Read The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women Online

Authors: Pauline Orr,Diana Vega,Carla Burke,Evelyn Hunt,Inez Eaton,Emma Bishop,Cynthia Conley,Bonnie Robles,Sue Harrington,Kim Wilkerson

The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women (23 page)

BOOK: The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women
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She looked around as she approached the cafe Bruce had mentioned and her heart skipped a beat in her chest, making her catch her breath. He was beautiful, sat waiting quietly at a table with a single flower resting on the tabletop by his hand. He was looking around, probably for her and Charlotte found herself stopping and watching him from a distance.


Then he caught sight of her and smiled. She smiled back shyly, brushing her hair away from her face as she walked towards him. He stood and held out an arm as she got closer, gently kissing her cheek in greeting and handing her the flower.


“You look as lovely as your profile picture Bernie, even lovelier in fact,” he said with a smile once they were settled at their table “I’m so glad we agreed to do this.”


“You’re exactly how I pictured you,” Charlotte said quietly, sipping her water “I’m glad too, I’m so happy we decided not to wait any longer.”


“So...” Bruce began, leaning on the table and looking at her “How am I doing so far?”


“Wonderfully,” Charlotte said with a giggle “For one thing you were early! You’re the first man I’ve met from that site who understands the meaning of punctuality.”


“Tell me about it,” Bruce said “I was in the area doing some errands and I finished sooner than I thought. I remembered you saying that it really annoyed you to be kept waiting so I figured bugger it I’ll go early and surprise you.”


“It was a very wonderful surprise, one of the best yet,” Charlotte said quietly.


Bruce smiled at her and reached for her hand. The rest of the date passed in a blur for Charlotte, she had so much fun. Bruce was the perfect gentleman, making sure she was happy with everything they did, he held the door for her, helped her into her seat. His good manners made her think for a moment about Percy and she dared to ask Bruce where his mother was.


She breathed a sigh of relief when he explained that she was still in New Zealand and had no intention of coming to the UK any time soon. Charlotte couldn’t stop smiling as Bruce insisted on paying for everything, the first of any of her dates to do so. She was reluctant to end their date, slowly meandering through the streets talking as they returned to her bus stop.


Bruce wouldn’t leave her there, he waited patiently with her for her bus to arrive and when she was about to get on he gently pulled her towards him and kissed her softly and chastely on the lips. She had smiled the whole way home. Although the entire date Bruce had found ways to touch her in some way she had delighted at that first hint of proper physical contact.


Even as she lay in bed that night she could remember the feel of his smooth lips on hers, the heat that came from him and the spark she had felt low in her gut as her desire for him flared.


The next day she was ecstatic as she walked into Sylvia’s house for their weekly meet-up and as soon as her friends saw her face they began to quiz her. She told them everything, every minute detail of her date with Bruce and the girls all cooed with excitement at the news.


“There was something a little odd that kept happening though,” she said hesitantly. The girls all looked at her with worry.


“He didn’t creak when he moved did he?” Beth said worriedly “Because if he creaked he was probably wearing a latex suit. I don’t think you’d be in to that kind of thing Bernie. If he creaked chuck him immediately.


“He didn’t creak,” Charlotte said with a laugh “It was more about how some people reacted to him...”


“Well the man is gorgeous,” Sylvia said quietly, sipping her wine. The girls turned to look at her. She shrugged “What?! I’ve seen his profile picture, Bern showed me!”


“It wasn’t that.” Charlotte said shaking her head “There was... no I’m just being silly, never mind.”


Her friends demanded she tell them, insisting that she wasn’t being silly and reluctantly she told them everything odd that happened.


“There was this woman that came up to him as we walked towards the park. He likes walking you see and you know I love the park,” Charlotte explained. “Anyway, this woman was shouting at him for ages, walking behind us. I thought she was shouting someone else at first because she kept calling out the name Graham but she wasn’t she was shouting at me and Bruce, well, Bruce at least.


She must have thought he wasn’t paying attention because next thing I know she’s ran up to us and has Bruce by the elbow. She starts talking to him about some woman and calling him Graham but he tried to stop her. Finally he managed to get her to shut up long enough to say she had the wrong person. She didn’t think so but he insisted so much that finally she gave up and walked away. She looked so confused though.”


Sylvia, Beth and Chloe all looked at each other in confusion before turning back to Charlotte.


“And then it happened again!” She cried out. “We stopped for a coffee in a little cafe off the high street and this man walks by our table. The guy did a double-take and I mean a double-take, walking backwards and everything.


Then he starts talking about some woman to Bruce again, the same woman that the lady from earlier mentioned. Bruce managed to get rid of him eventually, insisting he had the wrong person but the guy wouldn’t listen and kept going on and on about some woman.


It took the owner of the cafe and three customers to get him to shut up and leave. He was getting very angry and I swear I thought he was going to punch Bruce in the face or something. It was so scary.”


The friends all looked at each other, confusion written all over their faces. Charlotte watched them, her heart sinking again as she thought through the less than brilliant parts of her date. Maybe Bruce was another dud guy. She said as much to her friends but they immediately jumped in.


“No Bernie!” Chloe cried out, placing a comforting hand on Charlotte’s wrist. “It happens all the time; people think someone’s another person.”


“Yeah,” agreed Beth, “It’s sounding like something bad is happening between the woman and this Graham bloke and obviously anyone involved is all upset. No one thinks right when they’re upset do they?”


“What was the woman’s name that they kept mentioning anyway?” Sylvia asked.


“Jennie or Jessie or Jasmine maybe?” Charlotte said hesitantly. “I’m not sure, the people were both speaking so fast and I was so uncomfortable I didn’t really pay attention.”


“And he’s sure he doesn’t know anyone by that name?” Sylvia said quietly. Charlotte nodded and Sylvia smiled “Well then I reckon there’s nothing to worry about. Just chalk it up to a case of mistaken identity and arrange the next date!”




ON MONDAY Charlotte did just that. Bruce had been apologetic when she first called him, saying sorry over and over for the events of their date. She shushed him immediately and asked when he’d like to go out again.


He couldn’t believe it she could tell that much from his voice and she wasn’t surprised when he asked if she were sure. She’d laughed and assured him that she really did want to see him again. He happily agreed and they made plans for the following Friday.


Date after date followed. There were no more interruptions by people insisting that Bruce was someone called Graham although for their second date both Bruce and Charlotte had spent a large portion of the time looking around, expecting someone to appear and start harassing Bruce.


They had laughed as they had caught each other doing it and fear assuaged they continued the rest of the date focused solely on each other. Charlotte began to feel a deeper and deeper connection to Bruce, her thoughts began to focus on him more and more when he wasn’t around.


Bruce admitted to the same when she told him and their conversations grew more and more intimate, focusing on a future together, holidays, a house, maybe even a wedding and some children. They spoke every night before they went to sleep, even on the evenings that they spent together on a date.


It wasn’t just their conversations that changed. The kisses that Bruce insisted on giving Charlotte every time they parted ways at the end of an evening began to evolve too. What had started as chaste loving pecks on the mouth soon changed to prolonged kisses and then tongues got involved. Each kiss got steamier and steamier, the contact between their bodies becoming less and less as they pressed closer and closer together.


Charlotte began to look forward to the ends of their dates more than the date itself, simply because she got to feel Bruce’s lips on hers, his tongue sliding against hers and taking cool confident control. She enjoyed the feel of his tall strong body pressed against her, reveling in the hard ridge of his erection pressed against her groin, aware of just how much she aroused him.


Sometimes they spent longer together kissing than they did on their dates but always Charlotte would insist on going home alone. She longed to feel him against her without the barrier of clothes though, to feel those muscles and that passion focused solely on her and she imagined that he could make her sing with pleasure.


One evening, after Bruce had cooked them both a delicious meal at his flat they had settled down to watch a film. It hadn’t been long though before their attraction got too much and the film was forgotten as the two lovers lay on the sofa kissing, their bodies entwined. Charlotte felt her resolve weakening, the heady desire aroused by Bruce’s kisses overcoming her, making her want to finally give in. She tilted her head back and as she felt his hot wet tongue gently lick her throat, his lips and teeth nibbling expertly at her ear lobe she gave in.


“Bruce,” she said quietly. He pulled away and looked down at her, worry all over his face “I don’t think I want to go home tonight.”


“You...” Bruce looked shocked, like he had been punched in the gut. The realization hit and a charming grin spread over his handsome face, “You mean you want to stay here, with me, in my bed love?”


“Yes and clothing is prohibited,” she said with a growl and pulled Bruce’s mouth back to hers.


Bruce didn’t say anything else after that. Instead he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. His mouth moved over hers, his tongue delving deep and Charlotte could feel the passion rising in him. It seemed to her like he was making love to her mouth with his, like with this final admittance of her desire for him all his walls had come down and he finally let himself go.


She moaned low in her throat, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and giggling as he lifted her from the sofa. Charlotte twined her legs around his waist, drawing a groan from him as her catch pressed against his denim encased erection, the heat of her scalding him even through two layers of denim.


With little effort Bruce made his way down the hallway and to his bedroom where he lay her gently on his bed and crawled over her body. They both moaned as they felt the full contact of their bodies against one another at last and their passion began to take over.


Charlotte tugged at Bruce’s shirt, pulling at the fabric before her quick fingers made short work of the buttons. She swiped her hand over the strong muscles of his chest, her arousal growing at the feel of the solid masculine strength beneath the soft skin and light dusting of hairs.


She pushed him back on the bed and began to kiss her way down his chest, tongue flicking out to tease nipples and trace the ridges of muscles. She delighted in the wave of goosebumps that rose up in her wake and the hard ridge of his thick member as it pressed against her stomach through his trousers. She thrilled to know she had such power over him and the heat and arousal in her catch grew more as she looked up Bruce’s body to see his eyes glazed with pleasure and an almost pleading expression on his face.


She had the power here and as she licked gently at the skin above the waistband of his jeans she wondered what to do with it. She gently undid the buttons of Bruce’s jeans, her hand sliding inside to cup the hot member within and Bruce threw his head back in delight, groaning as she clenched her hand around him, pleasure overwhelming even through the fabric of his underwear.


“I want this inside me,” Charlotte whispered in his ear, giving his member a gentle squeeze “And I want it inside me now.”


Bruce looked up at her in awe, his expression close to that of someone beholding a great marvel. He swallowed and a slow smirk spread across Charlotte’s face. Bruce quickly matched it and grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand away and making her cry out in surprise.

BOOK: The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 18: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women
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