Read The Sanctuary Online

Authors: Arika Stone

The Sanctuary (28 page)

BOOK: The Sanctuary
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“Get up. Undress.” He grabbed me and brought me to my feet.

I quickly undressed, but the sheer irony was I had controlled him into doing this. It was very amusing, and I couldn’t stop myself from giggling.

“You think this is funny? Save your joy for tomorrow, Eve.” He bent me over the bed. He whispered into my ear, “Because tonight you are going to drown in your tears for your disobedience.” He cracked me on the ass with the whip he wielded in his hand.

The blow was so shocking it dropped me to my knees.

“Get up!” he snarled. “Did I say you could kneel down?” He pulled me back onto my feet, draping me over the bed again. The whip hit my scorched skin until I was out of breath, gasping from his power.

He ran his fingernails over my ass, plumping the welts. “Your ass is a lovely shade of red, but I don’t think it’s burning you enough.” His hand slammed down on my cheek, intensifying the burn I already had. I stifled a moan into the bed, hoping he wouldn’t hear.

“Get on all fours on the bed,” he barked. I climbed up and got into position. He shifted onto the bed and grabbed me by the hair. “Over my lap.”

I didn’t know what to feel. I hadn’t been in the mood to begin with, but the porn had set me off.

“Sir, may I speak, please?”

“No, I have had enough with your games tonight.” His fingers circled the flesh surrounding my asshole.

“Please, Sir?” I begged.

“Do you think you can talk your way out of the highest infraction? You attempted to withhold my pleasure.” He dripped a small amount of lube over my asshole.

It’s only a game. It’s only a game.
I tried to reason with myself in my mind. Abruptly Val shoved something hard, cold, and round up my ass.

“Mmm…” I heard him say.

Pressure, preceded by another circular pop, filled my hole.

I muffled my discomfort into the bed.

“Don’t worry, Eve, there’s more for you to take.” He pressed a third ball into my ass, wiggling it with the help of his finger before he inserted a fourth and a fifth. He paused with his finger on the beads. “Tell me, Eve, do you want me to take them out?”

I was afraid of either answer. If I said yes, I feared the pain of removal. If I said no, I had no idea what he would make me do with them inside.

“No, Sir.”

Swiftly, he pulled out the string of anal beads. I twisted on top of him, but he pinned me down with his arm and began the insertion process again.

“Please…” I whispered.

“I don’t remember giving you permission to speak.” He pulled the beads out one by one, making my asshole pucker with each pop.

I was unable to move under his grasp. His heavy hand landed again on my ass, causing a ripping sensation across my flesh.

“Get on your hands and knees,” he instructed. “And put your head down.”

I turned around so I wouldn’t face him and placed my face down, on all fours as he commanded me to do.

His body shifted against mine, pressing into my hot flesh, igniting the burn. He spread my legs with his knees and grabbed his cock, rubbing it up and down against my hole. I heard him spit. It dripped down my ass, slowly making its descent. He slid his cock across his saliva, pressing it firmly into my asshole, spreading it open. I gasped in pleasure as he prodded my tender opening.

“You can’t keep quiet, can you?” He slapped me across the ass before easing his cock farther in. “Now take it like I want you to.” He began pumping, hard and fast as though he was fucking my pussy.

Instinctually, my hand met my clit, rubbing it, trying to create pleasure from pressure.

“None of that.” He grabbed both of my hands and drew them behind my back, pressing my chest to the mattress. “There is no pleasure in punishment, except my own.” He grunted, pushing his cock in deeper, using my arms as leverage.

I groaned, unable to satisfy my own mounting climax. It was the moment he was waiting for, for me to experience the joy of being used for his pleasure.

“Mmm…” He moaned with a final push into my ass before exploding in satisfaction.

He dropped my arms and laid his scorching, sweat-covered body on top of me. His heart was racing against my back; his breathing was heavy and labored in my ear. He rubbed his wet hair and face next to my cheek.

“Ahh, fuck, Eve,” he said between breaths. “I think I drank too much beer.” His voice was deep and raspy.

He withdrew from me, rolled off the bed, and stumbled to the bathroom in an intoxicated swagger. I flipped onto my back to recuperate but was greeted with what seemed like a thousand bees buzzing on my flesh. His cum began to ooze out.

“Ughhh…” I grumbled. I hopped off the bed, hoping Val was finished using the bathroom.

I sauntered into the bathroom and found him leaning against the wall. I stood in the doorway, clenching my cheeks, not knowing what to do.

He rested his head against the wall and shifted his half-opened eyes toward me. His skin was drenched in sweat, and his wavy hair clung to the sides of his face. He resembled a king, enjoying the pleasure of his conquest and the power he wielded over me.

I smiled. “Sir, may I speak please?”

Val shook his head in slow motion. “No,” he mouthed. He laughed, his voice full of bass. “I forgot to pee.”

He was clearly inebriated, more so than I had ever seen him before. He stood silent in his drunken madness.

“May I use this?” I tried to creep past him.

“No,” he repeated. “Your collar is still on, Eve. Hold it.” Val’s voice dripped pure sex. His lips curled upward. “Be a dear and fetch me a joint.”

I eyed him before exiting the room. I traveled upstairs, holding him inside of me. It was an odd feeling, but I enjoyed the notion of it. I grabbed a joint from our bar and brought it to him.

“I thought we didn’t do this when we are drunk.” I handed him the joint.

“I thought we didn’t speak when our collar was on?” Val teased, lighting the joint before puffing it and passing it to me.

He leaned in toward the bowl and began to pee. Cocking his head to the side, he said, “You like to watch?” catching me staring as he finished.

I shifted my eyes downward and sucked on my lip. I didn’t know what to say.

Val grabbed the joint from my hand and took another hit before flicking it into the sink. He cradled my face in his hand, thrusting me into the wall, forcing my mouth to open to meet his. Exhaling into me, a puff of smoke encircled us. I inhaled deeply, taking it in. His hands slid to my lower back and grasped my ass, raising me to his waist. I wrapped my legs around him and rested my weight in his hands.

“Am I still inside of you?” He breathed into my ear, his fingers tickling my asshole.

“Mmm, not the way I’d like you to be.”

He slipped a finger in my ass. I moaned in pleasure. His finger felt small compared to what had been previously inside.

“Do you like that?” Val kissed my ear, and his damp hair danced over my face as his finger pushed deeper inside.

His fluid dripped from me and slid over my flesh.

“Mmm…I do.”

He nibbled on my neck. “I think we need a shower.” He carried me into the tub, turning on the water before placing me down on the cool tiles. Grabbing his cock he quickly washed it off as he stroked it. He was ready to go again.

Val placed his hand on the wall next to my face and leaned into me. His nose pressed to mine as he flicked his tongue on my lips, teasing me with his mouth. “I love you, Eve,” he said before devouring me, not allowing me to respond.

He grabbed me again by my ass and picked me up, pressing me against the wall. The shower pelted us and created a thick fog of steam, intensifying the smell of sex we shared. He lowered me onto his once-again erect cock. As he entered my pussy, I locked my legs around his hipbones and wound my arms under him, securing my grasp on his shoulders. I rested my head next to his.

We rocked together, in unison. He drew one hand to my neck and pressed my head against the wall. He moved his lips down my face, stopping above my collar. He bit into me quickly before releasing me.

“I love your neck, and I love the way it looks in this.” Val sucked on my neck on the same spot he’d bitten, causing waves of pain to shoot down my loins. He grasped my neck and squeezed it, gently resting his fingers around my throat with just enough pressure that I knew at any moment he could prevent me from breathing if he wanted to.

I looked at him, eyes widened. His eyes danced with madness. He pumped his cock deeper into me, using the wall behind us for support, faster and faster. My body began to feel light before exploding in tremors I couldn’t control. I held on to him, digging my nails into his skin. I felt them pierce his flesh as I pressed harder with each thrust of his cock, with each elongated wave of the orgasm.

As I neared completion, Val released his grasp on my throat. He slid his cock out, and my body slipped down the tiles. I dragged my nails down his back in my descent before dropping to his feet.

I leaned against the shower wall. My body heaved with each breath I took. He reached down and unhooked the collar, letting it plunge to the floor with a sharp thud. I stared straight ahead. It had been an amazing orgasm.

I glanced down at the water swirling around us. It was tinged with blood. “One of us is bleeding.” I jumped up and looked around.

“That would be me,” he said, pushing me into the wall for a kiss.

His eyes were entrancing. He turned around. “How does it look?” He grinned, obviously pleased by my actions.

I observed his back; there were five irregular, ripped, bleeding wounds diagonal across both of his shoulder blades. “It looks like you were attacked by a lion.”

His lips curled in a half smile. “Well then, I suppose the lioness marked her territory.”

Chapter 35

I traced my finger over his wounds. “Do they hurt?”

“They’re a bit sore, but I enjoy it. It reminds me of you.” He kissed me before placing his shirt on, covering his back.

Val had visited his tattoo artist the day after our escapade, to have my claw marks permanently scarified into his flesh. He said he wanted me to be with him for eternity, and this was one of the ways he could do so. The scars were lovely in contrast to his heavily tattooed body. They added a 3D effect to his skin. I couldn’t wait for them to heal. Each time we made love I would be able to run my fingers over the rippled ridges I’d created.

I slipped into a dark gray suit. “Please don’t bring up anything regarding my family tonight.”

“It’s not my story to tell, darling,” he said as he finished buttoning his shirt.

“I can’t wait for this to be over. I am dreading dinner.”

“If you don’t say anything, I doubt it will be brought up.” He kissed me on the head, holding open my coat for me to put on.

We drove in silence into the city center; I had much on my mind. A part of me didn’t want to relive my past. If Sofia did want me to plan her daughter’s wedding, it would be awkward. How could I coordinate a wedding for my first cousin and pretend we were not related?

We arrived at the restaurant and were escorted to the table where Sofia and Timo were already seated. Sofia proceeded to speak to us, but in Finnish. Val took the lead and conversed with her, allowing me time to absorb it. They spoke for a good half-hour, discussing his art and the specifications for the commission.

Sofia was graceful and elegant in her demeanor. She appeared younger than her sixty plus years. Time had aged her well. Her mannerisms reminded me of my father—the way she pointed her finger to make a point, the way she smiled and cocked her head when she laughed.

She turned and addressed me in Finnish, asking a question. I was able to catch only a few words, but it wasn’t enough to comprehend what she’d said.

I responded, “
Anteeksi, en puhu suomea

“Oh, I’m sorry, Eve. I thought you were fluent. I assumed you remembered the language.”

“Excuse me?” Her words surprised me. Did she know who I was?

My words seemed as shocking to her as they were to me. “I am sorry. I must have you confused with someone else.” She stared at her napkin and fiddled with it. “You remind me of my brother. He was very dear to me but, unfortunately, is no longer with us.”

Val squeezed my hand under the table. I shot him a sideways glance. Sofia knew who I was.

“I am assuming you are talking about my father, Henri.” My hands started to shake, and my heart raced. I needed another glass of wine.

Her eyes widened with recognition. “Ever since we saw you in the paper, I told Timo I knew it was you. I was so excited. I was hoping to see you. But I was not sure you knew of us. If I am imposing, I will not bother you again.”

I smiled at her warmly. “You are not imposing at all. I had the same fears.”

“Come here.” She stood up to embrace me, and she started to cry, which in turn brought tears to my eyes. “We have much to talk about. I’m not sure where to begin. I do not know how much you remember.”

Surprisingly, I was excited to hear my story. “I only discovered a box of photos last month when I visited New York. I didn’t even know you existed until then.”

Sophia’s eyes were soft and loving. “Timo and I tried to win custody, but the courts wouldn’t allow it because we were living here. I was a citizen, but it didn’t matter. The last time I saw you, you were eight, and we were in family court in New York. After your aunt took custody of you, she blocked all access, and we couldn’t contact you.”

My mouth dropped open. “Yes, I remember you now. I forgot about that day.”

She reached out and squeezed my hand. “I see Henri in your eyes. And from what I’ve read, you have the determination of your mother. We are proud of you.”

“Thank you.”

“I heard you are planning a wedding of your own?” She fingered the ring on my hand. “It is a lovely ring.” She winked at Val.

“We’re getting married tomorrow.” The words tumbled out of my mouth.

“Congratulations! We are so happy for you.”

Val smiled and nodded. It was as if he instinctively knew what I was thinking. I looked at Sofia and Timo. “It will be a small wedding. We want to keep it out of the papers. We’re getting married at the registry office tomorrow at ten a.m. Would you like to join us?”

BOOK: The Sanctuary
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