Read The Promise of Love Online

Authors: Billi Jean

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

The Promise of Love (5 page)

BOOK: The Promise of Love
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“It has happened before, but not often. And, yeah, you—” He sighed heavily and arched a dark eyebrow at her. He was so sexy she couldn’t believe they’d gone from talking about aimless things, to this. “You’re not someone we want to hurt, Paris.”

He meant emotionally, she could tell, and the forethought made her feel even more out of her depth. They meant that—about her.

“Not a chance of that,” David added, brushing his hand along hers, then squeezing lightly. “It’s a good way to start,” he murmured, again for her ears alone. “Then when I suggest kinky stuff later, you can’t balk.”

She choked on a laugh at his teasing. The fear she’d started to feel melted away. He was just so…so full of himself.

He winked and curled his arms around her shoulders. “Just breathe.” He jostled her with a half hug, then seemed to want to give her room and parked his arm back on the booth. It didn’t matter. She could still feel the warmth of his body and Will’s stare.

They wanted her, together.

“What, exactly…? I mean, what…? Oh!” She laughed, frustrated with herself. “I don’t even know where to start. Or what to ask.”

“Then don’t,” David said, scooting off the booth and pulling her after him. She should have resisted, she knew it, but she let him guide her to her feet. “Will’s got the bill. Let’s go,” he said.

“Wait, no, I can pay for—”

“With what? Didn’t you say you lost your wallet?” David asked.

She rolled her eyes. She never should have told him that she couldn’t find her wallet when they’d waited for her at the car to gather her stuff. “I couldn’t find my wallet, but I have plenty of cash and my cards.”

“Well that’s a relief, but we pay for dinner, or he does.” David pulled, and she bit her lip, but let him. She amazed herself even as she walked through the deserted restaurant and through the hotel dining room. This wasn’t for them, it wasn’t even because it’d been two years of sleeping alone and two years before that sleeping next to someone she didn’t love. This was because it felt good, right in a way nothing else ever had. David. David felt right. Will simply made it so hot she was afraid she really would scream loud enough to wake the neighbors.

“You’re doing good,” David murmured. “But you know, you shouldn’t drive without an ID.”

“I have an ID!” She winced. “You’re teasing me.”

“I am,” he admitted. “Just calm down and enjoy.”

“I’m scared, but not
scared. Does that make sense?”

David immediately stopped and with a warm half smile said, “It really will be all right. No way do I want you scared. Trust me, Paris, this is going to be okay, more than okay.”

She bit her lip then finally blurted out her biggest worry, or one of them. “We just met and I just don’t—”

He shrugged. “I know, so if you’re chickening out—”

“I’m not chickening out,” she said, even though a niggling worry about what he might think of her for not chickening out began to weasel its way into her resolve.

David’s grin grew and he winked again. He stepped closer and all she could see was him, his handsome face and sleepy blue eyes, which weren’t all that sleepy right now. This wasn’t a man who was going to think less of her for being wild. This was a man who’d demand it, and more.

“I enjoyed every second of dinner with you, Paris. If you want, I’ll just walk you to your room and hope that you give me your number so tomorrow I can take you out for lunch, maybe breakfast.”

His softly spoken words were so different than all his teasing she had to swallow and hope to think of something to say. “I just don’t want you to think I’m like this. What if I disappoint…uh, you know? I just met you—”

He squeezed her upper arms and soothed them with a stroke of his strong hands while keeping his eyes glued on her face. “We know you’re not. Believe me, that’s pretty crystal clear, but if ever a woman needed to feel what it was like to have two men treasure every inch of her, I think you’re that woman, Paris. But we can walk you to your room, make sure you’re safe and hold off on all this. We’re not going to be upset with you. Does that about cover it?” David asked, rubbing his hands down her arms then back to her shoulders. He’d gotten her jacket and had her bag tucked under his arm, she noticed. She’d completely forgotten them in the thrill of having him take her upstairs. He lifted his hand and brushed her hair off her shoulder. “Well? Holding your breath again?”

“You are a smartass, aren’t you?” she whispered.

“I’ve heard that before, once maybe.”

Taking her courage in both hands, she turned away and started toward the double elevators. Once there she hit the button and anxiously let go the breath she’d been holding.

“Oh, ho, I think we better hit the stairs with her, or she’s going to lose her nerve,” David said to Will when he arrived.

“Are you? We’re not trying to push you here, Paris,” Will assured her.

“Not at all,” David said, turning serious.

The out was there. All she had to do was take it, but so was this chance—a once in a life time chance, maybe. She met David’s eyes and saw the sincerity there, as well as the attraction she felt reflected back at her.

“I’m not chickening out. Are you?”

The bold words were worth it because David’s smile grew and he laughed. “You heard her,” he muttered to Will. “Let’s give her a hand.” The next thing she knew, they were each taking her by an arm and guiding her up the stairs.

Laughing, she let them. As soon as they hit the right floor, David suddenly turned her and breathlessly leaned down and, before she knew it, brushed a kiss to her lips. It was so quick, she couldn’t understand the impact he left behind. She felt as if he’d dropped a stone in a still pond and the ripples from it overflowed the banks. With the same gentleness he caressed his lips along her neck, breathing deeply.

“You’re so beautiful, Paris, so damn pretty,” he whispered. “It should be illegal, you realize that, right? What you’re doing to me.”

“Come on,” Will said. She shivered. His voice had dropped down to a deeper level—one she instinctively knew was because of her. The realization was as devastating as David’s kiss—
did this. To both of them. More to David, she thought, but both of them were clearly on board for something she might not ever experience again.

The walk to their room was the longest of her life, but the most exciting. Both of them were touching her, waking her up to such a level of excitement she ached and they’d only just started. But she wasn’t complaining, not in the slightest, especially since she couldn’t stop touching them, either. Not once she started.

Will went for the key card and, daring more than she ever had in her life, she took hold of David’s T-shirt and dragged him down to kiss his firm lips. His taste exploded on her tongue, sweet cinnamon mixed with sugary cola and rum. Not letting her have her way too much, he hauled her in close to his hotter body and deepened the kiss with a hungry growl. The sound was so thrilling she rubbed along him until, with a shock, she felt the unmistakable impression of his erection jutting up along her stomach.

He stroked down her back to cup her butt and brought her much, much more firmly against his penis. A rush of heat flooded her. She’d never slept with anyone other than Greg and he’d been small, and more often than not, done before they’d even started. The size and hardness of David’s erection had her heart racing in anticipation.

Before she knew what was happening she was in their room, Will brushing kisses to her shoulder and David kissing her like he couldn’t get enough. She broke away to meet his blue eyes, so overwhelmed she cupped his face in both hands. “I’ve never had an orgasm before,” she said breathlessly, then bit her lip.

David’s sleepy eyes widened then narrowed to slits of such intensity her legs grew weak. “You’re not going to say that again. In fact, princess, we’ll take care of that in less than five minutes.”

“Three,” Will corrected from her shoulder. “Don’t be scared, Paris, trust us.”

“I do,” she blurted, then went all-in with the most shameful thing. “But, I don’t know how to please you, so I want you both to tell me. Everything, okay? Even if it’s, well—” She winced, stroking David’s face, and whispered in his ear, “Dirty.”

His hands clenched on her butt. He breathed out deeply, and she thought his penis grew larger against her.

“Baby, this is going to be something, but it’s going to be about you and making love to you.” He was as breathless as she felt. “What we do is going to please us, believe me. I’m close to coming just from that kiss.”

“Oh my God,” she whispered as he ducked his head and bit down lightly on her jaw. Sensations flooded her, making her pussy swell with needs she’d never experienced before. No one had ever said such things to her. She liked it. More, she wanted more, too.

“That sound good?” he asked.

She nodded so anxious she couldn’t do more.

“Good, damn good,” Will murmured, a silent until then presence at her back.

She’d almost forgotten he was here, and that was okay, too. This was about David, and yes, Will, but it was more about her and David. Everywhere David touched her, kissed her, breathed on her, she felt alive. She thought perhaps David felt the same way. Or at least it seemed that way to her. Their eyes met and she wanted to grab his face and kiss him but he threw her things down then was back, reaching for her and not leaving room for Will, which was fine by her. She opened her mouth and David plunged inside to lick along her tongue, beginning a stroke that had her aching for much, much more. But when he tugged at the bottom of her shirt, she panicked.

“You first.”

“Not a chance, I’m dying to see you,” he said, then paused and, watching her face, he slowly nodded. “Shirts, we’ll take off our shirts, but, princess, we get our pants off and this”—he brought her hand down to his penis—“is going to want in, and we want you ready for that.”


Oh. In.

“Only where you want it,” he added with a wicked chuckle against her throat.

She shivered and clung to his hard shoulders.

“We might build up to some back door, but not now, not this time or the next, so relax, and—” He breathed out through his nose, tickling her neck.

She wanted to seep inside him.

“Just let us see you. Man, I want to see you naked.” His whisper was so funny, and so hot she laughed and tugged at his hair, kissing
throat just like he’d done to her.

It was crazy, but his words helped. She relaxed, and with an effort shoved everything, every doubt, ever insecurity and every bad experience, away from this and concentrated on them.
Here. Now, just enjoy. Feel.

She eased away from the security of David’s arms and nodded. He winked and his grin made her smile grow.

“That’s it, baby, that’s it,” Will coaxed and tugged his T-shirt off, revealing a broad, tanned and well-defined chest. He had so many muscles she felt as if the breath left her and she didn’t know how to get it back because her heart was racing too fast.

David did the same and she lost everything but the ability to stare. She knew she was wide-eyed. Part of her got that she was stunned, but she couldn’t glance away from David, from the solidness of his chest or the definition of muscle lining his shoulders and arms. Even his stomach was hard, and she knew lower he was much,

“Breathe, Paris,” David murmured, stroking her sides and hips. “Just breathe for me.”

“How can I do that when you look like this?” she whispered.

David sounded like he choked on a laugh, but she was too busy to see for herself. She touched the rough patch of golden brown hair in the center of his chest and smoothed her hands on his warm skin. His nipples drew her attention because they were so different from Greg’s.

Everything about him is different
. Greg had been…well, scrawny, but he’d also been pale. David wasn’t. His chest was so muscled it would have been intimidating if she weren’t so turned on. His nipples were brown, round discs she really needed to kiss.

Would he like it?

Not daring to meet his eyes or even to breathe, she caressed back down his chest, marveling at the firm smoothness of his muscles.

David simply let her touch him. Will was behind her, stroking her sides and kissing a path down her neck to her shoulder, but it was David who dared her. David’s sleepy blue eyes she latched on to and let guide her.

She leaned in and licked his nipple. The sound of his heavy groan was answer. If that wasn’t thrilling enough, he said, “That’s it, hell, that feels so damn good, princess.”

Behind her, Will gently pull at her shirt again. This time, she gave in. She also let David tip her head. He kissed her with enough heat to make her anxious when Will made her stop for a few vital seconds to get her shirt over her head. After more drugging kisses, David released her lips but not her.

“Holy hell in a handbasket, princess,” David breathed. He cupped her breasts, staring at them with an intense expression, then ducked down to kiss and suck the tender flesh.

Will tipped her head and suddenly kissed her for the first time. His kiss was different, not as passionate as David’s. He eased in slowly, like he had all the time in the world, where David had devoured her as if he’d been starved. Much like he was doing to her breasts. She gasped and pulled free from Will at the first feel of David’s mouth on her bare stomach.

David was there, immediately taking her lips back as if he’d simply let Will have a taste. She latched onto him even as Will returned to stroking her body with his hands and mouth. The passion burst along her, more so when David took over. She surrendered, letting him show her every single delicious thing he could do with his mouth. He groaned and drove in deeper. He controlled every aspect of the kiss until she matched him stroke for stroke. She loved it, didn’t even care when her boots were taken off and her jeans unbuttoned and smoothly tugged down her legs and off. David made a low, appreciative sound and slid his hands along the top of her butt.

Will kissed her there, surprising a gasp out of her. She shivered and turned her head to see him squatted down, both big hands cupping her flesh as he pressed kisses along her skin.

BOOK: The Promise of Love
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