Read To Refuse a Rake Online

Authors: Kristin Vayden

Tags: #Romance, #Regency, #England, #Historical Romance

To Refuse a Rake (17 page)

BOOK: To Refuse a Rake
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“Not entirely… but if you don’t stop fidgeting you’re going to make me want to kill you.” Hudson spoke with a wry tone.

Hewett shot him a glare, but ceased his movements. The last thing Hudson needed was to be distracted by his friend’s inability to keep a calm demeanor. Perhaps he should have done this himself, yet he needed someone to keep the odds on his side. Two against one was always better odds.

“There he is.” Hewett nodded to the left side of the street.

Quickly Hudson tapped on the ceiling of the carriage and the driver pulled over. Hudson stepped out and adjusted his coat. With a stern glance at Hewett, who nodded from inside the carriage, Hudson strode forward, following Lord Longton and closing the distance.

“Lovely day for a drive.” Hudson caught up to Lord Longton.

“Indeed.” Lord Longton regarded Hudson curiously, surely wondering at his odd statement.

“You want to come with me.” Hudson glanced about, thankful that only a few people were walking around, none of which were paying attention.

“I beg your pardon?” Lord Longton’s tone was confused and wary.

“I said, you want to come with me. Now. I have information you need.” Hudson tried to give the future duke his most earnest expression, hoping the duke would follow him.

“Very well.” Lord Longton spoke hesitantly.

He followed Hudson to the carriage and upon securing the latch he rapped on the ceiling and the carriage took off down the street at a rapid pace. Lord Longton’s eyes widened in shock at the quick pace and he leaned back, a concerned expression overcoming his features.

Hudson took out his gun and laid it on the bench beside him. Lord Longton’s eyes grew large. Hudson then nodded to Hewett who was now sweating. Hewett shook his head. Hudson glared at him until Hewett, with shaking hands, withdrew his own pistol and visibly swallowed.

“What, what is this about?” Lord Longton’s gaze was fixed on the firearms.

“Oh, just a kidnapping of sorts.”

“Kidnapping?” Lord Longton’s eyes widened.

“Indeed.” Hudson leaned back, as if at total ease.

“We — we…” Hewett’s voice was shaking and he paused to gulp. “We do this often. All in good fun, you understand.” Hewett offered a sickly smile.

Hudson wanted to groan.
Hold it together, Hewett!

“In good fun, you say?” Lord Longton eyed the gun meaningfully.

“Yes. We do this quite often. Keeps the blood flowing after all the boring society functions.” Hudson waved his hand in a dismissive gesture.

“Ah.” Lord Longton nodded but he didn’t appear as though he believed the load of rubbish Hudson was feeding him.

“I do have one question. You see, soon you’ll be free to go. We simply need the answer to one question.” Hudson picked up the gun and began to examine it.

“One question? Why couldn’t you have simply asked me earlier?” Lord Longton narrowed his eyes.

“Ruins the fun.” Hewett spoke as he wiped his forehead with a handkerchief.

“I see.” He turned his gaze back to Hudson. “And the guns?”

“Add to the thrill of it all,” Hudson said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

“What is your question then?” Lord Longton was narrowing his eyes as he studied Hudson, still toying with the gun.

“It’s quite simple actually. Lady Hodge. You’re aware of her… history.”

“Indeed… and if you think that you can bully me away from her—”

“I’m more concerned about your hurting her.” Hudson speared him with an icy glare.

Lord Longton’s face was expressionless for a whole second, before he burst out into a loud laugh. “Is
what this is all about? You’re concerned about my intentions toward Lady Hodge?”

Hudson leaned forward. “I don’t find it that humorous of a question.”

Lord Longton shook his head. “My intentions are honorable, I assure you. If you must know, I’ve been watching Lady Hodge for quite some time, waiting ‘til she seemed ready for a courtship. I took a chance at Lady Linden’s and, if I’m assuming correctly, she is amicable to my suit. If she agrees, I intend to make her my wife.” Lord Longton’s expression was sincere, but still slightly wary as Hudson continued to toy with his gun.

“If what you say is correct, then this false kidnapping is over.” Hudson set the gun down and reached out to shake Lord Longton’s hand.

“I must say, you two do lean on the dramatic side,” Lord Longton said as he shook Hudson’s hand.

“Keeps it lively you know,” Hewett said, his voice full of relief as he mopped his forehead once again.

“I don’t know if the guns were necessary.” Lord Longton eyed Hewett’s gun.

“Oh! They aren’t load—” Hewett cocked the pistol and pulled the trigger, setting off a shot that went through the ceiling, leaving a small hole through which poked a slender finger of sunshine.

The carriage was silent as Hewett stared at his smoking pistol. Hudson closed his eyes, shaking his head. He should simply be thankful Hewett hadn’t killed himself or anyone else.

“Not loaded, indeed.” Lord Longton stared at the hole.

Lord Longton then did the most astonishing thing. He began to laugh. Soon Hudson joined in, followed by a slightly hysterical Hewett.

“Indeed, chaps! This is truly the most fun I’ve had in an age! So tell me, who is to be the next victim?”

Chapter Fifteen

“Emma! We will be late to your own wedding if you do not hurry!” Sadie’s voice echoed through the heavy wooden door as Emma gazed at herself in the mirror. She wore a fine muslin gown with silk overlay in a rich cream color that highlighted the color of her skin. A soft silk shawl was draped over her bed, embroidered with violet flowers. Emma walked over to the beautiful fabric and ran her fingers over the softness. She put it on delicately and closed her eyes, savoring the memory.

“Emma!” Sadie called again, this one more exasperated than the last. A moment later she opened the door and came in, only to stop short when she saw Emma. “Oh, my. You are beautiful,” she whispered reverently.

Emma smiled in response.

“Let me help you.” Sadie went to get the small matching cap with a short lace veil.

Earlier Emma had dismissed her maid, wanting some time alone. Now it seemed perfect for her sister to add the final and finishing touch.

“Here, if you’ll just bend slightly. Perfect!” Sadie placed a few pins and secured the small and delicate finery to her hair. “He’ll be stunned by your beauty. I doubt he’ll even be able to speak,” Sadie said as she gave her sister a kiss on the cheek.

“That would certainly be a first!” Emma joked, feeling her self relax in the slight joke.

“Indeed. Are you ready to go?” Sadie grasped her hands and stared intently into her eyes.

“Yes, truly I cannot wait.” Emma smiled her response as the sisters went downstairs and out to the carriage. Their mother was waiting, regarding them with tears in her eyes.

The ride to the small church was subdued, and Emma’s nerves grew tense as they came closer. It wasn’t that she questioned her decision; rather she was more anxious for it to be finished, for her to belong to Hudson and him to her. Her tension came from impatience, nothing more. The thought brought a smile to her a face and caused a slight chuckle to escape. Sadie gave her a curious glance but otherwise didn’t comment.

When it was finally time, Emma took a deep breath before entering the hall where Hudson waited with the vicar. Sadie was already ahead of her, along with Lenore, and now, it was her moment. The doors opened and she took her first step, then another before glancing up to find Hudson’s gaze. Even from the back of the hall, his chocolate eyes were full of emotion and amazement. If she had never seen herself in the mirror that day, his expression spoke volumes of how he saw her as beautiful and breathtaking. All the things Sadie had foretold.

The hall was full. Word had spread that Lord Daventry had melted the resolve of her intention to remain a spinster, and the ton wanted a glimpse for themselves. All the hundred invitations sent out on short notice had been returned with affirmative responses. Even now, the thought brought a smile to Emma’s face. But the thought was only a flicker in the midst of a million emotions all overtaking her as she walked toward the front. Hudson’s gaze never wavered, but he shifted as if striving to remain in place, not rush to her side and claim her. Emma felt a wicked smirk tilt her lips and she slowed her steps, prolonging the moment and surely provoking Hudson.

As if reading her intentions, Hudson’s eyebrow rose in challenge as a devilish expression overtook his features.

Unable to stand it any longer, Emma increased her pace to an almost impolite speed and soon she was standing beside Hudson, gazing into the warm chocolate of his gaze.

“You’ll pay for that later,” Hudson whispered as he leaned forward to kiss her hand.

“I have no doubt.” Emma quirked an eyebrow.

The service was over quickly and soon they were on their way to the wedding breakfast. Upon entering the carriage, Hudson pulled her onto his lap and began to kiss her earnestly and with unbridled need. His powerful hands soon had caressed each inch of her accessible through the fabric of the dress. Emma returned his attention, plunging her hands into his hair and pulling him deeper into a searing kiss.

“We, we must wait… the breakfast. We’re expected.” Emma gasped as Hudson’s lips left hers and trailed hot kisses down her neck and lower until he was pulling at the bodice of her gown.

“Hang the breakfast,” Hudson murmured against her flesh.

“I don’t think that—” Emma’s words were cut off when Hudson captured them with a searing kiss, causing her to completely forget her train of thought.

The carriage stopped, causing Hudson to pause in his lavish attentions. He gazed up at Emma, a hungry passion dancing in his eyes. Emma fought to catch her breath; her body would surely catch on fire from such a gaze!

“Fifteen minutes.” Hudson growled as he closed his eyes and visibly tried to calm himself.

“Ten,” Emma replied as she traced the line of his jaw.

“Five. Only five. Five minutes in the hell that is that breakfast and then we leave. Agreed?” Hudson’s gaze sent shivers of delightful anticipation through her.


As much as Emma wanted to leave after the agreed upon five minutes, it quickly came and went. Then ten minutes passed. She kept casting hopeless glances at Hudson, but neither of them seemed able to find a way of leaving without causing a dramatic scene. After thirty minutes, she saw Hudson make his way across the room, wearing a determined gaze and walking with a purposeful step that caused others to give him a wide berth. Emma’s belly swirled with anticipation. He was finished; he was coming to claim her. With a mighty bow, he took her hand and led her to the floor. He glanced at the orchestra and they began a waltz. Emma gave him curious look but played along. Surely it was strange to waltz at this moment!

“Trust me.” Hudson whispered in her ear.

Soon Lenore and Lord Hewett joined the waltz with them, leading to a flood of people taking the dance floor beside them.

“Now,” Hudson commanded softly and began to dance toward the side of the room. When they reached the edge he slowed his steps and squeezed her hand. Swiftly, he led her to a side room that opened to a side entrance. Their carriage waited and Emma paused. Turning to Hudson she reached up and gave him a searing kiss of intense gratitude.

“My thoughts exactly,” she whispered against his lips.


Hudson counted the stairs to his London town home, knowing precisely that he had five steps left until he could slam the door on the world and captivate his wife without further interruption. It had been the longest morning of his life, and if his body were any more aroused, he would yell in frustration. Already he was clenching his teeth as he took the final two steps.

“Mine, you are officially, irrevocably mine.” Hudson almost growled the words before sweeping Emma’s inviting form into his arms and leaping up the remaining stairs two at a time. Upon entering his room, he strode purposefully to the bed and set down her feminine frame onto the mattress. The soft bed bent slightly under her. He wanted to cover her, be the weight on top of her, pressing her into the soft fullness of the bed and driving his name from her berry lips!

With herculean effort, he took a step back and collected his thoughts. As much as he simply wanted to possess her, he knew she was an innocent and this would be her first experience at making love. He was determined that it be beyond anything she could imagine. Yet, he silently groaned at the fortitude required for him to restrain himself so fully. But she was worth it, and such was love. Because as much as he wanted her body, he adored, loved every part that made Emma, his wife. Her needs, wants, desires easily conquered his own and with that realization firmly in place, he felt his heartbeat slow to a steady, determined pace as he made his way to where Emma waited, watching him.

“Emma. My wife.” Hudson spoke the words with reverence as moved toward her. Her eyes widened before darkening with passion and arousal. “Mine,” Hudson vowed as he leaned close, placing a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth.

Emma let out a slightly shaky breath and Hudson paused. Was she frightened? Never had it occurred to him that she would be frightened. He leaned back, gazing into her eyes and searching them for an answer.

“Emma, are you…” He paused. “Emma, my love, you have no reason to be afraid,” he whispered tenderly, cupping her face in his hand and savoring her soft skin’s texture.

“Afraid?” Emma asked. Confusion clouded her expression.

“Yes, you have nothing—”

“I’m not afraid. But I am…” She paused, glancing down as if embarrassed.

A rose blush covered her enticing face and Hudson’s body tightened even further.

“I’m afraid I’m simply, impatient.” Emma glanced up with a sheepish expression.

Hudson felt his face break into a wide grin. “Then you shall wait no longer.” With lithe movements, Hudson pressed her into the soft mattress while caressing her lips with his own, teasing them with his tongue but not giving what he now knew she craved. No. He would build up the anticipation until she cried out for him, until her only thought was desire, and until his name was possessed by her surrender.

BOOK: To Refuse a Rake
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