Read The Viscount Returns Online

Authors: Eryn Black

The Viscount Returns (10 page)

BOOK: The Viscount Returns
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"Upon arriving in the Ports of Boston the first thing one cannot miss is the energy moving from person to person." Kissing the inside of her wrist, he licked her pulsing flesh. "There, no city is just a city. Much like London, it is a nation in itself." Extending his tongue, he slowly licked a path up her arm, only stopping to suck the curve of her elbow in a kiss before finishing at her neck. "No one takes the time to breathe in the new day's sunshine for time is money and there is much of it to be earned."

Shivering under his lips, he began to take on a more fevered effort and focus his hunger on her neck.

"Nowhere have I seen so many thrive in the same pursuit and impassioned with the drive to discover and grow." Each kiss was an added point to his words. "Their ambition and drive brought on so many rewards."

Crawling across the bed, he settled himself between her thighs. Pained to see her flinch from his closeness, Robert was ready to flee when she gave him an assuring nod. Descending slowly onto her once again, Robert found the crevice of her collarbone.

"More...tell me more." Lids half closed, she looked like she had been drugged with pleasure. Robert grinned to himself and took one of her succulent breasts in his hand.

"One cannot praise the land of its cities alone. Beyond the cities where the railway is just this minute being forged, lie mountains and valleys that can dazzle your eye." Running his hands over her torso, he left no inch untouched from her aching breast and pebbled nipples to her smooth stomach. "There are fields and fields of grass and wheat sparkling like gold in the sun and stretching up as tall as Sprout’s head, but blowing smooth in the wind like waves in an ocean." Dipping his head, he took one of her breasts into his mouth, suckling on her sensitive nipple before drawing her in fully. His need for her was beyond what he had ever felt for another person. She was the only body that could satisfy his violent hunger.

Burning to the core, their bodies were a sensual fire in the making. Rolling her hips, she began to grind her pelvis into him, giving Robert’s rock hard member an aching twinge that took all his self control to keep away from her honey core. He could not take her this night, not after what she had lived through only three days ago. Her body may be on the mend, but he feared the bleeding pain of her memories of her ordeal. Never could he have imagined what Jefferson was capable of and as long as he lived never would anyone inflict harm on his family again.

Kissing his path lower, he worshiped her skin with his lips and fingers, greedy to touch her naked body. Dipping around her waist and then over her hips, he drew closer and closer to his target, what most men spent their lives craving and few truly knew the joy and pleasure that he had once found so many years ago.

"The natives are thought of as savages ready to scalp you as soon as they looked at you." She gasped at the danger he portrayed, and Robert leaned over her body and gave her a loving kiss to her lips. "But there are some among them who would call me friend." She released a calming breath and he brought his shoulders between her thighs and he kissed the dark hairline that led to paradise. "They are proud warriors fighting for the survival of their people. Half clothed in animal skin, they paint their bodies just as the Celts of the north had once done. To see them live was like having a window into the past when life was live, love, fuck, hunt, and eat. I can only wonder if their way of life is what God had intended for us rather than confine our lives and our bodies in the restraints of society. They are passionate men who will lay down their lives for their families. Never have I known such honor as I had seen among them."

She was a goddess floating in the heat of sex. Her eyes closed with quivering lids and her bottom lip was swollen and red from her tantalizing nibble. A seductive feast set out before him, but for the time being he had to go hungry and feast for her own satisfaction. Slow and steady was going to be his near future and he would happily take his time reintroducing her into lovemaking, as it should be. Even if the delayed gratification killed him.

Reaching down, he adjusted himself and tried to ignore the ache as he took another tantalizing whiff of her scent before his tongue gave her a long, slow lick to test the waters. Despite the abuse she had faced over the years, her sex was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and before she could respond he gripped her bottom and pulled her up to his face. His mouth played a symphony over her sex, licking and sucking. It was not long before she was pulling his hair and panting his name.

"Please...oh please...I need more...I need you..." Fiona tried to fight for control of her own senses but was lost on the plains of her climax.

"You have me." He looked up at her, filling her with his fingers, as he licked his lips clean of her juices.

"No..." Turning her head from side to side. "I need you! Please! I need you inside me. Take me!" she cried out.

Despite his best efforts, Robert could not refuse her when she cried for him with so much passion and need. Perhaps a slow introduction was not what she needed? Perhaps she needed to know what it felt like to be a be his woman.

Quickly releasing himself, he kicked off his britches and pulled his shirt off over his head. Naked and trembling with desire, Robert reminded himself that she was more delicate than a virgin right now and he needed to give her the restraint he had denied her on their wedding night. She was the mother of his son and the strong pair of shoulders that had kept his home standing all these years. How could he ever show her his gratitude and how could he ever hope to earn her forgiveness.

Stroking his finger slowly over her wet lips, he parted her sex, letting the warmth of her juices to flow over his finger. Hot and slick, she was ready and weeping for him, but he tormented her, taking his time to properly spread her open until at last he entered her with a slow gliding motion that did not pause or hesitate until he was sealed into her sexual core. Tight and warm, she gripped him with each shallow breath. Clenching his jaw, he focused on sustaining long enough to give her what she so patiently begged for. Sliding in inch by slow inch, he at last reached the hilt and stayed motionless, praying that his self control would remain rock hard.

"Am I much different?" Her weak voice awoke him.


"From a man? Am I much different?" Wide eyed innocence stared up at him and he felt warmed and secure from her open heart. She did not judge or condemn him as he had once expected her to.

Leaning down, he kissed her nose and smiled. "You are exquisite...” Gripping a palm full her naked breast, he gave her a broken smile that tickled her core. “And yes, you are quite different. That much I will offer my thanks and prays with the dawning of every sun into the rising of every moon." Leaning down, he kissed her neck.

"But does this please you?" Laced with pain, her question was more than investigatory.

Resting on his elbows, he held her face in his hands. Looking up into his eyes, she sparkled and his heart burst with love.

"You were the first and only woman I have ever shared a bed in a singular and loving fashion.”

Her brow arched up quizzically. “Singular?” she asked with dread.

“I will not betray you with lies just as I have never betrayed you in the arms of another woman, but I must confess that there have been women who Allen invited to share our bed and some were exchanged between us in the heat of the moment.” He coughed on his confession, feeling his collar tighten, threatening to choke the life out of him.

“I have taken a woman in my arms with Allen beside me, but never did I claim a single one.” Releasing a shameful breath, he gave her the reverence of silence that told her of his sincerity. “I beg your forgiveness for what I have done and I pray to one day be worthy of your love. I am overwhelmed at how perfect this is and humbled by you here with me now." He swallowed back the dread in his honesty. "I have always found satisfaction with men, but what we share I will not demean with the simplistic description of satisfaction. I can't put words to it..." Slowly moving his hips, he began to slide himself in and out, bringing them closer together with every slow move, inch by slow agonizing inch. The feeling was electric and neither of them could find the strength to speak, holding tightly to each other while they fell over the edge into their harmonious release.






The sparkling sea of green waved in the wind and helped to guide the family up the hill to the aged fence and manicured yard. Hand in hand, their bare flesh gripped tightly—their discarded gloves tucked away in Robert’s pocket—and Fiona’s face glowed with happiness, leaning into her husband’s shoulder for a bit of extra support. Still weakened from her ordeal, she was finding each day easier and easier to rise, while her husband worked every waking moment in restoring his family’s home. In only four months’ time the embezzled funds returned to them were beginning to help their land blossom.

Robert had traveled to seek his fortune and provide for his bride, but now not only had he returned with more than Fiona, Ruth, and Stevens had ever hoped to obtain, Robert had returned with skill and capability to see to the lands. With the knowledge from his time working on the railway, Robert had been able to lead a crew of men in building up the mill and repairing the estate to its former glory. Fortune and circumstance had changed their lives for the better and Robert was able to provide Ruth and Stevens with a renovated cottage and a settlement for all their years of service as well as a percentage in the mill’s earning which only seemed right. Robert had abandoned his bride with the best intentions and it was Ruth and Stevens who’d sought out to see to her needs and to the protection of his son. For that Robert would be forever and truly grateful.

"Are you sure that this is not too much for you today?" His smile was warm and helped to give her an extra push up the hill. "This can wait another day if need be."

Wrapping her arm through his, she gave Robert a friendly squeeze and leaned her head on his shoulder, watching their son race them up the hill and disappear behind the gate. Time during her healing had passed quickly with his warm and loving presents every day and night. In a short time they had begun to build a bond that they had been denied all these years, and they had both been given the blessed gift of finding not only a friend but a partner and lover in each other.

"I am fine, my love, and no, this cannot wait another day." Taking a deep breath, she held his arm tightly and they pressed on. Fiona’s recovery had taken time and her body had suffered more than she had expected from the years of being administered the drug by Jefferson. They had hoped from the start to help their family grow, but to their disappointment she had not conceived at once and it was advised by the physician that they not feel discouraged and give her body time to heal. Holding a protective hand over her belly, she and her husband shared a hopeful smile. The door separating their bedrooms was never closed and there was never a night that they were not embraced in one room or the other. Fiona’s courses were only a few days late, but with the effort they had both put into making up for lost time, they could not ignore the delightful possibility.

Recently painted, the gate was a bright clean white with freshly planted blossoms bordering the entrance. Among the list of needed improvements that Robert had received, the simple family plot was his first priority. Here was the resting place for generations of his family, including his dear brother and son. Together as a family they walked through the gate with flowers in hand and paid tribute to their loved ones. At last Robert knew what it was like to love and be loved in return.

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Eryn Black


From Beau Coup Publishing

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Black Lace: An Anthology Of Victorian Seduction

Carnal Games: Three Tales Of Seduction

The Duke’s Virgin Bride

Her Beloved Muse


Eryn Black



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BOOK: The Viscount Returns
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