Read The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters) Online

Authors: Angela Castle

Tags: #Fiction

The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters) (6 page)

BOOK: The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters)
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"You are the sexiest woman we've ever met."

She blinked rapidly.
Hang on did he just say...

"And when we see something we like, we take, and baby we like you a lot. You belong to us now."


His hand cupped the back of her neck, yanking her against his length; even through jeans and a black shirt she could feel his hard muscular body.

Her protest was muffled by his lips descending on hers. Surprise made her struggle when his tongue forced its way between her lips. Her resistance melted at the hot, wet carnal taste of him. He dominated her mouth, plundered it.

Her eyes closed, and she felt swept away as she sagged against him. One hand cupped her arse, pulling her closer. She could feel the hardness of his erection poking into her soft belly.

Was this what it was like to be kissed like one of the women in her books? Wow, her head spun, she felt faint, weak and needy. Nothing like the soft, stumbling kisses of...

The faint noise in the background she ignored, focusing on how Andy Brown was making her feel. Her breasts felt heavy as they pressed against his chest, a growing ache developed between her legs as her juices flowed. God, she squirmed, feeling the juices dampen her underwear.

He broke the kiss, and she whimpered. Her eyes fluttered open and she realized her hands were fisting his black shirt. Clinging to him like a drunken idiot, her mind was still spinning.

"That's it, baby, let go, let it happen, we're going to take you now. Are you ready?"

Was he talking about sex? "Ready?" Yes she wanted him but…

"Ready, Bro?" A deep voice rumbled from behind her. She startled and glanced over her shoulder, staring into a pair of identical chocolate brown eyes.

"Hamish?" Where had he come from, where was the Panther?

"Now, Bro." Andy's hand slid down her arms. He gripped her wrists, pulling them behind her back. She jumped at the feel of something soft and fuzzy clamping around her wrists. Metal clicked into place.

"Fuzzy tiger print, really?" Hamish still gripped her arms.

"It was all I could get on short notice. You try driving around half of Sydney at three a.m. to find a kink store."

"What the hell!" she gasped, trying to pull her hands free. Trapped, her eyes widened as realization sank in.

She sucked in a breath to scream as she started to struggle. But they were too quick. A ball gag was shoved into her mouth and buckled behind her head; a blindfold placed over her eyes plunged everything into darkness.


"Gotta say that was easier than I thought it would be," Hamish said.

"It's the pull of true mates, one kiss and she melted. I can't wait to get her home." Andy grinned.

"Bastard, at least I got to taste other things." The smile in Hamish's tone was clear.

What the hell were they talking about? She thrashed in blind panic, as she was lifted off her feet, and set on someone's shoulder. "Easy, sweetheart," Andy said. "I know you don't believe us now. But we're the good guys, I promise. You are ours now, and we look after what belongs to us."

Ours, belong to them? Oh, hell no! She was being kidnapped! By two crazy, albeit insanely handsome, twins. Had Bill sent them?
No, no, no!

"I'll get her to the car. It's still early and we don't want to be spotted."

"Go, I'll close the door."

She bounced on Andy's shoulder as he carried her out. "Breathe through your nose, Juniper, slow, deep breaths." She was lowered onto something soft. Her head was on a pillow. She could feel the vibrations of the running vehicle as he secured several straps to stop her moving about. He then tossed what felt like a soft mink blanket over her.

Great, kidnapped in luxury. Perverts! How the hell do they know my name?

Car doors opened and closed, and the vehicle shot forward. "I'll breathe easy when we reach our homelands. What did River say?"

"He's all on board. I told him what was going on, and he's got our friends looking into the situation. The safest place for her is with us. I'm sure as hell not leaving her in this dump another night."

"I'm with you there, Bro."

Juniper stilled. If they'd been hit men, she'd already be dead and not talking about her safety or her poor accommodations. So who the hell were these twins, if they didn't want to kill her? Was the Panther and the kiss just a distraction? Where was the Panther?

They weren't the cops, no; those bastards wouldn't pull such an elaborate stunt as Panthers and kisses. They'd just barge in, flash badges and take her.

So, who the hell had she just been kidnapped by and what were they going to do to her?

Chapter Five

Hamish drew in a breath of fresher air, the city always messed with his more delicate shifter senses. But the constant hardened state of his cock pressing against the zipper of his jeans was another matter.

He shifted again in the driver's seat.

"You too? Hey, mine hasn't gone down since I bumped into her at the café."

He glanced to see Andy attempting to adjust his own crotch. Indeed, they both had it bad for their little mate. Hamish shook his head.

Yes, they had her all wrapped up and in the back of the Wrangler, but hadn't heard a peep from her in the last half hour, since they'd hit bushland. But still, they had another forty minutes until they reached Black Town.

"She's quiet, fallen asleep do you think? I'm worried about her breathing with that gag in. Human females are more fragile than our own."

Hamish saw the mirrored concern in his twin's eyes. "Yeah, pull over and we'll check on her. We should take it off now."

Hamish slowed and pulled off the main road onto a bush track, out of sight, before bringing the Wrangler to a full stop. They both climbed out and headed around the back and pulled open the door.

Hamish saw she'd managed to turn herself around despite the straps to stop her being tossed about by any unexpected turns or sharp braking.

Andy tugged off the blanket, eyeing the back of her shirt with distaste. "Bloody ugly shirt, gonna burn it the first chance I get."

"Then you should do that along with all your clothing." Hamish reached for her head, unbuckling the ball gag, gently pulling it from between her lips. "There you go, sweetheart, you can yell at us all you want now."

Andy snorted. "What's wrong with my taste in clothes? It's a darn sight better than yours, you dress like an eighties reject." Hamish gently touched Juniper's face. She was hot. Worry made him roll her over. "Andy get some water, did you bring any food?"

He swiftly removed her cuffs, as Andy hurried back to the passenger side. "I got chocolate bars, I know she likes chocolate."

Hamish moved her arms to her front, massaging them. "Wake up, baby girl, let me know you're okay."

Her eyes opened at the same time she curled her legs up and kicked, hitting him right in the solar plexus. He hissed as he stumbled backwards and tripped over a branch, falling on his arse.

She leapt rather agilely from the back of the car and was off on bare feet, running like a rabbit through the bushland.

Andy streaked past him, darting after her. Hamish heard the crash and cursed as he climbed back to his feet, brushing off the leaves from his jeans and drawing in a deep breath.

Never run from a predator, honey.

Damn she was strong. He liked that she'd got one over on him; she was a fighter and a survivor. He smiled, hearing her scream of frustration and Andy's low chuckle.

"Sweetheart, if you wanted to play all you had to do was ask."

She was draped over his shoulder again, beating against his back as he carried her towards the Wrangler.

"Let me go, asshole! You can't do this, it's illegal!"

"Sure." He set her on her feet against the Wrangler, leaning over her on her right, as Hamish leaned in on her left, trapping her against it. Andy pulled his mobile phone from his pocket, holding it out to her. "Go ahead, call the cops."

She floundered, her mouth clamped shut ignoring the phone. Hamish leaned in on her other side.

"That's what we thought."

"Who the hell are you, why are you doing this to me?"

"Baby girl, we're rescuing you; not kidnapping you."

"How the hell do you know I even need rescuing? You don't know me; you don't know who I am!"

"True, we don't know everything, but it's just a matter of time before we do. In the meantime, we're going to get to know each other in other ways."

"Is this some sick, perverted game? Who are you?" She glanced from him to Andy.

"I'm Hamish and that is Andy. We're the Brown brothers. We live in Black Town, smack in the middle of Black Australian Native Forest. We help run the Black Earth moving company and have general duties about the town."

She was so adorable the way she scrunched her forehead when confused.

"So why the hell kidnap me?"

"Like I said before," Andy continued. "When we see something we like, we take it. Mind you, that little disguise you had going on did fool us for a little while."

"B…but… Why?"

"Oh, c'mon, sweetheart." Andy lifted his hand, running it down her cheek. She slapped his hand away. "We know you are attracted to us. You can feel the pull, which you're struggling to fight. But you won't win. Look at it this way; we're giving you what you really want, what you're afraid to ask for, us." His arm wrapped around her waist, nuzzling in at her neck, while Hamish caught her chin with his own hand, turning her head towards him.

"How the hell do you know what…?" she gasped. Hamish hid his smile. From the corner of his eye, he witnessed Andy's hand slip under her shirt.

"I can feel your heart beat, baby girl." Hamish laid his fingers over the pulse in her throat. "I can smell your desire, you want us, and, honey, we want you."

"We're going to have our wicked way with you, sweetheart, ravish you till you scream our names."

Her pupils dilated. "R…ravish?"

"Oh yes, honey. We're going to kiss, lick and taste every inch of your beautiful body."

She stiffened and jerked her head away just before he could lean in and kiss her. "I am not beautiful, who the hell put you up to this? Did you lose some kind of bet?"

Andy raised his head, anger gleaming in his eyes, reflecting Hamish's own feelings. She had very little self-worth when it came to her looks.

"Told you we had our work cut out for us." Andy met Hamish's gaze.

Hamish grinned, knowing the challenge set by his brother. "Who are we to shy away from a little hard work?"


Juniper's fierce scowl didn't deflect them from their mission. Andy moved in, gripping her ugly shirt at the top and ripped it open, making buttons ping in all directions.

She gasped. "My shirt!"

"Is god-awful, I'm doing you a favor."

Hamish gladly assisted in helping Andy remove it completely before he swiftly pulled her into his arms, spun her and gripped her wrists. Her struggles only managed to make her chest heave. The position arched her back slightly, pushing her braless breasts, covered by the thin white masculine vest, forward.

Andy's hungry graze raked down her body, before lifting his head to meet her gaze head on. "Do I look like a man who would do just anything for a bet?"

"I…I don't know…maybe." Her body trembled in Hamish's hold. Andy crowded in, lifting her chin. "Look into my eyes and tell me, do I look like a man who is disgusted or turned off by what I see?"

She didn't reply.

"Brother, are you at all disgusted or turned off by the woman you're holding?"

"Hell no, I want her just as much as you do." Hamish pushed his hard erection against her lower back.

"What I see is a body made for ravishing, for gripping onto and fucking, good and hard, not some bony twig."

Her breathing upped a notch and Hamish smiled, nodding slightly at his brother. Andy understood and kept going.

He gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Know this; we will never force you to do anything you don't want to do. The choice is always yours; say the words and we will stop, Juniper. Except for letting you go, we can't and won't do that."

Her body sagged against Hamish. "You don't understand, you're taking everything I've worked so hard to gain. Now I…I have nothing."

The anguish and despair in her tone tore at him; he released her wrists and turned her in his arms, surrounding her. Andy crowed in from her back, his hand stroking her, just as tenderly. He also worried about how deeply their little mate had been hurt. There was nothing sexual in their touch, no, it was all about showing her the security and comfort she needed.

"You're wrong, baby girl, you're ours now, and everything we have is yours. I know you don't believe us, and how we went about things was a little under handed. But we did it for your own good; we need to know that you are going to be safe. You are more important to us than you know."

BOOK: The Purrfect Predicament (Australian Shifters)
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