Read The Rules Online

Authors: Helen Cooper

The Rules (2 page)

BOOK: The Rules
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“Pleasuring my whore.” He smiled at her wickedly and she resisted the urge to slap him.


“I’m going to sleep.” She turned away from him.


“Do as you will.” Oliver spoke softly and she was surprised that he took it so well. She gasped when a few minutes later she felt him up against her from behind slipping his cock into her pussy.


“What, what are you doing?” She gasped as she unconsciously moved rhythmically with his cock.


“Fucking you.” He said slowly as he reached around and squeezed her breasts as he moved in and out of her.


“But I told you I was going to sleep” She whispered.


“And I told you that one of my rules is that you are available whenever I want you. I want you now.” He pulled out of her and got on top of her.


“Put your legs over my shoulder.” He ordered her. She complied and was gratified to feel him in her once again. He pounded her pussy with his cock, going deeper and deeper every time he plunged into her. The both came quickly and sighed in contentment as they lay back.


“Satisfied?” He whispered to her tenderly.


“Yes.” She smiled up at him satiated and happy.


“Good.” He kissed her on the lips and pulled her into him and they fell asleep.

Chapter 2


Oliver was a lot more reserved the next morning. He had gone back to being haughty and arrogant and Alice wondered if she had imagined the soft sweet man who had held her and made love to her all night.


“We didn’t get to discuss the full rules last night.” Oliver barked at her after he had dictated an opening scene to her.


“That’s not my fault.” Alice barked back at him, annoyed at his attitude.


“Pay attention Alice.” He sta
red at her coldly. “You must never talk of our arrangement to anyone.”


“Why?” She looked at him stubbornly.


“America doesn’t want to find out that their favorite leading man doesn’t believe in love. That he has an assistant to pleasure him at all times.”


“I see.” She shivered. She couldn’t believe that she of all people was that assistant.


“As far as anyone is concerned, you are my assistant and my assistant only. You will never approach me in public as anything other than that. You must always remember your place.”


Alice bit back a retort. He was always able to make her feel cheap and used with his words.


“What you did last night with Maribel was unacceptable.”


She glared at him.


“Maribel Gold is someone very important to me. In fact she should be important to you too, seeing as her dad will be financing the movie, you are helping me to write.”


“I don’t want to hear about Maribel.” Alice spat out churlishly. She was upset and jealous and didn’t want to picture him with that perfect looking but dimwitted blond.”


“This isn’t about what you want Alice.” He paused to sip some water. “Maribel and I are going to be going public tomorrow, I need to make sure you are not going to ruin this for us.”


“Go public with what?” Alice looked at him in confusion.


“Maribel is about to become my girlfriend.” He stared at her with no emotion. “It’s part of the arrangement. Her father will finance my next movie and I will date her, which will help her to become famous in her own right and get her own movies.”


Alice looked at him in shock. “I thought you didn’t do girlfriends.” Her voice was low and sad.


He smiled an ironic smile. “Unless my PR
tells me to. You don’t get to this level in Hollyw
ood without playing games Alice.”


“I see.”


“I need to make sure that you know your place in public. I cannot have a photo in the tabloids showing you kissing me or sucking me off under the table, do you hear?”


“So we will just have a regular assistant relationship then?” She tried to smile hopefully. She didn’t want him to see how devastated she felt.


“No. Your body will still be mine to do what I please with, in the office, in the bedroom, in the car. Just not in public and never initiated by you.”


She gasped. “So I really am to be your paid whore.”


“I’ve heard that word used too many times Alice. Stop. I will not hear it anymore. You are free to leave my office right now if you don’t like the rules. Just know, that there will be no scriptwriting with me and no other position.”


She looked at him in silence. How she wanted to get up and walk out of that office. She hated him. She hated him for the way he talked to her and made her feel. But oh boy how she loved him. She studied his face and saw his jaw twitch, he was nervous that she was going to leave. As she stared into his eyes and saw his bravado, she knew he was putting on a show. This was his defense mechanism. He expected all women to leave him, just like his mother had. He wanted them to leave before he got too close, before he had a chance to get hurt again.


“I’m going to stay.” She spoke softly but firmly. “I’m going to stay because I believe in the Oliver Park I have seen in movies and interviews. The man that wants to change lives.” She wanted to tell that she was staying because she loved him, because she would never give up hope that he could return that love one day. That he would learn to trust her.


“Good.” He smiled a quick short smile and pulled out some papers. “Now let’s get back to writing.”


They spent the rest of the afternoon talking about different characters and their pasts. Building up backstories and emotions. Alice was delighted that Oliver really seemed to listen to her and to value her opinion. She didn’t even think of their weird relationship as they spoke.
They were finishing up a scene when he got the call, she watched as his face lit up and he purred into the phone.


“Hi honey, sorry about last night. My assistant got drunk. I wanted to make sure she got home okay. Yeah, I’ll let her know she needs to get a new wardrobe. Okay see you tonight.” He hung up the phone and grinned at Alice. “Maribel told me to tell you that you really need to get some new outfits because you looked very trashy last night.”


Alice glared at him, not bothering to answer him.


“So, let’s go.” Oliver jumped up.


“Go where?”




“I don’t have money to go shopping Oliver.”


“It’s on me. I want you to look smart for dinner tonight. We’re going to dinner with Maribel and her father.”




“I want you to look more professional at dinner tonight, so let’s go shopping.” Oliver came over to her and kissed her passionately. “Great job today Alice, you are as talented as I thought you were.”


Alice couldn’t contain her beating heartbeat but looked at him in confusion. “Why am I coming tonight?”


“Because I want you to be there.” He said simply and took her hand and they walked to the elevator.


“Why did you call her honey?” Alice couldn’t stop the remark from coming out of her mouth. “You don’t seem the sort to use sweet euphemisms.”


“There’s one more thing you should know Alice,” he looked at her seriously. “Maribel doesn’t know that our dating is arranged.”


“What?” She looked at him in shock.


“She thinks that we are a real couple. That’s what her dad wanted.” He shrugged his shoulders.


“So, you weren’t joking last night? You would sleep with her?”


“That’s what most people do in relationships right?” Oliver looked at her carefully. “I hope that’s not going to be a problem for you. I’ll always make sure to wear protection. I would never put you at risk Alice.”


“Ok.” But she knew that he already had. He had put her heart at risk and she could feel it breaking as they rode down in the elevator.


“Do you love her?” She couldn’t stop from asking him the one question she knew could hurt her the most.


“No. You know I don’t believe in love Alice. This is like a job for me. It’s acting.”


“Don’t you have enough money to make this movie yourself Oliver? Without having to make this arrangement with John Gold?”


“The first rule of making movies is that you never use your own money Alice. The public is fickle. You never know when you will have a box-office bomb. I’m rich but not rich enough to finance a $100 million movie and be okay if it fails.”


“I see.” And she understood in her brain, it was her heart that was having a hard time accepting everything.


“Welcome to Hollywood Alice.” He
didn’t smile as he spoke and they walked silently through the lobby and to his car.

Chapter 3


They pulled up to the mall about twenty minutes later and he turned to her, “Allow me to treat you to this clothes Alice. It’s the least I can do.”


She nodded her head in agreement and got out of the car without waiting for him. She had no energy left to refuse or to argue. She was too upset and emotionally depleted. She just wanted to be with him, and to enjoy him as much as she could.


“I want to be in the changing room with you as well, so I can see how everything looks.” He licked his lips and she laughed. He looked like an innocent boy and all of a sudden she felt replete. She would enjoy whatever time she had with him and take it for what it was worth.


“Sure, Mr. Park. Anything you want Mr. Park.” She curtsied for him and then ran from him shrieking with laughter as he chased her into the store.


“You little minx.” He caught her by the door and held her to him, looking down into her face. “You are a very beautiful woman Alice: inside and out. Don’t ever change.” Her breath caught at his words and she just stared into his eyes. “Come on, let’s go shopping.” He pulled a cap out of his pocket and a fake moustache and put them on. Surprisingly, he was completely unrecognizable.


“You look like a weirdo.” She laughed up at him, happy to be in this moment.


“Better a weirdo and left alone, that a handsome Hollywood star surrounded by fans.” He grinned and she hit him on the arm.


“So modest Mr. Park, so modest.” They both laughed and walked into the store holding hands.


They went from department to department checking out dresses and pants and underwear and Alice couldn’t think of a time where she had had more fun shopping.


“Let’s go try some of this stuff on now.” He whispered into her ear. “It’s been too long since I’ve had my Alice fix.”


A store clerk guarded all of the changing rooms
so Oliver picked up some shirts so that he could get his own changing room. As soon as they walked into the section, he quickly ran into her room and closed the door.


“Come here,” he pulled her towards him and he leaned down and kissed her. She pulled him in close to her and she nibbled on his lip while caressing his ass. He groaned loudly, “Oh Alice.”


“Ssh,” she giggled and put her fingers on his lips.

“Did you hear a man’s voice Moana?” An older lady spoke out from the stall next to them.


“Why would I hear a man’s voice Ingrid? Did you check the batteries in your hearing aid this morning?” Another lady spoke out obviously annoyed at the fact that she was being interrupted from trying on her potential new clothes.


“Moana, there is no need to be rude. And you know I don’t wear hearing aids.”


Alice and Oliver giggled into each other’s shoulders as the two ladies went back and forth. “Let’s take off your dress now.” Oliver whispered into her ear. She stepped back and lifted her arms in the air, allowing him to pull her dress up and off of her.

BOOK: The Rules
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