Read Touch of Amber: Hot Rods, Book 7 Online

Authors: Jayne Rylon

Tags: #biker;Hot Rods;interracial;wedding;lawyer;erotic romance

Touch of Amber: Hot Rods, Book 7 (6 page)

BOOK: Touch of Amber: Hot Rods, Book 7
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She blinked at him a few times. “You are? We will?”

“Fuck yes.” He snarled, snatching her hand and pressing it to his still-hard cock. “And in approximately thirty-seven hours, or some shit like that, you won’t have any excuses left. We’ll deal with this then.”

“Oh.” She swallowed hard enough that he watched her pretty neck flex.

His grin was likely predatory, but he didn’t give a fuck.

He followed it up with his best imitation of an innocent smile. “So, love, what’s next on your list?”

Chapter Six

Amber couldn’t believe her baby sister was getting married. After months of preparation, today was the day. She sniffled to keep her makeup flawlessly preserved.

“You okay?” Gavyn came up behind her at the mirror. She liked the way they looked together. He’d shaved and put on an expensive suit from his prior life that looked like it had been cut exclusively for his well-muscled frame. It complemented the deep purple gown her sister had selected. It seemed a bit much for the sister-of-the-bride, but part of her was secretly thrilled Nola had insisted, considering Amber had never gone to her prom or any other formal event.

Especially since Gavyn couldn’t stop staring at the things the sweetheart neckline did to showcase her boobs, which looked pretty great if she did say so herself. A black sash cinched her waist and long, decadent feathers trimmed the skirt where it flared out around her calves. She’d never felt so sexy, whether because of the dress or the man staring at her. Maybe both.

Even if they were exhausted. He’d stayed with her, working side-by-side, until every last detail was in order, only finally sacking out on the couch of her cabin not that long ago for what amounted to a cat nap instead of a full night’s rest. Without hitting on her. Or even trying to sneak in a quickie, though she kind of wished he had so she would have had an excuse to be weak again. Yet he’d never once complained.

Somehow, sleepy looked a lot like sexy on him.

“Yeah,” she answered softly as she allowed herself to lean back into his strong chest for a moment. “Just thinking about the times Nola and I dreamed of what this day would be like when we were girls.”

“Princess outfits and unicorns?” he guessed.

“Pretty much, with some tiaras and glitter thrown in for good measure.” She sighed, thinking of how far they’d come. Proud of what they’d built. “We didn’t have fancy toys or a TV to watch, so we relied on our imaginations plenty during the times we shared a ‘bedroom’, also known as the backseat of Mom’s van, when things got rough.”

“Damn, Amber.” He rubbed her bare arms lightly. The gentle up and down motion soothed her. “Is that why this is so important to you? Why you’ve been pushing yourself so hard?”

“I guess that’s part of it, yes.” She hadn’t thought of it in those terms until he framed it that way.

“I’m not an expert in matrimonial shit, but I’d have to say, your setup looks amazing and I can’t wait to eat everything on the menu you showed me. Seconds on the chocolate caramel cake. It’s going to be a kick-ass party if nothing else.” Though he never stopped smiling, his eyes flickered away from her for the tiniest instant. Given his ultra-intense focus on her every other time, it was obvious to her.

“You’re worried about the reception? I don’t want to torture you. Please, let me cancel the open bar. It’s not too late. I have the caterer’s number on speed dial.” Amber turned in his loose hold, feathers floating around her ankles in the resulting breeze, and set her hands on his chest.

“I’m not going to ruin everyone else’s good time. I’ll be all right as long as I have you to distract me. I mean, you did see how fucking stunning you are when you were looking in that mirror, right?” He stole a quick kiss. One that had her toes curling in her black stilettos. Even with the high heels, he still had her beat in height, not something most guys could say. “I can’t wait to unwrap you from this dress tonight.”

Neither could she. Still, she didn’t want to drop their conversation like that, distracted by the promise of pleasure. “If you change your mind about the bar…”

“I won’t. Don’t worry.” He trailed one fingertip along the top edge of her bodice, over the swells of her breasts. “You’re a lot more tempting to me right now.”

She could relate.

“I want to taste you even more than that cake, and I’ve been dreaming about that since we placed the order four months ago.” Amber licked her lips.

“You’re killing me, love.” The muscle in his jaw flexed and suddenly she knew what she wanted to do for this guy, who’d made her last few days ones she would always remember fondly, hopefully more so after tonight. To return the favor from yesterday.

She glanced at her watch before sliding her hand down the row of buttons on his shirt to cup the bulge in the front of his pants, then murmured, “Well, we
seven minutes ahead of schedule, and I’ve always had this fantasy about blowing a man fully dressed in a suit.”

His head dropped back and he groaned when she sank to her knees in front of him, deftly unbuckling his belt, opening his pants and lowering his zipper to fish for his cock while leaving the rest of his clothing undisturbed.


She didn’t want him to stop her or inject any reason into her brain that would prevent her from completing her mission. “Just shut up and let me suck you.”

To his credit, he did.

He hissed when she used one hand to cup his balls, rolling them and testing their weight while the other wrapped around his thick shaft. God, he was…more than a handful. If he fucked like he fingered, she might not survive the night or she’d be ruined for other men after that.

Though that thought troubled her, making her wonder if she’d be able to forget him when she headed back to Middletown, she pushed away anything negative and embraced only the positive. For today, anyway, nothing could ruin her mood.

After she measured his length, stroking him from root to tip several times, he began to grow impatient. She liked that about him. How steadfast he was in his need for her. She’d never felt so desperately desired before in her life. This was no exception.

Gavyn curled his hand around the back of her neck and drew her closer. Her breath washed over the full head of his cock, which stood out in relief from his shaft. Imagining what that ridge would feel like inside her, stroking her in all the right places, made her shiver with anticipation.

Reaching out her tongue, Amber licked him along the prominent vein that decorated his underside. She paused to sip the bead of precome that appeared at his tip.

“Ah fuck.” His thighs corded against her shoulders, making her smile. As she opened her mouth, he thrust his hips toward her, feeding her his cock. “Yes, that’s it. Suck me, love.”

Amber complied, giving them both what they wanted. She drew on him with steady pulls, working her lips lower along his impressive length, filling her mouth with his heat and hardness. Only the press of his blunt cap against her throat had her pausing, and then just long enough to allow herself to relax and accommodate him.

Pulling off a bit then working him back inside, she soon held all of him.

By the time she began to bob over his length, he’d started rocking to meet her.

“For the record,” he groaned, “I can last a lot longer. Don’t. Want. To make you late.”

She laughed around him, causing him to grunt and press deeper on their next pass. Hoping he understood that she wanted to destroy him as rapidly and completely as he had done to her the day before, she grabbed his tight ass and yanked him to her. She swallowed around his length, letting her tongue dance across the sensitive spot below his tip.

And within moments, he cursed. His shaft jerked and he started to warn her, “I’m gonna—”

Amber took that as her cue to suck harder, stroke him faster.

He roared as he came, releasing a stream of warm fluid that she drank in sip after sip until he had nothing left to give her. Neatly, she tucked him in and put his clothes back in order. Though his chest bellowed and his cheeks were red, he helped her to her feet and hugged her tight before murmuring, “Thank you.”

Then he kissed the shit out of her.

Though she could have stood there making out with him for the rest of the week, he drew away with a sigh then spanked her hard enough to make her jump. “Get ready. We’ve got to leave in ninety seconds or so.”

Amber laughed, but knew he was right. Too bad because that appetizer had only made her hungrier for the real thing.

As she rounded up the last of her belongings, she noticed Gavyn staring at his crotch. Had she hurt him? Was he still horny? She thought she’d done a pretty fantastic job of sucking him dry…

“What are you doing?” she couldn’t help but ask.

“Making sure there’s no lipstick on my pants.” He grimaced. “Your mom would
notice that. I don’t need her calling me out in the middle of the ceremony or siccing Tom London on me or something. He’s still a beast, for an older dude.”

Amber laughed so hard tears threatened her mascara. Sometime after midnight, he’d confessed about her mother’s threats and her keen eye for detail. It didn’t bother her. She’d never be able to hide her affair with Gavyn from either her mom or Nola. Not that she wanted to anyway.

Her cheek ached, though she suspected it was more from how happy Gavyn made her than the lingering bruise there. When she yanked the door open, armed with her tablet, copies of the vendor contracts, a timeline, the reception speech she had memorized and emergency contacts, she froze.

What were those clouds doing over there, looking dark and ominous?

“No. No, no, no.” She stopped dead and Gavyn bumped into her backside.

“Forget something?” He kissed her neck.

“I checked the weather forecast every day for the last month. It’s never once showed a hint of rain.” She shrieked, “What is that?”

“There are some things you can’t control, love,” Gavyn reminded her. “No one’s going to blame you if the weather doesn’t cooperate.”

an option.” She put her hand on her hip then took off for the main house.

Wisely, Gavyn didn’t speak to her as they speed-walked, as fast as she could manage in her crazy getup, to the main house. Kayla and Dave had offered to let the brides get ready there, together, for their special day. They’d already been at it for a couple hours, according to the texts she and the other ladies had exchanged this morning when she’d pinged them to confirm they were on track.

When they reached the cabin, she stormed up the stairs and burst through the door.

“Wow. What’s up?” Sabra asked. She looked perky and fashion-forward in the short blue dress that accentuated her fine Asian features. A longer, gauzy, polka-dotted section in the back created the illusion of a full-length gown and train. It was exactly her style.

“I hate to tell you this. All of you. But…have you seen the sky?” Amber’s brows drew together and her frown tugged at her sore cheek.

“Kinda sucks,” Carver said from the kitchen, where he was eating some kind of breakfast sandwich.

“First of all, what are you doing in here?” The grooms had their own designated area. If she didn’t know where people were, things were going to get off track quickly.

“Hey, I’m pretty much a bride, right?”

“No. Not at all,” she corrected. “Secondly, what do you mean

“Well, I’d hoped we’d get to use the pergola the crew built and the rest of that fancy shit you set out yesterday. The plants and chair coverings and everything looked really cool. Not likely that’s going to happen. So the guys moved the chairs under the reception pavilion, just in case.” He shrugged, seeming more concerned about the bacon he dropped on his shirt not making it to his mouth than the mark it would leave behind on his formalwear or that his entire wedding day might be ruined.

“They disassembled my setup?” She was a few heartbeats away from a panic attack.

“Um, yep.” He kept talking, one leg crossed over the other, ignoring the women waving their hands over their heads like aircraft controllers behind Amber’s back. “We can redo it if the sun comes out. Didn’t take more than a half hour. Definitely not as pretty as how you had it, since it’s kind of squished onto the dance floor under the tent, but, eh, it’ll do.”

“I can see your reflection in the damn window, Nola,” she barked at her sister. “Why stop him now? Tell me what else is screwed up, Carver.”

“Oh. Shit.” Meep looked from her face, which had to be stormier than the sky outside, then to her sister and their friends before making good on his nickname. “Well, uh, I think my phone is buzzing. Probably Roman. You know, with groom stuff. Gotta go.”

Then he flew out the door, sandwich still in hand, saving himself from a freshly ripped asshole.

Amber felt her teeth click together as they chattered. She was tired and on edge. This could not be happening. Gavyn stepped aside right when she needed to lean on him most. It would have hurt her if she hadn’t realized Nola was squeezing between them to surround her in a gentle hug.

“Amber, I love you.” Her sister stayed that way for a while then retreated, rubbing her noticeable baby bump. “I appreciate everything you’ve done to make today wonderful for me and the rest of the Hot Rods. But honestly, we have the important stuff already. Our friends and family are here. We’ve got food and music and each other. Today is a celebration, yes. Rain or no rain, we’re going to enjoy every minute. So please, don’t worry or spend an instant of it being upset. That’s the absolute last thing I want.”

Gavyn put his hand on Amber’s shoulder and squeezed. Could he know that her heart was shriveling, wondering if all her effort had been for nothing? Either because it would be ruined or because it didn’t actually matter to anyone except her at the end of the day.

Nothing like feeling useless.

Especially when she’d spent her whole life taking care of her sister, trying her best to help Nola survive, aiming for them both to be happy. In reality, the spectacular woman her sister had grown into hadn’t needed Amber for anything in a very long time. Now, she was officially out of a job.

At least the man holding her hand seemed to have some ideas on how she could spend her free time. For the next few days, at least. Then what? When she packed up and went back to Middletown, where would that leave them?

A fun memory, she supposed. Possibly the only one from this disastrous event.

“Come on, sis.” Nola waved toward the living room. “Why don’t we keep on your schedule and hope it blows over? No use getting upset for nothing, right?”

BOOK: Touch of Amber: Hot Rods, Book 7
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