The PreGame Ritual (Lynstone University Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: The PreGame Ritual (Lynstone University Book 1)
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I wasn’t responding.

Not because I didn’t want to but because I didn’t wanna get his hopes up.

There was no way in hell I was gonna date a guy younger than me; simple as that. I didn’t know why it bothered me so much, but it did and I wasn’t going back on it no matter how good he looked or how his voice seemed to caress my skin, or how my heart was still racing from the fact that he had text me yet again.

Do I sound as ridiculous as I feel?

I turned to ESPN, hoping to catch a glimpse of the highlights from my dream baller bae Russell Westbrook’s game. Whenever people described how I played, they always said it resembled how he did which was definitely a compliment in my book. He was explosive, he had hops, his athleticism literally went unmatched and I had a strong feeling that all probably translated to other facets of his life. They were just getting ready to scroll to his picture in the line-up when there was a knock on the door.

It was late so it scared me more than anything, especially since Avery - the only person who belonged here - had a key. I grabbed my keychain that had a can of pepper spray attached before I headed to the door. I took a deep breath as I cautiously cracked it open to a sight I was far from ready for.

and Miles?

Avery hit me with her fake drunk smile before she said, “Heyyyy sis. Sorry if I woke you but I couldn’t find my key. Or did you take it from me, Milesy?”


What the hell is that all about?

I looked to Miles for answers and he appeared to be just as confused as I was.

“Why would I take your keys, Avery?”

“Maybe to solidify a chance of seeing me later. Trust me, I’ve had guys do much crazier things,” she replied with a flirty little wink before she finally brought her not really that drunk ass into the apartment. There was a stiff silence between Miles and I, neither of us really knowing how to proceed. I wanted to be mad but I couldn’t be because if I was mad that only meant I cared and I had no business caring about the likes of Miles.

“Well… I see you found her after all.”

He immediately got defensive. “It’s not even like that, Ava. I just wanted to make sure she got home safely.”

“I’m sure it was the least you could do after what you probably got from her.” It was no secret to me that Avery had quite the sexual track record. It wouldn’t have surprised me if Miles took advantage of that fact. Hell, what man wouldn’t?

Got from her
? I didn’t get anything from that girl. Not because she didn’t offer but because I didn’t want it, ma.”

Damn if that two letter title doesn’t make my heart flutter every time.

“No reason to lie about it, Miles. I know how she is and can pretty much assume how you are. Match made in heaven.”

He gave a little laugh, taking a step closer before he said in a low tone, “You really think you know it all, don’t you?” He was so close that I had to look up to find his eyes. I was deemed tall for a girl at five foot nine but Miles still had me beat by at least six inches.

With a challenging look, I quickly corrected him, “I don’t
I know it all, I
I know it all.”

“Well tell me something, what do you know about this?” I didn’t recognize what he was talking about until he bent his head and pressed his lips to mine sending all types of
through my limbs.

It was a simple kiss.

A perfect first kiss.

.. what the hell am I talking about?

He stepped back, wiping his lips of my lip gloss with a smile before he said, “Goodnight Ava.”


My lips tingled for a week straight.

Anytime I licked them, moisturized them, put them to a bottle of Gatorade, I was reminded of the kiss.

I had kissed on plenty of occasions, but none of them - literally not one - ever made me see stars the way that basic ass kiss did. And the fact that he just strolled away all casually like it was no big deal left me extremely flustered. I mean, who did he think he was showing up at my apartment door all late at night with my sister and then leaving with a kiss from me?

We were supposed to be playing pick-up ball today, but suddenly nothing looked right. Every t-shirt I put on fit weird. Every ponytail I put my hair in didn’t sit right on my head. And I couldn’t find a pair of crew socks that actually matched for the life of me.

Girl, you gotta chill.

Why was I really so fazed by a little kiss from a little ass boy?

Probably because he wasn’t a little ass boy.

From the chisel in his jawline down to the little hint of a goatee, he was far from boyish in looks but that age…that teen ass age.


I reminded myself that it was my decision not to go there with him, settling with whatever I already had on - mismatched socks included - and headed out of the door. The court was only a few blocks away so I opted to walk instead of drive, giving me a moment to calm my nerves about seeing him, but more importantly psyche myself out of the fact that he could pretty much get it by this point.

That’s gotta be the drought talkin’.

When I made it to the court, there were already a few other guys there so naturally I gravitated towards them instead of Miles who was sitting alone adjusting his ankle brace. They all gave their
but mostly ignored me, too engaged in the conversation they were already having when I walked up. I sat on the ground, changing out of my walking shoes to my basketball shoes, before I got up to do a little warm-up. I could literally feel him watching me as I shot a few close-rang jump shots just to get my form right. I tried my best to focus on shooting the basketball, but his gaze felt so heavy against my back that I had to turn around.

And boy did I regret doing that.

He flashed that amazing smile at me, like he just knew he was the shit, before giving me a wink. I quickly turned back around and tried to resume shooting but my limbs literally felt weaker causing me to air ball. I heard him chuckle and turned around to give him the stink-eye but again...

He’s so damn cute.

My second look caused him to head my way, the absolute last thing I needed to be happening right now. But since I couldn’t let him know that, I took a deep breath and faced him straight up.

“What’s up with the air ball, ma? That’s so unlike you,” he said with a laugh, as he took the ball from me and dribbled from hand-to-hand.

“Everybody makes mistakes. Kinda like the one I made when I let you kiss me.”

He picked up the ball, putting it to his side. “Ava, who do you think you’re foolin’? You couldn’t even say what’s up to ya boy cause you were still thinking about that shit. Don’t worry though, I’ve been thinking about it too. Well, thinking about how much I wanna do it again...and again...and again.” I rolled my eyes, snatching the ball from him the way he had taken it from me, eliciting a laugh. “It’s cool though, Ava. I’ll wait. Whenever you’re ready sweetheart, just say the word.”

I mimicked his hand-to-hand dribbling as I expressed, “We don’t even speak the same language, Miles.”

“I gotta disagree with that one, ma. I mean...I love basketball. You love basketball. I love pretty girls with attitudes. What are you? A pretty girl with an attitude. I
big titties. You
big titties. What’d you call it? A match made in heaven?” I literally mushed his face, unable to hold back my laugh.

“What the hell ever, dude. I came to play basketball, not to be harassed.”

He tugged at my basketball shorts, causing me to stumble back as he said, “Oh, I’ll harass you alright.”

“Miles!” I shrieked, accidentally causing a scene in front of all the boys. I didn’t want them to mistake me for being the girl trying to get chose by hanging around all guys but I also couldn’t help the natural flirtation that came with being around Miles no matter how much I tried to fight it.

...Alright fine. Just know when Coach Ava calls my number, I’ll be ready to play.”




First game jitters had turned me into an insomniac.

Even though it was only an exhibition game, the pressure from the media’s hype surrounding me was starting to become overwhelming. It didn’t help that my big brother Bryson was coming off of a pro-championship in his rookie season. My whole reason for choosing to attend Lynstone University instead of the University of California was so that I wouldn’t fall in his shadow. Now I had to work even harder to make a statement.

But my statement certainly wasn’t gonna be made without a decent night’s rest.

I tossed and turned, watching a run of late night infomercials. Stuff that I would never actually buy was beginning to look more and more appealing so I knew I needed to find another way to occupy my time.

Maybe that pretty little redhead is up to keep me company.

Even though it was late, I really had nothing to lose in texting her. If she was up, she’d text me back. If she was sleep, she’d see it in the morning. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and within a few taps my text was sent.

Miles: You up, ma?

I watched the infomercial for what they called the world’s stickiest duct tape, Stuct Tape, until a reply finally came in.

Ava: No.

I couldn’t help but laugh at her snide little response.

Miles: Ava, quit playin’. If you weren’t up, you wouldn’t have texted back. What you doin’?

Ava: Sleepin’.

Miles: How do you sleep? T-shirt and shorts? Bra and panties? Footie pajamas?

Ava: Nothing.


How the hell did she manage to be sexy even through a one-word text?

Miles: Lemme see.

I waited a few minutes for a smart ass reply and was surprised when I actually received a picture message instead. I couldn’t get it open fast enough and when I did…

This silly ass girl.

Instead of the nude I expected, it was a picture of her middle finger.

Miles: Very funny, Ava. Now quit playin’ and send me somethin’ for real.

I waited a little while longer until another picture message eventually came in. I had to tilt my head to the side to figure out what it was but when I did...
got damn.
I was staring at the screen damn near drooling from the sight of her cleavage until another picture came in with the caption,
“Got em!”
I opened it up and found out that what I received wasn’t her cleavage, but actually the crack of her arm smashed together.

Miles: You play wayyyy too much.

Ava: Just trying to keep up with you, kid. But seriously, I’m sleep. So goodnight.

Since she was already in a playful mood, I decided to push my limits.

Miles: Last time I told you goodnight, it came with a kiss. How can I make that happen again?

I anxiously waited for a reply and when it finally came, I caught myself laughing again.

Ava: ZzZzZzzzzz…

Miles: Yo, you’re goofy as hell, ma.

Ava: No, I’m sleepy as hell.

Miles: Right. I won’t keep you up as long as you promise to dream about me.


I replied with a kissy face emoji and literally laughed my way to sleep when she replied with the emoji of the chick with her arms crossed in an X, blocking me.



I was already going back on my word.

Only partially but enough for me to recognize that something was
going on.

I wasn’t supposed to give Miles the opportunity to even think he had a chance with me. Yet, here I was, responding to his little flirty ass texts all late at night, hoping I’d coincidentally run into him at our practice facilities, actually nervous
for him
about his first game. I called myself empathizing but knew I was only capable of empathizing because I actually kinda liked him.

There really wasn’t anything not to like about him. I mean, he was handsome...too handsome for his own damn good really. He was humble which actually surprised me considering the ego people in his position usually had. And since he was a basketball player like me, he already had his own understanding of the unorthodox scheduling, the random fans in random places, and the commitment it took to be the best.
, and I already knew his height extended to places I couldn’t regularly see.

Though I wish I could.

What would sex with Miles even be like?

Was he more of a giver or a taker?

Would I call him Baby or Daddy?

Probably Baby.

Wait a minute...why am I just assuming I’m gonna have sex with him?

All these thoughts were flying while I got dressed for his game; the game I would’ve been going to anyway to support the boys, but now had an even greater reason to attend. Instead of the basketball shorts I usually preferred, I threw on ones that fit in all the right places. I paired them with one of my favorite shirts that tied into a knot at the bottom putting just a little bit of my tummy on display and a pair of low-top white converse. I undid the braid my hair had been in for most of the day, giving the loose waves it had created a little toss before letting them fall over my shoulder. I was just giving my lip gloss a touch-up when Avery barged in unannounced as usual. Before she said anything, she gave me a once-over that made me roll my eyes, already annoyed by her presence.

“You look...
. Where are you going, Ava?”

I didn’t pay her much mind as I nonchalantly replied, “Basketball game.”

“Dressed like that? Aren’t you supposed to wear a uniform or something?” Apparently the smart gene had skipped right over her. Either that, or her temporary blonde highlights were starting to wear on her brain.

“I’m not playing in it, idiot. I’m just going to watch.”

you’re going to the
game. That is today isn’t it? Wait for me, I’m coming with.”

Hell no.

There was no way I was letting my little sister tag along on what was slowly turning into a little mission of mine.

“No you’re not. I’m meeting up with some girls from the team.”

A little white lie wasn’t gonna hurt her.

She didn’t seem convinced as she replied, “So what? Now you can’t have a plus one around your teammates?” I had to think of something quick to divert her interest.

“Matter of fact, maybe you should come. I’m sure a few of the girls would love to get a piece of you.” Though I was cool with the girls who liked girls on my team, Avery was practically a homophobe.

“Ew! On second thought, I’ll just catch the next one.”

Thank goodness.


My heart pounded as I nervously waited for Miles to come out of the locker room. He didn’t know I was there, probably hadn’t even recognized me in the crowd, but for some reason I felt the need to tell him good game. I mean, he
have a good game. An excellent game. But at the same time, I knew my nerves were present for a reason.

The door flew open and I braced myself only to find out that it was Cam and not Miles. He licked his lips, which probably worked on every other girl he came across except for me. Cam was cute, sure, but his ego was out of this world.

Well that, and he fucked my sister.

, you’re lookin’ good girl. What are you doin’ out here?”

I doing out there? Showing up without a warning was risky enough but now I hadn’t even been careful enough to not get caught.

I had to cover things up quick.

“I’m ummm...waiting on someone.”

“Waiting on someone? Who Darrell?”


Why does everybody think I have something going on with Darrell?

“Ummm…. not quite.”

He observed me for a few short seconds before it looked as though a light bulb went off in his head. “Hold on, don’t tell me you’re out here waiting for the freshman?”


Cam was the last person who needed even a hint that something was up between Miles and I. It was like once he knew, everybody knew.

“No, Cam. Damn. Get out of my business.”

He laughed before he said, “So that must mean yes since you got all defensive.”

Shit, again.

Instead of fully engaging in
conversation, I decided to divert his attention elsewhere. Just like Avery, Cam wasn’t exactly the smartest in the bunch.

“Anyway, I’m sure your fan club is waiting for you in the lobby.”

“You know what? You’re probably right. I’ll check you later, A,” he said, stopping to pat me on the shoulder on his exit.

Arrogant ass.

I watched him disappear out of sight and was getting ready to assume my original position when I felt a body close behind me, causing me to gasp.

“Ma, where’d you get all this ass from?” I turned around, taking a step back so that I could actually look at him.

All of him.

Something about the way he expressed his observation made me confident enough to reply, “It’s always been there; just muted by those baggy ass basketball shorts. And is that really how you greet a woman?”

“I’m sorry, Ava. I guess it just...caught me off guard. To be real, you being right here period caught me off guard. Kinda thought I was dreaming.”

“Is that your way of admitting that I’m in your dreams?”

He licked his lips, and unlike the time Cam did it, Miles’s went straight to my inner thighs. “Every damn night, beautiful. I guess until I can make it happen for real, I just gotta imagine the shit.” Naturally, I wondered if his imagination was as vivid as mine. Because the way I saw it was
live and in color.

“Hmmm… well what if I told you, you didn’t have to imagine anymore? That you could... have the real thing?” I wasn’t even sure what I was offering but I knew I wanted something beyond what was already, inevitably, happening between us.

“I’d probably have to call you a liar, ma.”

“I’m for real, Miles. I’m... ready to uhhh... put you in the game.” Internally, I smacked myself in the forehead for being so corny.

Put you in the game, Ava?


You’re too old to not be more clever than that!

He finally seemed convinced, stroking the hair on his chin that looked a little fuller than before. “Oh word? What kinda game are we talkin’ though? Like a,
I wanna sit down, get to know you, maybe go on a date or two
game or a,
I’ve been needing to get one off since I met you so let’s make it happen
game?” As far as I was concerned, either would do. But instead of trying to figure it out for myself, I put it in his hands.

“I’ll leave that up to you.” Maybe his viewpoint on how he saw us would change how I saw him. I mean, if he just wanted to fuck, I could handle that accordingly. But if he was looking for something a little more, kinda like I was, then I would know exactly how he felt about me.

“My decision would probably include both but I don’t wanna disrespect you, ma. So let’s just go with game 1.”



BOOK: The PreGame Ritual (Lynstone University Book 1)
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