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request, and everything your heart desires must come to you.”

Shakti Gawain
(b. 1948)

In these next chapters you will learn how easy it is to harness the force of love for money, health, career, business, and relationships. With this knowledge, you will be able to change your life into whatever you want.

To bring a specific desire to you, follow the simple steps of the Creation Process. Whether it’s bringing something you want or changing something you don’t want, the process is always the same.

The Creation Process

Imagine it. Feel it. Receive it.


Use your mind to focus on and imagine what you desire. Imagine yourself
with your desire. Imagine yourself
things with your desire. Imagine yourself
your desire.


At the same time as you imagine, you must
love for what you’re imagining. You must imagine and
being with your desire. You must imagine and
doing things with your desire. You must imagine and
having your desire.

Your imagination connects you to what you want. Your desire and feelings of love create the magnetism, the magnetic power, drawing your desire to you. This completes your part in the Creation Process.


The force of love will work through the visible and invisible forces of nature to bring what you desire to you. It will use circumstances, events, and people to give what you love to you.

Whatever you desire you must want it with all your heart. Desire
love, and unless you have a burning desire in your heart, you will not have enough power to harness the force of love. You must really desire what you want, as an athlete desires to play a sport, a dancer desires to dance, and a painter desires to paint. You must desire what you want with all your heart because desire is a feeling of love, and you must give love to receive what you love!

Whatever you want to be in your life, whatever you want to do in your life, whatever you want to have in your life, the Creation Process is the same. Give love to receive love. Imagine it. Feel it. Receive it.

When using the Creation Process, imagine and feel that you have what you want already, and never deviate from that state of being. Why? Because the law of attraction copies whatever you give, and so you must imagine and feel having it now!

If you want to lose weight, then give love by imagining and feeling yourself with the body you love, instead of imagining and feeling that you’re overweight every single day. If you want to travel, then give love by imagining and feeling yourself traveling, instead of imagining every day that you don’t have the money to travel. If you want to improve yourself in a sport, acting, singing, playing a musical instrument, hobby, or in your job, then give love for what you want to be by imagining and feeling whatever it is you would love to be. If you want a better marriage or a better relationship with anybody, then give love by imagining and feeling what it would be like to have that relationship.

“Faith is to believe that which you do not yet see; and the reward of this faith is to see that which you believe.”

Saint Augustine of Hippo

When you begin working with the Creation Process, you might want to start by attracting something unusual. When you specifically attract something unusual, you will be left in no doubt about your power when you receive it.

One young woman began by choosing to attract a specific flower, a white calla lily. She imagined holding the flower in her hand, smelling the flower, and she felt having that calla lily. Two weeks later she went to a friend’s house for dinner, and there in the centerpiece of the table was a bouquet of white calla lilies, the very flower and color she had imagined. She was excited to see the lilies, but she didn’t say anything to her friend about her imagined flower. As she was walking out the door at the end of the evening, her friend’s daughter spontaneously plucked one white calla lily from the vase and put it in her hand!

“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last you create what you will.”

George Bernard Shaw

Give It – Receive It

Remember that the law of attraction says whatever you give, you receive. If you think of the law of attraction as a mirror, an echo, a boomerang, or a copying machine, it will help make you clearer on what to imagine and feel. The law of attraction is like a mirror because a mirror reflects back exactly what is in front of it. The law of attraction is like an echo because whatever you give out is exactly the echo that comes back. The law of attraction is like a boomerang, because whatever boomerang you throw is the exact same boomerang that comes back to you. The law of attraction is like a copying machine, because whatever you give is reproduced exactly and you will receive back an exact copy.

A few years ago I was in Paris for my work and I was walking down a street when a woman rushed past me wearing one of the most beautiful skirts I had seen, intricately detailed in a Parisian style. My reaction was love: “What a beautiful skirt!”

A few weeks later I was happily driving to work in Melbourne, Australia, when I was forced to stop because another driver was trying to do an illegal U-turn at an intersection. As I looked at a store window where I had been forced to stop, I saw the exact same skirt I had seen on the woman in the streets of Paris. I could not believe my eyes. When I got to work, I called the store and they told me they had received only one skirt from Europe in that style, and it was the skirt in the window. Of course the skirt was my size. When I went to the store to purchase the skirt, it was reduced to half price, and the store attendant told me they had not ordered the skirt, and that it had just appeared in their order accidentally!

The only thing I had done to bring that skirt to me was to love it, and from Paris to a suburban street in Australia, through circumstances and events, the exact same skirt was delivered to me. That is the magnetic power of love! That is love’s law of attraction in operation.

BOOK: The Power
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