To Date A Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance (Weredragon Warriors Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: To Date A Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance (Weredragon Warriors Book 1)
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Amelia's nails dug deep into
his shoulders as she screamed his name. Her head finally fell back
against the cushions and she shuddered and whimpered softly.

Very slowly, she opened her
eyes and blinked up at him. Her lips curved as she reached for him.

Rohan kissed her tenderly,
letting her taste herself on his lips. She murmured as he sat down
on the couch and pulled her onto his lap.

His cock stabbed against her
thigh and she glanced down at his pants. His shirt was undone but
other than that, he hadn't shed a single item of his clothing.

He was harder than ever, and
his dragon was thrashing with fury and frustration within him.

His dragon wanted to take its
mate and release its fire into her.

The sight of Amelia's sated,
naked body wasn't helping. He needed something to distract himself
from his rock hard cock and blue balls.

Amelia was running her
fingers down his chest, her gaze lowering to the huge bulge in his
pants. She tugged at his zipper and whispered, “Why don't I
take care of that for you?”

Rohan was sorely tempted to
take her up on her offer. But if he felt her hands and lips around
his cock, he was sure he would lose the battle against his dragon.

He was after all...a man.

Rohan exhaled harshly.

As he nuzzled her neck, his
phone rang.

Saved by the bell.

Rohan scowled when Amelia
slid off his lap and went to her bedroom, discreetly letting him
answer the call in private. Rohan wanted to pull her back and tell
her that there was no need for her to leave the room. He would never
keep anything from her.

Rohan answered the call. He
was at the door even before Zul had finished speaking.

“What's wrong?”
Amelia asked, running out of her room. She had already changed to a
loose t-shirt and shorts.

“I have to go.”

Amelia wrapped her arms
around herself and gave a jerky nod. Rohan saw the fear and worry in
her eyes. He went to her and hugged her hard, pressing his lips to
her forehead.

“Has someone been…?”
Amelia whispered.

Rohan shook his head. “No
one's been killed.”

“Yet,” they said

Rohan caught her face and
kissed her. She was the most amazing woman he had ever met, so smart
and strong and caring.

She understood everything so
quickly. She understood the threat to his people and what Rohan and
his brothers were up against.

Rohan took a deep breath and
told her the situation. She had a right to know everything. “Zul
has just sighted the Slayor who killed my father. Zul saw General


“Yes. He's a Slayor

“Which means this
Slayor is stronger and better than his soldiers.” Amelia
grabbed his hand. “Please be careful, Rohan.”

“I will.” Rohan
kissed her again and left.


Rohan flew swiftly towards a
small town just west of the city. He used his dragon senses and
zeroed in on Zul's exact location.

He'd called Zul back once he
left Amelia's place. When Rohan asked Zul if he was absolutely sure
it was General Nhor that he saw, Zul answered in the affirmative. “I
saw Nhor walk out of a building and get into a car. There're a group
of Slayors with him,” Zul said. “They're driving out of
the city now. I'll follow them and see what they're up to. They can
see me in dragon form so I'll trail them in my car.”

Rohan didn't bother with his
car. It didn't sound like Nhor and his soldiers were making any
effort to hide from them. Maybe Nhor was forcing a confrontation.
Rohan snarled. He was going to kill Nhor with his bare hands and
avenge his father.

Rohan would never forget the
sadistic pleasure in Nhor's eyes when he looked up at Rohan's ship
seconds after slitting King Rykor's throat. Even as his father
crumpled to the ground, his father had smiled at him. His father
knew that he would get his people to safety and he died with a smile
on his face as he watched his son pilot the ship away from the
smoldering wreckage of their home planet.

Swooping down, Rohan scanned
the forest bordering the town and made a note of the human dwellings.
There were a few houses along the border of the town but they were
spaced far apart.

Rohan finally saw Zul. Zul
was facing five Slayors. but Rohan didn't have time to dwell on the
fact that General Nhor wasn't among them.

One of the Slayors was
holding a pregnant woman hostage. The woman was crying and begging
as another Slayor emerged from the house with a small child.

The woman was a Dracan
female. Her parents were both Dracans, and Rohan sensed the woman's
dragon rising within her. Her rage and pain was waking her dragon,
and Rohan wondered briefly if some of the Dracans might still be able
to shift.

The woman's husband was
human, and Rohan scented human blood all over the woman's nightdress.

The Slayors had killed the
woman's husband in front of her before dragging her out of the house
so she could see them skin her young child alive.

The Slayors weren't just
killing Dracans. They were killing their families, their human mates
and children.

The toddler was wailing and
struggling furiously as the Slayor held her by the scruff of her
neck. Giving the kid a hard shake, the Slayor unsheathed his blade
and held it to the little girl's face. He smiled as he prepared to
slice off her ear.

“No!” the woman
screamed. “My baby! No, please, no!”

Rohan shifted as he dived
towards the frightened child. He dropped out of the air and smashed
into the Slayor. Growling and grunting, they rolled away from the
child, their hands around each other's throats.

The Slayors all turned their
heads to stare at Rohan. Taking advantage of the distraction, Zul
made his move. In a flash, he lunged and grabbed the Slayor's arm.
As he held the Slayor back, Zul yelled to the pregnant woman, “Go!
Take your child and run!”

The woman was crying so hard
she could hardly see. Sobbing and screaming, she stumbled to her
daughter and picked the toddler up. Without looking back, she fled
the scene, clutching her child tightly to her chest.

With the woman and child out
of the way, Zul and Rohan got on with the business of dispatching the
Slayors in the quickest and bloodiest way possible.

Black blood flowed across the
ground and seeped into cracks and drains. Rohan yanked his dagger
out from a Slayor's chest and spun round to stab another Slayor in
the neck as the bastard came at him. Two down, four to go.

Zul was surrounded by three
Slayors. He plunged his blade into a Slayor's throat just before the
other two Slayors charged him. Zul lowered himself to a crouch and
bared his teeth at them.

“That's right. Pick on
someone your own size,” Zul snarled. “Don't go after the
women, children and humans.”

From the corner of his eye,
Rohan saw the last Slayor slinking into the shadows. He turned and
gave chase. He wasn't going to let a single Slayor get away. He
would hunt them down the same way they hunted his people.
Relentlessly and mercilessly.

The Slayor ran towards the
woods and disappeared between the trees. Rohan lost sight of the
bastard momentarily before catching a sudden movement to his right.

He charged deeper into the
woods, determined not to let his enemy get away.

Rohan skidded to an abrupt
stop when he saw the Slayor standing just a few feet away. Something
wasn't right.

A slow smile was spreading
across the Slayor's face.

His limbs seemed to have
disappeared, and his body was elongating, twisting and changing into
the shape of a snake.

He was shifting into a


Rohan took a step back,
cursing under his breath. His suspicions were finally confirmed.
Some of the Slayors had retained their shifting abilities. They
weren't invincible but it made them harder to kill.

A giant serpent was now
coiled at the base of the tree, its forked tongue flicking out of its
black mouth.

Rohan yanked out the knife
from his ankle holster just before the snake widened its jaws and
aimed its venom at him.

The large serpent lurched
towards him, its venom hitting Rohan on the cheek. Rohan bellowed at
the searing pain and slashed viciously with his knife. The serpent
swiftly coiled around his legs, holding him in place.

Rohan stabbed his blade into
the serpent's side, but the monster kept tightening its coils around
Rohan's body.

Rohan's arms were pinned to
his sides and he couldn't even breathe. Rohan struggled and roared
in fury as the serpent hissed and prepared to plunge its fangs into
his neck.

There was an answering roar
of pure rage just before a long glinting blade flashed through the

The snake's head separated
from its body and Rohan saw Zul's red, contorted face.

“Go to hell, and stay
there!” Zul screamed and twisted his blade into the snake's
dead eyes.

Rohan stared at the carcass
of the dead Slayor and realized that he had grossly underestimated
the enemy. And he had nearly paid for his oversight with his life.

Zul wrenched his dagger out
of the snake's skull and spat. “I've never seen the Slayors
shift into their snake forms on Earth. When did they learn to do

“I should have foreseen
this. The Slayors are highly trained soldiers. They are used to
brutal discipline and harsh conditions. Those who didn't learn fast
enough were killed. It makes the rest of them learn in a hurry,”
Rohan said.

“Doesn't matter if
they're in snake form or human form,” Zul snarled. “I'll
lop off all their fucking heads!”

Rohan's eyes widened
suddenly. “Where's Nhor? You said you saw General Nhor.”

“I did.” Zul
frowned.. “I followed the car all the way here. Those Slayors
got out and swarmed into the house. I heard screams and I ran
straight towards the house. My only thought was to save the woman
and her kid. Oh fuck! Oh shit!” Zul slapped his forehead.
“Nhor must have slipped away! I'm sorry, Rohan...”

“You did your job. You
saved the woman and her kid.”


“I'll hunt Nhor down
myself,” Rohan said. “Incinerate the bodies before you

Zul nodded but just as he
turned to go, Rohan called him back.

“Is Edriq covering your

Zul froze. “No. I
forgot to tell him. I had my eye on Nhor and I just...”

Rohan stopped breathing. “So
nobody is watching the house right now.”

Zul shook his head and yanked
his phone out.

But Rohan had already taken
to the air. He had to get home right now.

Shit! He had walked right
into General Nhor's trap.

This was a decoy.

General Nhor had made sure
that Zul saw him and followed him. He wanted to lure Zul away and
distract them with a battle.

An innocent civilian had been
killed tonight, but to Nhor, that was just an insignificant,
disposable life.

General Nhor was after
something else. Something very precious to Rohan.

There was a deafening,
anguished roar in his ears as Rohan cut through the cold night air.
His dragon let out a stream of fire, wanting to raze everything in
its path.

Rohan shifted back to human
form as he landed on his lawn. He charged across the grass and ran
straight to the house. The front door was ajar, and when he slammed
into the house, he saw fragments of broken glass littering the floor.

There were drops of blood on
the marble floor.

Tessa's blood.

A light was on in the kitchen
and Rohan rushed in to see Mrs Vomae huddled on the floor with her
hands and feet tightly bound. There was a rag in her mouth but
physically she was unhurt. She stared up at Rohan with red, puffy
eyes and began to shake.

Once Rohan pulled the rag out
of her mouth, the poor woman began blubbering uncontrollably. She
flung herself at Rohan's feet and cried, “Your Highness!
Forgive me!”

“Mrs Vomae, stop...”

“I deserve death!”
She was speaking rapidly, almost incoherently in the old Dracan
language. “Oh, Your Highness, they took the princess! I
couldn't stop them. I failed you, Your Highness! I failed...”


Amelia stood at the window
and watched the night sky, her mind whirling with a million thoughts.
She thought about everything that had happened, and the pieces all
fell into place.

BOOK: To Date A Dragon: BBW Dragon Shifter Romance (Weredragon Warriors Book 1)
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