Read Their Little Girl Online

Authors: L.J. Anderson

Their Little Girl (3 page)

BOOK: Their Little Girl
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I was grateful for that and I wanted him to know it.

By the time I was nearly done, Daddy entered the kitchen, clearing his throat a bit before I heard the sound of his chair scraping against the floor.

“Smells amazing, Erica,” he told me as he grabbed his morning paper off the kitchen table, where I’d left it for him when I brought it in. Daddy wasn’t the type to break routine, so I knew he’d read for the next fifteen minutes and then, in an hour or so, he’d be off to work, even though it was a Saturday.

When the weekend came around, I often wished Daddy didn’t have to work, but I knew when he did, at the very least, I’d be able to get some time alone to watch David’s video.

Both prospects were promising, if I was being honest.

As often as I made breakfast, it didn’t take long before the food was done and everything was plated neatly, ready for him to dig in and enjoy. “Breakfast is served, Daddy,” I chimed, sitting his food in front of him with a bright smile.

I felt rather proud of my work.

Once the plate was sitting in front of him, Daddy opened his mouth to say thanks, but the only sound I heard was the clatter of silverware hitting the porcelain platter. When I looked up at him, startled, his eyes were on me, his gaze locked somewhere between my tummy and my chin.

Feeling confused, I looked down to see what he was staring at. I got my answer.

Oh god!

Somehow as I was cooking and moving about the kitchen, my robe must had slid open, exposing one of my breasts for all the world to see. My first instinct was to immediately cover myself, but under Daddy’s unwavering gaze, I was frozen in place. Stunned and paralyzed.

My body suddenly began to react, nipples hardening into stiff peaks, while that familiar fluttering in my belly had somehow evolved into an aching clench that rooted itself deep between my thighs.

Maybe I should have been embarrassed or ashamed, but there was too much desire in my stepfather’s eyes to feel anything of the sort.

As if he were lost in thought, Daddy’s hand barely reached out, moving as though he planned to touch me, but then jerked back once he realized what he was doing.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized, moving quickly to tighten my robe once I’d snapped out of the lust-induced trance I’d been under.

I couldn’t believe I’d been so naive as to think that he felt the same kind of lust I did.

“Don’t apologize, sweetie. Never apologize for that. You are so beautiful,” he said kindly, tenderly, but there was a hint of something else in his voice, that strange darkness was back along with something else, something naughty and dangerous.

“You really think so?” I asked him. “You really think I’m beautiful?”

“Of course you are,” he whispered, touching my cheek. The moment his skin made contact with mine, I began to wish desperately that he’d touch me somewhere lower, but I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn’t going to.

Feeling defeated, I nodded slightly, giving him a quiet reply of “okay,” but even I could hear the skepticism in my voice.

“Do you need me to prove it, Erica?” he asked sternly, letting his dark, dangerous side out to play. “Do you want to feel how beautiful I think you are?”

His voice was so harsh and sexy that I didn’t even consider what he might have meant before I bobbed my head up and down in agreement.

“Come here, then – sit in Daddy’s lap,” he practically growled, showing me a side of himself that I never dreamed existed. Without hesitation, I slipped onto his lap, not even caring that my robe had slipped open again, exposing my naked breasts and little white panties to his hungry stare.

Once I’d settled in place, I realized quickly that Daddy was hard in his pants, his erection right beneath me, pressing firmly against my bare ass.

The realization made my head spin, and my eyes were probably as wide as saucers.

“There, sweet girl. You feel that?” he asked sharply, punctuating his statement with a sharp thrust of his hips, which allowed his erection to slip between my thighs and rub against me, making me feel more aroused than ever before. “You feel how hard my cock is, just from looking at you?”

With a stunned expression, I nodded, looking up over my shoulder at Daddy’s stern face, wondering what he’d want to do next. Would he want me to touch him? Maybe he’d ask me to suck him...

As often as I’d watched it, I was pretty sure I could do it like the girl in David’s video by this point, but I wasn’t sure.

If Daddy let me suck him, would he wanna fuck me too?

God, I thought I might die from anticipation waiting for his reaction.

For a brief second, I felt his strong hands ghosting over my bare thighs, opening my robe a little more, but then they were gone. “Don’t you ever doubt yourself again, Erica. You are such a beautiful girl,” he told me finally before tapping my bottom as a sign that I should hop off his lap.


“Oh... uhh... okay,” I stuttered, and once I was standing on shaky legs, I looked back at him with shock and confusion written all over my face.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he simply began eating his breakfast and reading the paper.

What the hell?

“Daddy?” I asked impatiently once I’d stood there for a few long minutes, feeling confused and utterly ignored.

“Yes?” he replied after swallowing a mouthful of eggs, barely sparing me a glance.

“Don’t you want me to...” I began but trailed off, not really sure what I was even asking. Finally, Daddy looked up at me blankly from above his paper, his eyes penetrating but blank. Hoping he’d understand, I motioned toward the still-hard erection tenting his slacks.

Didn’t he realize what I was offering?

“I have to go into work early this morning, Erica,” he said, his voice slightly impatient, while I fought the urge to throw myself at him in hopes that he’d do something to ease the hollow ache between my legs.

Maybe I was going crazy, but I just couldn’t fathom how he wasn’t as desperate as I was. How could he rub up against me the way he did and then not want to keep going?

My eyes trailed back to the still-hard bulge in his pants, and I felt even more confused than before. He must have possessed some insane willpower if he could just ignore that enormous thing and act as if nothing had happened. As it was, I was so horny that I knew exactly where I’d be headed the as soon as Daddy was out the door.

David’s room was the perfect place to spend a little
alone time

The moment Daddy was done with breakfast, he disappeared upstairs for about fifteen minutes while I cleared the table and did the dishes. I wondered for a split second if he was up there touching himself, but that wasn’t my concern. He’d made that fact abundantly clear to me when he’d pushed me away for trying to make him feel good.

Maybe I was overreacting...

Several minutes later, Daddy came down dressed and ready for work. After the way he’d acted earlier, though, I half expected him to ignore me, but instead, he called me over to say goodbye.

With an arrogant smirk on his beautiful lips, he slowly slipped his hand inside my robe and roughly cupped my breast before placing a single kiss on my mouth. For the second time that day, I froze where I stood, and before I’d even had a chance to savor the feeling of that kiss or his hands on me, Daddy pulled away, grabbing his briefcase from the kitchen counter.

Not again!

Why was he playing these games with me?

“I’ll be back this evening,” he murmured, once more acting as if he hadn’t just touched me intimately or kissed my lips.

Even after he was long gone, I could still feel a lingering reminder of the way it felt to have his mouth on mine. It wasn’t my first kiss, but it had been so long since the last one that it might as well have been.

Feeling frustrated and confused, I ran upstairs to David’s room, determined to forget about the way Daddy was toying with me.

With a sigh of relief, my hand slid beneath the waistband of my cotton panties. I was already wet and achy in all the right places, so I knew it wouldn’t take long to get me going. Once I turned on the DVD player, I fully expected David’s movie to start playing, but then nothing happened.

Frowning, I stared at the little LED panel on the front, confused by the fact that it kept blinking an
Insert Disk
message. Maybe I had played the thing too much and worn it out. Just to be sure, I opened the tray, hoping to find David’s shiny silver disk sitting there, but it was gone.

At that moment, I thought I might cry for sure.

The only person who could have taken it was Daddy, but why? How did he even know it was in there to begin with?

Frantically, I looked around David’s room, hoping Daddy had just put the disk in a case somewhere in an effort to straighten things up a little before my stepbrother’s arrival. As soon as the thought popped into my head, I spotted a clear plastic case that had been pushed between the DVD player and David’s entertainment center.

Grabbing the case, I popped it open.

The disk wasn’t in there. Instead I found a folded sheet of paper. Maybe it was nothing, but as usual, curiosity got the better of me.

I unfolded the single sheet of notebook paper, immediately recognizing Daddy’s handwriting.


If you’re reading this note, then you must know that I’ve taken the naughty movie you’ve been watching.

You have been such a bad girl, sneaking into your brother’s room to watch him fucking. Do you think he would be very happy to learn that you’ve invaded his privacy?

I have seriously considered telling him what you’ve been up to while he was away at school, none the wiser.

Should I tell him? Should I let him know that you’ve been touching yourself and wishing that it was his cock pushing into that tight virgin pussy instead of those little fingers of yours?

It’s a tempting thought...

Maybe I will... Maybe I won’t... That’s for you to decide!

For the rest of the week, I expect you to be Daddy’s good little girl. No touching yourself, and don’t bother looking for David’s movie. You won’t find it where I’ve hidden it.



Oh my god!
I couldn’t believe it! Daddy somehow knew what I’d been doing and had taken David’s movie and hidden it from me, like I was some kind of addict or something. My heart was racing and my head felt like it was spinning, like I didn’t know which way was up or down.

This was so fucked up.

For the rest of the week, I tried to avoid Daddy, still embarrassed that I’d been caught. It was downright shameful. Not only did he know that I was lusting after
, but he also knew that I was touching myself and thinking about David as well.

He probably thought I was a freak or a slut.

On some level, I knew I wasn’t any of those things. I was still an innocent virgin, but what other words could describe a girl who wanted to be fucked by both her stepbrother and stepfather at the same time?

It wasn’t normal, that’s for sure.

Friday was my last day as a high school student. Finals were over, and I felt pretty confident that I’d done well, even with all the distracting drama at home. At the very least, I knew I was going to graduate in the top ten percent of my class, and though it wasn’t as high as I’d hoped, it was nothing to be ashamed of. I just hoped it was good enough to help me get at least one of the scholarships I’d applied for.

After my final class, a girl I didn’t know all that well asked to sign my yearbook just as I was walking out the door, but I became distracted by the stunningly handsome man who was standing several yards away, waiting in the parking lot.


Too excited to care about some girl I’d never see or talk to again after graduation, I rushed toward the open arms of my stepbrother, pushing past the throng of excited seniors.

“Oh, David!” I called out when he was within reach. “I missed you.”

“Hey, little girl – missed you too!” he said, wrapping those strong arms around my middle, pulling me closer than he ever had before.

I relaxed against him, not willing to be the first one to pull away from our embrace.

After a beat longer than was considered appropriate for siblings, he finally released me, allowing my feet to touch the ground. I hadn’t even realized he’d been lifting me up.

I already felt weightless in his arms.

“Look, I’m sorry I couldn’t come home for your birthday last month, or... when your mom... you know...” he said sadly. I brushed off his comment, tired of thinking about my mother. She wasn’t worth the effort.

“It’s okay. I know you had midterms.” David didn’t need to feel guilty, and I couldn’t blame him for not coming home.

“Anyway,” he started, looking to change the subject and break the awkward tension between us. “Lets get home. Dad’s got an extra special dinner cooking just for our favorite girl.”

BOOK: Their Little Girl
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