The Wanting (D'Shar Men) (2 page)

BOOK: The Wanting (D'Shar Men)
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Stupid, stupid girl.
Her mind taunted.
Your silly little obsession almost got you humiliated.

Her confidence stood with its foot on a landmine, and she was in desperate need of the one person who could defuse it. Her bomb tech was her best friend, Taye, who’d been her confidant from the moment they met in a foster home at fourteen. At thirty, hers was the only place to go when her world shifted on its axis. Zasha had never confirmed her attraction to Phelan, but she knew her friend suspected.

As he rattled off the time and address, she wished he had chosen someone else. It was one thing to see him at work-sanctioned events. If she saw him on a night that celebrated fantasy and illusion, it might be too much.

Or just what you need.
Her sex starved inner voice chimed.

“I’ll be there, Phelan.”


Zasha stood in the shower. One leg propped on the basin, and the other planted firmly on the ground for purchase. Zasha buried two fingers deep inside her needy core, circling her sensitive clitoris with her thumb. The moment Phelan spoke her name earlier that day, she’d been in dire need of relief. With her eyes closed, she envisioned her body linked to Phelan’s. His calloused hand would hold her down as he thrust inside her, and his swollen cock would be so thick and long that each frantic thrust would tap her cervix. The pleasurable pain would elevate her to heights she’d never known.

Yes, Phelan
,” she whimpered. She added a third finger to her slick hole to simulate his wide girth.

His hips would tilt to allow his mushroom-shaped head to hit the right spot again and again. Who knew her alien anatomy lessons would be put in to play in such a naughty way?

“Fuck me harder!”

A rough pinch to her bundle of nerves sent her over the edge. Her hip movements became erratic as the heat of her walls closed around her fingers. The image of Phelan was so vivid she swore she tasted the musk of his scent on her tongue. She felt like a woman possessed as she rode her hand through her completion. The primal scream of his name a sweet complement to her well-earned release.

“Girl, are you serious?” Taye asked. “The leader of the Shar asked you to attend his Halloween ball?”
Excitement seemed to ooze from every pore as Taye clapped her hands together.

Zasha scoffed. “Yes he did, but it’s not like it was as a date. It’s more of a good will gesture from the A.C.C. and the P.I.U.” Her self-gratification due to thoughts of the man in question, not two hours earlier, made her squirm. She was so pathetic! It was so obvious he wasn’t interested.

The gleam appearing in Taye’s eyes made her nervous. She’d been privy to that look before. It usually led to blind dates and unwarranted hook-up attempts.

“Hmph, are you trying to convince me or yourself?” she asked. The tone of her voice paired with the knowledge in her eyes was enough to make Zasha frown.

Taye always knew too much. Those deceptive liquid brown eyes and elfin features hid a razor sharp mind. Her best friend’s keen observation skills were not a thing to be underestimated.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Zasha said. Her pride stung as embarrassment hit. Had she really been that transparent about her emotions?

“Listen, Zasha, I’ve held my tongue about this for years, but it’s clear that whatever exists between you and Phelan is mutual.”
“How can you say that? The man tripped over himself to explain it wasn’t a date.”
“Because you hold your cards so close to your chest, he has no idea you feel the same way.”
“You’re reaching, Taye.”

“No, you’re too busy hiding to see what’s in front of you. Unleash that sex goddess you have chained down and claim your man,” Taye said.

“Are you going to come with me or not?” Zasha asked. Her tone even as she ignored the previous statement. Despite her false disinterest, the wheels in her mind spun out of control. Maybe this year she’d have herself a special treat.




Chapter Two


“You’ve been sitting here for hours, Phelan. Why don’t you close down shop for the night?” His brother, Kade, asked as he entered his office and took a seat opposite him at the desk.

“I just have one last minute invitation to finish and I will,” said Phelan. His eyes glued to the sealed envelope he’d addressed personally. The placement of the red wax emblem of his people sent a thrill through his body. In four days’ time, Zasha would be in his home.

“Last minute invitation?” Kade asked. His smooth voice was full of curiosity.

“Maybe he asked his dream girl.” Bastian, their brother, crooned from the doorway. A wide grin spread across his lips as he came into view. “Well?” he asked. His sure steps were muffled by the Persian rug as he made his way over to sit. His thick brown eyebrows wagged up and down in a comical manner that made Phelan want to laugh.

Phelan said, “It’s for Zasha.”

A deep sigh paired with an eye roll was his response to the laughter that sprung forth from his siblings. In spite of his Herculean effort to keep his preference to himself, Kade and Bastian had picked up on the unspoken attraction.

Probably heard you cry her name.
His mental voice chided. Memories of the numerous times he’d reached his pinnacle with
on his lips and his cum on his hands made him clear his throat. The thought of her lust-filled eyes framed by tousled hair was enough to make his dick harden. He shifted in his seat to accommodate the bulge in his pants and began the losing battle of convincing them his decision was based on logic.

“She brings the number of humans attending up, and she represents the A.C.C. and the P.I.U. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity.”

Never mind that her tawny skin, lush red lips, and expressive almond-shaped hazel eyes made him want to take her in his arms and fuck her senseless. Her thick head of coal black hair was always wound up tight in a bun, and he’d often wondered what her tresses would look like unrestrained. It was all too easy to picture the midnight strands framing her oval face and high cheekbones. The combination of her strength and exotic beauty made him think of Cleopatra. The ancient queen he’d read about in history books. Heat spread in his face alerting him to the fact his skin must glow a light blue.

“Come on, Phe, when are you going to admit you like her?” asked Bastian.

Kade cast a smile full of sympathy his way as Bastian continued his rant. As the second oldest, Kade had always been the peacemaker.

“How can I like her? I don’t even know her,” Phelan said.

“You know her plenty well after all that time you spent together during her training,” Bastian said.

Zasha and Phelan had spent months together at the academy. The unique information and combat training he provided for the P. I.U. had been a fulfillment of the treaty signed sans the
. The Shar would be allowed citizenship provided they completed a successful induction into society and earned their own keep. Documents and testing was allowed on the Shar’s genetic makeup and unusual powers to prevent any nasty surprises down the line. It had been Marsden D’Shar’s brilliant idea to equip the earthlings with a way to do battle with the Shar on even ground. Weapons were modified to incapacitate the superior race, and the P.I.U., and A.A.C. were born.

As one of his prized pupils, Zasha had filled him with pride. She was a fast learner, eager to graduate and enforce the law. It was the other sentiments she’d garnered that caused him to backpedal away from the friendship they’d formed. The bland black uniforms were a work of art when they folded over her ample chest, full hips, and well-rounded ass. It made him feel like a pervert; an older teacher who lusted after his young student.

“That was years ago,” he said.
It was not on his agenda to admit he’d yearned for the statuesque brunette ever since.
“Perhaps, but I never saw a problem with mixing a little business with pleasure,” Bastian said.

Phelan clenched his teeth and counted to ten in his head. His pace measured and unhurried, he beat back the instinct to punch his brother for the backhanded insult. Zasha wasn’t some woman he wished to use for a night of pleasure. She’d become an infection in his blood that ravaged him from the inside out. Every moment spent with her etched in his brain. The faded memories had become insufficient to keep his hunger for her at bay with the passage of time.

“Lay off him, Bast. He has enough to worry about with the ball coming up,” Kade said. “You two are always too serious.”

“And the Secretary of War isn’t?” Phelan asked. His voice distorted by the laugher that spilled forth.

“Only when it’s necessary. When you go into battle as much as I have you learn the importance of enjoying every moment you can,” Bastian said. The statement a reminder of the wisdom that often got lost in his playboy façade.

“I’ll up the play time, Bast,” Phelan said.

He was touched by Bast’s concern. Often the most closed off, Bastian had left home at a young age to train. The separation placed a barrier between them they still worked to tear down. It was hard to feel close to someone you spent the majority of your life parted from.

“Good. I still think you should start with Zasha at the ball, but I know when to leave well enough alone,” said Bastian.

Satisfied that he’d spoken his peace, he swung his long legs up onto the desk and leaned back in his chair. His fingers laced behind the back of his head.

“Are you sure we’re related?” Kade asked.

The playful banter made Phelan’s lips curve into a smile. It was nice to know some things didn’t change, no matter what galaxy he was in.

“You could do with some loosening up yourself, brainiac,” Bastian said.
“I’m plenty loose.” Kale's face distorted with indignation.
“Oh yeah, you’re a regular wild man,” Phelan said dryly, as Kade rose to his feet.
“Since you guys are in a pick on Kale mood I’ll see myself out.”
Kale’s gangly body was stiff as he moved quickly out the door.

“I meant what I said earlier about you and Zasha,” Bastian said. His face was drawn and serious as he resurrected the topic once Kale disappeared around the corner.

“I know, Bast, but now isn’t the time,” Phelan said.

If he didn’t hold on tight to the rules he’d set for himself, he would be lost to the siren call Zasha sung. That he invited her at all was a lapse in judgment he hoped did not change life as he knew it.

“Then when is?” he asked. “You are our King, Phelan; don’t you think it’s time we gained a Queen?”

Bastian’s words filled Phelan with a panic that consumed. Did he know how much he craved Zasha? He often longed to feel the length of her body pressed against him. Even now he had to force himself to remain in his office when all he wanted was to track her down and lose himself in the bliss offered. For the Shar, the
was a pleasure unparalleled by anything else. He’d love her until no other man would ever do and fill her with his seed. It was sick and twisted, but he saw her as
. The savage lust and possessiveness of his ancestors was at war with the modern man he needed to be.

“How did we go from a scratching an itch to marriage?”

“I’ve seen you with Zasha, Phelan. She triggers the
doesn’t she?” he asked.

The statement brought attention to the closet of secrets he’d keep shut tight and bared his skeleton for all to see. Phelan set down the letter he had yet to send, took a shaky breath, and nodded. This was why he avoided Zasha as much as possible. The
was a biological response every Shar male experienced when he discovered his mate. The animalistic sex it caused would be disturbing to most humans for a number of reasons; his eyes would bleed to black, his ejaculate was tinged blue, and the clincher. His need to fill her with as much sperm as possible in hopes of conception.

Does anyone else know?” Phelan asked.
His voice a husky rasp as it rattled out of his throat.
“No,” Bastian said. “But we both know you can only hold off for so long.”

“Every minute I manage to stop myself from claiming my mate allows her to continue her life as she sees fit. We don’t know the logistics of a Shar mating with a human; we only know it’s possible.”

When the scientists on Tagget announced their sun was failing, they held out hopes of repairing the sun before being forced to admit the inevitable. They would have to find a new place to live.

They looked at many locations before deciding on Earth. Not only were its people the friendliest, their genetic make-up was the most compatible which meant, in time, they could interbred.

“She’s strong!”

“You realize that being bonded to me will ruin her life as she knows it right? You see how dedicated she is to her job. What will losing that do to her? How can we be happy for the rest of our lives with that over my head?” Phelan asked.

His fingers curved like claws as they raked through his hair. He had gone over this so many times.
“You should at least tell her before the time comes.”
“I’m done talking about this,” Phelan said. A dismissive wave of his hand the signal he was done with the topic.



Chapter Three


Are you sure about this?
Zasha thought.

Her kohl-lined almond-shaped eyes focused on the full length mirror that reflected a woman she barely recognized. The hazel hue turned a deep emerald green against the bronze eye shadow and fringed with long lashes exaggerated by mascara. The maroon-colored mini dress grazed the top of her thighs, and the V-neckline was a half-inch shy of being indecent. If it wasn’t for the knee high black boots, she’d feel naked. The thick black hair she normally kept braided and pinned in to a bun flowed to her mid-back. Styled in a partial up-do with a high ponytail.

BOOK: The Wanting (D'Shar Men)
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