The Sheikh's Pregnant Bride (The Jawhara Sheikhs Series Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: The Sheikh's Pregnant Bride (The Jawhara Sheikhs Series Book 1)
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Chapter 17


Kamal returned to the palace and was pleased to hear Talib’s report about the situation in the refugee camp. The water trucks and food deliveries had been well received and the early reports from the neighboring country were good. Within the week, the refugees would be allowed to return to their homes, and any damage suffered during the fighting would be recompensed.

He was also pleased to see that his woman had honored his request and not caused any more mischief by leaving the palace grounds. He congratulated Talib on corralling his future wife, and even though he was concerned about her lack of attention to her own safety, he was pleased with the reception his countrymen had given her. When Talib informed him that she had been about to bow back to the people, he realized that in addition to a language tutor, she would also need training in proper etiquette.

Entering his chambers, he spied her lying on their bed sound asleep. Walking towards the bed, he removed his shoes and then his outer clothing. He had requested dinner to be served in their sitting room two hours from now. He planned to use the next two hours to get to know his woman better.

Climbing upon the bed, he wrapped himself around her body, bringing her back against his chest and placing a gentle kiss upon her hair. Wrapping one arm around her waist, he let the other settle on her ribs, just beneath the swell of her breast.

Erin dreamt that Kam was holding her once again and snuggled back into his embrace. His unique smell filtered through her senses, awakening her desire as his hand made a leisurely path down her side and the other hand softly molded her breast.

When his lips pressed behind her ear and then down to the sensitive spot where her neck and shoulder met, she moaned in response and tried to turn towards him.

Kamal sucked gently on the skin at the base of her neck, hearing her moan and feeling his body harden even more. She was so responsive when she wasn’t trying to fight him. Feeling her turn towards him, he moved back and helped turn her to her back. Seeing that her eyes were still closed, he placed a gentle kiss upon each eyelid before letting his lips roam down the bridge of her nose to her lips.

Tasting her lips, he gently licked her bottom lip, urging her to open her mouth and allow him access to the dark recesses behind her teeth. When she willingly complied, he took complete advantage.  Consuming her mouth, he mimicked with his tongue what he wanted to do with his body. Soon she was writhing on the bed against him, moaning in delight, and trying to get closer.

Erin was on fire. She had dreamt of Kamal often since the night they spent together, but this dream was the best one yet. His hands were everywhere and his mouth was making love to her own. She wanted to crawl inside of him. She needed to be closer to him.

Kamal finally let go of her mouth and pushed himself up so that he could remove her top. He needed to feel her body against his own once again.

Erin felt the cool air wash across her hot skin, causing her nipples to tighten even further. Reaching for her bra straps, he tugged the bra off her as he smiled appreciatively at her breasts. They were perfect. When moist heat enveloped them moments later, she was shocked into awareness. Letting her gaze roam downward, she saw Kamal’s dark head at her breasts and felt his mouth and hands as they paid homage to her body. When he suckled her breast harder, pushing her nipple against the roof of his mouth, she moaned low in her throat.

Arching her back to get closer, she brought her hands up and held his head in place. Kamal growled at her and nipped at her breast before raising his head and capturing her gaze. “Habibti, I hunger for you.”

“I want you to. So much. Please make love to me, Kamal.” Erin needed him like she needed air to breathe.

Kamal gave her a feral smile and nodded his head, “My pleasure.” Removing the rest of her clothing, he quickly shed his own pants and then climbed back atop the bed, pinning her body between his thighs and straddling her waist.

He skimmed his hands down her body, learning her curves and bringing his hands together at the slight curve of her belly. Erin watched his face as he looked at her, loving the softness that invaded his expression as he watched her stomach. Soon her stomach would no longer be flat, and the evidence of their child would be visible to everyone.

“Habibti, I have missed you.”

“I’ve missed you as well.”

Kamal proceeded to show her just how much he had missed her. His body had been ready since he had plucked her from the driveway and needed no further encouragement.  Lowering his body against hers, he was pleased when she parted her thighs, making a place for him. He gently brought her desire back up to a point where she was writhing against him once again.

He rained light kisses across her face as he worked his way down. Sliding one hand up her side, he gently cupped one breast as he leaned down to lick her nipple. At the feel of his tongue on her, Erin gasped as she arched her back towards him.

Sitting back on his haunches, he carefully joined them, watching her eyes for signs that he was hurting her. When she wrapped her thighs around his hips he felt his control shatter and lowered himself atop her
At the feel of him entering her, Erin moaned as she grabbed the back of his head encouraging him to continue.
Kamal chuckled at her eagerness.

She was so tight, he felt as if his cock was encased in a velvet glove. Finding an easy rhythm, he began to thrust slowly in and out. Soon Erin was matching each thrust with one of her own encouraging him to go deeper and deeper inside her
Moaning into his mouth, Kamal groaned as he held her tighter, thrusting harder and faster. Breaking the kiss, he nuzzled her neck as she moaned his name
Kamal quickly took them both up the pinnacle of pleasure before flinging them both over the edge and taking her to the stars.

Erin gave into the passion that Kamal released in her. She had wondered if the chemistry between them had been more fantasy than reality. As she came down from space, she acknowledged that the reality of Kamal was much better than any fantasy she could dream up.

Chapter 18


Kamal removed his weight form her and pulled her against his side. Catching his breath, he spoke softly to her, “Habibti, we must speak about your actions while I was gone.”

Erin stiffened against him, but feeling his hand run down her back, she relaxed and listened.

“You belong to me. You are my responsibility, one I take very seriously. When you willingly put yourself in danger, it is a form of disrespect to me and to my position. Do you understand?”

Erin struggled to remain silent.
He thought he owned her?
  “Kam, you cannot own another person.” When he was silent, she continued, “I didn’t mean to disrespect you, but I’ve been an adult for a long time. I’m not used to asking someone else for permission to do things.”

Kamal knew she was trying to work things out in her mind and kept silent.

“I’m not used to having anyone else, besides Shira anyway, worry about me. My parents trust me to take care of myself.”

“I trust you to take care of yourself, but there are certain protocols as my wife you must follow.”

“I’m not your wife yet,” she reminded him.

“Merely a technicality. One that could be rectified this evening.”

“No,” Erin hurried to answer. “Really. Besides, my parents would be very disappointed if I got married and they weren’t given the opportunity to attend.”

“Where are your parents? I will have them brought to Jawhara immediately.”

Erin laughed, “I don’t know where they are. Dad and Mom are on a world-cruise and still have several weeks left. They are probably somewhere around Australia about now.”

Kamal was disappointed to hear that bringing her parents her would not be a simple task, but that had never stopped him before. “Give me the name of the ship they are on and I will make sure they are contacted. Do you wish Shira to return for your wedding as well?”

Erin looked up at him, “You’re not going to let this whole marriage thing drop are you?”

“Absolutely not. You will be marrying me before the month ends. Now, answer the question.”

“Yes. I want Shira here. I didn’t know she had gone back to the states until we were already in the air.”

“Khalil and she are scheduled to return in six weeks’ time. I will contact him in the morning and make sure that they return no later than three weeks from now.  You may provide me a list of items you wish transported to Jawhara and he will ensure it is taken care of. I have already notified your foundation that you will not be returning to your job. They wish you well.”

Erin was stunned, “You talked to my work? Why would you do that?”

“What is the problem? You will not be returning to their employment. This way they are free to hire another attorney.”

Erin digested this information quietly; he was taking over her life. Her initial response was to balk at his highhandedness, but everything he had done were things she would have had to do anyway. He simply took the choice of timing away from her.

“I wish you would have spoken to me about that before you did it.”


“Well,” she began, “I would have liked to talk to a few people. I worked there for a number of years and feel like I owed them an explanation.”

“I provided them all the explanation they needed. Besides, they did a miserable job of ensuring your safety.”

“Kam, that incident you’re referring to was really my fault. I forgot to lock the door after I entered the building.”

“Regardless, if you had not been keeping company with people in those situations, you would have not been in harm’s way. You will never have to worry about that again.”

“But, what if I want to help people? I can’t just sit around the palace all day doing nothing.” Erin was beginning to get upset and the relaxation and peace that had come after their lovemaking was quickly disappearing.

“Calm yourself. I did not say that you had to sit around the palace and do nothing. I will find you something to do. Something that not only challenges that brilliant mind of yours, but also helps my people.”

“Really?” Erin queried, letting her anger go.

“Really. After we are married.”

Erin smiled against his chest. Kamal was consistent and steadfast in his belief that they were going to be married within the month. She still had her doubts, but was beginning to think that fighting him was a futile venture.

“You are not going to argue with me again?” Kamal asked.

“No. What would be the point?” Erin tried to sound resigned. Feeling his laughter, she knew she had failed.  “I guess you leave me no choice but to marry you. After all, you’ve promised me a position I cannot refuse.”

“I am glad to see that you are finally thinking correctly. I will always have your best interest in mind. Never doubt that.”

“I won’t.” Erin leaned up and over him, dipping her head to take his lips in a kiss filled with promise. Kamal let her explore for several minutes before the dominate male inside of him burst forth once again. Pushing her to her back, he proceeded to show her the pleasures to be found in his bed.

He worshipped her body, tasting her skin and seeking out all of the hidden spots that caused her to shiver and moan. With his hands and his tongue, he took her to new heights and banished any thoughts she might have had of not spending her life with him.

Erin couldn’t quite catch her breath, and as he trailed his lips down her torso, stopping here and there to nip and then soothe the small hurt with his lips and tongue, she forgot all of the reasons why staying in Jawhara, or demanding her independence, had been so important.

Being here with Kamal was where she wanted to be. It was where her heart had landed and where her future began.




The purser tapped twice on the cabin door, handing the folded communication to Tom Malone when he answered the door.

“What is it?” Patty Malone inquired.

“I don’t know,” Tom replied, curious as to who would be sending him a message. Both Erin and Shira were used to his and his wife’s excursions and had never once seen the need to contact them while they were still at sea.

Unfolding the piece of paper, he read the message twice before a huge smile split his face and he handed the note to his wife.

Watching the smile on her husband’s face, Patty took the note and read it out aloud –

Mr. Tom Malone and wife –

Please accept an invitation to stay at the palace of the Sheik of Jawhara. A private jet will be waiting to transport you to Jawhara when you dock in Brisbane. The Sheik requests your presence at the ceremony which will unite him and your daughter Erin in matrimony.

My personal bodyguard, Talib, will be waiting to escort you to the airport upon your arrival.

Sheikh Kamal Mehalel El-Jawhara

“Erin’s getting married? To a Sheik? How did this happen?” Patty asked her husband.

“I don’t know. We’ve been gone nine weeks so I guess anything could have happened. It seems that Erin’s finally going to settle down. Not sure I like the fact that she’s going to be so far away, but maybe we can negotiate with her husband and she can spend part of each year in the states.”

Patty nodded her head, “That would be nice. Oh, we stop in Brisbane tomorrow night. I need to start packing.”

Tom watched his wife bustle around their stateroom. His little girl was getting married.  Now if he could just see Shira settled, all would be right in his world.

BOOK: The Sheikh's Pregnant Bride (The Jawhara Sheikhs Series Book 1)
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