Read Twisted Fire Online

Authors: Joanne Ellis

Twisted Fire (26 page)

BOOK: Twisted Fire
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Yes, very.”

As long as you are,” she mumbled.


* * *


They were sitting together on the large lounge which allowed Charlotte to spread out completely with her cast elevated and her head in Jared’s lap. He was idly playing with her hair, she was telling her childhood stories.

Mitch arrived home and, as he strolled into the dining room, began to regale Jared with tales of his model conquests. Jared stared down into her eyes and grinned while Mitch bragged in the way only guys can.

I met a blonde that you might like, Jared.”

No thanks, Mitch.”

You need to get laid, man, or at least talk to Charlotte, otherwise you’re going to be absolutely no fun to be around.”

I’m doing fine, thanks anyway.” His eyes never left hers and his fingers continued to twirl her silky locks.

Are you sure? I’m hooking up with a sensational brunette tomorrow night and she has a tall, leggy, blond roommate, just the way you like them.”

I think he can stick with the tall leggy blonde he has here, if that’s OK with you,” Charlotte replied staring back into Jared’s eyes.

What?” Mitch spun around. “Charlotte? Sorry I didn’t see you there.”

That’s alright, Mitch,” she said laughing, “but I think you have shown me your true colours tonight.”

I wouldn’t have said all that if I’d know you were here.” He glared at Jared. “What can I say? I’m the complete opposite to my brother and happen to like sensational, casual sex with beautiful models.”

You’re choice. Just keep them away from Jared.”

Ah, that’s not very fair, babe,” Jared quipped.

You so much as breathe in their direction and you will be in all sorts of trouble.”

Sweetheart, I have all I need right here.”

OK, you guys, if you’re going to be mushy, please ensure I’m not within earshot.” Mitch smiled. “All jokes aside, I’m happy to see you two have made up. I really don’t think I could have tolerated the atmosphere around here for much longer.”

Really? Please, do tell,” Charlotte said, sitting up, suddenly very interested.

You don’t need to hear this, Charlotte,” Jared told her, getting up to start dinner.

Oh, but I think I do,” she told him. “Please help me over to the stool so I can have a nice chat with your brother and see what else I can find out about you.”

Mitch amused Charlotte for the remainder of the evening with a whole stream of stories featuring Jared, while Jared denied them all.



Chapter 27


Catherine and Harrison


Jared watched Charlotte sleeping beside him, elated she was here where she belonged and his doubts and fears had disappeared. Finally he’d found the one and he was never going to push her aside again. He had to protect her; there could still be a sick arsonist out there who might be trying to kill her.

Her eyes fluttered open and she gave him a drowsy smile. “Good morning,” she said half asleep. “It’s too early to get up.”

I’m not in any hurry. We’ll have to shortly, though, because my parents are coming for lunch today.”

What?” She sat up, suddenly very awake. “Thanks for the warning.”

What’s the problem?”

I, um, I’m not sure if I’m ready to meet them yet.”

Why not?”

Well, it’s just that I haven’t done the parent meeting thing before.”

They will love you, like I do.”

Of course they will, everybody does,” she smiled, “it’s just very soon. We are moving in together, meeting parents, it’s a bit much for me to take in all at once.”

I thought you were serious about us.”

I am, Jared.” She touched her hands to his worried face. “It’s just a shock and I’m a bit nervous, that’s all.”

You have to stop scaring me like that, babe.”

Jared, you have to believe in me and know that I love you. I’m not going anywhere. This is all new for me and I might get nervous occasionally, but I am here to stay.”

I know. I believe you.”

Good, well, I suppose we should get up and have some breakfast, give me some time to prepare myself.”

A couple of hours later, Charlotte was sitting nervously out on the patio with Mitch waiting for Catherine and Harrison to arrive. When the doorbell rang, Jared, who was preparing lunch in the house, went to answer it.

I guess I’d better give you a heads up, Charlotte. Our mother is really protective of us and doesn’t usually approve of any of our girlfriends. I think she believes no-one is good enough for her boys,” Mitch said.

Oh God, I can’t do this,” she said in a quiet voice.

Too late now.”

Mitch smiled, knowing his mother was going to love her. He simply couldn’t help himself.

Jared returned with a regal, elegant lady of medium height and a slim build. Catherine’s hair was chin length, straight and blonde, while her eyes were a deep blue. Her face was finely sculpted with full lips. Charlotte noticed an instant resemblance to Jared. Harrison was tall, lean and broad with wavy dark blonde hair, light blue eyes and boyish good looks.

Charlotte, this is my mother, Catherine, and my father, Harrison.”

Harrison strode over to kiss her hand.

Please call me Harry. Wow, you’re beautiful. I see my son has good taste.”

She blushed, which delighted Jared.

Um, thank you. It’s nice to meet you.” She continued to blush.

Hello, dear.” Catherine crouched down in front of Charlotte. “You have been through quite an ordeal. How are you feeling?”

Better, thanks, Mrs Montgomery.”

She was taken aback. This wasn’t what Mitch warned her about.

Please, call me Catherine. How’re you finding my hard-headed, stubborn boy? He’s always been very serious but the kindest man I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.”

He has his moments.” Charlotte smiled starting to relax.

Oh, a bit of spark, I like you already.” Catherine smiled. “Someone to keep him on his toes. He certainly needs it. Don’t let him bully you too much. He can be a bit demanding at times.”

Yes, I’ve noticed. He’s extremely insistent when he wants to be.”

OK, that’ll do,” Jared interrupted. “I’m right here.”

Catherine stood up and inquired after a drink. Harrison wandered out into the yard to say hello to Max.

I’ll go and round up some drinks, then,” Jared said.

I’ll help you, dear.” Catherine followed him inside.

That was mean of you, Mitch. Your mum is lovely.”

I know.” He smirked. “You should have seen the look on your face though. It was worth it.”

In the kitchen, Jared was opening wine while Catherine organised some bottles of beer from the fridge.

Jared, she’s exquisite. You didn’t do her justice,” Catherine informed him.

I know she’s perfect. I’m crazy about her.”


* * *


Charlotte couldn’t have been more pleased or surprised at how well lunch and the afternoon progressed. Jared’s mother was kind and earnest, the qualities she loved and admired in Jared. Harry was delightfully mischievous and laidback. Charlotte was captivated by his charms.

As the afternoon drew to a close, Catherine regretfully informed them they’d best head over to Nathan’s before they were late for dinner. They were looking forward to seeing Nathan, Carrie and their grandchildren. However, they were so delighted by the obvious effect Charlotte was having on their son, they were in no hurry to finish the afternoon.

Once all the goodbyes were exchanged they left with light hearts, knowing their son had found his match.

That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Jared asked.

No, your parents are wonderful. Your dad is a delight and your mum is the nicest person I’ve ever met.”

We had a great childhood. We were lucky.”

Do you think I passed?” she asked, only partly joking.

Babe, you passed with honours.”

He kissed her passionately until Mitch groaned in disgust.


* * *


Mitch left for his date with the hot brunette and they didn’t anticipate they would see him until the next morning. They were enjoying a drink on the patio when the doorbell rang.

Oops, I forgot I invited Sam over for dinner.”

Oh, I have to meet more people?” she groaned.

Yes, I want to show you off,” he grinned and went to answer the door.

Where is she?” she heard Sam say as he came down the hall.

Charlotte watched as a gorgeous, dark-haired, dark-eyed guy with a boyish grin and strong solid body came through the door.

Hands off, Sammy,” Jared warned him affectionately.

Now I understand why my friend here was so impossible last week. You’re a stunner, girl.”

Thanks. It’s nice to meet you too,” she smiled shyly.

Glad to see you came to your senses, Monty.”

Monty, I like that.” She looked over at Jared, then back to Sam. “So, impossible you say …. care to tell me all about it?”


He proceeded to entertain Charlotte with more stories starring Jared. Sam told her about his terrible moods and how he brooded around, taking everything out on his crew. Sam told tales of their escapades during fire training and how Jared used to scare off all the girls with his prickly disposition, much to her delight. Charlotte could barely breathe from laughing with Sam and his comical accounts of past events. She also discovered a whole new affection for Jared. Sam’s portrayal of their strong, warm and loyal friendship was heart warming.

When Jared emerged outside after preparing dinner, he realised neither of them actually noticed his absence and was happy to see them getting along so well. Charlotte loved hearing about Jared and Sam loved entertaining.

If you two have finished talking about me, dinner is ready,” he stated.

He strode over to assist Charlotte to the dining table.

Over dinner they gave Jared a break and Sam caught him up on happenings at the station. Since Jared had been on leave, Sam was cleaning up at their weekly poker game.

Finally, Sam departed and Charlotte decided, seeing she was a reasonable poker player, she would challenge Jared to a game but with different stakes.

So, big guy, you think you’re a decent poker player, then?” she asked him challengingly.

You wouldn’t beat me, if that’s what you’re implying, beautiful.”

Well let’s make it worthwhile and have our clothes be the stakes.”

Sweetheart, you’re on. It will just make it easier for me later.”

Charlotte determined the best way to defeat him would be with distraction. Besides losing her clothes, which she did not intend to do, another way would be to provoke his jealous streak.

After suffering a defeat in the first hand and removing her top, she put her plan into motion. Sitting in her underwear, she hoped would also aid her mission.

So, Monty,” she began by using Sam’s endearment. “Sam is a fun guy, very different from you and very cute.”

She stared into his expressionless face.

Not going to work, Summerville.”

What isn’t? I was simply telling you that I thought your friend was delightful.”

BOOK: Twisted Fire
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