Read Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2 Online

Authors: Kelly Elliott

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Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2 (13 page)

BOOK: Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2
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Ahh hell. If this girl wanted a threesome, she was going to have to move along.

“Yeah. Why?”

Looking over her shoulder she motioned for another girl. They both looked to be around twenty-eight or twenty-nine. Turning back to me, she leaned in closer. “My friend Ash is interested in him. Tell me your name sweetheart.”

Grinning, I said, “Tristan.”

The other girl, Ash, walked up and ran her hand up my thigh and smiled. “Your friend’s name?”

Moving my eyes over her body, I said, “Nick.”

Ash and Michelle exchanged looks before Michelle moved closer to me and moved Ash’s hand out of the way and placed her hand closer up toward my dick. Biting her lip, she grazed over my hardening dick. “Do you and Nick want to have some fun, Tristan?”

The way she said my name caused me to moan. I’d fucked plenty of girls while in high school and college, but something about these two had me thinking we were going to have more than just fun. This would be an experience I was more than ready to try.

“I’m game and I’m pretty damn positive Nick is down as well.”

My eyes moved up and down Michelle’s body. She was beautiful. Her body was wrapped in a tight black dress that barely covered her ass. Her long slender legs were finished off by red fuck-me shoes. Turning to Ash, she was almost a duplicate of Michelle, except she had short blonde hair.

Thirty minutes later, we were walking into a condo in one of the more expensive high-rise buildings downtown. Michelle turned on a few lights and pointed to the bar. “Make us some cosmopolitans, Tristan. Ash and I are going to go change into something more, suitable for the evening. I suggest the two of you start losing some of that clothing.”

Turning, I looked at Nick who smiled and nodded his head. Looking back at Michelle, I wanted to ask what their plans were, but I closed my mouth and waited for them to leave.

Heading to the bar, I looked at Nick. “Dude, if they want some kind of foursome, I’m saying no right fucking now.”

Nick held up his hands. “I’m right there with you. I’d be fucking scarred for life if I had to lay my eyes on your dick.”

After making the drinks, Ash came out first. My mouth dropped to the floor as I watched her walk over to Nick. She was dressed in a red see through nighty and red high heel shoes. “Nick baby. Are you ready for me?”

Nick stood there stunned. Like me, he had had his fair share of girls, but Ash and Michelle . . . these were not girls.

Nodding his head, Nick followed Ash as she led him down a hallway, but not before grabbing two drinks.

I watched as they disappeared around the corner. Turning around, I about dropped my drink. Michelle stood before me a baby-blue corset, black high heels and in her hand was a tie.

“You want me to put that on?” I asked as I smiled.

Shaking her head she smiled. “No, baby. I want you tie me up and fuck me in the ass.”

“Holy fuck,” I whispered. Walking up to me, Michelle took the drink from my hand and drank from it. Letting some of the liquid run down her chin she gave me a smile I would never forget.

“Tristan, I’m about to teach you things you’ve only dreamed about. Your world is about to be rocked, honey.”

Taking my hand, she led me down another hallway opposite of the one Ash and Nick went down. Reaching the end of the hallway, she turned the doorknob and pushed open the door. Pulling me inside, I stopped and took a look around. The walls of the room were painted almost the same color as her blue corset. There was a giant king-size bed in one corner with bars along the back headboard. Looking to my left there was a giant chair that looked like a chaise lounge. Walking over to it, I ran my hand along the leather. “We’ll start here, baby. I sure as hell hope you have stamina, if not, I’m going to teach you.”

“Tristan? Hey, are you sleeping over there or what?”

Opening my eyes, I quickly sat up and looked at Ryn. She was staring at me with a concerned look on her face.

Could Ryn ever accept that part of my world? I’d only been twenty-three when I was introduced into another level of sexual satisfaction. A level I liked and wasn’t sure I could give up for anyone. Would she find out and leave me for Dodge, or would she stay and let me teach the many different ways I could satisfy her? And satisfy her I could. Michelle had taken to me and we were together for over six months. I wouldn’t say we dated. When she was in the mood for something a little more challenging she would call me. She also introduced me to the other side of the club that was more for those people who enjoyed a spicier sex life. Anytime I wanted to use my playroom, I just went to Midnight Rodeo and found a willing partner. And there were plenty. I sometimes would hook up with the same girl, sometimes I went for someone new. I gave up the club scene when I started dating Ryn. I picked it back up about six months ago when Liberty and I were more of an on again and off again couple.

“Tristan, where are you? Shit, you’re like a million miles away.”

Shaking my head, I stood up. “Sorry, I got to thinking about shit and one thing led to another.”

Smiling, she winked. “Are you thinking about that stupid job of yours that you hate so much?”

Seeing this as an easy out to what I was really thinking about, I nodded my head. “Yeah.”

Helping Ryn up, we gathered up the blanket and slipped it into the basket. I handed the basket to Ryn and picked her up. She giggled and said again, “You know I can walk if you would start letting me use the crutches. What am I going to do when we go back to Austin and you’re not there to wait on me hand and foot?”

Winking, I said, “You’ll just have to stay at my place.”

Ryn ignored my comment and looked up as I walked back up to the house. “I’d give anything to look up and see this every single night,” Ryn whispered.

“Do you not like living in Austin?”

She shook her head. “Not really. I tell Azurdee all the time how envious of her I am. I’ve actually thought about moving out toward the hill country. I need more space. It helps me think and clear my head.”

I couldn’t pull my eyes from her. I watched her as she stared up at the star-filled night sky. I gently set her down on the deck as I took the basket from her. Hope began to fill my heart. Ryn would probably love living at the ranch.

Taking in a deep breath, I was about to say something when Ryn began talking. “I guess we should head in. I’m kind of tired.”

Nodding my head, I helped her back into the house and to her crutches.

Another missed moment that I let slip by. Again.

, I typed away on my computer. I had to admit when I first sprained my ankle I wanted to just cry. My whole vacation was ruined. But Tristan had made it even more fun. His sense of humor was beyond amazing. His cooking was to die for. If only he would touch me, or kiss me, or show some sort of interest in something other than being a gentleman and taking care of my every need.

My cell phone rang and I reached down for it.


I was pretty sure Tristan was out running, so I answered it.


“Hey there, darling. How are you doing?”

Smiling, I said, “I’m doing good. How are you?”

“I’m better now that you’ve turned your cell phone back on and I’m hearing your voice.”

I instantly felt guilty. I loved hanging out with Dodge. He was fun, carefree, and never made me feel like I owed him something. Well, at least until two weeks ago when he made me feel that way. Now he wanted more out of our relationship. I wasn’t sure I wanted more with Dodge. I’ve always thought of him as my friend, well really, my fuck buddy friend who, for a while, was able to make me forget about Tristan—the man I so desperately wanted, but couldn’t have.

“I know, I’ll be glad to get back home. I miss my place.”

“So, I’m thinking Christmas Eve. Dinner at my place?”

Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh. I didn’t want to deal with this right now. I needed more time to think. “Um . . . well . . . I’m headed out of town the week before Christmas so I’m not sure I’ll be back by Christmas Eve, Dodge.”

“Oh, okay. No problem. What about New Years Eve then?”

Laughing, I looked out over the beach to the ocean. “Maybe.”

“Ryn, I’m trying to be patient and let you decide what you want to do with our relationship. Shit. I guess I’m just missing you.”

Smiling, I whispered, “I know, Dodge, I miss you too, I’m just not sure . . .”

Hearing something behind me, I turned to see Tristan standing on the deck. He was holding a coffee mug and his face showed he had just heard what I said.

“Hey, um, maybe we can chat later?”

“Yeah, sure. Let me know when you’re coming home okay?”

Nodding my head, I said, “Yep. Will do. Bye.”

Hitting End, I smiled. “Hey, I thought you were out running?”

Tristan looked away from me. “Why would you think that?”

Staring down at my hands before looking back to Tristan, I said, “Um . . . I guess I just thought you would be.”

Tristan looked back at me. I sucked in a breath of air. Was that . . . hurt in his eyes? “So, I guess you’re going to need to go back to Sierra’s place and pack? I’m sure you’re ready to get home.”

“Tristan, is something the matter? You seem angry.”

Setting the coffee cup down onto the table harder than I think he meant to, he stared into my eyes. “Nah, everything is fine. I just figured you were anxious to get home to Dodge, or at least it sounded like you were.”

Shit. I hadn’t wanted Tristan to hear me talking to Dodge. We had made so much progress the last week and a half. I was hoping this would carryover once we got to Austin.

“I’ll get changed and bring you back to Sierra’s place so you can get ready to leave.”

Feeling like my whole world just stopped, I slowly nodded.

Tristan walked up to me and I looked at him. He looked as if he wanted to say something to me. Closing his eyes, he whispered, “I’ll be ready in ten minutes.”

Barely talking above a whisper, I said, “I need to get my things together and I’ll be ready to head over there.”

Tristan turned on his heels and made his way past the pool and back into the house. My heart actually felt like it was breaking. Again.

The drive back over to Sierra’s house was dead silent. Tristan had come over earlier to check on the house and my car. I felt guilty that I hadn’t been staying at a place I was paying for. I didn’t care though; I was thrilled at the idea of being alone with Tristan. It was part of the reason I had turned off my phone. There were so many times Tristan looked like he wanted to kiss me, or say something. He just couldn’t do it. I wasn’t sure if I was glad or happy. My days of hating him slowly disappeared with each time he picked me up and carried me in his arms, or he made me the most amazing home-cooked meal and served it to me in bed. He would then get under the covers with me and we would watch movies. It had been a perfect week and a half together.

Ugh. Why does my heart have to be so set on this stupid man sitting next to me?

Tristan pulled up and parked in Sierra’s driveway. Helping me out of the truck, we made our way up to the house. Looking over my shoulder at Tristan, I couldn’t help but notice he looked like he was feeling sick. As he pushed his hand through his hair, I wanted to ask him what was wrong.

I was managing to get around much better now with the crutches. Tristan walked up and dropped my bag onto the leather couch then looked into the kitchen. He shook his head as if he was trying to erase something from his memory. My eyes dropped to his hands, they were balled into fists. He was staring at the kitchen island and my conversation with Sierra resurfaced.

Oh. My. God. He knows.

“Did Sierra tell you?”

Pulling his head back, Tristan asked, “Tell me what?”

Swallowing hard, I turned back and looked at the kitchen island. He knows Dodge took me against the kitchen island. I saw it in his eyes. Looking back at him, I felt the need to explain everything about Dodge. How I had only used him for sex and that our relationship was nothing more than just that. Sex.

BOOK: Undeniable Love - Journey of Love Book 2
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