Read Together Forever Online

Authors: Vicki Green

Together Forever (3 page)

BOOK: Together Forever
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“I, um. I have to go to the bathroom,” I say quietly. His hand covering my breast squeezes gently while his thumb rubs over my nipple, causing it to bloom rapidly. My head goes back against his chest, and I moan. “Ugh, Shane. I’m gonna have an accident all over you and my bed. I’m warning you, you’d better let me go.” I giggle and wiggle some more. I want to stay right where I am so bad and finish what he started but seriously, I have to go!

He releases me, and I make a mad dash for the bathroom. While I am in there I quickly brush my teeth and hair. Bent over brushing my long hair over my head, I feel him wrap his arms around my waist, kissing me on my neck. I bend my head to the side to give him better access. He does not disappoint, sucking so hard he may leave a hickey.

“Let’s go get clean,” he says in his sexy voice. Abruptly, he lets me go, and I almost fall over. I stand and watch him turn on the shower, testing the water with his hand. He stands there in all his nakedness, his beautiful body telling me he is ready for round one of the day. I can only stand there, looking at his magnificent body, his morning wood standing so proudly. Sigh. I could get used to this, every day.

He turns in my direction, his dark eyes roaming my body from toe to head, slowly. His eyes meet mine, looking into my soul. I gasp as he reaches me in one stride, lifting me up, and cradling me like a bride. I take advantage of it, and my mouth locks on to his. He carries me into the shower, slowly lets me down and turns me around to face him. He quickly lifts me up again as my legs find his waist, and he pushes me against the wall. The tiles feeling cool as the internal flame begins to heat in me.

Kissing feverishly, he holds me with a firm grip, and moves us over to the built in shower ledge. I stand on my knees, straddling his legs, and bend my head down, not wanting to lose the connection. His mouth finally breaks free and kisses my cheek. “I hate to stop but I need to go get a condom. I can’t wait to have you again.”

“Ungh, Shane! I’m on the pill. Don’t stop, don’t stop! Please, don’t stop!” I am mewling like a cat in heat. My body is so alive and needing him so much that I feel like I am in a frenzy with desire.

He gives me a wicked grin and lifts me up, slowly guiding me back down, impaling his engorged cock. My head instantly falls back, and I hear our moans in unison, echoing off the shower walls. With his hand, he lifts my head back and crushes his lips to mine, probing my mouth with his tongue. Gripping my waist, he moves me up and down as I use my knees to push with him, and we find our rhythm together. He is so deep inside me my sensitive spot is being hit every time. We rock faster and faster until I feel my climax beginning to crest. My knees gripping his hips as he rubs my clit, and my muscles start to clench around his cock. I can feel his cock growing more and more, stretching me until I feel I can’t take much more of him.

“Oh. My. God! Shaaaaannnnneeee,” I yell, my orgasm overtaking me. I slam my forehead against his chest. His cock slams into me a few more times until I hear him moan my name, loudly. His hands rub up and down my back as we sit here, trying to catch our breaths. Kissing my head, he says, “That was beyond amazing, love. You are my new addiction. I can’t get enough of you.”

I snuggle into him and sigh. “Amazing doesn’t cover what we just did. Do you think we will ever make it out of my condo?” I giggle, my head moving up and down with his laughs.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I start tickling her sides, and if not for my arms catching her, she would have fallen off my lap. Thank all that is holy she is on the pill. I’ve never had bare sex before, but this made it feel so much more than making love. I’ve never made love to anyone, until Allie. I love her so much and need to tell her how much she means to me. Fuck I love my woman! My woman!

Jesse told me one night that she’s had a horrible past with relationships. He made me promise never to act as if I knew but damn she’s had some fucking assholes that have hit on her. They left her beaten, broken and doubting herself as a person. It made my blood boil, and I wanted to go find each and every one of them and kick their fucking asses until they would think twice of ever hurting anyone again. She needs to know it’s not her, that it’s those stupid pricks out there. She needs to know she’s a gorgeous, beautiful, loving person, and that I want to be the lucky schmuck to have her. Always.

I hear her phone ringing, mercilessly, from in her room. I take her hand and lead her out of the shower, and quickly wrap a towel around her naked and magnificent body. I pull her into her room, pick up her phone and place it in her hand. Puckering her lips, she gives me an air kiss, smiles and answers the phone.

“Hello? Sex slave here.” I wink at her and am rewarded with her cute giggles. She stops, her eyes going wide. “Oh! Jesse, um, sorry! Private joke.” I laugh as she slaps her hand against her forehead. “Yes, I’ll be up there shortly and I can stop by and get that bag for Cassie, no problem. Um, kay, bye.” Sitting down on the bed, she drops the phone.

I quickly pull on my jeans and sit next to her, putting my hand on her knee. I grin, trying to hold back my laugh. “So, you need to get to the hospital, yeah?” I’m afraid I’m not being very successful at holding my laughter but she’s just too damn cute in her embarrassment. Fuck, I’m getting hard again.

She pushes my hand off her leg and turns to face me. A fist punches me on my shoulder, playfully, and she purses her lips. Fucking cute. “Yes, now stop that! I need to stop by their house and pick up a bag of baby clothes that Cassie forgot in her haste to get to the hospital. Wanna go with me?” She gives me her sweet smile. How can I resist that? I’m never gonna be able to make it through a hospital visit. My cock is pushing against my zipper as it is. It has other things in mind.

I put my arm around my girl, pulling her against me. After kissing the top of her head, I proceed to lay my face there and start rubbing her silky, soft hair with my cheek. “I’ll take you, love. I don’t want to be away from you for even a second. It’s gonna be so hard to go back to work tomorrow.” The light bulb in my pea brain goes off. I don’t want to be away from her anymore. I want to be with her as much as I possibly can. I don’t want to go back to the way things were before. I can’t.

I abruptly let go of her and place my hands on her shoulders, swinging her body around to face me. “Move in with me! Or, I’ll move in with you! It would be great to have you with me all the time! I don’t want to spend another minute without you, love. I want to see you every morning, in OUR bed, and go to sleep with you, every night, in my arms. Whaddya say? Let’s do it!” I’m talking so fast in my excitement that I’m not sure she can even understand what I just said. Fuck, I’ve never wanted this so much in my life! She has completely unhinged me.

She looks at me with, is that fear in her eyes? Great! Now I just scared her off. Fucking idiot. Ok, think. I can’t think rationally anymore when I’m around her. That’s it. I’ve turned into a fucking pussy.

She brings me out of my internal ramblings and clears her throat. I can’t let her turn this down, turn me down. I can’t let her run away from me. Not gonna happen! I won’t let her. I will just have to be more convincing, show her how much she means to me, how much of a great, loving, vivacious person she is. I’ve got to build up her self-confidence. I have to try!

“Shane,” she begins. My fear just kicked up a notch. “My feelings for you are so deep. I can’t begin to tell you how I feel about you.” She places her hand on my face. I close my eyes, for a brief moment, reopening them to look into hers with hope. “I would love to live together, but I’m not sure I’m ready. I— I don’t have any experience with this or relationships in general.” Closing her eyes, she barely whispers, “I’m scared.”

Quickly, I take her face in my hands. “Allie, love, look at me.” She opens her eyes, gazing into mine. I can see how scared she looks and it my heart breaks. “I love you. Don’t mistake that for anything but what it is. I love you. Believe that.” I lean into her, kissing her mouth quickly, and then I stare into her beautiful eyes again. “I know you’re scared and nervous. That’s a natural feeling, love. We have time to get to know each other better. There are things you don’t know about me either. We have all the time in the world to do that.”

I move one of my hands to the back of her head and stroke her hair. She loves when I do that. One of my favorite things to do to her, among others. “But know this. I want to take care of you. I want to be with you, every second of the day that will allow. I want to wake up with you, every morning, feel your body close to mine. I want to go to bed with you in my arms, every night. I want you to be mine. I love you.”

I watch as tears leak from her eyes. She blinks rapidly trying to push them out. I release my hold on her and quickly take her in my arms. She buries her face into my chest. “Shhhh, love. Don’t cry. I didn’t mean to make you cry. I never want to hurt you. Never,” I murmur in her ear, rubbing my hands up and down her back. Damn! This isn’t going how I thought it would. Now I’ve hurt the only person I’ve ever loved, that I will ever love.

Then I hear her voice, muffled by my chest. “Happy tears, Shane. They are happy tears.” She moves her head up and lays it on my shoulder, putting her arm around my waist. Her voice clearer now. “I’m scared. I won’t lie. I’ve had horrible encounters with men, Shane. You’re— You’re the first man who has ever cared for me or cared about me.” Her eyes look up at me, red and swollen. “I’m scared I’ll lose you. That you’ll wise up and leave me. I don’t think I could take that. You’ve become my best friend, my lover.” She sniffles. “And so much more.”

I stand, pulling her with me. I grip her arms and bend down to look at her face. “I get that, love. I do. I’ve never loved a woman before. I’ve never lived with a woman before. But I want to so badly with you. My girlfriend. My love.” I wipe the tears from her face. “Sometimes you have to take a chance on something or you’ll miss out. You’ll never know what could have been. Take that step, Allie. Take that step with me.”

Her smile starts slow but widens quickly. She wipes her face with the back of her hand and takes a deep breath. “Ok!” She says. Her eyes get bigger. “Move in with me. I’ll take that step for you, for us. I want to. I can’t imagine being without you either. I don’t want to be without you another minute.”

I kiss her roughly and she kisses me back with equal fever. I release her mouth and grab her, hugging tightly. She snuggles her face into my neck, breathing me in. “You’ve made me the luckiest man in the world, love. I’m so happy. You made the right decision, you’ll see!” Bending down, so I can look into her eyes, I am beaming. “I hope you’re happy. I only want happiness for you.”

She cups my face, her smile is huge and genuine. “I am happy, darling. Nervous, but I’m ready. So, can you move in today?” She giggles.

I let out the breath I had been holding and look at her in relief. “Seriously?” She nods sharply. “Consider it done! I don’t have that much in the little room over the tattoo parlor so it won’t take much for me to pack it up. Wanna help me after we are done at the hospital?” She nods again in excitement and folds into my arms. She is exactly where I want her to be and where I will keep her. In my arms and in my heart. Together forever.

Chapter Two

Around noon we went to the hospital with Cassie’s big bag in hand. I watched Allie love on those babies for about an hour. I could see what a wonderful mother she would be. Huh? Am I actually thinking about having kids with Allie? Hell, yes!

It was hard for me to get Allie to leave, but I wanted to get over to my apartment and get packed up. I was anxious to move in with her and having her all to myself. I know when she tells Jesse he will fight me on this. But, I don’t care. I love her, and I’m not letting her go. He’ll just have to suck it up and trust that I will take care of her. I mean, I can understand why he would want to protect her. He’s always protected her. Maybe he will think I’m moving in on his territory. He loves his sister so much, I understand. I hope he can let her go, let her live her life. I can protect her. I will protect her. I don’t want to lose Jesse as a friend. We’ve become really close since he and Cassie moved here. But, I have to take that chance.

My pickup truck was full to the brim, but we got everything in there. The furniture was already in my apartment when I moved here so it stayed. Thank God. Once I got all the ropes tightly secured, making sure nothing will fall out, we head over to our place. Our place. Fuck that sounds good.

It took over two hours of packing, moving and unpacking, but by early evening, we finally got it done. Damn, I’m exhausted! Not too tired to kiss on my love’s neck though. We’re sitting on the couch, her luscious body there just waiting for me to take. I put my hand on her breast kneading and squeezing her nipples hardening with my touch.

“Ugh, Shane, aren’t you tired at all?” She says as I push her down on the couch.

“Don’t worry, love (kiss). I’ll do all the work (kiss). You just lay there and enjoy (kiss).” I tell her as I work her body over with my mouth and hands. She moans as I slide my hand down her pants, cupping her wet pussy, her body squirming beneath me. I lift up her shirt and bite one of her nipples through her bra, causing her to arch her back. Her hand’s digging into the couch cushion. Perfect!

I pull her bra down, freeing her breasts. Finally! Kissing her breast all over, I suck a pink nipple into my mouth. “I can’t get enough of you, love. I need more,” I whisper to her ample breast.

I remove her clothing quickly and proceed to get myself undressed. I love how she watches me, her eyes half closed and full of desire. She’s so fucking perfect. So I give her a show. I take my cock in hand, stroking from base to top until it becomes so hard it’s painful. But it’s worth it, watching her lick her lips, seeing how ready she is for me.

I’m on top of her in an instant, pushing my swelled and hardened cock into her quickly. So wet for me, her juices dripping. Fuck that feels so good. “I can’t go slowly, my love. Not this time. I need you so bad,” I pant. I drive in and out of her with such force, I can feel the couch moving. “God, you feel so good. You’re all I need, Allie, you’re all I crave and desire.” Sliding my hand down her body to where we are joined, she yells out as my thumb rubs her sensitive and swollen clit. “Come on, love. Cum for me. Let it carry you away.”

BOOK: Together Forever
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