The Training of Scarlet Worthy (13 page)

BOOK: The Training of Scarlet Worthy
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But I knew she had returned to Brighten. She’d been back for over a week.
Why hasn’t she called me? What happened? Did she tire of me?
I was angry and I felt rejected.

By Friday morning I was stewing. I had already scolded Cook for a minor issue with my breakfast service, and I had passed Madison in the breezeway without even a simple greeting. I decided that I needed to take corrective action. I pushed my chair back from my computer, thought about my actions for a second, and punched the intercom button for Madison.

“Yes Miss Sibyl, what can I do for you?”

“Good morning Madison, let me begin there - my mind has been occupied of late, but forgetting a courtesy is not my style. You don’t deserve it. I’m sorry, however you can do something for me.”

“I am at your service Mademoiselle.”

Cook has passed the word
. I thought.
That’s a good sign. She’s following directions. I’m growing quite fond of being addressed as Mademoiselle, and Madison is always so dependable. It’s weird, but in some special way I feel that he is truly looking out for me. He could be a good friend, but not for now. It’s better to keep him at arm’s length, he is on my staff after all.

“Madison I have a need to meet with Lady Julia. It’s urgent. I’m told you can arrange a time on her calendar. Please do so and get back to me with a time. I’ll be at my desk all day.”

I signed off with him, and I wondered.
How long I would have to wait?

I returned to my work. I had almost completed my review of the files. I made a note of those staff that had a pink cover sheets on their folders. It was adding up, and my total so far was close to twenty who were singled out as “collared.” Twenty out of the hundreds of employees at the Manor. I would ask My Lady to explain.

I came upon a new folder. I had not seen this one before. It must have been added to the file drawer without my knowledge. But only I have the keys? I fondled the single key in the pocket of my skirt. It must have been placed in the drawer by Lady Julia? This is

I laid the yellow folder on my desk. I rubbed my fingertips together in anticipation. I opened the folder and began to read the summary page. I noted that it was on white stationary.

Name: Sibyl Smith

Hometown: Omaha

Date of hire: May 3,

Position: Executive Assistant

Education: Mt Holly College

Collared: N/A

Name: Sibyl Smith

Yearly Pay: $850,000

I gasped. “Holy shit!” I stood up, “It’s eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars.” I stood up too quickly. I stumbled, slightly lightheaded, and holding the folder in my shaking hands. “Is this right? This can’t be right. Oh my God, what if this is right?”

I was interrupted in my monologue. “Mademoiselle? It’s Madison. Are you there? I have news from Lady Julia. She will see you now. In her quarters.”

I cleared my throat and sat. “Yes, I’m here.” I composed myself. “I’ll go now. Tell My Lady I’m on my way.”

Now what do I do?
I thought. I started off my day angry and feeling rejected by Lady Julia. Now I find that she has once again been so generous with me. I don’t deserve to be in her service. I’m a fool. I’ll beg of My Lady to forgive my childish and selfish behavior. I’ll make the meeting short. How dare I be so bold with her precious time?

It was mid-morning. I stood nervously at My Lady’s door. I had never been in her private residence. I didn’t know what to expect. I knocked on the door. Nothing, I knocked again. Slowly the door opened. It was not Lady Julia who greeted me. It was the woman whom I had seen in the first video conference. The woman who was brushing My Lady’s hair.

The pretty young woman was dressed as she had been in the video. She wore only the skimpy white apron and a pair of white heels. And a collar. I could not take my eyes off of it. It was the same one inch steel collar. I had no idea how it was fastened. It seems to be a continuous loop –
and the ring in the front, a loop, for what purpose
, I thought.
Why is she…..?

“Good morning Mademoiselle Sibyl. I’m Lucy. Please come in. It is so nice to meet you.”

She bowed, and when she introduced herself, her breasts all but tumbled out of the loose fitting apron top. “Lucy, is it?” That was all I could reply. I was all but speechless. She was about my height, and but for the apron, she was naked, and it seemed so natural to her to be so presented.

She smiled at my recognition. It was a sweet smile, she seemed such a gentle girl. “Yes I’m Lucy. I’m one of My Lady’s maids. Please follow me Mademoiselle.”

I followed Lucy as if I were in a trance. Her body was magnificent. I watched her naked ass sway as I followed. Her waist was incredibly slender, and below her waist that sweet bottom rocked as a pendulum, as only a woman can so seductively move. The cheeks of her ass were full and taught like ripe fruit about to burst, and her precious crack the centerpiece of the inverted heart-shaped masterpiece.

I walked through the entry and through a guest sitting room. The residence quarters smelled of fresh flowers. Roses, I thought. I’ll bet they’re roses, of course from the gardens. And I was right. Lucy’s path led me through the next room. It was surely the main living area. Along the wall the three large windows, likely the ones that I could see from my cottage, and in the corner a white grand piano, on top of which the large setting of roses.

The furnishings could best be described as soft and inviting, the curtains light and wistful, and there was an air of femininity to the entire suite. The floors were covered with thick white carpet. I thought that odd, but it worked in this space. It was lovely. The design was so different from the heavy tapestries and rugs that adorned the rest of the manor. My Lady’s residence looked new, fresh and inviting.

Lucy led me into a room that was a combination sitting room and guest bedroom. There was a couch under a window, two plush chaise faced each other and along the far wall a neatly made bed.

“Please have a seat Mademoiselle, My Lady will be with you soon.”

I took a seat in one of the chairs. I watched the naked maid leave the room closing the door behind her. I was left with my thoughts.
What will I say? What is the reason for this meeting? Think girl, think….

“Sibyl, is that you dear?” My Lady’s sweet voice drifted from the adjacent room.

“Yes My Lady, I’m in here.”

“I’ll be right there. I’m dressing. I’m so glad you’re here. I’d like your opinion on my new foundation garments.”

I sat motionless. I must have smooth my skirt twenty times. I held my heels together and I sat as straight as possible. I checked the collar and lace ribbing on my blouse. I adjusted my pony tail. It all seem just right. I was ready. I looked up from a final check of my heels and I was stunned.

Lady Julia stood in the archway of her bedroom door. My mouth dropped open. Her blond hair flowed perfectly down her back, her bangs perfectly trimmed. She wore a red bra and matching panties, both were wonderfully transparent. Her heels were also red as was the night gown that fell from her shoulders and concealed nothing. She was a crimson goddess.

I stood, I sat, and I stood again.

Lady Julia bent over laughing. “Sibyl dear,” she giggled. “You look like a jack in the box. Sit or stand, just make a choice dear girl.”

I sat. “My Lady you look stunning.”

“Well now that was the reaction I had hoped for. I have a dinner date with a gentleman this evening, here in the main dining hall of the Manor. He’s a newly appointed judge down from London. I’ve not met him as of yet. I want to make sure that for him - this dinner will be unforgettable. There are favors that someday I will need from him.”

She took a graceful step down into the room. I immediately forgot why I was there. I was simply hungry for the woman in front of me. My heart raced and my palms were moistened, there was that dangerous tingle in my belly. I was on fire with lust.

“You like looking at me. Don’t you Sibyl?”

She smiled and crossed the room. She stood inches in front of where I was seated. I was sure she could feel my breath on her thighs. I looked nervously at my feet. Time stopped.

“I asked you a question.”

“I’m sorry My Lady. Yes. Yes, I love looking at you. I adore you. You are the most beautiful…”

She lifted my chin with a single finger. Her lips were pursed in a sexy tease. “
me? My dear Sibyl, adore? That is a powerful adjective. Or is it a verb? I wonder?”

I couldn’t help myself. I smiled at her playfulness. This is the woman that I had missed so desperately. I melted. I closed my eyes and turned my head so that her fingers could touch my cheek. I was out of control. Good lord how very much I wanted her to touch me.

She stepped closer. My lips were inches from her sweet tummy.

“Kiss,” She said.

I kissed her belly, my lips softly brushing her soft skin.

She lifted my chin again. I was staring into her hooded blue eyes. “Does it feel good to kiss me there dear? If the answer is yes, you may do it again.”

She released my chin. I leaned forward and kissed her again. This time my lips lingered, I pressed harder, inhaling the clean perfume of her body.

My Lady placed both hands on my temples and slowly disengaged my lips from that sweet spot. She cocked my head so we once again were looking into each other’s eyes.

“What was so urgent that you needed to see me?”

“Oh My Lady,” I started to gush. My lips were quivering like a school girl. My eyes watered, my voice began halting and stuttering. I wished that my kiss could stay locked in place upon her. “I missed you so much My Lady. I feared that you had abandoned me, and being without you - it was painful.” I began sobbing. “Please don’t leave me to worry so again?” The tears began slowly and then a torrent.

She pulled me up and slowly led me to the bed. We sat side by side. She rested my head on her shoulder and she stroked my hair.

“Go ahead and have a good cry Sibyl. Take your time, let the anguish drain out of you, that’s a good girl.”

The tears continued to flow, I couldn’t stop. It was as if my soul was purging a lifetime of rejection. My Lady’s energy was palpable. She was like a sponge absorbing all my years of pain, all those years of criticism and rejection. I continued to cry for the longest time, my body quaking in her arms. The whole time she whispered. “You’re okay, you’re with me.”

She rocked me until my sobbing halted. She kissed my cheek. She wiped the tears. She held me and she waited until a sheepish smile crossed my lips. I started to speak, but I had no words. She placed a finger on my lips. “Not now. The words will come dear, but not now. Breathe deeply, and be at peace - I will teach you how to be at peace.”

I could feel her heart beat, and her warmth was sweet and comforting. “When that peace happens,” She whispered. “The words you struggle with now will hardly be necessary.” She looked deeply in my eyes. “Because Sibyl, you will be stronger than the words, and the pain you measure now, it will be far below you, and a distant memory.”

My Lady stood. She helped me stand. We stood apart from each other and facing each other. We held each other’s outstretched hands.

She smiled. “Well I better get moving.” She said, “I have a full day of preparation for tonight’s guest, but first a massage.” She turned to look at me. “Unless you want to stay and massage me?”

The question hung in the air.

“May I?” I dropped my gaze. I was blushing and at the same time, I was trembling with the thought of such a wonderful invitation.

“Well go ahead then, get the massage kit out of the chest.” My Lady pointed to a sideboard. I rushed to it and found a stack of towels and assorted lotions. I heard her behind me on the phone.

“Yes. You heard me correctly. I won’t be needing you today, and hold all my afternoon calls. I’ll be busy for the rest of the day.”

When I turned to face My Lady, her arm was outstretched toward me. She was holding the red dressing gown between her thumb and forefinger. I rushed to take it from her. She stood for a moment and pleasured my eyes. I feasted on her perfection. Her red panties were merely a patch of fine lace stitched to the satin panel that covered her pussy lips and disappeared between her creamy thighs. Two half inch ribbons of red were attached with bows at the front, the ribbons arced over her hips and disappeared between her cheeks in the rear.

Her bra matched her panties. The red see-through panels of lace struggled to span her melon breasts. She sat on the edge of the bed and raised her left leg. I quickly removed one red shoe and then the other. I turned and placed the garment and the shoes on top of the sideboard. When I turned back she was laying on her stomach her face turned away from me.

“Un-hook my bra, and start with my back. It’s still tense from a workout I had with some party goers at Lady Bradstreet’s. You’ll meet her soon Sibyl. She’s a hoot. There’s never a dull moment with her.”

She giggled recalling the incident. “I can still hear that devilish laugh of hers. Lady Bradstreet does like to play. She’ll make up the wildest of games. I think her imagination is limitless, and she will try anything that she thinks will amuse her.”

My finger twitched. I had never touched a woman like this before. I was quivering inside with excitement. I un-hooked her bra. She raised a bit and I let the straps fall on the bed.

Slowly I began to touch her back. I closed my eyes. If there is truly such a thing as bliss, then this is surely what I’m feeling. Her skin felt like nothing I had ever imagined, soft, flawless and toned. I placed my full palms on her and began to massage. She started to purr. I knelt beside the bed and stroked her lower back.

“Get some cream dear, it’s in the pink canister, it feels so good, and it smells wonderful.”

I crawled to the breakfront, found the cream and crawled back to my spot by the bed. I put a modest amount of the slippery cream on my hands and touched her back. My movements were slow and sensual. I was in heaven.

BOOK: The Training of Scarlet Worthy
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