The Rebel Doc Who Stole Her Heart (13 page)

BOOK: The Rebel Doc Who Stole Her Heart
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“Yes, ma belle?”

“Would you hold me?” The words came out as if she was bone weary.

He stood shock still. Could he? Could he not?

“I’m so cold inside.”

He’d hold her until she went back to sleep. Surely he could muster that much self-control over his basic instincts and help her through this time. But she was naked.

Breathing deeply and kicking off his shoes, he slid under the covers and onto his side. He ran his unbandaged arm under her neck and the other circled her waist. This time he was grateful that a bandage covered most of his hand. If he been able to feel her skin against his palm there would have been no way to control his desires. Michelle snuggled up against him and with a deep sigh stilled. He gritted his teeth and tried to think about taking a bath in ice water. Seconds later her even breathing told him she was asleep again.

Would she even know she’d asked him into her bed tomorrow? Or what he’d suffered to be here?

His fingertips brushed her skin. It felt warm and silky smooth. He wanted to explore more of her. With a groan, he shifted. Even the loose pants of his scrubs felt tight. With great effort he pushed the fact that she was naked out of his mind, or at least tried to. It was impossible. His body throbbed with lust, despite his best efforts to convince it otherwise.

Ty rubbed his cheek against her soft hair. Breathing in the floral scent of her bath oil, which was as classy as Michelle, he looked off into the dark. He begged for sleep to ease the agony, confident it would never come. The night would be a long one.

* * *

Michelle shifted to find a wall of warmth preventing her from totally rolling over. She snuggled closer, her face padded against the musk of heated skin. Wanting more, she put an arm over it and aligned herself.

“Michelle. Stop.”

A dark rumble above her head jerked her to reality. She held her breath.

“Let go, Michelle, so I can move.”

She didn’t. She didn’t want to. Didn’t want Ty to move.

Ty felt so good against her. She wanted more. All of him. Her hand rested partly on material and partly on skin. She nudged what had to be his scrub shirt upwards until her hand found heated skin.

“Mmm.” Her fingertips flowed over the skin, feeling it ripple.

A groan of deep agony warned, “Michelle, wake up.”

“I don’t want to. This is a nice dream,” she mumbled as she traced the line of his last rib. “It feels good. I want to feel good.”

The rush of air being forcefully sucked in came from above. “If you keep that up it won’t be a dream but reality.”

“Okay,” she said, pushing the material further out of the way.

He winced.

Had she lost her mind? She was coming on to a man who had been in an accident. He was hurt, sore. She had reached a new low in the need department. But what would be so wrong with them making each other feel good for just a little while? Ty wanted her. He’d made that clear.

Looking up, she found his heavy-lidded eyes focused on her.

“I’m sorry. I’m hurting you.” She moved away.

“Hey, come back here. This is the kind of pain I like.” His voice was a low gravel tone laced with desire that made her nerve endings sing.

Running her hand further under his shirt, she trailed the flat of her hand across the contours of his chest, following every dip and curve. He didn’t move, letting her explore to her heart’s content. The palm of her hand caressed and came to rest low on his belly. She leaned over and kissed the spot where her hand had been.

Ty hissed in response, “Michelle, if you go much further there’ll be no stopping.”

“I’m not a child. I know what I’m doing. Yes. I want this. I want to feel good, alive.”

Ty’s hands gripped her under her arms and pulled her up until his lips almost touched hers. “Aw, ma belle, I’m just the man for the job.”

His mouth took hers in a sweeping kiss, like none she’d ever experienced. His tongue demanded entrance and she gave it. He savored and devoured, then turned playful again.

Her breasts tingled, tightened as her nipples hardened, anticipating Ty’s touch.

His hands roamed with complete freedom along her sides and over her bare bottom. He lifted her, bringing her closer. She felt the ridge of his arousal against her stomach. A giddy feeling rippled through her. She’d made Ty want her in the most elemental way. The man who charmed all the women and could have anyone wanted her.

Michelle pushed at his shirt again. She wore no clothes but he was still dressed. She wanted her skin against his. Wanted all of him. Wanted, needed to be touched, tasted and be taken. Whatever it took to forget her responsibilities. To live for herself for once.

“Off.” He let her go and she rolled away. He raised his chest inches from the mattress and she helped him remove his shirt.

His arms circled her again and her breasts came to rest against his chest. She shifted, trying to get closer. His heat and need flowed through her. With a grunt that reminded her that he was hurt, he rolled her onto her back.

“Ty, you’re hurt—”

“Shut up,” he said softly. His mouth captured hers. Slowly, far too slowly his hands moved towards her breasts. They ached for his touch. Her nipples beaded, rose and awaited his consideration.

One hand came to lie wide and heavy on her middle. He made small tantalizing circles along her skin, which sent ripples of desire dancing through her. She sucked in a breath, held it as his fingertips worked magic.

This was living. Something she’d put on hold for far too long. And even if it was just for tonight, she would grasp this feeling with both hands.

Ty finally cupped a straining breast and her hips flexed. He lifted the weight of her breast and ran a fingertip around the tip. She throbbed in her center, burned with need. She opened her eyes to find Ty watching her. His eyes had turned the dark green of a forest in summer. They bored into hers.

He continued to tease her breast as he whispered, “There’s nothing icy about you. You are pure molten lava for me. Ma belle.”

His mouth dipped to favor a nipple.

Her hips came off the bed and her eyes closed as she sailed away on a tide of pure pleasure.

His mouth released her. When he pulled away she let out a sound of disappointment, begging for more. If he didn’t touch her…

Ty didn’t disappoint. Moving to the other breast, he took it into his mouth. He tormented and teased by circling his tongue around her pebbled tip. She throbbed with a craving that only Ty could satisfy. His attention brought white-hot heat to where she wanted him most.

His lips came back to hers, before departing again to leave small kisses along her jaw line. He pushed her hair away and kissed the sweet dip behind her ear. She shivered and brought her legs up to circle his hips.

Ty broke her grip and shimmied down her body, leaving wet kisses as he went. She clawed at his shoulders to stop him.

“Oh, no, here you don’t run the show. We share. Right now it’s my turn,” Ty growled.

“I want—”

“I know you do. I do too. But not yet. I must enjoy you some more.”

Ty kissed her belly, orbited her bellybutton with his tongue. She flinched and groaned.

“So responsive. So hot for me,” Ty rasped, his voice rich with approval.

He continued to place kisses over her skin, across the ridge of her hip bones and lower. Michelle’s fingers found his hair and played with it, letting it fall between her fingers. Watching as a curl caressed her fingertip. It was as wonderful as she had imagined it to be.

One of Ty’s hands found her calf and slowly slid up to her knee. His finger caressed the underside until she could stand it no longer and pulled way.

The small rumble in his chest said that had been his plan. She opened for him and he pressed his advantage. His talented and capable fingers traveled along the length of the inside of her thigh, teased and moved down to her knee again.

Michelle whimpered with disappointment. She wasn’t going to be able to take much more. Then his fingers started their slow, excruciatingly magnificent travel upwards once more. He did it again and again, each time stopping just a little closer to her begging center.

Her hands clawed at the sheets. She’d become nothing but a mass of wonton, beseeching need. He was driving her beyond reason.

Finally, Ty’s finger touched her center and her hips arched off the bed.

“Easy. Soon. Very soon.” His finger entered her waiting heat and she came unglued, bursting with release. His body covered hers and their lips met. “That was a beautiful thing to behold, ma belle, but we’re not finished.”

Ty pushed up and away from her as if any pain or soreness he might have felt was forgotten. He headed out the door as if on a mission. Michelle curled into the bed and enjoyed the lovely waves of pleasure that Ty had left behind. Seconds later, he returned with a packet of protection. She watched as he peeled out of his pants and underwear at the same time.

There was nothing bashful about this man as he stood proudly before her, all wild hair, expansive chest, flat stomach, slim hips and strong thighs. The most obvious was his desire for her standing tall and ready. Michelle couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was the Greek god of her dreams.

Ty took care of protecting them. The bed dipped as he rejoined her. “There’s no going back from here, Michelle. You say the word and I’ll leave,” he said quietly but with meaning.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her. He lowered and surrounded her. With a sigh, she accepted his weight. For once she wasn’t afraid to be out of control. To have someone take the lead.

He kissed her deep and long before his hands found her breasts and gave them the attention they longed for. He shifted so that she cradled him between her legs. His manhood rested at her entrance.

“Look at me,” he growled. “I want to see that passion you try so hard to hide when I enter you.”

Her eyes flickered up to meet his. As if he could stand it no longer, he buried himself deep in her. Ty leaned down and breathed into her ear, “Heaven, ma belle.”

He pulled back then pushed forward again. Michelle flexed to meet him, taking him completely. Ty increased the pace. She joined him. As they moved faster, she climbed higher. Reaching her peak, she exploded into beautiful waves of perfect bliss. With the sound of her name drifting off his lips and a final thrust, Ty found his completion. His weight covered her but she offered no complaint.

Some time later, Michelle lay with her head on Ty’s stomach as he played with her hair. She lifted his hand with the bandage and kissed each fingertip. “You are right. We are a pair.”

“How’s that?”

“You’re all banged up and even I have an injury. We won’t inspire much confidence as doctors.” She held up her finger and giggled. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d truly giggled. Ty brought that out in her. She felt wonderful.

“I’ll kiss yours if you’ll kiss mine.”

She looked up at him. He had a wicked grin on his face.

“That sounds like a fine idea. I get to go first.” She rolled over and placed a kiss just below his waist and moved downwards. She fully expected to have another mind-blowing, body-sedating and deliciously satisfying experience this time around as well.

* * *

Ty woke to the afternoon sun shining into the room. Michelle’s leg lay over one of his. Even in her sleep she tried to dominate. Earlier, he’d let her and had more than enjoyed it. Her hand rested on one of his shoulders and she had a handful of his hair intertwined in her fingers. Her head had found a bed in the crook of the other shoulder.

He was sore and stiff from the motorcycle accident and the events of the night before had not improved that but he wouldn’t have missed having the responsive and tender Michelle in his arms for anything. It felt right to have her there. As if she belonged. It had been a long time since anyone had belonged to him.

They’d slept, made love and slept again. Michelle had gotten up long enough to call and check on her mother. After receiving a favorable report, she’d returned to him. Their lovemaking had been slow and gentle the next time as if they’d both wanted it to be special.

Michelle stirred beside him and he hugged her close. It was nice, really nice. Could he do this every day? Looking down at her face, he wished he could. The question was did he know how? He had no experience at staying in one place or having someone depend on him.

His heart thumped hard against his chest. What was happening? This feeling was foreign to him. He’d no intention of caring, didn’t want to take the chance. Had fought it for years. Was he falling for Michelle? Had it already happened?

She twisted in his arms and her hand rubbed his cheek. “You need a shave.”

“You weren’t complaining about it a while ago.”

“I guess I wasn’t,” she said softly. “Ty, I want to thank you.”

What? The world as he knew it had made a one-eighty turn and she was thanking him for sex. Had he been used? He sure felt like it.

“I appreciate…this…all you’ve done,” she went on, oblivious to the fact she was stabbing him in the heart.

Ty sat up. “Hell, Michelle, that wasn’t sympathy sex. There’s more than that between us. I know you want people to believe you’re a cold fish, but I know better.”

He disentangled himself from her, pushed the sheet away and stood.

Michelle opened her mouth as if to speak.

“Stop there, Michelle. You’ve already said enough.”

She sat up, pulling the sheet over her breasts. “Where’s this coming from? You don’t take anything seriously. You’re planning to leave soon.”

“Sure I do. I was serious last night. Plenty serious about you.”

“You can’t be, we don’t even have anything in common.”

“It sure seemed like we had plenty in common last night and a number of times after that.”

“Relationships are made up of more than sex.”

“So all that has happened between us you sum up as just being sex?”

She gasped.

“Exactly. It does sound cold and one-sided.”

He snatched up his clothes and headed for the other bedroom. After calling a taxi, he washed up the best he could and was waiting on the curb when his ride arrived.

BOOK: The Rebel Doc Who Stole Her Heart
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