Read The Recruit: Book Two Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

The Recruit: Book Two (11 page)

BOOK: The Recruit: Book Two
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“Mom!”  Hannah groaned.  “I do not need to
know that.”

Natalie shrugged.  “What can I say?  I was
very limber.”

“Ugh – stop talking, mom.  Please.”  Hannah
groaned again.

“The point is,” her mother said patiently,
“is that I know the difference between a man just looking for a good time and a
man who wants something more.  Will wants more than just a good time with you,

“Even if that were true,” Hannah replied,
“Will doesn’t believe that Lycans and humans could ever have a relationship
that isn’t just based on sex.  He dumped me when he realized that I wanted
more.  Only he’s apparently decided that I shouldn’t have a relationship with
any other man.  He gets some kind of sick thrill out of the little human girl
pining away for the big bad wolf.  Just, trust me mom - he’s an asshole.”

“I’m not saying you’re wrong.  You know
Will much better than I do, but sweetheart, he did save your father’s life.”  Natalie
pointed out gently.

Hannah blinked at her.  Her mother was
right.  Will had saved her father’s life and she had never even said thank you
to him for it.  She sighed as her mother led her to the cashier.  She would
have to thank him sooner or later and she was already dreading it.

Chapter 12


“I never asked – do Lycans eat cooked
meat?”  Natalie looked up at Will as she continued to make the hamburger

Will smiled a little.  They were standing
in the kitchen, Natalie making the patties as he peeled potatoes for the potato
salad.  About ten minutes ago, unable to watch Reid flirting with Hannah any
longer, he had left the backyard where the others had gathered and joined
Natalie in the kitchen.  She had accepted his offer to help and started him on
the potatoes. 

Now, she gave him a curious look.  “Should
I be leaving some of these um – raw?”

He laughed.  “No, ma’am.  Lycans will eat
cooked meat.”

She stared thoughtfully at him.  “I’ll ask
Jim to cook your burgers rare.”

He grinned at her.  “Thank you, ma’am.”

“Natalie.”  She reminded him.

“Thank you, Natalie.  That’s very kind of

They worked in silence for a while, both of
them glancing up when a soft scream came from the backyard.  Ryan had found
some old water guns in the shed and he, Jeremy and Reid were stalking Selena,
Hannah and Danny.

Jeremy had just sprayed Selena in the face
and, sputtering and choking, she chased after him.  She tackled him to the
ground and wrestled the gun away from him, sticking it down his shirt and
spraying it repeatedly.

As Hannah’s father and Chen watched from
their lawn chairs, Reid and Ryan stalked Danny across the yard.  Hannah had
disappeared and Natalie and Will grinned at each other when she reappeared with
the garden hose. 

She crept up behind them and turned it on
Ryan and Reid, spraying the backs of their heads.  They roared with surprise,
turning around and holding their hands up as she sprayed both of them directly
in the face.

Hannah laughed loudly and backed up as they
started towards her.  She sprayed them again, giggling when Ryan slipped on the
wet grass and landed on his ass.

Natalie glanced at Will.  “It’s good to
hear her laugh.  She’s usually so solemn, so serious about life.”

Will nodded.  “I’ve noticed.”

“She gets that particular trait from her
father.”  Natalie said.

Will stirred the potatoes in the pot with
the wooden spoon Natalie had given him.  He looked out the window again and
Natalie heard his sharp intake of breath when Reid, hooting and hollering,
surged forward and dove towards Hannah.  He tackled her around the waist and pulled
her to the ground.  He used his lean body to pin hers down as he pulled the
hose from her hands and sprayed her with it.

Natalie laughed when Hannah punched him
hard in the stomach and Reid dropped the hose to the ground beside them,
grimacing and holding his lean abdomen.  Hannah grinned up at him, her dark
hair wet and clinging to her face. 

As Reid brushed her hair from her face
there was a loud cracking noise and Natalie turned to see Will holding the now-broken
wooden spoon.  He glanced down at the spoon and grimaced.

“Natalie, I’m sorry.  I’ll buy you a new

She laughed.  “Don’t worry about it, dear.”

He didn’t reply.  He was looking out the
window again and she followed his gaze as he began to growl deep in his chest. 
Reid was leaning over Hannah, obviously about to kiss her, but before he could
brush his lips against hers, Hannah sneakily grabbed the hose and sprayed him
in the face.  He fell back, coughing and choking as Hannah laughed and jumped
to her feet.  She winked at him and strolled over to her father and Chen,
sitting beside them and wringing her wet hair out.

Will was still growling softly and Natalie
placed a soft hand on his arm.  He looked at her and she gasped quietly.  His
eyes were glowing yellow and his nostrils were flaring angrily.  He looked
away, breathing deeply and when he looked back at her, his eyes were blue and
filled with embarrassment.

“I’m sorry.”

She shrugged and smiled at him.  “How long
have you been in love with our Hannah?”

He gave her a careful, considering look.  “I’m
not in love with Hannah.”

She snickered loudly.  “Oh of course you’re

He blushed and looked down at the pieces of
wooden spoon as she drained the potatoes of water and set the pot in front of
him.  She handed him a masher.  “Put that anger and those rippling muscles to
work would you, Will?  These need mashing.”

He nodded and started to mash the steaming
potatoes as Natalie stared out the window at her oldest child.  “When Jim and I
first started dating, his parents hated me.  I was – am – such a hippie, and he
was so straight-laced.  He knew he wanted to be an accountant before he even
started school.  He ironed his underwear and socks for God’s sake.  His parents
were horrified when he brought me home to meet them.  It didn’t matter to us
though.  We loved each other and didn’t care what his parents or other people
thought of us.”

“It’s not the same, Natalie.”  Will said
quietly.  “Lycans and humans were never meant to mate for life.”

“It is the same.”  She insisted.  “Hannah
loves you.”

Will shook his head.  “She doesn’t love
me.  Once maybe, but not now.  I’ve hurt her too badly.”

Natalie placed a gentle hand on his arm.  “You’re
wrong, dear.  I know my Hannah and she loves you.  I’ve never seen her so worked
up over a boy before.”

Will smiled sadly.  “It doesn’t matter.  We
weren’t meant to be.”

* * *


Hannah sat up straight in bed, gasping
loudly and her heart thumping madly in her chest.  She looked around wildly for
a moment before taking a deep, shuddering breath.  She’d had a nightmare about
Sara, a bad one, and she wrapped her arms around her torso, trying to shake off
the horror and fear.  After a moment, she threw the covers back.  It was
ridiculous and childish but she wanted her mother.  It was the first time since
Sara died that she could go to her mother for comforting and she didn’t care
how old she was, she wanted to feel her mom’s arms around her.

She crossed the room and opened the door.  Her
breath caught in her throat when the wolf jumped up from its spot on the floor
in front of her bedroom door.

“Will?”  She breathed.

He whined softly and she dropped to her
knees and hugged him.  She buried her face in the soft, warm fur of his neck
and started to sob weakly.

There was a soft popping noise and suddenly
the fur had turned into the warm and familiar skin of Will.

“Hannah?  What’s wrong, honey?”  His strong
hands stroked her back and she pressed herself more firmly against him.

“What are you doing outside of my
bedroom?”  She asked quietly.  Her tears wetted his skin and he made a soft
noise of distress.

“I – I just wanted to make sure you were
safe.”  He replied.

She leaned back and looked at him, her face
wet with tears, and he wiped gently at her cheeks.  “Did you have a nightmare
about Sara?”

She nodded mutely and he sighed heavily
before rising to his feet.  He picked her up and carried her into her room,
closing the door softly behind him.

He tucked her into her bed and pushed her
hair back from her face.  “I’m sorry.  Where were you going?”

“To find my mom.”  She whispered.

He started to stand.  “I’ll go get her.”

She shook her head and caught his hand.  “No,
please stay with me.”  She had left her bedroom to find comfort with her mom
but now, staring up at Will, she realized that it was him she really wanted.

He hesitated and she pushed back the
covers, squirming over in her small bed.  “Just until I fall asleep, okay?”

He nodded and slipped his naked body into
her bed.  She molded herself against him, burying her face in his neck and
wrapping her arms around his waist.

He stroked her back and kissed the top of
her head, murmuring low sounds of comfort until her shivering had stopped.

“Thank you for saving my father’s life,
Will.”  She said suddenly.

“You’re welcome.”  He smiled at her when
she lifted her head and stared at him.

“You look tired.”  She ran the tips of her
fingers over his face as he shifted his lower body away from hers.

Will gritted his teeth.  Hannah’s childhood
bed was small and it was nearly impossible to keep his body from touching
hers.  He cursed himself for his lack of control.  She’d just had a terrible
nightmare and needed comforting.  What she didn’t need was his dick pushing
into her hip.  It had been so long since he had been this close to her, he
could barely think straight.  Her scent was all around him.  After months of
only smelling it in his dreams, it was heating his blood, making him long to
kiss and touch her until she was moaning with pleasure.

He swallowed thickly.  “I’m good.”

She frowned and traced the dark circles
under his eyes.  “No, you’re not.”

He could feel her breasts pressing against
his chest and he groaned inwardly before trying to untangle himself from her. 
“I should go.”

“No!”  She wrapped around him like a vine. 
“Don’t leave me, Will.”

“Hannah, if I stay I won’t be able to not
touch you, to not try and – “

She kissed him, her mouth warm and sweet on
his lips, and he groaned and yanked her hard against him.

They kissed hungrily, their tongues
flicking and darting together, and when Hannah sucked hard on his tongue, Will
was helpless to stop his hips from thrusting against her.  He slid his hands
under the long t-shirt she was wearing and cupped her naked breasts.  She
moaned into his mouth when he tugged lightly on her nipples.  They hardened
immediately and he gave his own harsh groan when she kissed her way down his
neck, licking and nipping his rough skin.

“Will.”  She moaned before kissing the spot
where his neck became his shoulder. 

He jerked against her and with a sudden
tug, pulled her shirt over her head.  He stared at her breasts, his eyes had
already turned a brilliant yellow, and Hannah shuddered with pleasure when he
captured one taut nipple between his teeth. He pulled gently on it before
closing his lips around it and sucking hard.

She threaded her fingers through his hair
and clutched his head closer to her as he switched to her other nipple and
suckled it.  She could feel his hard cock against her and she rubbed herself
eagerly against him.

Quickly, before he could protest, she
pushed her panties down her legs, kicking them from her feet, and lying on her
back.  She pulled on his arms, urging him between her legs and he complied eagerly. 
He stared down at her, his eyes glowing softly as he cupped her breast again
and rubbed his thumb over her nipple.

“I’ve missed you.”  He whispered.

She gave him a slow smile.  “I’ve missed
you too.”

For a moment it was so much like his dream
that he was afraid he was going to wake up.  He hesitated, and she reached
between them and took his cock in her hand.  He groaned loudly and she covered
his mouth with her other hand.

“Shh.”  She grinned at him.  “You’ll wake
my parents.”  She squeezed his cock and he moaned again, his hips jerking
against her. 

“You’re going to make me come if you keep
doing that.”  He whispered through gritted teeth.

She giggled softly.  “You have missed me.”

He slipped his hand between their bodies
and found her swollen clit.  She gave her own loud cry when he rubbed it

“Shh... quiet, remember?”  He nipped her
neck as he rubbed her clit with slow circles of his finger.

“Please, Will...”  She stroked his cock
with her long fingers and he let his breath out in a drawn-out hiss of pleasure.

Your father will be coming in here with a
shotgun any minute now.”  He whispered against her mouth.

Her giggle turned into a low moan when he
slipped one thick finger into her. 

“Will, I need you.  Please don’t make me
wait.”  She sucked on his lower lip and guided his cock to her warm core.  As
his hand moved to grip her hip, he slid into her warmth and wetness in one easy
stroke.  They both moaned and as she wrapped her smooth thighs around his hips,
she kissed him deeply.

“It feels so good, my love.”  She whispered
into his mouth. 

He clenched his jaw and stared grimly at
the wall as he began to move within her.  It had been months since he had been
with her, and the feel of her warm core sucking eagerly at his cock was
bringing him close to orgasm. 

She teased his throat and chest with soft
nips and licks as he began a slow rhythm within her.  She responded eagerly,
lifting her hips to meet each of his thrusts as warmth began to radiate through
her belly and pelvis.  Within minutes he was plunging in and out of her with
long, hard thrusts, and she whimpered and moaned softly as the ache in her
pelvis grew stronger. 

“Oh Will...”  She cried out softly before
her back arched and she stiffened against him.  Will groaned into her throat as
her muscles clamped down around him and she shook violently as she came.  He
buried his face into the curve of her neck and with a muffled shout, thrust
into her once more as his orgasm ripped through him.  He shivered against her
as she rubbed his back and panted harshly beneath him.

BOOK: The Recruit: Book Two
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