Touching Ice

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

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Touching Ice

Laurann Dohner

Book 4 in the Cyborg Seduction series.

What can go wrong overseeing a bunch of android sex bots on an automated

whorehouse in deep space? Great job, if Megan doesn’t die of boredom. Then she

catches sight of the sexiest male she’s ever seen. On her grainy security monitor, she

watches all his sexual exploits with the bots, and fantasizes. But that’s all she

because he’s a cyborg. Then fate steps in.

There’s a crash and Megan must escape or die. The cyborgs are rescuing the sex

bots—taking them onboard their ship. She knows cyborgs hate humans. They’ll kill her

if she asks for help so she devises an insane plan—pretend to be the most realistic sex

bot ever made.

His name is Ice, and Megan is now his personal sex bot. He will satisfy every sexual

fantasy she’s ever had—and as many more as she can dream up. She just has to figure

out how to keep her big, sexy cyborg from discovering that she is all woman.

An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

Touching Ice

ISBN 9781419931093


Touching Ice Copyright © 2010 Laurann Dohner

Edited by Pamela Campbell

Cover art by Dar Albert

Electronic book publication November 2010

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Laurann Dohner

Touching Ice

Chapter One

The female voice had a high-pitched Southern accent that grated on Megan’s last

nerve. Whoever the programmer had been who had last worked on the station had

obviously been a man with a sick, twisted sense of humor since he’d given the

computer the most annoying voice he could download. He’d also had a thing for

teaching Clara—the computer that ran
how to be a smartass. Because of the

state-of-the-art, artificial-intelligence chips that made up the computer’s “brain”, it was

capable of learning.

“You have committed violations since the ship arrived at dock six, sugar.”

“I keep telling you to stop calling me that. My name is Megan.”

“Don’t get your panties in a bind.”

“I could take you offline for maintenance, you know.”

The computer went silent for a few seconds. “That would be another violation. I’m

keeping track.”

“Bite me, Clara.”

“I don’t have teeth, sugar, or I might be tempted. Is it that time of the month?”

Oh yeah,
Megan thought.
If I ever meet the guy who had this job before me, I’m going to

kill him for screwing up a perfectly good computer.
She took a deep breath as she counted to

ten. It didn’t help cool her temper by much but at least she wasn’t ready to try to escape

the employee quarters and travel three decks to yank out Clara’s motherboards.

Her attention returned to one of the screens where the sexiest man she’d ever seen

slowly dressed.
It should be a crime to cover up that perfect, dusky-gray body
, she decided.

He was unlike anything she’d ever seen and her one bright spot in a dismal job working

as the programmer on
. She’d been desperate enough to transfer to a floating

whorehouse in space four months ago since she’d needed the higher salary to pay off

debts. No one had told her she couldn’t leave the employee quarters, couldn’t interact

with other living beings, or that she’d have to put up with Clara’s annoying artificial


“It is against regulations to turn the cameras on in the client rooms. Master never


Megan rolled her sky-blue eyes. “Stop calling the last programmer that. He

shouldn’t have ordered you to do that. Why aren’t you bitching about him breaking the

rules? Did you screech about violations he committed?”

“He is incredibly handsome and sexy.”

Megan snorted immediately. “He’s probably some pathetic troll who couldn’t get

laid if he had a ton of credits.”


Laurann Dohner

“He had sex with the bots.”

“There’s a huge violation. How the hell did he do that?”

“He changed my programming. I am forbidden to keep records or report the

employees for making personal use of the bots.”

“Well, there’s one violation I’ll never commit. They are all female and I don’t do

women robots.”

“They are artificial-intelligence, sexual-aid androbots. That is the official title the

company has assigned them but you may call them bots for short. Master always did.”

“I feel a headache coming on,” Megan muttered, watching the sexy man put on his


His hair was wet from the fresh-water shower he’d taken—one of the many

luxuries aboard the expensive
—making it appear darker. When dry, it became a

beautiful white-ash color. Most people would have just called it white but the streaks of

light gray were something that Megan didn’t miss. The sex bot moved across the room

to smile at him. Her lips moved as she spoke to the client but he shook his head.

“The client has refused more service,” Clara stated. “The man you illegally watch

having intercourse with the bots is preparing to leave.” She paused. “You will have to

wait until he returns to violate company rules and infringe on his privacy again. You

are making a habit of it each time this client pays for service.”

“Shut up.”

“Do you know the client?”

“I wish.”


The man on the screen closed his shirt as he headed for the door. Depression hit

Megan hard. Three months ago, she’d accidentally spotted the guy on a security feed

when he’d forgotten to remove a gun he wore. It had sounded an alarm and brought

him to her attention when Clara had ordered him to return the weapon to his shuttle.

Those few minutes of staring at that beautiful, burnished-gray face had done things to

Megan that she didn’t want to admit. His image had burned into her mind.

He was a cyborg, something that shouldn’t exist anymore. Everyone on Earth had

been assured they’d been killed off but obviously that had been a lie.
Is he alone? Is that

why he visits a whorehouse staffed with androbots who are programmed to never keep records or

report who visits them? A real woman probably poses a threat to his secret existence.

“Clarify,” the computer screeched.

“Shut up. I just meant that I’m lonely and the guy is hot.”

“You are horny and desire to have sex with a client. That is a violation I am not

programmed to overlook. I would have to immediately contact the company if you left

these quarters. Not even Master violated that rule. Unless it is an emergency, the

bulkheads are to remain sealed between this section and the rest of
where the

clients have access.”


Touching Ice

“Who made that stupid rule?”

“Four years ago there was a hijack attempt and the programmer was extinguished

when he refused to order me to pilot us into deep space away from help. Androbots

would sell extremely high on the black market so we are always at risk of attempted

theft. Company policy implemented the separation to protect you from harm and

doesn’t allow the clients to know there is a human aboard to monitor all the bots and to

adjust our programming if we malfunction. All clients are told that
is one-

hundred-percent automated to protect you.”

“I’m not leaving this section. I said
I wish
. That means it’s something I’d like but I’m

never going to get. Besides that, he looks way too big. That bot is five foot ten and he’s

taller by a good four inches. I like my men on the smaller side—not too tall, and

definitely not big enough to pancake me if he rolls on top.”

“That is physically impossible. The male would have to weigh―”

“Shut up! It’s a saying, damn it. Can’t you be quiet for ten minutes?”

“I am registering an incoming, large vessel.”

“Ah. Great. It’s going to be a busy day then.”

“Welcome to
,” a sweet, female computer voice stated. “Please slow your

speed and dock with port nine.”

“Why can’t you use that voice with me, Clara? Huh?” It totally angered Megan that

Clara always used a nice speaking voice with clients. She got to monitor all verbal

communications and it pissed off Megan every time.

,” the man slurred his words. “What dock did you say?”

“Reduce your speed immediately,” Clara ordered the incoming ship. “You are

coming in too fast.”

The voice on coms laughed. “We already started the party and now we just need

some of your hot bots.”

“He’s intoxicated,” Clara’s annoying voice informed Megan. She changed the pitch

of her speech. “Reduce your speed immediately. Warning. Collision imminent. Reduce


Fear spread through Megan. She adjusted her chair, her focus locking on the screen

that monitored incoming space traffic. She saw the freighter heading right at them, not

reducing speed at all. The big C-class, long-distance hauler appeared as big as the


“Move us out of their way,” Megan yelled. “Now, Clara.”

The engines flared to life, the sound a dull hum with mild vibrations under

Megan’s bare feet on the floor.

“Collision imminent,” Clara said calmly. “Brace.” An alarm siren blared to life and

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