TOCABAGA (Revised Edition) (Book #1 of The Tocabaga Chronicles) (10 page)

BOOK: TOCABAGA (Revised Edition) (Book #1 of The Tocabaga Chronicles)
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’d told everyone in our family to stay inside when they heard the shooting start.

Sessions was on the radio to Tommy,
“Take out Captain Clinton with your Cobb 50 and maybe the rest will give up before we kill them all.”

Tommy replied,
“Roger that, Captain.”

I asked, “
Tommy, can you see Clinton?”

eah, he is trying to hide behind an APC, but I’ve got a clear shot at his head.”

was taking aim. Ron and I were watching through our scopes and without warning … KABAM! … Tommy fired. We watched Clinton’s head explode, a blood red mist went up in the air, and his body fell to the ground.

Tommy called Sessions, “
Captain the target is eliminated, Sir.”

“Roger that
,” Sessions replied.

After a
bout five minutes the shooting tapered down and finally stopped. The Feds raised a white flag, meaning they surrendered. The men started to throw down their guns and climb out of the Hummers and APC trucks. They raised their hands and started toward the bridge. The Bradley pulled forward with its machine guns ready and the commander told the Feds to stop and line up single file. Captain Sessions walked down to meet them with about thirty Rangers. The battle had only lasted about seven minutes.

men had surrendered, with 48 killed. Four of the five Hummers were blown up and two APCs were destroyed. The Rangers proceeded to frisk each of the men and zip-tie their hands behind their backs. Captain Sessions told them they were all under arrest for attacking the US Army and they were enemy combatants. They were loaded up and taken to Ft. Desoto in their own trucks. The prisoners would be moved to another location far away from us in a day or two.

The battle was over but six rangers were killed and much to
my surprise, so was Robbie. A Ranger Medic found Robbie lying in the grass near the bridge. He had been hit by a 50 caliber BMG round and had a hole in him the size of a soft ball. He died instantly and probably never knew what hit him.

Eddy was
sitting next to Robbie when I arrived. I asked Eddy, “What happened?”

obbing, Eddy said, “We were looking for you guys and the stupid Feds opened fire. I hit the dirt, but Robbie kept walking and got shot by a random bullet. I can’t talk about it now. I don’t know how his wife Maggie is going to take this; I have to go tell her.”

I’ll go with you, Eddy.”

e covered his body with a blanket before placing him in the truck. Robbie would be buried at sea like everyone else who had died.

Ranger Medic approached us and asked, “Sir would you like a body bag for your friend?”

I said
, “Yes, thank you. He was my good friend Robbie.” Ron and Eddy helped me zip Robbie into the black bag.

I can’t write
more now, maybe later I will.       



We are waiting for you to contact us by email to find out where Tocabaga is located. There is an email address hidden these chronicles. In case you missed it…
[email protected]

I will reply.


Jack Gunn




– Daughter of Jack Gunn, a Nurse and sharp shooter

Big Dan
– Tocabaga security guard killed by the doper gang

– Tocabaga security guard

– Handy man and Tocabaga security agent

Colonel Turner
– Commanding Officer of the Army Rangers based at Fort                   Desoto

Captain Sessions
– Combat officer, commands and controls combat operations in the field

Captain Clinton
- Captain of the Federal Police Force

Captain Riley
– Lady tank commander, girl friend of Captain Sessions

Deputy Matthews
– Sherriff Deputy in charge of Tocabaga

Doc Scott
– Tocabaga doctor

– Good Friend of Jack Gunn, brews beer and grows pot and is on the security team

General Harper
– General in charge of the Rangers

– Wife of Jack Gunn.

- Wife of Ron Gunn, a Nurse.

Jim Bo
– Husband to Amy and Son-in- Law of Jack.

– Granddaughter of Jack Gunn, Daughter of Tommy Gunn                         

– Wife of Robbie, who is in charge of the farming

– One of Jacks’ best friends killed by the doper gang

bbie –
Best friend of Jack Gunn, a Tocabaga security guard killed by the FPF on April 25, 2025

Ron -
Brother of Jack Gunn retired Navy Veteran.

– President of Tocabaga association, security team member

– Tocabaga security guard wounded by the doper gang

– Jacks’ neighbor and security guard

Sergeant Smith
- Army Ranger assigned as security guard for Jack

– Little girl, daughter of big Jim a bad guy, killed by Jack

Tommy Gunn
– Son of Jack Gunn and a retired Marine Scout Sniper.

– Wife of Tommy Gunn

– Bar keeper and sharp shooter for Tocabaga security.

BOOK: TOCABAGA (Revised Edition) (Book #1 of The Tocabaga Chronicles)
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