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Authors: Jordan Silver

The Soldier's Lady (14 page)

BOOK: The Soldier's Lady
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Maybe this wasn’t such a
good idea after all. I should’ve waited until the folks went back to the
homestead and made the long ass drive up there. Instead I’d waited until they
came down to the governor’s mansion, which wasn’t that far from where I lived.
Dad had opted not to live full time in the mansion but he used it for official
parties and shit like that, but the rest of the time they stayed at the family

I’d been worried about
her being comfortable here in this setting after all the shit her mother had
said to her over the years but I should’ve known with mom on the job there was
nothing to worry about. I hadn’t told her about Melissa’s hang-ups just that my
girl was beautiful and sweet and that I was in love with her. That had been
enough for the harridan. Now she and her best friend my godmother, were trying
to talk my woman into this modeling shit.

“You don’t have time for
that shit babe, you’ve got the shop remember?” I had her sequestered in a
corner away from the others because it was the only way to get any peace. I
wasn’t expecting this latest development but maybe I should’ve been. Aunt
Marcia is a damn pain in the ass and my girl is gorgeous. I just thought you
needed to be a professional to do that shit. “You really want to do this baby?”
She nodded her head at me, her eyes bright with excitement. She’d been going on
and on about the women wanting to come down to see her shop and making
arrangements for somebody’s baby shower and a whole lot of shit I didn’t
necessarily understand but she was happy and that’s all the fuck I cared about.

“Fuck baby you know how
I feel about sharing you with the rest of the damn state.” She was so excited
though and she would be wearing clothes so I guess that was okay. “Fine but
you’re not signing any contracts.” I have plans for her body in the next few
months so they’d better get
shit done quick. She
kissed me and wrapped her arms around me for a squeeze. “Thanks Caleb this is
so exciting.” I kissed the top of her head and was about to take her upstairs
to show her around when someone called her name.

I turned to see an older
replica of my girl. She had my baby’s face yes but the sour expression
detracted from that beauty. Melissa had turned to a block of ice under my arm
so I didn’t need anything more to tell me that this was her mother. The young
lady next to her was pretty enough but she was nowhere near the beauty my baby
was. Then again I’m bias so for all I know she could be the next Miss. America,
for me there was no contest. My baby won hands down.

“Mom, what are you doing here? I thought…”

should be asking you that question young lady. I told you I was bringing your
sister, how dare you show up here like this?”

I wanted to strangle this bitch on the spot but
Melissa was already near tears. Did this thing even care that she was embarrassing
her daughter in front of me? She didn’t even know who I was since she’d never
taken the time to get to know me and this is how she approaches her?
In this setting?

“Good evening, Mrs.
Jackson I presume? I’m Caleb McNamara, Melissa’s fiancé and since this is my
parents’ home for the next year at least I think she has every right to be
here.” Not the most diplomatic way to break the news to her but I’m hoping the
evil bitch would have a heart attack and croak. Who the fuck does this shit?
She took a step back and looked back and forth between us with her mouth open.

“Is this some sort of
joke? I assure you Melissa if it is I don’t find it the least bit funny.” The
sister Lisa stepped forward and hugged Melissa with a smile of congratulations
that seemed genuine enough so I’ll let her ass live. I stepped towards the
mother ready to blast her ass. I’d gotten a pretty good idea of what she was
from the way Melissa spoke of her but seeing was fucking believing.

“What kind of beast treats their own with such
disdain? And for what, because she isn’t your ideal of what a woman should look
like? Who the fuck are you to decide that shit?”

calm down please it doesn’t matter. Lets not talk about this now. Mom I’m sorry
if my being here upsets you…”

“Kill that shit Melissa, don’t you dare
apologize to her for being here are you nuts? You, if you upset my woman I’ll
have you escorted off the premises. Don’t fuck with me lady you’re already
skating on thin fucking ice.” Forget taking it easy on her ass because she’s
family. She didn’t seem to have any problem showing her true colors, why the
fuck should I?

“How dare you young man?
She’s my daughter and I’ll speak to her anyway I see fit. Now Melissa I think
you owe me an explanation for this behavior. There’s no way this imposter is
the governor’s son.” I guess she’s never seen my dad in person before because
we have the same fucking face, unless she was blind. Whatever her problem was I
really didn’t care at this point. Her whole approach had killed any qualms I
had about telling her about herself before now. This wasn’t a mother, I don’t
know what the fuck she was but if my mother had treated my sister like this I
would’ve ripped into her ass a long time ago.

“Melissa where’s your
dad?” She never spoke too much about him and I never questioned it before but
if I was going to do clean up I might as well do it all at once. Any man that
stood back and let his woman mistreat his kid was on my shit list too. “He’s
um…he left when we were younger.”

“I don’t see that that’s any of his business who
is he anyway?” I decided to ignore her ass and focus on what my girl had said.
“I can see why he would do that. What I can’t understand is why he would leave
his children behind with this. And you Lisa have you ever stood up for your
sister? Didn’t you see her being suffocated by this hate?”

“Caleb this isn’t the time or the place, please
can we just get out of here?” She whispered that shit in my chest but I wasn’t
having it.

“No your days of running from this shit are at
an end. She brought the fight to me now she can deal with the fallout.” I saw
dad walking by with some big shot talking his ear off; I didn’t give a fuck.
“Dad over here a minute.” I called out to him and he made his excuses and came

“Hey son thanks; and who do we have here?” He
was all smiles and political charm as he shook hands with the two women.

“This is Maureen and
Lisa Jackson, Melissa’s mother and sister.” He must’ve heard the bite in my
voice because he turned a questioning look my way. “Mrs. Jackson my father
Governor McNamara.” I could see the truth finally sinking in as she tried to
back pedal. That bitch could backpedal her ass into the fucking lake for all I
cared. For what she did here tonight she’d be lucky if she ever walked in my woman’s
shadow again.

“Oh so pleased to meet
you governor McNamara this is my daughter Lisa.” She pulled Lisa forward like
she was an offering or some shit and I finally got it. I kinda felt sorry for
Lisa in that moment when she looked at me and realized that I’d seen what was
going on. I pulled Melissa into my chest and kissed her hair sending up a
silent prayer of thanks that she’d escaped this fucking snake. Knowing my girl
she didn’t have a clue what was going on right in front of her.

“If you’ll excuse me
ma’am my wife was just asking for Caleb and Melissa to join her I’m sure we’ll
see you soon. Have a wonderful evening and thank you for coming.” I guess dad
had read me right after all. Maureen didn’t know what to do with herself. I’m
sure she thought proper etiquette would be for the governor to invite the
mother of his new daughter in law to sit with him and his wife. She didn’t know
the son had learned everything he knew from his dad. It was a toss up as to who
was the biggest bastard of the two; especially when it came to our women.


I couldn’t tell you much
about the rest of the evening because I spent the rest of my time watching over
her. I could see mom and dad were dying to ask me questions but I wasn’t
talking. Melissa didn’t have a very good time either after that little
encounter though she tried to put up a brave front. Hopefully what I had for
her later will do the job.

I left her with mom when
the last of the guests had finally gone. I’d told her mother that we would be
by sometime soon to see her as that seemed to be the only way to get rid of her
when it was time to go. If she thought she was going to ride on Melissa’s coat
tails at this point she was sorely mistaken. Her daughter might have a soft
heart where she was concerned but I had no such malady. And if what I suspect
is true I would remove her younger daughter from under her thumb as well. The
poor girl was barely twenty from what I understand.

“I’ll be right back babe
just hang with mom for a minute okay.” She was a little less tense now that her
mom was gone. “I’m proud of you baby.” And I was. Though she’d become tense
there at the beginning she didn’t break and she’d kept her head up the rest of
the evening. Looking back I guess it could’ve been worst than it was so I was
grateful for that. I’m not sure our next meeting with her mother will end so
cordially but we’ll just have to wait and see.

“I guess you’ll be
wanting that thing you asked your mother and I to bring down from the house
now.” I followed dad up to his study. I can’t say I’m too fond of the
governor’s mansion. It doesn’t feel like home and never have any of the times
I’d visited in the past. Thankfully my parents didn’t choose to live here year
round or I might never see them.

He walked over to his
safe and removed the box that held the jewelry suite that was more than a
hundred years old. Inside were a necklace, earrings, ring and bracelet in
sapphires and diamonds. The engagement ring had a center stone of sapphire the
size of a robin’s egg surrounded by diamonds.

“Your mom had it looked
over and cleaned but it’s the same as it always was. You’re happy son?” I knew
what he was asking me. The woman who wore this ring was the only one who would
ever wear it. I had to be sure that Melissa was the one. I wasn’t mad at him
for asking. He was just a father looking out for his son, which is something I
will one day do. “Yeah dad, I’m very happy. You should know I wouldn’t do this

We talked some more
about my future plans before we went to find the women. We were staying the
whole weekend here so I took Melissa up to our room not long after. Whatever
she and mom had talked about seemed to have brought her back around and she
wasn’t looking so down in the dumps anymore.

In our room I sat her on
the edge of the bed and removed her shoes. “How are you baby?” I looked up at
her after kissing the tops of her feet. She ran her hand over my head and
smiled just a little. There was still just the slightest tinge of sadness in
her eyes but I understood. I had finally seen why she’d been as she was, why
she’d thought she was
of love. I still
don’t know what her mother’s real problem is. Though I can see from our first
meeting she has many, but I know it’s up to me to undo the damage completely.

“I wanted to do this another
way, you know with candles and flowers and all that happy shit, but I think now
is the perfect time for us.” I lifted the velvet box with the satin lining from
where I’d hidden it from view. Her legs started to tremble and she covered her
mouth with her hands. “Melissa, give me your hand.” That too trembled when I
took it and slid the ring onto her finger. I studied it there for the longest
time as something inside of me settled. “This was meant for you. I was meant
for you and you for me. This is just another part of our journey. It’s is not
the end goal it’s just the beginning for you and I. Note I’m not asking you to
marry me, I’m claiming you, there’s a difference. Just like the mark on your
neck, and your collar, this is a sign of my ownership. I take you Melissa
Jackson as mine.” She hadn’t said a word but the tears were streaming down her
face. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her.

“This is us babe, you
and me. No one else matters, do you understand?” She nodded her head against my
shoulder and I held her until she calmed. “I have to go get our bags then we’ll
talk.” I had a lot of shit to work through to cut that shit out of her. Maureen
had had twenty something years to do her damage, I’m giving myself one night to
undo it.

Chapter 18



She was sitting in the middle of the bed in a
robe with the remote in her hand, and a lost look on her face when I came back
with the bags. I dropped them next to the bed and leaned over her taking her
mouth in a deep kiss.

“What are you thinking about baby? I expected
you to be happy and staring at that monstrosity on your finger not staring off
into space.” She looked up at me as I ran my fingers through her hair. She’d
removed the pearls and cleaned her face of makeup. Still she was the most
beautiful woman in the world. “Gorgeous.” I played my fingertips lightly over
her cheek before stealing another kiss. Her eyes looked happy enough when she
looked at me then.

“I am happy Caleb; that’s part of what’s
bothering me.” I sat next to her and took her hand giving her time to tell me
what was on her mind.

you see the way mom pushed Lisa forward each time they were introduced to one
of your parents’ friends?”

“Yeah I saw.”

“It was so embarrassing, it was almost as if she
were trying to sell her to the highest bidder. Do you think she does that all
the time? How did I not see it Caleb? It’s sick, and now I feel so guilty.”

do you feel guilty Melissa?”

“Because all this time I’ve been so focused on
myself that I never once stopped to think about what it must be like for my
little sister. I always thought I was mom’s only victim. But tonight my sister
gave me this look that was so sad. I’m so happy Caleb, happier than I ever
thought possible and she’s not and that’s why I feel guilty. What am I gonna
do?” I pulled her up beside me and held her.

“Not you baby, we. That’s one of the things I
wanted to talk to you about but I wasn’t sure if you’d seen it too.”

you think your parents noticed? Oh I would be so mortified if they did.”

“Don’t think about that. My mom and dad aren’t
like that babe so put it out of your mind. Now here’s what I’m thinking. I say
we have a talk with Lisa and see what she wants to do, if she wants out then we
get her out. But if for whatever reason she wants to stay then it’s out of our
hands, but at least we’re gonna try.”

“Are you
really happy baby, you’re not lying to me? I thought you would be upset because
of your mom. I was prepared to do my manly thing and love you out of your

“You know I was until I had a talk with your

“Oh yeah? What did she say?”

“I think it was more
what she didn’t say. When we were down there alone while you and your dad snuck
off to get my amazing ring.” She held her hand up and turned it back and forth
with a big smarmy grin on her face. That’s more like it. “I asked her how come
she wasn’t upset that her son was marrying a fat girl.”

“You did what?” I rose up and looked down at her
ready to tan her ass.

down Caleb I would think you’d be proud of me, it took a lot of guts for me to
broach the subject.”

that shit has ass whipping written all over it.”

hush, besides I needed to know.”

what did mom say?”

think I know where you got that ‘you’re being stupid again’ look from. Only I
think Lydia’s is scarier.”

“Good for her.”

“Then she said ‘now I
know you’re not soft in the head because my son’s already nuts and he would be
thinking about my grandchildren. They can’t have two nuts for parents. So I can
only surmise that you’ve had too much champagne and that’s why you’d ask me
such an asinine question. Then she asked me if I wanted hot chocolate or

“That’s it?” Good old
mom, I could’ve told my girl that mom would never judge her based on something
that fucking stupid. She’d be more inclined to watch a person’s character,
which my baby had in spades.

“That’s it, that’s all
she said. Then we talked about everything else but my weight. It helped me to
see that not everyone cared you know! That it was maybe sometimes it was I. Yes
I know that there are people who judge me because of my size but not everyone
does. I was in a room full of gorgeous wealthy women and not once did anyone of
them make me feel like I didn’t belong. Makes me wonder why mom kept me away
all these years.”

“Your mom’s obviously
not well babe, but at least now you know that not everyone is hung up on that
stupid shit. So you’re happy you’re sure? You don’t have any lingering hurts
from you mom’s behavior tonight?”

“Nope, I’m right as
rain, in fact…” She turned to me with that special gleam in her eyes and
started to undress me. She got as far as pushing my jacket off my shoulders and
undoing the first two buttons of my shirt before I had to take over because,
she got sidetracked by my chest. She kissed sucked and licked her way down to
my belt, which she opened in a hurry. Before I knew it she had my cock in her
mouth and was pushing me to my back.

“Wait babe let me get my pants off.”

captain.” I kicked them off as she sucked me back in loving me with her tongue.
She pulled off long enough to ask me a question. “Can your parents hear us in

they’re all the way on the other side why? Plan on screaming

“No but you might.”

“Big talk for such a
little girl.” I maybe shouldn’t have said that shit because she seemed to have
something to prove. With my balls in one hand she used the other to jerk my
cock into her mouth where she did dangerous things to my cock slit with her
tongue. Seems she’d been studying some shit or she’d got ahold of one of her
nasty ass books because she was using some new shit on my ass. I knew I was in
trouble when my toes curled and I felt my balls contract in less than ten
minutes. What the fuck?

"Fuck babe pull
off." She took a few more licks of my pre cum filled cockhead before
releasing my meat. "How do you want it?" She got to her hands and
knees and smiled coyly over her shoulder at me as she wiggled her fine ass. I
should've known; my girl is a doggie style queen. Taking fistfuls of her sweet
as fuck plump ass I slid the dick home in her sweet honeypot. I had to close my
eyes at the exquisite sensations of her silky walls closing tight around me.
She hunched her back and cocked that ass even higher sucking me in like a
vacuum. I smacked her just the way she liked, my mouth watering at the thought
of my first bite.

Since she’d damn near
unmanned me I had to get even and I knew just how to do it. “I love the way
your ass moves when I pound into you baby. I love the way your tits fill my
hands to overflowing. I grabbed her tits and massaged them as I plowed into her
upturned pussy. I love the way your pussy grips me like you never want to let
me go.” Her breathing got choppy and her body heat changed. I licked the tattoo
on her neck as I dug deeper into her.

“I love seeing my claim
all over you. Maybe I should mark you here as well.” I ran a finger across the
small of her back right where her ass began. “Or should I put my name and a
lock over your pussy? She squeezed down tight around me and I went in for the
kill. Biting into her neck I rolled her nipple with the fingers of one hand
while squeezing her clit with the other. “Scream.” She came with a loud
screech. Dragging me over with her as I growled into her neck.

She did some kind of
lock down on my meat and held me in place as I took us both down to the bed,
making sure not to smother her. I couldn’t resist finding her mouth with mine,
bending her neck a little so I could suck on her tongue. Instead of tiring I
felt energized, like I could stay in her forever. I could still feel the
aftershocks from her climax as she twitched around my cock.

“I want to see you.” I
pulled out of her body and turned her over so I could get my fill of her body.
My hands roamed over her as my eyes followed. She laid there and let me caress
her opening her legs wider for my fingers to explore with no hint of shyness.
She teased me with her smile and her fingers, pulling on my cock, which didn’t
have the good sense to lie down and give it up after the workout she’d just given

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