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Authors: Lindsey Davis

The Silver Pigs (27 page)

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Vespasian Augustus: A jovial old cove who has jumped up from nowhere and made himself Emperor of Rome.

Titus Caesar: Aged 30. Vespasian's elder son; popular and brilliant.

Domitian Caesar: Aged 20. Vespasian's younger son; not so brilliant, and not so popular.

IN REGIO I (the Capena Gate sector)

Decimus Camillus Verus: A senator (a millionaire).

Julia Justa: The senator's noble wife.

Helena Justina: The senator's daughter. Aged 23 and recently divorced: a sensible young woman.

Publius Camillus Meto: The senator's younger brother; engaged in the import/export trade.

Sosia Camillina: Meto's daughter. Aged 16. Blonde, beautiful, and therefore not obliged to be sensible.

Naissa: Helena Justina's wide-eyed maid.

Gnaeus Atius Pertinax: A junior official, holding the rank of aedile (special interest: discipline). in Regio XIII (the aventine sector)

Marcus Didius Falco: A private informer with republican views.

Falco's Mother: A mother; with views on everything.

Didius Festus: Falco's brother. A National Hero (deceased).

Marcia: Aged 3. Falco's brother's child.

Petronius Longus: Patrol Captain of the Aventine Watch.

Lenia: A laundress.

Smaractus: A property speculator; also the owner of a gladiators' training school.


Astia: A drayman's floosie.

Julius Frontinus: A captain in the Praetorian Guard.

Glaucus: A Cilician. Proprietor of a respectable gymnasium: an unusual character.

A hot-wine waiter: (Pungent).

A watchman: (Drunk).

A gardener's horse: (Disposition unknown).


Gaius Flavius Hilaris: Imperial procurator in charge of finance; whose brief includes the silver mines.

Aelia Camilla: The procurator's wife, youngest sister of the senator Camillus Verus and his brother Publius.

Rufrius Vitalis: An ex-centurion of the Second Augustan Legion, living in retirement at Isca Dumnoniorum.

T. Claudius Triferus: (A Briton). Holder of the contract to manage the Imperial silver mine at Vebiodunum in the Mendip Hills.

Cornix: A sadist. Foreman in charge of slaves at the Imperial silver mine.

Simplex: Medical officer to the Second Augustan Legion at Glevum (special interest: surgery).

BOOK: The Silver Pigs
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