Read This Time Around Online

Authors: Davies,Amy

This Time Around (11 page)

BOOK: This Time Around
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I chuckle as I open the door, but my breath catches in my throat at the sight of my roadie before me.

Holy. Fucking. Shitballs.

He cannot be real, can he?

Surely men should not look this good.

Liam is standing in front of me dressed in a suit that I can only think was made just for him. He has on brown shoes, navy trousers and fitted navy blazer with a white shirt and no tie. The top two buttons are open showing off the tanned skin there. He has RayBans sunglasses on that make his hotness factor blow up. I am in so much bloody trouble.

“Bambi.” My name dripping from his mouth…Just pure sex.

“Liam. Flipping hell, this…” I wave my hand up and down his body. “Shit. This is going to get me in so much trouble tonight,” I say, placing my hand on my forehead.

“Umm, babe. Have you looked in the mirror tonight? Because, babe, when men see you tonight they are going to be wishing that they were going home with you,” he states. I look down at myself and look back at him with what I’m pretty sure is confusion clear on my face.

“Baby, you are so fucking beautiful. Men will fall at your feet if you ask them. Damn, do you want me on my knees, right now? Because I will.” My heart beats faster in my chest at his words. Bloody hell, he knows the right things to say.

“And on that note, we will get out of your way so you can get going. Liam, treat her well or you will have me and her mother to deal with. You hear me?” My dad says. Wow I have never seen this side of him before. Okay, well ‘never’ is the wrong word. He did lose his temper when Connie was born, but he had a pretty damn good reason to lose his cool. I turn to Connie and open my arms wide for her to come and give me a hug. She doesn’t leaving me waiting. I kiss the top of her head and hold her tight to me.

“Be good and make sure you brush your teeth before bed. I will pick you up tomorrow, okay?”

“I will. Now go. Grampa offered to teach me how to play poker so I can beat Uncle Matt the next time we play,” she giggles, and walks around me to Liam. “Be good. Be nice. And see you soon. Come on, Gramps.” Without a backwards glance she walks out the door and down to the car.

My dad comes over and kisses my head again. “She will be fine. I will drop her off after you finish work tomorrow. Goodnight you two.” He walks towards the door but stops and looks back at Liam and me. “Just remember, kids. No glove, no love,” he winks and walks away laughing to himself. Oh. My. Bloody. God.

“Oh God, how embarrassing.” I bury my face in my hands and shake my head.

“Baby, it is fine.” He leans in close and whispers. “I have gloves. Plenty of them.” He winks and offers his arm to me. I take his arm, still speechless. He leads me to his car, which by the way is freaking sexy.

Liam helps me into his car, before he struts round to his side and slides into the driver seat. I can’t take my eyes off him, I can feel my knickers getting damp with my arousal. Hell since Liam has been back in my life, they have been damp twenty-four-seven. He starts the car and looks at me. I can feel his gaze scorching my skin, even with the sunglasses still covering his eyes. I lean into him a fraction, he licks the corner of his bottom lip and it makes me want to bite it. I reach up and remove his glasses, so I can see his eyes. His piercing eyes never leave mine. I lick my lips and watch as his gaze drops to my mouth.

“God, I want to kiss you and never fucking stop. But, I know if I start I
stop and we have a reservation to keep. Plus, I do believe we are both child free again.” I nod, and he pulls away from me. I let out the breath I was holding, and answer him.

“Yeah. My parents offered to watch Connie, plus it works out good because I am on an early shift tomorrow, so no late night, Mr. Bradley.” I wink at him.

“Oh, baby, with the way you are looking at me, I don’t think my dick would last long inside you.” This time he winks at me and I giggle. Freaking giggle.

What the heck is this man doing to me?

“Oh,” I whisper

“Yeah, ‘Oh’. Babe, do you not see the effect you have on me?” I shake my head no and Liam chuckles beside me. I look down at his crotch and see the bulge that sits there, staring at me. Begging to be freed, but I know that we have to get dinner out of the way before I get to get up close and personal with that part of Liam. He chuckles again, obviously noticing the fact that I can see how hard he is. He starts the car and pulls away from my house. The drive to the restaurant isn't that far into town. The food here is amazing and I have come here often with my friends. Liam being the gentleman again comes around the car and opens the door for me.

“Thank you kind, Sir,” I smile at him.

“Oh, I like it.”

“Like what?” I ask.

“You, calling me ‘Sir’, sounds sexy and naughty,” he winks at me. Typical bloke. “Come on. The quicker I get you inside and eating, the quicker I can get you home, where I can eat you and be inside of you,” he murmurs in my ear, sending heated shivers through my body. Bloody hell. I just nod at him, unable to speak. Walking through the doors, which Liam opens for me we are met with the hostess. The lovely Miss Lauren. She is a few years younger than me and is one of the sweetest people I know. Her smile lights up her face when she sees us walking towards her.

“Hey, Penny. Hi, Liam. Do you have a reservation?” she asks sweetly.

“Yes, we do Lauren. It is under my name,” Liam informs her. She looks down at the list and smiles when she finds his name.

“That’s great. Okay, if you two would just follow me and I will take you to your table.” We follow behind her to a table by the window.

“Hey, Lauren, how’s the car doing? Still running smoothly?” Liam asks her. She turns to face us at our table and smiles at him.

“It is fab, thank you for fitting me in. You and Adrian are lifesavers.” I take my seat and Liam sits opposite me. “I will send your server over to take your orders. Enjoy the evening, both of you.” We both smile at her and she walks away.

The rest of the date goes smoothly. We talk about our childhoods. About the time Liam lived in Ireland for a short period of his young years. It was nice seeing him talk freely and being completely open with me. Most men hate talking about feelings, just sport and women. We tell each other funny stories about Connie and Knox, but I notice that when I talk about Connie, he zones out some.

“I remember when Connie was three, she was so tired but was fighting tooth and nail to stay awake. Anyway, she ended up falling asleep in the washing basket in the kitchen while I was washing the dishes. She looked so cute.” Liam smiles lovingly at me when I tell him stories about Connie.

“Knox was a wild toddler. Always climbing and getting into things. I think he was about fourteen months old and had only been walking a little while, well he decided it would be fun to climb into a suitcase that belonged to one of the groupies that toured with the band. He looked ridiculous when he sat up and he had a bra hanging on his head and a pair of knickers in his mouth. Just to be clear I had him tested. The girls that go on tour can be nasty,” he crinkles his nose in disgust.

I loved hearing stories about Liam and Knox, it helped me get to know them better.

The drive back to my place was filled with sexual tension and I know that Liam wanted to get home as soon as possible, if the size of the bulge in his trousers was anything to go by. As soon as we pull up outside my house, Liam rounds the car again and helps me out of the car, practically dragging me up to the front door and into the house once I open the door.

I trip on the ‘welcome’ mat and Liam laughs at me.

“Oh, my Bambi,” he whispers in my ear. “Fuck, baby, I need you.” Arousal evident in his voice. “Bedroom or here?”

“Bedroom,” I cry, when Liam’s hot mouth latches onto my earlobe. I melt into his body, but he has other ideas. He guides me up the stairs and into my room with his hands on my hips. Occasionally kissing my neck. I open my bedroom door and Liam follows me inside. My heart is racing in my chest, I am pretty sure it will burst through my ribcage at any second. Liam stops me next to my bed and he lays soft, barely there kisses on my neck, again sending shivers over my heated skin. I feel his hands leave my hips and slowly slide from my fingers up over my wrist, up my forearms, up and over my upper arm. They glide over my shoulder and down between my shoulder blades, stopping at the small of my back. Leaning in he kisses me again and I feel his hand rise and pull the zip down on my dress. His big, calloused hands slide between the material of my dress and my shoulders and he pushes the dress off my body, letting it fall to the floor, pooling at my feet. I step out of my dress and away from Liam. I turn to face the man that has been in every sex dream I have had for the past ten years and know that he will make every dream come true.

He will make me feel alive.

He will make me feel sexy.

He will do everything to me that I have ever dreamed about.

Having Liam in my bed again is truly a dream come true.




The night started out amazing, talking to Penny made my heart skip a beat. Hearing her talk about Connie, telling me things she did as a baby and a toddler, also made my heart ache. I need to man the fuck up and ask her about Connie’s father. But I am also a selfish bastard when it comes to her and my cock. I don’t want to piss her off just incase
she won’t let me get balls deep inside her.

Stripping her of her dress and watching as she turns to face me with pure, unadulterated desire in her eyes makes my cock double in size, if that is possible.

“Baby, come here,” I demand, my voice taking on a gravelly tone. She bites the corner of her lip but does what she is told. Yeah, my Bambi likes to be commanded. Good to know. “This...” I run the pad of my thumb over her tight nipple that is trying its best to break through the fabric of her lace bra. “ Is asking to be sucked. To be licked. To be bitten. Do you want that, babe?” She closes her eyes and nods her head. Her breathing has picked up the pace and I can see how turned on she is by the flush of red creeping up her chest. I reach around her and unhook her bra, and slowly remove it from her body; a body like hers should not be covered up. I drop to my knees and lay a kiss on her stomach, a place where she grew Connie and gave her life. I kiss my way across her belly, and lower to where her knickers cover up her skin. I run my wet tongue along flesh and watch as the goosebumps appear.

“Liam.” She pants my name.

“Yeah, Bambi?”

“Lower. I want your mouth lower,”

“Is this what you want, baby?” I say, then kiss her pussy over the lace material. She shivers and places a hand on my head. I keep laying kisses over her material covered pussy and run my hands up her toned legs. Her skin feels like satin under my rough hands. Working as a roadie I have felt up many women but none of them compare to my Bambi. God I could stay here with her and touch her skin night and day.

“You know it is, Liam. I have waited too bloody long to have you again. Please, take me,” she pants out. I chuckle at her words, loving that they come out in a breathy way. I hook my fingers into the waistband of her knickers and slowly peel them down her body. She rests her hands on my shoulders using me to balance herself as she steps out. I look up at her in all her pure perfection. Standing above me, naked as the day she was born and I thank the Lord for bringing Penny Miller back into my life.

Her skin is covered in a pink blush, her pussy is almost completely bare. She has the most perfect trimmed strip of hair leading to the perfect place for tasting. I lean in and run my tongue through her pink pussy. Tasting her, savouring her. Shit, she tastes so damn good.

I stand up and pick up my girl before laying her gently on her bed, careful to keep her arse on the edge. I drop to my knees again and lower my head between her legs. Her taste needs to be on my tongue. Her pussy is all pink and puffy. Shining with arousal and smelling un-fucking-believable. I cover her pussy with my mouth and circle her clit with my tongue. I run my hands up and down her thighs, keeping them spread wide open for me. “Fuck, you taste so good, baby,” I say against her wet throbbing core, while devouring her, and reach down with one hand and undo my trousers and pull out my rock hard cock. I pump it a few times and ram my tongue into her soaking wet core. I can feel her juices run down my chin and I know she is close.

“Yes. Right there. Shit, Liam. Please, I’m going to come,” she pants out in heavy breaths. I slide two fingers inside her and suck hard on her clit and she comes with such force that her back leaves the bed. I keep sucking and pumping, prolonging her orgasm. She twists her body and clamps her legs together, trying to stop my actions but I am not having any of that. Once I feel her pussy calm from the climax I remove my fingers and suck her essence off them. I stand to full height and look down at the beautiful woman sprawled out for me.

I am one lucky son of a bitch.

She is mine.

She was mine then. She is mine now.

We wasn't ready all those years ago.

“You want my cock, babe?” I ask her, as I lower my trousers over my hips and let them fall to the floor. Bending over I remove my shoes and socks and flick my trousers to the side. I lost my blazer when I got into my car after we left the restaurant. I slowly undo the buttons on my shirt and watch Penny watch me. She licks her lips when I open the last button and ever so slowly pull the shirt over my toned shoulders; one at a time.

BOOK: This Time Around
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